Rudolf Steiner to Edith Maryon
Amsterdam, February 28, 1921
My dear Edith Maryon!
Thank you very much for your greeting on 27 February. I am here in the midst of my lecture activities. I spoke in Amsterdam on the 19th in the evening, then every day according to plan. Yesterday and today Mrs. Drury-Lavin, M. Woolley, Mr. Neel, Mr. Kaufmann, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin and today also Mr. Collison were here. When there is so much to discuss and so many lectures to give, there is little time to come to oneself.
In addition to the program, there was a lecture at the technical university in Delft on the 25th in front of the lecturers and students, and tonight I will speak here at the university.
Tomorrow there will be a public lecture in Rotterdam; on March 3, I am also scheduled to speak in Hengelo for particularly important reasons; on the 4th I am going to Stuttgart and hope to be in Dornach on the 6th or 7th. I am really looking forward to the studio time in Dornach.
Some things went quite well here; others could have gone better. We do lack practical people.
I was only able to give one of the Zweig lectures in the Hague on February 27. That day, there was a eurythmy presentation in the afternoon and the public lecture in the evening.
I have managed with my voice so far. I have been very careful. But it is still exhausting to have to speak so often.
Today there is only the evening lecture.
Warmest thoughts and greetings
from Rudolf Steiner