260. The Christmas Conference : Foreword: The Close of the Year and the Turn of the Year 1923/24
N/A Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson Rudolf Steiner |
260. The Christmas Conference : Foreword: The Close of the Year and the Turn of the Year 1923/24
N/A Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson Rudolf Steiner |
In the book Rudolf Steiner und die Zivilisationsaufgaben der Anthroposophie (Rudolf Steiner and the Tasks of Anthroposophy for Civilization),2 published at Christmas, an attempt was made to depict through Rudolf Steiner's words and through his work in Spiritual Science how immense was the energy and how selfless the sacrifice of his endeavour to give to mankind the new spiritual impetus for which there is such dire need at this turning point of time. His influence on the public at large had reached its climax in 1922 when Wolff's concert agency3 had applied for the organization of his lectures within Germany and when even the largest auditorium in many towns was too small to contain the crowds wanting to attend. Köthener Strasse in Berlin, which leads to the philharmonic concert hall, had even had to be cordoned off by the police because the congestion was so great. People from all around stood there with their luggage, unable to enter. This externally visible success fanned the flames of the opposition's will for destruction. Circles connected with the Pan-German movement4 at that time had no scruples about instigating riots or indeed resorting to ambush or murder, as is shown in the cases of Erzberger,5 Rathenau6 and a good many others. Groups otherwise at loggerheads with each other joined forces in order to do away with a growing spiritual movement which appeared to threaten their own goals. So it was not difficult to stir up rowdy scenes. These were particularly violent on the occasion of Dr Steiner's lectures in Munich and Elberfeld.7 The Wolff Agency was confident that it possessed sufficient personnel to organize and implement, all the more energetically, the arrangements for the lectures, in which it had a financial interest. It considered itself capable of reconnoitring the situation beforehand and felt it could then take preventative measures sufficient to cope with any disturbances. However, after further investigation, it had to admit that the enemy organizations were so powerful that it would unfortunately not be possible to guarantee the safety of the lecturer or even to ensure the smooth running of the event. It advised cancellation. Thus Dr Steiner's public lecturing was cut short by force at the very moment when it was at its most effective. Feeble and insignificant, but all the more unscrupulous, General G von G8 now took the stage as a disseminator of propaganda. His hatred was inflamed by private family quarrels and personal intrigues. The hate campaign set in motion by the opposition from far and wide was at its height in 1922, the year which culminated in the burning of the Goetheanum, and in 1923. Rudolf Steiner strove all the more strongly to imbue the Anthroposophical Society with its task for mankind and for the culture of mankind, doing everything he could to make it morally sound. It was to become the instrument through which, despite immense efforts on the part of the opposing powers, the spiritual renewal of mankind would have to be attempted. The book Rudolf Steiner und die Zivilisationsaufgabe der Anthroposophie describes this through his words and deeds. It is also revealed in lectures given in 1923 and published in booklet form.9 The events described in the book lead to the point when it became possible to re-constitute the Anthroposophical Society as the General Anthroposophical Society, with its centre in Dornach, resting on the foundation of the newly-founded national groups. Before this could take place, the old connections linking us with Berlin as the earlier centre of activity had to be dissolved. It was my destiny to carry this out. As the year 1923 drew to a close, inflation in Germany reached its nadir. A billion Reichsmark were now worth one pre-war mark. Ever since 1920, the strain of keeping up with the increasing speed of this avalanche had been making devastating demands on the nervous energy of anyone who had a business to run, especially when not only material values but above all spiritual treasures were involved. Official regulations which could not be ignored were changed every few days to take account of the shifting situation, and merely keeping abreast of the requirements devoured time and strength. If in addition you had taken upon yourself the burden of other people's affairs and had to make sure their rent and taxes were paid, you found yourself drowning in noughts when trying to work out what they owed—for taxes included not only the usual things but in addition items for the war, for the army, for the Ruhr, and all kinds of special funds. And next day everything would have changed once more. To send out a bill required a postage stamp which within quite a short time came to be worth much more than the payment requested. There was no lack of comical incidents, and the gallows humour evolved in their recounting did a little to lighten the burden of the depressing situation. Thus when the multiplication factor was a ‘mere’ few hundred thousand, a dear old member was heard to exclaim: ‘Good gracious me, when you are seventy thousand years old you can't be expected to understand these sums any longer!’ And the urchins in the streets of Berlin adopted boastful attitudes: ‘Did you say that star was four hundred billion miles away from that one? What's in a few billion? That's nothing!’ Such concepts of dwindling values must have had a decidedly negative influence on the strength of morals of the rising generation. All over Germany things were being dismantled! We, too, could no longer maintain our dwelling in Berlin. And the Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag had to be transferred to Dornach to ensure its continuing existence. Even Fräulein Johanna Mücke,10 stubborn and resilient Berliner though she was, could see no other solution. She was driven almost to despair in her isolation. We were forever either on tour or working feverishly in Dornach, while she waited in vain for replies to urgent letters, often facing decisions for which she felt unable to shoulder the responsibility alone. Dr Steiner was overburdened to the limit of his strength and now had to make preparations for the Christmas Foundation Conference and settle all the arrangements for international understanding and the reconstitution of the Society. Yet Fräulein Mücke could not be left without help any longer. Our worries on her account and about the continuing existence of the publishing company meant that we would have to divide the work between us. It was now my duty to hasten to Berlin in order to wind up our work and our home there. So immediately after the Dutch conference11 I traveled directly to Berlin. We had already given notice of our intention to relinquish our apartment. Now I had to rescue from Dr Steiner's library whatever we wanted to keep for the future. It was necessary to sift through all his papers in order to extract the important items from among the mountains of old letters and also manuscripts and newspapers which had become worthless. The last night before every lecture tour had been devoted to this job and each time several baskets full of torn-up papers had been the result. And yet an endless amount still awaited destruction on an even larger scale. It became our evening occupation for several weeks. Fräulein Vreede, who had come to Berlin to help, joined me and Fräulein Mücke. Whatever we wanted to keep was sent to Stuttgart. Permits for the transfer of the publishing company to Dornach had to be applied for, and everything had to be packed in accordance with border and customs regulations: Dr Steiner had given Dr Wachsmuth the task of helping us in this. He came from Stuttgart to Berlin to inspect the crates, now packed, and to arrange for their dispatch across the border. His visit was short. On their return, both our guests gave Dr Steiner quite dramatic descriptions of their impressions of Berlin. We completed our work. Finally homes had to be found for the paintings and pictures; and the furniture from the Berlin group room, the Stuttgart Eurythmeum and our apartment in the Landhausstrasse had to be distributed. A last word to friends and we bade farewell to this place where we had worked and with which we had been connected for twenty-one years. Five hundred crates of books together with all the cupboards and shelves were transported to Switzerland. Fräulein Mücke herself had had to show the packers how to tackle the task with verve. Now she stayed on in Berlin for a while. But at least she had been relieved of the great burden and had the comfort of knowing that she had saved the publishing company. We owe it to her exemplary loyalty that in Dornach it has been able to flourish once more. Thus I did not return to Dornach until shortly before the Christmas Foundation Conference, once the task of winding up everything in Berlin had been fully completed. It was as a matter of course that this part of the work should have fallen on me. The old form had to be dissolved before the Society, newly constituted in Dornach, could find its own form, taking into account the growth of the Movement and also the fields of work which corresponded to its new cultural tasks. Dissolution is always tinged with sadness, though joyful anticipation of coming educational and artistic tasks was undiminished. The past that had to be dismantled was infinitely significant, and anchored in it was the guarantee of fruitful new development. Therefore I was astonished when during his introductory lecture, at the opening of the Christmas Foundation Conference, Dr Steiner conjured up before our souls a deeply moving image of the ruins of the Goetheanum, and then extended this image to include the publishing company. For the crates, packed to the brim, had resembled ruins merely externally, and this picture created an inaccurate impression among the listeners. When I later pointed this out to Dr Steiner and asked what he had meant, it turned out that he had received a report which had given him the impression that the devaluation of currency in Germany had brought about too great a dissipation of resources. When some months later Fräulein Mücke was able to show him the account books herself, he was delighted and said: ‘But this gives quite another picture and shows that everything is alright.’ He congratulated her on having rescued the publishing company out of that complicated situation. To give a description of the Christmas Foundation Conference is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks one can set oneself. It is barely possible, with our limited insight, to gain an overall view of the impulse and power behind that event. It represents the most mighty endeavour of a teacher of mankind to lift his contemporaries out of their own small selves and awaken in them a conscious will to be allowed to become tools serving the wise guides of the universe. Yet at the same time this Christmas Foundation Conference is also bound up with something infinitely tragic. For we cannot but admit: We were called, but we were not chosen. We were incapable of responding to the call, as further developments showed. At first every participant was as though lifted above him or herself, inwardly warmed through and through and at the same time deeply moved. But a destiny held sway over the whole situation, a destiny which has had to run its course in other spheres of existence. The outcome revealed what it meant for Dr. Steiner to take our karma upon himself. Herein lies the deeply esoteric nature of that deed of sacrifice. This is not the usual interpretation of the designation ‘esoteric Vorstand’. What could have been deeply esoteric would have been to bring diverging earlier spiritual streams to a harmonious balance in the persons of some of their present representatives. This would have been an esoteric task that could have been achieved together with Dr Steiner through his superior insight, strength and capacity for love. But our human karma and that of the Society burst upon him the very minute the Christmas Foundation Conference had been brought to a close. On that last day, 1 January 1924, he suddenly fell seriously ill. At the social gathering with tea and refreshments, described as a ‘Rout’ on the programme, he was struck down as though by a sword aimed at his very life. Yet he continued without intermission and with boundless energy to be active until 28 September, the day on which he spoke to us for the last time.12 His failing physical forces were nourished by spiritual fire, indeed they were borne by this fire and grew beyond themselves. But at the last, after superhuman achievements during the month of September, the power of this inner flame finally devoured him too. For those who have the possibility of viewing events as a whole, the Christmas Foundation Conference is bathed in this tragic light. We have no right to turn our thoughts away from the gravity and suffering of these events. For insight is born of suffering and of pain. This pain must lead us to take hold of our tasks with a will that is all the greater. There is much to be learnt from the discussions and events of the Conference, which were recorded in shorthand. If we follow them day by day just as they took place, we arrive at a picture that at first remained unclear to us because the excessive burden of work, and the bombardment of wishes from the members arriving from every direction, made it impossible to realize straight away the totality of the prospect that had been given. With time, what Dr Steiner had sketched along general lines by way of intentions for the future would have gained clearer contours. And a gradual putting into practice of his intentions would have enabled us to gain a complete picture. For this, a period of time was needed. First the spiritual foundation had to be deepened and strengthened. This was done through the cycle of lectures on the Mystery centres of the Middle Ages13 and also the cycle Anthroposophy14 which led up to the moment when the first lesson of the First Class was given. At the same time, the lecture tours could not be allowed to cease. These took Dr Steiner to France, Holland and England, as well as German-speaking and eastern regions. Wherever he went, the demands made on his strength were immense. In September he would have been ready to begin the Second Class. But the throng of members coming to Dornach was such that account had to be taken of it, as well as of the spiritual needs and receptivity of the new arrivals. In addition to the four separate lecture courses running every day,15 so many personal wishes had to be met that the total physical exhaustion of the teacher and bestower became inevitable. From 28 September onwards, Dr Steiner had to give up any further work amongst the members. He was confined to his atelier, which had been transformed into a sick-room, and as far as the lecture tours were concerned, he had to ask us to go in his place. On his sick-bed he continued to write further letters to the members16 and also the essays on the course of his life.17 Now it is our task to let the Christmas Foundation Conference speak for itself through the talks and lectures given by Rudolf Steiner and preserved for us in shorthand reports. What was said by the different officials or individual members, if extant, would overburden the book. Their questions are revealed by the answers given. The meetings and discussions in their totality represent for us a path of training in how to conduct meetings and deal with problems within the Society. All this is bathed in the atmosphere of most lofty spirituality, an offering, to the higher powers, of supplication and gratitude. The dominant endeavour is to conduct matters of this world in a practical and sensible manner while yet ensuring that they remain subordinate to the will of a wise universal guidance. The details of daily life are thus raised up to the sphere of spiritual goals and higher necessity. Members from all the national Societies had gathered in large numbers. The lecture room in the old carpentry workshop18 had to be extended by opening up the adjoining rooms, and the walls leading to the foyer, which still served as a workshop or, during performances, as a cloakroom, had to be taken down. Outside, the scant remains of the burnt Goetheanum building stuck up out of the snow-covered landscape. For those arriving and settling in on 23 December a eurythmy performance was offered at 4.30 in the afternoon. The words with which Dr Steiner greeted the guests and introduced the performance contained the first indication of some of the fundamental motifs which were to run through all the lectures of the Conference. That evening brought the final lecture in the pre-Christmas cycle on Mystery Knowledge and Mystery Centres.19 The opening of the Conference itself took place on the morning of 24 December. There now follows the address with which Rudolf Steiner greeted the guests on the occasion of the eurythmy performance on 23 December.
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
12 Oct 1912, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
12 Oct 1912, N/A Edith Maryon |
1Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner 58, Grove Park Terrace Dear Dr. Steiner, Dr. R.W. Felkin (F.R.) has told me to write to you and ask you to grant me an interview. If I can arrange it, I hope to spend a few weeks in Cologne, and if you would write to me when you are in Cologne, I will try to be there at the same time. I must first find somewhere where I could live “au pair” and give English lessons. I know very little German, but perhaps we could talk to each other in French. Yours sincerely, (Miss) L. Edith C. Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
15 Nov 1912, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
15 Nov 1912, N/A Edith Maryon |
2Edith Maryon an Rudolf Steiner 58, Grove Park Terrace Dear Dr. Steiner, I am taking the liberty of writing to you again as I did not receive a reply to my letter of a month ago. At Dr. Felkin's (F.R.) request, I sent you a photograph of my work “The Seeker of Divine Wisdom”. I also asked for an appointment when you are in Cologne. Would it be possible for you to see me and could you let me know when you will be there? I am coming to Germany especially to see you and have to take care of many things here first, so I would be grateful for a prompt reply. Dr. Felkin also said that you would probably award me some kind of degree. I hope that will be possible. Please accept my apologies for the trouble. I remain Yours sincerely (Miss) L. Edith C. Maryon ![]() |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
01 Jan 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
01 Jan 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
3Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner [Cologne,] Baselerhof Hotel 1.1.13 Dear Dr. Steiner, I assume that you are too busy to grant me another interview, but I would like to ask you two questions, and that is why I am writing. You said yesterday that I am much more developed in the occult than I can bring to bear in this incarnation - is that because of some mistake I have made, or because I have a different kind of work to accomplish? For several years I have had the feeling that there is something specific for me to do and that at some point I will meet the master who will tell me that and explain what seems so mysterious to me. I have been searching for a long time. At last I thought that perhaps Abdul Baha might be the person, but when I met him – although I liked him very much – I knew that it is not him. Then I thought that it might be you, and when I saw you in Berlin, I knew that I had found the right master; now only the second question remains: is there really something specific for me to do, or am I just imagining it? If it is the latter, may I now know what it is? It seems to me that the time has come to learn whether my hunch is correct, but I am sure that you will know best whether my confusion will be resolved or whether I will have to wait longer. Yours sincerely L. Edith C. Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
25 Feb 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
25 Feb 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
4Edith Maryon an Rudolf Steiner 58, Grove Park Terrace Dear Dr. Steiner, Unexpectedly, I will be able to attend your lecture course in The Hague. Therefore, when I meet you there, I will ask you again whether I can be admitted to the F. M., if you think it appropriate. Please excuse me for still having to write in English; I have almost no time to study and will have to wait until I return to Germany to do so. I hope to find an opportunity there to learn the [German] language. Yours sincerely, L. Edith C. Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
22 Mar 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
22 Mar 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
5Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Prins Hendrik Straat 30 Dr. Steiner, I feel I must write to thank you, not only for the kindness with which you admitted me to the F.M. today, but for everything you impart to us in such a selfless and generous way. I really have much to be grateful to you for; no longer does the future loom before me as a horror, as I felt it for a long time. Through your teaching, I hope one day to become a being who can be of some use to others; it is high time for that to happen. Before I return to England, would it be possible for you to tell me whether I am applying your instructions regarding the exercises correctly? With gratitude and in brotherhood Yours sincerely L. Edith C. Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
30 Mar 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
30 Mar 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
6Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner 58, Grove Park Terrace Chiswick London 30.3.13 Dear Dr. Steiner, I think I should let you know that I have decided to leave England for good in May and, with your permission, to tie my fate completely to the Anthroposophical Society. If I am a little further on, I hope it will be possible for me to do some work in these contexts. Dr. Felkin is coming back on April 13th and I will tell him about my decision then. He has been very good to me and I fear he will not be very pleased, as he assumes that I am only going away for about a year. I wanted to tell you about this first, as he will undoubtedly bring it up when he meets you in London. I would like to devote the first few months in Munich entirely to my studies. It bothers me terribly not to understand German; it makes you feel like you're being a burden to others. When I go to Berlin - unfortunately I have no means of supporting myself - I will have to look for work, but I don't want to worry about that unnecessarily, because I feel that I have made the right decision and that a job will come along at the right time. You may have been a little surprised that I did not end up doing anything for Nevill Meakin, and I would like to explain. Dr. Felkin told me several times that he was unavailable during the first six months and that any attempt to contact him might harm him. I did not understand how anything I did could be harmful to him, but, assuming that Dr. Felkin knows much more than I do — that he has concrete knowledge — I have been content to do no more than send him some helpful thoughts and prayers — especially on Fridays. I don't think Dr. Felkin really understands me or the situation, though I know he thinks he does, so I am now going to do what I think is right. You may have thought that we [Meakin and I] were engaged, but we were not, and we would never have married, even though I would have done so at his request, because I thought he might live longer if he had someone to look after him. I read to him every day now and I told him that if he knew of anyone who would like to listen, he could bring them, provided they could understand me; I'm not sure about the possibilities. I forgot to ask you if you received my letter addressed to Banka-Straat, but it contained nothing but my thanks for all the help you gave me. I would have liked to have told you something else the other day, but it was too long and too difficult, and I didn't want to say it in front of others either. The thought of coming to Germany makes me very happy. See you in England. Yours sincerely, L. Edith C. Maryon I tried to find out from Mr. Schuré what you meant by “Knowledge is a metamorphosis of death”. Although he spoke quite interestingly about the meeting between the higher and the lower self, he did not give me a proper explanation of the meaning of your sentence, and my own understanding of it is too vague. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
12 May 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
12 May 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
7Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Rhein-Hotel Cologne, 12.5.13 Dear Dr. Steiner, I have written down the thoughts that came to me immediately after the exercises, because you say that these are very important. I am always unsure whether I should bother you with the results of the exercises or not, and which ones to choose. However, I have the impression that I have received a great deal of excellent advice from somewhere, and last night I thought I heard (among other things): “Your test is over”. Since then, I feel quite different, my previous life and views have faded and I am looking forward to a new one, whatever it may bring. Perhaps that is what you want me to tell you. Is that what you expected? I am leaving on the 10 o'clock train on Tuesday. Türkenstraße 27 II Munich. Yours sincerely L. Edith C. Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
03 Jun 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
03 Jun 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
8Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Türkenstraße 27 I1 Dr. Steiner, please take a look at the enclosed clipping from the “Church Times” that my father just sent me. Unfortunately, the date is cut off, but I assume that it is last Friday's edition. This paper is read by practically all the English clergy, and certainly by the whole of the Anglican Church, and through the clergy reaches a large proportion of the laity. In addition, it is also read by many non-theologians. The matter seems to me, therefore, of considerable importance and an answer should be made to the many false views expressed. Will you let me know if you agree that an answer would be appropriate? I am of the opinion that an answer should be given by an English author, since only an Englishman can know and understand the English Church. Only such a person could convey a different understanding to the readers of the “Church Times”. The answer would have to be written by the most capable thinker we can find. The person who comes most to mind is Mrs. (Professor) Mackenzie. I believe you met her at Dr. Felkin's, she has been a member of his order for 7 or 8 years and is Professor of Education at Cardiff University (where her husband is a philosophy lecturer). Both are members of the Anthroposophical Society. I am personally friends with her, so I could ask her if she would write a reply, but of course I can't speak for you, nor do I know if you would agree, or perhaps you have a better suggestion. From the other clipping, you see that Mrs. Besant is giving a lecture in London. I don't see how she dare do that after the way the second suit turned out for her. We had a telegram with the judge's verdict, but so far no newspaper report (I mean the defamation suit). If a reply is to be made, I think it should be as soon as possible; perhaps you would let me know what you would wish, and in what direction the answer should go - or let someone convey it to me. Yours sincerely L. Edith C. Maryon Perhaps Prof. Mackenzie would agree to do it with me; in any case, I could provide her with the facts, which she would process in an article. If she accepts, it will be well done, she is extremely clever. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
20 Jun 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
20 Jun 1913, N/A Edith Maryon |
9Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Türkenstraße 27 II Dr. Steiner, Once you are back, if it suits you, would you answer one question for me? Would you tell me what I could best do after the end of the cycle? I can only continue studying and reflecting until the second week of September. After that date, I will have to find a job or be forced to return to England. I have a feeling that there might be something for me to do here, especially as I don't want to go back without being absolutely forced to do so. You will understand that I have to come to a decision about the kind of work I will do for the rest of my life. I need advice, so please forgive my request. If you tell me what you think is good, I will try in every way to do it, if at all possible. Your student L. Edith C. Maryon |