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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 411 through 420 of 491

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233a. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: A Michael Lecture 13 Jan 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
This must come into the consciousness of men. In this sense I have held the lectures this Christmas-time, so that you could see that the point is to draw forth from the astral light the secrets that we need to-day.
316. Course for Young Doctors: Easter Course V 25 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
We think with legs and with arms and the head beholds what is going on in the arms and legs and receives it into the pictures of thought. I said at Christmas that man would never have learned the law of angles if he had never walked. He would never have learned the mechanical laws of equilibrium if he had had no experience of them through his own center of gravity which lies in his subconsciousness.
173c. The Karma of Untruthfulness II: Lecture XX 15 Jan 1917, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
On every side we now hear the loud cry that a particularly cunning, wily trick lies at the bottom of the Central Powers' Christmas call for peace. So this Christmas call for peace is supposed to contain some trick, some wish to dupe everybody else.
130. Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Christ Impulse in Historical Development II 19 Sep 1911, Locarno
Translated by Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
The first great deed that the Buddha had to accomplish as a purely spiritual being was, as I indicated in Basle,16 to send his forces down into the astral body of the Jesus boy described in the Luke Gospel, which came to significant expression in the Christmas message: Divine beings are revealing themselves in the heights, and peace shall come to men on earth who have goodwill.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: The Inner Path Followed by the Mystic. Experience of the Cycle of the Year 23 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
At the right place in the description of Earth-evolution an indication is given of the central experience connected with the mood of Christmas. [* See pp. 216-18 in the 1962-3 edition ofOccult Science—an Outline.] This knowledge can be given today in the place of experiences which man is no longer capable of undergoing because he has now risen from an earlier life in feeling to intellectuality, to thinking; hence it is through the mirror of thinking that feelings originally kindled by Nature herself must be influenced.
143. Experiences of the Supernatural: Towards a Synthesis of World Views: A Fourfold Mission 16 May 1912, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
That is when we have to move the festivals that primarily relate to the spiritual part of the human being. That is where Christmas has been moved to. And then, when the spirit of the earth moves upwards, which is indicated by Easter, this movement away from the earth, this movement into the astral, was related to the relationship between the sun and the moon.
190. The Spiritual Background of the Social Question: Lecture IV 12 Apr 1919, Dornach
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I had this in mind when I spoke a short time ago of a more rapid and also more vigorous development. today I must often think about various conversations which I had in the eighties of the last century with people who were enthusiastic for what is German, among them, for example, the man who later wrote the History of Modern Austria—Heinrich Friedjung (1854-1920), whom I recently mentioned in another connection in the lecture in the "Bernoulli" and whose strange action you find mentioned, as you may remember, in one of my printed lectures. (R.S. The Christmas Mood, Novalis as proclaimer of a Christianity to be understood spiritually). At that time it was said that Middle-Europe in the age of Lessing, Herder, Goethe, Schiller and the others who were of like mind with them had reached a high-point of the spiritual development of mankind.
215. Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Cognition and Will Exercises 09 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey, Maria St. Goar, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
I may perhaps refer here to the booklet, which contains a summary by Albert Steffen of the Pedagogical Course that I gave here in Dornach at Christmas a year ago, also to what is contained in the last issue of the English magazine Anthroposophy, (July/August), which contains interesting educational material.
253. Community Life, Inner Development, Sexuality and the Spiritual Teacher: Requirements of Our Life together in the Anthroposophical Society 10 Sep 1915, Dornach
Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

Rudolf Steiner
However, since the members did not feel bound by this responsibility and Steiner's opponents in their writings often showed themselves to be better informed about the lecture cycles than the members themselves, Rudolf Steiner was obliged to lift all restrictions and declare the printed lecture cycles available to the general public at the Christmas Foundation Meeting of the Anthroposophical Society in 1923.2.
228. Report on the Work and Travel Impressions in England 09 Sep 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
It was therefore a very deep satisfaction for me when Miss MacMillan expressed the intention, if at all possible, to visit our Waldorf School in Stuttgart with some of her colleagues at Christmas. This teaching staff is extraordinarily devoted. You can imagine that caring for such children, with the characteristics I have just described, is not exactly easy.

Results 411 through 420 of 491

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