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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 501 through 510 of 542

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240. Karmic Relationships VI: Lecture VI 01 Jun 1924, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
Today the time has come to speak more openly, with greater freedom and frankness, of many spiritual facts. The Christmas Foundation Meeting at the Goetheanum was held in order to introduce this esoteric character which should now imbue the whole Anthroposophical Society.
240. Karmic Relationships VIII: Lecture VI 27 Aug 1924, London
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
But it is something which, under the impulse of the Christmas Foundation at the Goetheanum must be implanted in the hearts and souls of those who call themselves Anthroposophists.
343. Lectures on Christian Religious Work II: Twenty-eighth Lecture 10 Oct 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Let us assume that we are in the third week of November, that is, the week that refers to the month that begins around November 23 or 24 and ends at Christmas. Let us assume that we are in the third week of November, let us assume that it is a Thursday.
20. The Riddle of Man: Pictures from the Thought-Life of Austria
Translated by William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
Near the Pressburg region, among the farmers, there were living at that time some old Christmas plays. They are performed every year around Christmas time. In handwritten form they are passed down from generation to generation.
53. Fundamentals of Theosophy The Nature and Origin of Man 09 Feb 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Before Christmas, in the first cycle of these talks, I discussed the basic concepts of theosophy so far that I can probably venture to begin with the discussion of the most important question which there can be for the human being that of his own origin and goal.
114. The Gospel of St. Luke: Love and Compassion, the Mission of the Bodhisattvas and the Buddha 16 Sep 1909, Basel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
It was clothed in momentous words, words that resounded through the whole of evolution and have become the Christmas message. Rightly rendered, these words would be as follows: ‘The Divine Beings manifest themselves from on high, that peace may reign on the Earth below among men who are filled with good will!’
194. The Michael Revelation 07 Dec 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
You know that an old true perception which we can only understand aright through anthroposophy, says that at the end of the ordinary year, when Christmas time draws near, these days come in which the spiritual influences which work on man within the earthly sphere are most intense in their working.
251. The History of the Anthroposophical Society 1913–1922: Report on the Vienna West-East Congress 18 Jun 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
From the western part of this German element, as you know, we borrowed our Christmas plays, which were transplanted there from more western German areas centuries ago. If you go back down to the area between the Theiss and the Danube, that is, to central and southern Central Hungary, you will find a Swabian population, a Swabian-German population.
218. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy II: The Art of Teaching from an Understanding of the Human Being 20 Nov 1922, London
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch, Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
Before that, a group of friends within the circle of anthroposophy made a trip to Dornach, Switzerland to attend a conference on education at the Goetheanum at Christmas. As a result, I was invited to lecture at Oxford this past August. Following the Oxford lectures, the Educational Union formed in order to bring the educational principles I will discuss today to a greater application in England.
300a. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner I: Twelfth Meeting 14 Jun 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
In the case of these two children, they came only after Christmas. Now that we have the remedial class, it is possible to place those children who will be unable to meet the goals of the class into the remedial class; for example, those who are slow learners.

Results 501 through 510 of 542

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