Rudolf Steiner to Edith Maryon
Mannheim, 19 January 1922
My dear Edith Maryon!
Thank you for the letter I received in Stuttgart. So far, everything has gone quite well, both with the lectures and with my health. There is a branch lecture in Mannheim today, and the public lecture is tomorrow. I am going to Cologne on Sunday. Of course there was a lot to do in Stuttgart again. But that is a necessity under the current circumstances. There is so much to organize. The people have the best will not to hold many meetings; but what is not done is then still missing.
I have not yet heard from England either. I would like to give you the addresses of what at least seems certain. Cologne is Monopol Hotel; Hanover Hotel Bristol, Bremen Hotel Alberti, Hamburg Atlantic-Hotel, Dresden Hotel Bellevue.
Now I can only say that I think particularly a lot about our studio; please do not overwork yourself; I will be satisfied when I can work in the studio again.
For today, warmest greetings.
Rudolf Steiner