Foundation Course
Spiritual Discernment, Religious Feeling, Sacramental Action
GA 343
2 October 1921 p.m., Dornach
XIII. The Sacraments, Evolution and Involution
Emil Bock: There are a couple of questions, about meanings in the seven sacraments for example, then also about the difference between Luther's idea of salvation and the idea of salvation in Anthroposophy, as seen in Paul's experience of Christ.
Constantin Neubaus asked Dr. Steiner to say something further about meaning in the sacraments and the consecration; he would be grateful to hear more about consecrated water, the Eucharist, the importance of the mass and prayers for the dead, and about celibacy and marriage.
A participant asked, with reference to what Dr. Steiner had related, having seen how the Host acquired an aura during the celebration: how would this be if the priest did not have complete dignity?
Another participant asked for some insight into the communications of the priest with those who have died.
Rudolf Steiner:These questions will all be addressed. In what sense are you referring to this communication with those who have died?
A participant: Like you also have in the Catholic Church, in relation to the priest's help with the dead, with the sacraments of the dying.
Another participant mentioned that the question has been raised several times regarding the cosmic significance of the sun and moon standing still in Joshua.
Another participant declared he had not understood something in the morning's lecture, regarding the statement: "The human beings ever more lost the capability to manifest the divine in themselves" and he wanted to know, what this meant: the divine manifesting itself within.
[ 1 ] Rudolf Steiner: This is only the explanation of a statement which should be taken this way: in olden times the earthly evolution of humanity experienced right into their very own form, that actually, if I could express it this way, their skin enveloped divine wisdom. This became particularly strongly expressed in the terminology being used, which is really a mystery-terminology: Man is a temple of God.—So, this immediate living-within something which originated out of the divine predecessor of human beings, was experienced in human beings. Then came the time when only a few chosen ones were ascribed with the possibility of experiencing such divinity. Actually, those who belonged to the mysteries during the time of the Mystery of Golgotha were completely convinced that people in their earthly form could no longer harbour a divine wisdom within, because of the decline gradually taking place up to the time of the Mystery of Golgotha.
Because of this, the time epoch can be characterised by saying: the earthly human being would have lost what had been its divine being in olden times, had the Mystery of Golgotha not taken place—in contrast to those with knowledge who said: the last one who comes from outside of this, to fill a human body, would become the first.—Then the earth would have been in a declining evolution, which means plunged into its downfall. This is what can be added as a clarification to the words.
[ 2 ] However, all these things which have been brought forward now—and I ask that you make notes in advance of such questions and remarks—are actually in need of real and factual answers before we can continue to enter into the essence of the sacraments. Allow me, as if by insertion, to enter a little into the essence of the sacraments today. In this way we will possibly find it easier to discover answers regarding the consecrated water, sign of the cross, the Eucharist, mass offering and so on.
[ 3 ] You do know of course that the Catholic Church acknowledges seven sacraments. This adaptation of seven sacraments—and we can only understand the sacramental when we approach them with such preparations as I would like to do now—these adaptations of the seven sacraments is based on the observation that we look at human life in seven stages. It is however impossible to enter into the essence of the sacraments, if you don't adapt a certain process in yourself, which has today more or less disappeared from current consciousness, a process which, I believe, also connects to that which is otherwise extraordinarily significant regarding our discussion content yesterday, because it relates to what I've only up to now fleetingly characterised as the actual foundation of Luther's soul battle.

[ 4 ] Speaking about evolution today, you actually have a one-sided imagination of it, to a certain extent. People believe, when they talk about evolution, they must have some starting point; and this starting point, like a seed, provides the second step, and from the second comes a third and so on. In this way evolution is considered to be a process of actually always going from one previous step resulting in the next one. This evolution concept is quite one-sided in contrast to reality because evolution does not happen this way. When you look at a plant and the condition of having fully developed its leaves, flowers, right up to organs of fruit, you could kind of think how this relates to the characteristics of the evolution concept. (He draws on the blackboard, on the left.) But you can't imagine it in the same way if you start from the root, actually from the seed, and then look for the seed in the flower once again. You have to admit: there is a condition in the unfolding growth process where it involves a greater unfolding outward, and there is another condition where it involves the slightest outwards unfolding. Then a rhythm of unfolding alternates with the reverse, where, in a way, the essence of the thing pulls back so that the outer sense perceptible element becomes the most inconspicuous imaginable, but the full power, so to speak, is concentrated to a point.
If you want to speak in the Goethean sense, you would say: At one stage in the unfolding, the spiritual is withdrawn and the sensory aspect developed in the farthest periphery (he draws on the blackboard) and here where growth has been drawn inward, is where the spiritual develops and the sensory is squeezed into the most inconspicuous germ imaginable. So, we certainly have to take into account that when we speak about a concept of development, we have to speak about rhythms, but we don't come right with the development concept if we actually look at what nature is. In that moment we come up with history, things get a bit more complicated. Take for instance the course of historic development in that time span which I've characterised yesterday, from Augustus to Luther. (He writes on the blackboard.)
Augustus ------------------------------------------ Luther
[ 5 ] It is extraordinarily important to visualise everything that was contributed in this period of time, outwardly and inwardly, in the outer cultural life and the inner spiritual and soul life, towards humanity. Just imagine, that in this time epoch there was also the infinitely significant mystic ... (stenographer record unclear, other than the name containing a B ) ... who lived at this time when the booklet was drafted which played a big role in Luther's point of view, called Theologia deutch, and then we can think about what directly resulted after this time as extraordinary, rising from the foundation of historical development in minds like Paracelsus, and Jakob Böhme, just afterwards. When we look at these things, then we have primarily the impression—we must have an impression—that there was during this period of western development a strong tendency towards turning inwardness. Souls turned inward. If you enter completely into such arguments as sermonized by for instance Johannes Tauler, you will discover an inward striving, a withdrawal from the outer things, a waiting until, one could call it, a sparkle arose which could then renew the human mind. I have also characterised this in my booklet about the Middle Age mystics. When you look at such inner striving as with Tauler, when you notice how he, after years during the course of his life, he had become ever more mature in his internalization, how he in quite a mysterious way met a person and how this person simply through an impression from something out of that already deepened interior was transformed, so that this created the occasion for a sermon which was described in such a way that all who listened in the church were as struck as if by a blow and some fell down as if dead. People were so struck within their souls that they fell into quite a faint.
If you envisage all of this you will find that during this time, an unbelievable internalization was happening in the lives of many people in the west. If I could tell you, my dear friends, in detail, what a roll this played in the entire development, in the reading, in interpretation, yes, even the dramatic performance of the gospel action of the Gospel of Luke, this inner most gospel, and when we look at the pastoral care of this time, then we certainly find the extraordinary characteristic of internalization being poured out over this entire time period. We then discover, as this period came to a close—it had prepared itself already from the 15th century onwards and came out in Luther's time—general culture took on a certain externalisation. In everything there developed the opposite of the internalisation of the Middle Ages. The people's gaze developed towards the outside; methods of observation were directed outward, less and less care and attention was applied to the inner life. So we have—and we are still within this process of externalisation in relation to cultural development—we clearly have historically two successive conditions which differ as much as the unfolded plant does from the plant contracted into the centre. So we have the same thing, in plants as in history, that during such a period of internalisation, like from Augustus to Luther—and this period of internalisation was particularly present despite everything I mentioned this morning—all the power which was inwardly concentrated, later comes out, later unfolds.
[ 6 ] My dear friends! Today we all work in what is outer culture, with forces which had been inwardly developed during the time from Augustinus to Calvin or up to Luther. When we look at developments in this way, then it disintegrates into an evolutionary state—that is the unfolding, it goes outwards—and a state of involution, so that the evolution is followed by involution. (He writes on the blackboard.)
[ 7 ] Only when we do an overall study of the alternate rhythms from evolution to involution, we are able to fully understand development.
[ 8 ] The human being is a complicated being because he is actually a microcosm. What is regarded here as a concept of evolution and involution, takes on the most complicated form in the human being. This most complicated form we must first bring before our souls in a single imagination. Think for instance about birth. (He writes on the blackboard.)
1. Birth
[ 9 ] If we look at the meaning of the event of a birth, regarding the relationship formed out of embryonic life, to what is brought about between conception and actual birth, we have previous steps which were initially soul-spiritual in the human being, moving into the material aspect. There is an integration of the spiritual-soul orientation into the material orientation. This is certainly a complicated process which psychology hasn't yet studied properly, regarding its deeper meaning. I can admit that the development of the germ has not been studied completely. It is usually only studied by starting with the germ cell, briefly, the evolution is followed from the first germinal cell which has been fertilized through its formative elements up to the embryo's maturity when it is then pushed out. What is not fully studied is what actually happens in the mother's body in the Chorion and the amniotic glands as organs which are around the embryo and in their way are most perfect in the beginning of embryonic development but then become more complicated and are pushed out at the birth of the embryo.
What we have here in the germinal cell is certainly the rising evolution, while the involution is through the soul-spiritual of the organs by which they are first established in the mother's body, from the Chorion, from the Amnion, and then gradually moving to the actual egg nucleus, to the actual embryo, so that we have here an involution of the soul-spiritual into matter. This matter becomes pushed out and then we have the continuation of embryonic evolution. The embryo is born and now puts forward its forces, as I've already explained to you, which it had been developing during the embryonic phase. This continues into the development of speech and still remains available in our bodies until later. We carry within our entire earthly lifetime the forces that remain inside us as remnants of embryonic development: the forces of birth. These birth forces develop within us, evolve in us like a gift of nature. This happens, if I may use this expression which sounds somewhat trivial, out of itself. However, immediately, from taking our first breath, from being in contact with the outer world, other processes come into play, processes related to those of dying. From the beginning we also have forces of dying in us. In these forces of dying our soul-spiritual becomes involved in our exchanges with the outer world.
Through observation, through thinking, we allow dying processes to be integrated into us. This is the opposite process of the developmental process at birth. Like humanity developed since the time epoch a bit before and after the Mystery of Golgotha, humanity experienced those changes of which I have spoken, and people had to a certain extent turn the involution processes into something holy, in contrast to the contrasting evolutionary processes. Evolution is natural, it is a gift of nature; that which is given to us at birth and continues to work, is a gift of nature. If we begin to feel the involution process starting to take hold of us as a dying process is, then it must be sanctified since that divination of the world which I spoke to you about this morning, which means, it must be included into what comes out of the Christ impulse. So we see since the development of Christianity something which should be added into the sacraments due to this dying process, and that is the sacrament of baptism. We will still speak about the ritual involved. In order for us to say: what is an evolutionary process at birth, the baptism should take place as a process of involution. We should add to this rhythm in which we are placed in at birth, the repulsion through the pendulum of baptism. (He writes on the blackboard.)
[ 10 ] The second evolutionary process which appears in our lives, which shows itself to great effect is when a person reaches puberty, when the physical body and astral body reach a certain development and the astral body starts in its development to introduce something quite particular, when also that which separates in the sleeping state, comes into a new relationship. During the state of sleep the physical body and ether bodies remain in bed while the astral body and ego leave. Human life consists of the intimate relationship between the physical and the ether bodies, but in a more loose connection to both the astral body and ego. While in a state of growing these four members are united, in the state of sleep the astral body and ego goes out so that their relationship is looser. However, this relationship comes into a modification, it only really matures in the 14, 15 or sixteenth year, then it comes in a real alternating process with what happens in sleep with the physical body lying asleep in bed.
The right harmony only appears around the age of 14, 15 or 16. The young person is taken hold of, by an inner strength, through which the physical body is permeated with the soul-spiritual, which means the astral with the ego-being. This is outwardly expressed in adolescence, and it is only an outer revelation while a complete transformation takes place in the whole person. This event which appears as an evolutionary process can be called maturity. (He writes on the blackboard.)
2. Maturity (adolescence)
[ 11 ] This is the evolutionary process. The corresponding process of involution as related to maturity, just as baptism relates to birth, is confirmation. (He writes on the blackboard.)
[ 12 ] Confirmation also has the task—and we will see with this in mind what a fitting ritual it can be—the task in the Christian sense to what can be given to the ego and astral body through which everything has evolved in a modified way between the ego and astral body, between the soul-spiritual and the physical bodily nature, having developed with the coming of maturity.
[ 13 ] We enter with this into an age in life where we have something else in relation to development. Our soul-spiritual becomes immersed in the physical bodily nature. The physical body captures our soul-spiritual; the soul spiritual is as a result connected in a certain way with the physical body. This is the condition of our development, because we, when we want to examine it as an evolutionary process, describe it as the soul-spiritual incorporation into the human being. We could say: the third evolutionary process is the incorporation. (He writes on the blackboard.)
3. Incorporation
[ 14 ] Added to this, if we now look for the corresponding process of involution, then we must above all see, my dear friends, that the human being, through the immersion of his soul-spiritual into the physical body, has evolved an admirable power in his being, continually being in the state of oscillation in which there is a return to the soul-spiritual, in the repetition of the re-immersion into the physical bodily nature so that it contains a rhythm, which threatens him to be either lost in the ecstatic soul-spiritual aspect or to fall back into the animalistic, in complete incorporation. Human beings need something which stand opposite this evolutionary process as a process of involution, and this process is reception to Holly Communion. The process of involution for the incorporation is Holy Communion. (He writes on the blackboard.)
Holy Communion
[ 15 ] In our discussion about evolution and what the case has been up to now, we could say the following. It is so, that the human being in his soul-spiritual nature, confronts the physical bodily nature at every moment; at every moment the human being must take care to move in the correct rhythm so that his or her soul-spiritual nature is not allowed to sink into animalism, or that the physical is left alone and to a certain extent the unworldly rises into the soul-spiritual which would weaken the soul-spiritual. Bringing the altar sacraments into the right rhythm is what the human being must look for in the reception of sacraments.
[ 16 ] With this, not the entire human evolution is given, because the complete human evolution includes that we not only in a single moment stand in this swing between the soul-spiritual and the physical bodily nature, but the complete development includes that we also, in time, could swing back again. We need reminders of previous earthly incarnations and earthly experiences. You only need to look at psychopathology and you will see what it means for people when their normal true recollection is ruined, undermined, somehow erased. These recollections certainly develop early and only those things connected to these recollections, intimately felt completely within, getting to complete grasps with it, only really happens after puberty. This is the difference, which today's modern psychology doesn't consider, between for instance what is present in a child's life of recollections up to 15 and 16 years of age, that it is different to what comes later when memories are again gathered so that through the recollections gathered, the I is actually firmly consolidated. In brief, we see that this becomes more and more consolidated, this which we call life's recollections. It's one of our necessities; it evolves out of our being—as humans. (He writes on the blackboard.)
Life's recollections
[ 17 ] The corresponding process of involution is experienced in Christianity as the sacrament of repentance. (He writes on the blackboard.)
[ 18 ] Here the recollections of life are permeated with Christ; the process of recollection being permeated with Christ, lifts it into the moral realm. Not only is the person's I consolidated, but he is—through his complete lifting of his recollections towards bringing them into account in moral terms, through the process of the sacrament and developed through ritual, by developing the process towards the sacrament and asserting it through ritual worship—he is lead to the involution process of repentance. This process in the Catholic Church comprises various stages which all clearly start with a recollection. Repentance in Catholicism exists in the examination of conscience, in repentance, in the serious intention to discard the mistakes of which one has become aware in oneself, in what confession is—we still have to discuss this—and the retribution one imposes on oneself or is imposed by on one of the pastors. Through these steps, complete repentance comes about, and it is the expression for what the process of involution is supposed to be with regard to the process of the totality of memory's evolution, this means, what makes up the power of recollection in the human being.
[ 19 ] Here we have created, my dear friends, processes involved in the evolution of the human being since birth, and then we have that which he now returns to in a natural way as an act of involution. We have a succession of evolutions. Through memory the sequence of evolution enters deeply into inner man. Memory therefore represents an internalisation of what has unfolded outwardly through birth. Here we come to the fifth of a naturally unfolding process of involution; we come to death, which concludes the life of the individual. (He writes on the blackboard.)
5. Death
[ 20 ] Earlier evolutionary processes we've always contrasted with sacramental action and processes of involution; however, the evolutionary processes have gradually become similar to processes of involution. The process of involution during repentance is in a certain way the outer unfolding of quite an inner decisive recollection process; it is the process of involution which is slowly approached by the process of evolution. We need, when we now want the sacramental action for this natural involutionary process of death, to introduce it in a somewhat cultic, ritualistic form, in which something of a spiritual side of nature's knowledge can be perceived, which serve to confront the dying person and manage to do something to the dying person which is simultaneously stimulated in his soul-spiritual life, stirred by the natural processes of his physical bodily being. It shall, expressed in a rhythm, let the physical-bodily aspect disappear upon death, and the soul-spiritual in turn take shape. For certain reasons, which we will still discuss, one can always see in oils, in everything oil-like, that something leads back to the soul-spiritual. In nature as well, oiling processes are regarded as processes of salvation. Therefore, the holy last anointment is performed here. (He writes on the blackboard.)
Last anointment
[ 21 ] We can add, so to speak, the process of evolution to that of involution. [ 22 ] Thus, we have exhausted the individual life of a human being, and there are still two human relationships left that are no longer of an individual nature. The one relationship is where the human being, standing here on earth in his physical bodily being, actually treasures a soul-spiritual relationship in heaven, so that the umbilical cord to his soul spiritual, which had been severed, so to speak, now again is reconnected to the soul-spiritual. This doesn't involve individual people; it involves the relationship of exchange with the heavenly-spiritual. This is something which is present in all people, albeit unconsciously. If we were to be completely severed from the soul-spiritual, we would never find our way back, it is a deep process of involution which is eternally present in us, quite a hidden process, even more hidden than what happens in the inner soul life when the organism passes through death; for this reason it is a process which in the course of individual lives of people do not become conscious at all. For this, an outer evolutionary process must be looked for and this evolutionary process is given in the ritual of priest ordination. As the sixth one, we have a process which is given out of itself, as I said - you could call it a connection—and corresponding as its counter impulse or the outer evolutionary process, in the priest ordination. (He writes on the blackboard.)
6. Reconnection: Priest ordination
[ 23 ] Now as the seventh one we have an image of the earthly relationship given as a relationship between the soul-spiritual and the physical-bodily: this relationship is in nature's way given as the relationship between a man and a woman. For each true observation of the relationship between a man and a woman it is so, that the balance in the feminine swings more to the soul-spiritual side, and in the male, more to the physical-bodily nature. Yes, it is so. On earth, to a certain extent, the relationship is expressed between the human being and the spiritual world, and it is, I could say, that the woman has made one less step down into the physical life, than the man. One must say it actually differently, one must say: The descent into earthly life can be depicted by a definite boundary; the woman doesn't quite arrive at the boundary while the man crosses over it. This is actually the contrasting difference between a man and woman, expressed in a physical way. There is a certain boundary to reach, the woman doesn't quite manage it and the man crosses over it. Both bear a kind of imperfection within, between them a state of tension exists as a result. When this state of tension which exists naturally in a relationship between a man and woman, searches for a sacramental evolutionary value—this is a deeply hidden process of involution which we are pointing out here, when we indicate the manly and womanly—then we are given the sacrament of marriage. (He writes on the blackboard.)
7. Man and woman: marriage
[ 24 ] This is what has always been in Christian esotericism in relation to sacramentalism, in so far as it is to be applied to man, that man enters this world endowed with values partly through evolution, partly through values of involution, and to this must always be added, through the sacraments, the values of evolution to involution, and values of involution to evolution. Man equally speaks out of the foundation of his experience: the human being steps with his incomplete being fully into earthly existence; he or she must first be made into a complete being. He or she expresses their incompleteness at birth, in puberty, in incarnation, in memory and in death. To these things the human being, in order to live as complete physical-bodily-soul-spiritual beings, has to add, through sacramental ways, the baptism, confirmation, sacrament at the altar, repentance and last anointment.
With regard to the social sphere, man stands in an exceptional state of priesthood, where through outer signs done in a sacramental way, also in the priest ordination, the deeply hidden value of involution is present. In the healing of marriage, the sacrament should express how that which is only given in an incomplete value as involution in a man and a woman, is to be complemented by an external sacramental action.
[ 25 ] I ask you to take what I have initially presented to you not in a one-sided naturalistic way, otherwise you could of course say, it was all presented in a one-sided naturalistic way. If you grasp the outer natural world and the inner moral-religious world as one unit, then we always have a sacramental evolution value for an inner moral-religious value. By contrast, what we have as an expression of an outer form of evolution, is what we need to search for as a value of involution, that means, an internalisation in human beings of the outer evolution. For us it is really necessary to again accomplish the values of involution, through the sacraments.
My dear friends, why do moral and religious truths have so little power for modern man? They have little power because it is necessary that what come to man is not merely admonishment and a commandment, but that he becomes aware in this approach of an actual penetration with the Godhead taking place. This can take place in human consciousness only in sacramental actions.
[ 26 ] So, you have asked me to speak about these sacraments. The questions asked for, today, have largely not been answered, but they were spoken about as thoughts and experiences forming the foundations of what is sacramental. These fundamental experiences and fundamental thoughts as sacramental are alive no longer, basically no longer since the time—obviously, of course, with good reason—since the sacramental has become a subject of discussions. If today it can't be somehow intentional to take up all the sacraments outside the Catholic Church, then it must be considered how to again accomplish a real cult, a real ritual, because only these, as we will still see, actually can have a community building effect.
This is what I wanted to speak about as a foundation. We will go further into the questions which had been asked.
(Blackboard notes:)
- Birth—Baptism
- Adolescence—Confirmation
- Incorporation—holy Communion
- Life's recollections—Repentance
- Death—Last anointment
- Reconnection—Priest ordination
- Man and Woman—marriage
Dreizehnter Vortrag
Emil Bock: Es liegen die verschiedensten Fragen vor, zum Beispiel über die Bedeutung der sieben Sakramente, dann über den Unterschied zwischen der Lutherschen Erlösungsidee und der Erlösungsidee der Anthroposophie, sowie über das Christus-Erlebnis des Paulus.
Constantin Neuhaus bittet Herrn Dr. Steiner, einiges auszuführen über die Bedeutung der Sakramente und bittet, über die Weihe weiterzusprechen; er wäre dankbar, etwas zu hören über Weihwasser, die Eucharistie, die Bedeutung der Seelenmesse und der Gebete für die Verstorbenen und über Zölibat und Ehe.
Ein Teilnehmer fragt, bezugnehmend auf die Erzählung Dr.Steiners, daß er geschen habe, wie die Hostie bei der Wandlung eine Aura bekam: wie würde es sein, wenn der Priester nicht die volle Würdigkeit hat?
Ein anderer Teilnehmer möchte gern etwas wissen über den Verkehr des Priesters mit den Toten.
Rudolf Steiner: Diese Fragen sollen ja alle berührt werden. In welchem Sinne meinten Sie diesen Verkehr?
Ein Teilnehmer: Wie ihn die katholische Kirche auch hat, zusammenhängend mit der Priesterhilfe beim Tode, mit dem Sterbesakramente.
Ein anderer Teilnehmer erwähnt, daß mehrfach die Frage aufgeworfen ist, was zu sagen wäre über die kosmische Bedeutung des Stillestehens der Sonne und des Mondes bei Josua.
Ein anderer Teilnehmer teilt mit, daß er etwas aus dem Vormittagsvortrag nicht verstanden habe und zwar: «Der Mensch hat immer mehr die Fähigkeit verloren, das Göttliche in sich zu gestalten», und möchte wissen, worin dieses DasGöttliche-in-sich-Gestalten besteht.
[ 1 ] Rudolf Steiner: Das ist nur eine Satzerklärung, die so zu nehmen ist, daß in älteren Zeiten der Erdenentwickelung der Mensch bis in seine Gestalt herein gefühlt hat, er ist eigentlich, wenn ich mich so ausdrücken darf, mit seiner Haut eine Umschließung der göttlichen Wesenheit. Es kam das ja ganz besonders dadurch stark zum Ausdruck, daß der Terminus gebraucht wurde, der wirklich eine Art Mysterien-Terminus war: Der Mensch ist ein Tempel Gottes. — Also dieses Innewohnen einer unmittelbar aus dem Göttlichen hervorgehenden Wesenheit im Menschen, das wurde in älteren Zeiten gefühlt. Dann kamen Zeiten, in denen man nur noch einzelnen Auserwählten die Möglichkeit zugeschrieben hat, daß sie so etwas Göttliches in sich haben. Und im wesentlichen waren gerade die Mysterienangehörigen zur Zeit des Mysteriums von Golgatha durchaus davon überzeugt, daß der Mensch nicht mehr in seiner irdischen Gestalt eine göttliche Wesenheit in sich bergen könne, eben wegen des Abfallens, das sich nach und nach vollzogen hat bis zu [der Zeit des] Mysteriums von Golgatha. Damit wäre also die Zeitepoche so zu charakterisieren, daß man sagt: Die Erdenmenschheit hat die alten Götterwesen verloren, und wäre das Mysterium von Golgatha nicht gekommen — demgegenüber Wissende gesagt haben: der letzte, der aber von außen her kommt, um einen Menschenleib zu erfüllen, der ist der erste geworden —, dann wäre die Erde eben einfach in die absteigende Entwickelung, das heißt in den Untergang hineingekommen. Das ist das, was als eine Worterklärung dazu gegeben werden kann.
[ 2 ] Aber alle diese Dinge, die jetzt vorgebracht worden sind — und ich bitte, sich weiter solche Fragen und Bemerkungen vorzumerken -, sind eigentlich richtig und sachgemäß doch erst zu beantworten, wenn man eingeht auf das Wesen der Sakramente. Und gestatten Sie, daß ich, gewissermaßen wie einfügend, heute ein wenig auf dieses Wesen der Sakramente eingehe. Wir werden dadurch viel eher die Möglichkeit haben, über Weihwasser, Kreuzeszeichen, Eucharistie, Meßopfer und so weiter zu sprechen, wenn wir diese Dinge absolviert haben.
[ 3 ] Sie wissen ja, daß die katholische Kirche sieben Sakramente anerkennt. Diese Annahme von sieben Sakramenten — und wir werden das Sakramentale überhaupt nur verstehen, wenn wir von solchen Voraussetzungen ausgehen, wie wir sie jetzt machen wollen -, diese Annahme von sieben Sakramenten beruht eben auf der Anschauung, daß wir das Leben des Menschen siebengliedrig zu betrachten haben. Nun aber ist es unmöglich, auf das Wesen des Sakramentes einzugehen, wenn man nicht eine gewisse Voraussetzung in sich aufnimmt, die heute eigentlich auch mehr oder weniger aus dem Zeitbewußtsein heraus verschwunden ist, eine Voraussetzung, die, wie ich glaube, sich auch sonst außerordentlich bedeutsam an dasjenige anschließt, was wir gestern in der Diskussionsstunde besprochen haben, weil sie zusammenhängt mit dem, was ich ja bisher nur ganz flüchtig charakterisieren konnte, mit dem, was eigentlich zugrunde liegt dem Seelenkampf Luthers.

[ 4 ] Wenn man im heutigen Sinne von Entwickelung spricht, so hat man eigentlich eine gewissermaßen einseitige Vorstellung. Man denkt sich immer, wenn man von Entwickelung spricht, irgendwovon muß man ausgehen; und an das, wovon man ausgeht wie von einem Keim, schließt sich dann ein Zweites an, das daraus hervorgeht; dann ein Drittes, das wiederum aus dem hervorgeht. In dieser Weise denkt man sich die Entwickelung, indem man eigentlich immer darauf ausgeht, daß sich das Folgende aus dem Vorhergehenden ergeben haben soll. Dieser Begriff der Entwickelung ist aber gegenüber der Wirklichkeit ein außerordentlich einseitiger, denn so geht die Entwickelung nicht vor sich. Wenn Sie eine Pflanze ansehen in dem Zustande, wo sie voll entwickelt hat die Blätter, die Blüte, bis zu den Fruchtorganen, dann können Sie ja ungefähr so denken, wie es im Sinne des eben charakterisierten Entwickelungsbegriffes liegt. (Es wird an die Tafel gezeichnet, links). Aber Sie können nicht mehr so denken, wenn Sie von der Wurzel ausgehen, eigentlich von dem Keim, und den Keim wiederum in der Blüte suchen. Sie müssen sagen: Es gibt einen Zustand im aufeinanderfolgenden Wachstum, da hat man es zu tun mit der größten Entfaltung nach außen, und es gibt einen anderen Zustand, da hat man es zu tun mit der geringsten Entfaltung nach außen. Also wenn bei der Pflanze die Blattriebe nach allen Seiten entwickelt sind, die Blütenkrone oben entwickelt ist und die Fruchtgefäße, da hat man es zu tun mit einer Entfaltung. Dann aber wechselt im Rhythmus diese Entfaltung ab mit dem Umgekehrten, wo sich gewissermaßen das ganze Wesenhafte zurückzieht, so daß das äußere Sinnenfällige das denkbar Unscheinbarste wird, dafür aber die volle Kraft sich gewissermaßen in einen Punkt konzentriert. Wenn man im Goetheschen Sinne sprechen will, müßte man sagen: Das eine Mal, bei der Entfaltung, ist das Geistige zurückgezogen und das Sinnliche im weitesten Umkreise entwickelt (es wird an die Tafel gezeichnet), und hier, wo das Wachstum zusammengezogen ist, da ist das Geistige entwickelt und das Sinnliche in den denkbar unscheinbarsten Keim klein zusammengedrängt. Also wir müssen schon durchaus darauf Rücksicht nehmen, wenn wir von dem Begriff der Entwickelung sprechen, daß wir von einem Rhythmus sprechen müssen, aber wir kommen auch mit dem Begriff des Rhythmus nur zurecht, wenn wir den Blick auf das richten, was Natur ist. In dem Augenblick, wo wir heraufdringen zur Geschichte, wird die Sache doch etwas komplizierter. Nehmen Sie einmal im Laufe der geschichtlichen Entwickelung etwa den Zeitraum, den ich gestern charakterisiert habe, von Augustinus bis Luther. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
Augustinus ————————————————————— Luther
[ 5 ] Es ist außerordentlich bedeutsam, sich alles das zu vergegenwärtigen, was in diesem Zeitraum sich äußerlich und innerlich, im äußeren Kulturleben und im inneren geistigen und seelischen Leben der Menschheit zugetragen hat. Bedenken Sie, daß in diesen Zeitraum ja hineinfällt die unendlich bedeutsame Mystik eines ...,1Der Stenograph hat an dieser Stelle keinen Namen festgehalten. In der Stenographen selbst erstellen Klar textübertragung (ein Originalstenogramm liegt nicht mehr vor) ist vermerkt, daß der genannte ein «B» enthielt. daß in diesen Zeitraum hineinfällt die Abfassung des Büchleins, das ja auch für Luthers Anschauung eine so große Rolle gespielt hat, die «Theologia deutsch», und bedenken wir, daß dann unmittelbar nach diesem Zeitraum sich etwas Merkwürdiges auslebt, was heraufkommt aus den Untergründen der historischen Entwickelung in Geistern wie Paracelsus und Jakob Böhme, also hinterher. Wenn wir diese Sache ins Auge fassen, so haben wir vor allen Dingen den Eindruck — wir müssen den Eindruck haben -, es ist während dieses Zeitraumes der abendländischen Entwickelung eine starke Innerlichkeit vorhanden. Die Seele der Menschen richtet sich nach dem Inneren. Wenn Sie sich ganz durchdringen mit solchen Auseinandersetzungen, wie sie zum Beispiel Johannes Tauler in seinen Predigten gegeben hat, dann werden Sie finden, wie da ein Streben nach dem Inneren ist, ein Sichzurückziehen von dem Äußeren, ein Warten, bis im Inneren ein, wie man es nannte, Fünklein aufgeht, das dann das menschliche Gemüt wie erneuern kann. Ich habe das ja auch in meinem Büchlein über die Mystik des Mittelalters besonders charakterisiert. Wenn Sie auf solche Dinge sehen wie Taulers Streben nach einer solchen Verinnerlichung, wenn wir sehen, wie er, nachdem er im Laufe seines Lebens durch diese Verinnerlichung immer reifer und reifer geworden ist, auf ganz geheimnisvolle Weise mit einer Persönlichkeit zusammenkommt, und wie diese Persönlichkeit einfach durch den Eindruck, den sie durch irgend etwas auf ihn macht, das ohnedies schon vertiefte Innere wiederum verwandelt, so daß dies Anlaß zu einer Predigt war, die so geschildert wurde, daß alle, die in der Kirche zuhörten, wie vom Schlage getroffen waren und ein Teil wie tot hinfiel; [die Menschen] waren so im Innern ihrer Seele ergriffen, daß sie ganz in Ohnmacht fielen. Wenn Sie das alles ins Auge fassen, so werden Sie finden, daß während dieser Zeit eine ungeheuere Verinnerlichung des abendländischen Lebens bei einer großen Anzahl von Menschen vorhanden war. Und wenn ich Ihnen im einzelnen erzählen könnte, meine lieben Freunde, welche Rolle in dieser ganzen Entwickelung gespielt hat immer wieder das Lesen, das Interpretieren, ja selbst das dramatische Vorführen der Evangelienhandlung des Lukas-Evangeliums, dieses innigsten Evangeliums, und wenn wir schauen auf die Seelsorge dieser Zeit, so finden wir durchaus den eigentümlichen Charakter der Verinnerlichung über diesen ganzen Zeitraum ausgegossen. Und wir finden dann, wie mit Beendigung dieses Zeitraumes — es bereitet sich das vor schon von der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts an, heraus kommt es gerade zu Luthers Zeit — die allgemeine Kultur eine gewisse Veräußerlichung annimmt. In allem entwickelt sich nach und nach das Gegenteil der mittelalterlichen Verinnerlichung. Die Blicke der Menschen werden nach außen gerichtet, man entwickelt die Beobachtungsmethoden nach außen, man wendet sogar immer weniger und weniger Sorgfalt auf das [Innere] an. Da haben wir - und wir stehen ja noch immer drinnen in dieser Veräußerlichung in bezug auf die [Entwickelung] der Kultur —, da haben wir deutlich auch im Geschichtlichen zwei aufeinanderfolgende Zustände, die sich durchaus so unterscheiden wie die entfaltete Pflanze von der in einem Zentrum zusammengezogenen Pflanze. Also wir haben das gleiche [wie bei der Pflanze auch in der Geschichte], daß während einer solchen Periode der Verinnerlichung, wie sie war von Augustinus bis Luther — und dieser Periode der Verinnerlichung war vorhanden, trotz alle dem, was ich heute vormittag gesagt habe -, alles an Kraft sich innerlich konzentriert, was später herauskommt, was sich später entfaltet.
[ 6 ] Meine lieben Freunde! Wir arbeiten heute in allem, was äußerliche Kultur ist, mit denjenigen Kräften, die die Menschheit innerlich entwickelt hatte in der Zeit von Augustinus bis Calvin oder bis Luther. Und wenn wir die Entwickelung so betrachten, dann zerfällt sie uns in einen Evolutionszustand, — das ist die Entfaltung, es geht nach außen — und in einen Involutionszustand, so daß die Evolution rhythmisch gefolgt ist von der Involution. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
[ 7 ] Und erst wenn wir überall diesen rhythmischen Wechsel von Evolution und Involution studieren, kommen wir dazu, die volle Entwickelung zu verstehen.
[ 8 ] Aber der Mensch ist nun das allerkomplizierteste Wesen, weil er ja ein wirklicher Mikrokosmos ist, Bei ihm nimmt dasjenige, was hier als Evolution und Involution zunächst dem Begriff nach festgestellt worden ist, die allerkomplizierteste Form an. Diese allerkomplizierteste Form stellen wir einmal vor unsere Seelen hin in einzel Tafel 8 nen Erscheinungen. Denken wir zunächst einmal an die Geburt. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
1. Geburt
[ 9 ] Wenn wir auf die Geburt hinschauen, das heißt auf den Zusammenhang desjenigen, was aus dem embryonalen Leben herauskraftet, was sich also vollzieht zwischen Konzeption und der eigentlichen Geburt, so haben wir ein Hintendieren desjenigen, was vom Menschen vorher geistig-seelisch war, zum Materiellen. Es gliedert sich das Geistig-Seelische das Materielle ein. Das ist ja durchaus ein komplizierter Vorgang, der auch von der Physiologie noch nicht ordentlich studiert wird in seiner eigentlichen tieferen Bedeutung. Denn die Keimesentwickelung wird, ich möchte sagen, nur unvollständig studiert. Es wird gewöhnlich nur so studiert, daß man bei der Keimzelle anfängt, bei der Bildung der Keimzelle, der Bildung des Scheidekeims, kurz, man verfolgt die Evolution herauf von der ersten Keimzelle, die befruchtet ist durch ihre Bildungsprodukte und so weiter bis zur Reife des Embryos, wo er dann ausgestoßen wird. Aber man verfolgt nicht gleichzeitig dasjenige, was im Chorion, im Amnion an Organen sich entwickelt im mütterlichen Leib, die um den Embryo herum sind, und die in ihrer Art am vollkommensten sind im Beginne der embryonalen Entwickelung, die dann komplizierter werden und abgestoßen werden bei der Geburt des Embryo. Wir haben es in demjenigen, was aus dem Keim herausgeht, durchaus zu tun mit einer aufsteigenden Evolution, und die Involution besteht darin, daß das Geistig-Seelische von den Organen, in denen es sich zuerst festgesetzt hatte im mütterlichen Organismus, vom Chorion, vom Amnion, nach und nach dann übergeht zum eigentlichen Eikeim, zum eigentlichen Embryo, so daß wir haben eine Involution des Geistig-Seelischen im Materiellen. Das Materielle wird abgestoßen, und dann haben wir eine darauffolgende Evolution des Embryo. Der Embryo wird geboren und setzt nun, wie ich Ihnen schon auseinandergesetzt habe, seine Kräfte fort, die er während der Embryonalzeit entwickelt hat. Das geht hin bis zur Entwickelung der Sprache und bleibt auch noch später in unserem Organismus vorhanden. Wir tragen also während der ganzen Zeit unseres Erdenlebens in uns die Kräfte, die uns als Reste der embryonalen Entwickelung im Innern verbleiben: die Kräfte der Geburt. Diese Kräfte der Geburt entwickeln sich in uns, evolvieren sich in uns wie eine Naturgabe. Das geschieht, wenn ich den Ausdruck gebrauchen darf, der ja trivial klingt, von selbst. Aber in uns setzt sofort, indem wir den ersten Atemzug tun, indem wir mit der Außenwelt in Berührung kommen, der andere Vorgang ein, der Vorgang, der bezeichnet werden kann als ein Sterbevorgang. Wir haben von allem Anfang an zugleich die Kräfte des Sterbens in uns. Aber in diese Kräfte des Sterbens ist aufgenommen unser geistigseelischer Verkehr mit der Außenwelt. Wir sterben durch das Wahrnehmen, wir sterben durch das Denken. Durch das Wahrnehmen, durch das Denken gliedern sich in uns Sterbevorgänge ein. Das ist der entgegengesetzte Vorgang zu dem Evolutionsvorgang der Geburt. So wie die Menschheit sich entwickelt seit dem Zeitraum etwa vor und nach dem Mysterium von Golgatha, treten eben mit der Menschheit diejenigen Veränderungen ein, von denen ich gesprochen habe, und der Mensch muß in einer gewissen Weise heiligen den Involutionsvorgang, den der Evolution entgegengesetzten Vorgang. Die Evolution ist das Natürliche, sie ist eine Gabe der Natur; dasjenige, was uns als Geburt gegeben wird und was dann weiter wirkt, das ist eine Gabe der Natur. Wenn wir aber den Involutionsvorgang einsetzen fühlen, der als ein Sterbevorgang uns ergreift, so muß er seit jener Entgöttlichung der Welt, von der ich Ihnen heute vormittag gesprochen habe, geheiligt werden, das heißt, es muß in ihn eingefügt werden dasjenige, was von dem Christus-Impuls ausgehen kann. Und so sieht man seit der Entwickelung des Christentums in dem Sterbevorgang etwas, dem hinzugefügt werden muß ein Sakrament; das ist das Sakrament der Taufe. Wir werden dann über sein Ritual noch zu sprechen haben, So daß wir sagen können: Was die Geburt als Evolutionsvorgang ist, das soll die Taufe werden als Involutionsvorgang. Wir sollen zu jenem Rhythmus, in den wir durch die Geburt hineingestellt werden, hinzufügen gewissermaßen das Zurückschlagen des Pendels in der Taufe. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
[ 10 ] Der zweite Evolutionsvorgang, der in unserem Leben eintritt, ist derjenige, welcher in aller Stärke sich dann zeigt, wenn der Mensch geschlechtsreif wird, wenn sein physischer Leib und sein Ätherleib zu einer gewissen Entwickelung gekommen sind und der Astralleib beginnt, mit seiner Entwickelung ganz besonders einzusetzen, wenn also das, was in jedem Schlafzustand sich trennt, in einen neuen Zusammenhang kommt. Der Schlafzustand verläuft ja so, daß der physische Leib und der Ätherleib im Bette liegenbleiben, und daß der astralische Leib und das Ich herausgehen. Das menschliche Leben besteht daher in einem innigen Zusammenhang zwischen dem physischen und dem Ätherleib, aber in einem loseren Zusammenhang zunächst zwischen diesen beiden mit dem astralischen Leib und dem Ich. Im Wachzustand durchdringen sich diese vier [Glieder], im Schlafzustand aber sind astralischer Leib und Ich aus dem physischen und Ätherleib heraußen, da ist also der Zusammenhang ein loserer. Aber dieser Zusammenhang kommt zu einer gewissen Modifikation, er kommt eigentlich erst zur Reife [im 14., 15., 16. Lebensjahre], es kommt erst [dann] zur richtigen Wechselwirkung mit demjenigen, was wir im Schlafe getrennt haben vom Physisch-Leiblichen, das während des Schlafens im Bette liegen bleibt. Der richtige Zusammenklang tritt eben erst ein im 14., 15., 16. Lebensjahre. Der Mensch wird da von einer inneren Stärke erfaßt, wodurch er sein Physisch-Leibliches durchdringt mit seinem Geistig-Seelischen, das heißt mit seinem Astralischen und mit seinem Ichwesen. Das drückt sich äußerlich aus in dem Geschlechtsreifwerden, was nur die alleräußerste Offenbarung ist einer völligen Verwandlung des ganzen Menschen. Dasjenige also, was da als ein Evolutionsvorgang einsetzt, kann man bezeichnen als Reife. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
2. Reife
[ 1 ] Das ist der Evolutionsvorgang. Der entsprechende Involutionsvorgang, der sich zur Reife geradeso verhält, wie sich die Taufe verhält zur Geburt, ist die Firmung oder Konfirmation. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
Firmung. Confirmation
[ 12 ] Die Firmung oder Konfirmation hat also die Aufgabe — und wir werden sehen, welches demgemäß ihr richtiges Ritual sein kann -, dasjenige in christlichem Sinne dem Ich und astralischen Leib zu geben, wodurch alles, was durch das modifizierte Verbinden von Ich und astralischem Leib, dem Geistig-Seelischen mit dem Physisch-Leiblichen, mit der Reifung sich entwickelt, was mit der Reife evolviert.
[ 13 ] Wir treten damit aber in ein Lebensalter, wo wir mit Bezug auf die Entwickelung noch ein anderes haben: Wir sind untergetaucht mit unserem Geistig-Seelischen in das Physisch-Leibliche. Das Physisch-Leibliche hat unser Geistig-Seelisches ergriffen, das GeistigSeelische ist dabei eine gewisse Vereinigung mit dem Physisch-Leiblichen eingegangen. Es ist dies der Entwickelungszustand, den wir, wenn wir ihn als Evolutionsvorgang betrachten wollen, bezeichnen als die Verleiblichung des Geistig-Seelischen im Menschen. Wir können sagen: Der dritte Evolutionsvorgang ist die Verleiblichung. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
3. Verleiblichung
[ 14 ] Wenn wir dazu nun den entsprechenden Involutionsvorgang suchen, so müssen wir vor allen Dingen auf dasjenige sehen, meine lieben Freunde, daß ja der Mensch, indem er dieses Untertauchen seines Geistig-Seelischen in das Physisch-Leibliche als eine besondere Kraft seines Wesens evolviert hat, fortwährend in einer Art von Schwingungszustand ist, in dem Zurückgehen zu dem Geistig-Seelischen, in dem Wiederuntertauchen in das Physisch-Leibliche, so daß er in einem Rhythmus drinnensteht, wodurch ihm droht, entweder ekstatisch sich zu verlieren in dem Geistig-Seelischen oder hinunterzufallen in das Tierische, in vollständige Verleiblichung. Der Mensch braucht etwas, was diesem Evolutionsvorgang als ein Involutionsvorgang gegenübersteht, und dieser Involutionsvorgang ist der Empfang des heiligen Abendmahls. Der Involutionsvorgang für die Verleiblichung ist das heilige Abendmahl. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
hl. Abendmahl
[ 15 ] Indem wir so von der Evolution gesprochen haben, wie das bisher der Fall war, können wir sagen: Es ist so, daß der Mensch mit seinem Geistig-Seelischen in jedem Augenblick gegenübersteht dem Physisch-Leiblichen; in jedem Augenblick muß der Mensch Sorge tragen, daß er in den richtigen Rhythmus kommt, damit er sein Seelisch-Geistiges nicht in das Tierische hinuntersinken läßt, oder daß er das Leibliche allein läßt und gewissermaßen weltfremd ins Geistig-Seelische heraufgeht, wodurch das Geistig-Seelische schwach würde. Das ist dasjenige, was der Mensch suchen muß, durch das Empfangen des Altarsakramentes in den richtigen Rhythmus zu bringen.
[ 16 ] Aber damit wäre noch nicht die vollständige menschliche Evolution gegeben, sondern die vollständige menschliche Evolution schließt ein, daß wir nicht nur im einzelnen Augenblick drinnenstehen in dieser Schwingung zwischen dem Geistig-Seelischen und dem Physisch-Leiblichen, sondern die vollständige Entwickelung schließt ein, daß wir auch in der Zeit immer wiederum zurückschwingen können. Wir brauchen die Erinnerung an die vorhergehenden erlebten Erdenerlebnisse, die Erdenerfahrungen. Sie brauchen ja nur auf diesem Gebiet die Psychopathologie zu betrachten, so werden Sie bemerken, was es für einen Menschen heißt, wenn ihm seine normale richtige Rückerinnerung zerstört ist, untergraben ist, irgendwie ausgelöscht ist. Es entwickelt sich diese Rückerinnerung allerdings früh, allein dasjenige, was mit dieser Rückerinnerung verknüpft ist, das vollständige Sich-innerlich-Fühlen, das vollständige Sich-in-die-Hand-Bekommen, das tritt eigentlich erst nach der Reifung ein. Es ist ein Unterschied, den nur die heutige moderne Psychologie nicht betrachtet, zwischen dem, was zum Beispiel beim Kind vorhanden ist an Erinnerungsleben noch bis zum 15., 16. Jahre, das ganz anders ist als später, wo man die Erinnerung wieder zusammenfaßt, so daß die Erinnerung, indem man sie hat, eigentlich die volle Festigkeit des Ich konsolidiert. Kurz, wir sehen, daß sich immer mehr und mehr das konsolidiert, was wir die Lebenserinnerung nennen können. Es gehört zu unseren Notwendigkeiten, es ist dasjenige, was sich auch evolviert aus unserer menschlichen Wesenheit heraus. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
4. Lebenserinnerung
[ 17 ] Und der entsprechende Involutionsvorgang ist dasjenige, was empfunden worden ist im Christentum als das Sakrament der Buße. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
[ 18 ] Da wird der Erinnerungsvorgang durchchristet; da wird der Erinnerungsvorgang dadurch, daß er durchchristet wird, zugleich ins Moralische hinaufgehoben. Da wird der Mensch nicht bloß sein Ich konsolidieren, sondern da wird er — indem er die Rückerinnerung zu einem vollständigen Heraufheben desjenigen bringt, worüber er sich auch in moralischer Beziehung Rechenschaft ablegen will, indem der Vorgang zum Sakrament hin entwickelt und durch Kultus durchsetzt wird — herangeführt an den Involutionsvorgang der Buße, die ja im Katholizismus aus verschiedenen Teilen besteht, die alle deutlich ausgehen von der Erinnerung. Die Buße besteht ja [im Katholizismus] in der Gewissenserforschung, in der Reue, in dem ernstlichen Vorsatz, die Fehler, deren man an sich gewahr geworden ist, abzulegen in dem, was die Beichte ist — darüber werden wir noch zu sprechen haben — und in dem, was als Vergeltung man sich selber oder was einem der Seelsorger auferlegt. In diesem Aufbau besteht ja die vollständige Buße, und es ist das der Ausdruck für das, was eben der Involutionsvorgang sein soll zu dem Evolutionsvorgang der Gesamterinnerung, das heißt zu dem, was die Erinnerungskraft im Menschen macht.
[ 19 ] Damit aber, meine lieben Freunde, sind die Vorgänge erschöpft, die sich im Menschen als Evolutionsvorgänge abspielen seit der Geburt, und wir haben dann das, daß der Mensch nun hintendiert auf naturgemäße Weise zu einem Involutionsvorgang. Wir haben eine Aufeinanderfolge von Evolutionen. In der Erinnerung ist die Aufeinanderfolge der Evolutionen wiederum schon stark in das Innere eingegangen. Die Erinnerung stellt also eine Verinnerlichung dessen dar, was sich als Geburt nach außen entfaltet hat. Wir kommen, indem wir das weiterentwickeln, zu dem Fünften, was ganz naturgemäß ein Involutionsvorgang ist, wir kommen zu dem Tod, der das Leben des individuellen Menschen beschließt. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
5. Tod
[ 20 ] Wir haben früher einem Evolutionsvorgang immer in der sakramentalen Handlung einen Involutionsvorgang entgegengestellt; es sind aber allmählich die Evolutionsvorgänge ähnlich geworden den Involutionsvorgängen. Die Involutionsvorgänge in der Buße sind in einer gewissen Weise in äußerer Entfaltung dasjenige, was im Erinnerungsvorgang ganz innerlich beschlossen ist, es sind die Involutionsvorgänge also nach und nach genähert worden den Evolutionsvorgängen. Wir müssen, wenn wir jetzt die sakramentale Handlung haben wollen für diesen natürlichen Involutionsvorgang, den Tod, etwas an den Menschen heranbringen in kultusgemäßer, in ritualgemäßer Form, worin man nach einer geistigen Naturerkenntnis etwas sehen kann, mit dem man entgegentritt dem Sterbenden und an diesem Sterbenden etwas verrichtet, was in einer ähnlichen Weise sein geistig-seelisches Leben anregen soll, wie angeregt worden ist durch Naturvorgänge sein physisch-leibliches Wesen. Es soll, in Rhythmus ausgedrückt, beim Tode das Physisch-Leibliche wieder verschwinden, das Geistig-Seelische wiederum Form gewinnen. Aus gewissen Gründen, die wir noch zu erörtern haben werden, hat man immer in den Ölen, in allem Ölartigen dasjenige gesehen, was wiederum zum Geistig-Seelischen zurückführt. Der Ölungsvorgang wurde auch in der Natur als ein Verseeligungsvorgang angesehen. Daher vollführt man hier die heilige letzte Ölung. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
hl. Ölung
[ 21 ] Wir fügen gewissermaßen den Evolutionsvorgang dem Involutionsvorgang jetzt hinzu.
[ 22 ] Damit haben wir das individuelle Leben des Menschen erschöpft, und es bleiben noch zwei Beziehungen des Menschen vorhanden, die nicht mehr individueller Natur sind. Die eine Beziehung ist die, wo der Mensch, der hier auf Erden stehend ein physisch-leibliches Wesen ist, eingeht ein Verhältnis mit dem Geistig-Seelischen, wie es in den Himmeln bewahrt ist, so daß gewissermaßen die Nabelschnur zum Geistig-Seelischen, die durchschnitten worden ist, wiederum angeknüpft wird, des Menschen Tendierung zurückgeführt wird zu dem Geistig-Seelischen. Wir haben es dann nicht mit etwas Individuellem im Menschen zu tun, wir haben es mit einem Wechselverhältnis mit dem Himmlisch-Geistigen zu tun. Das aber ist etwas, was ja bei jedem Menschen, aber unbewußt, vorhanden ist. Wären wir ganz abgeschnürt von dem Geistig-Seelischen, wir könnten nimmermehr den Weg zurückfinden. Aber es ist ein tiefer Involutionsvorgang, der immerzu in uns vorhanden ist, ein ganz verborgener Vorgang, noch verborgener als das, was im Menscheninnern geschieht, wenn er mit seinem Organismus durch den Tod geht; daher ist es ein Prozeß, der im Verlauf des individuellen Lebens des Menschen überhaupt nicht zum Bewußtsein kommt. Dafür muß ein äußerlicher Evolutionsprozeß gesucht werden, und dieser Evolutionsprozeß ist dann gegeben im Ritual der Priesterweihe. Wir haben also sechstens einen Vorgang, der, wie gesagt, von selbst gegeben ist; die Verbindung, wie man sie nennen kann, und wir haben dementsprechend den äußeren, den Evolutionsvorgang in der Priesterweihe. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
6. Verbindung : Priesterweihe
[ 23 ] Und nun haben wir als Siebentes jenes Abbild im Irdischen, das im Irdischen das [Verhältnis zwischen] dem Geistig-Seelischen und dem Physisch-Leiblichen zum Ausdruck bringt; dieses Verhältnis ist auf naturgemäße Weise gegeben in dem Verhältnis zwischen Mann und Weib. Für jede richtige Anschauung ist ja das Verhältnis von Mann und Weib so, daß im Weibe dasjenige überwiegt, was den Menschen mehr nach dem Geistig-Seelischen hinneigt, im Manne dasjenige, was den Menschen mehr hinneigt nach dem PhysischLeiblichen. Ja, das ist so. Es ist gewissermaßen auf der Erde zum Ausdruck gebracht das Verhältnis, das der Mensch zum Geistigen hat; und es ist, ich möchte sagen, das Weib um eine Stufe weniger heruntergestiegen in das irdische Leben als der Mann. Man müßte das eigentlich noch anders sagen, man müßte sagen: Das Heruntersteigen in das irdische Leben würde durch eine gewisse Grenze bezeichnet werden können, das Weib erreicht diese Grenze nicht vollständig, der Mann aber überschreitet sie; darin besteht eigentlich der Gegensatz zwischen Mann und Weib, im Physisch-Leiblichen ausgedrückt. Es ist eine gewisse Grenze zu überschreiben, das Weib erreicht sie nicht vollständig, der Mann überschreitet sie. Beide tragen also eine gewisse Unvollkommenheit in sich; zwischen beiden besteht daher ein Spannungszustand. Und wenn für diesen Spannungszustand, der naturgemäß gegeben ist in dem Verhältnis zwischen Mann und Weib, sein sakramentaler Evolutionswert gesucht wird — es ist ein tief verborgener Involutionsvorgang, auf den wir hier hindeuten, wenn wir auf das Männliche und Weibliche hindeuten —, so haben wir den gegeben in dem Sakrament der Ehe. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
7. Mann u. Weib : Ehe
[ 24 ] Das ist dasjenige, was in der christlichen Esoterik immer gelegen hat in bezug auf den Sakramentalismus, insofern er auf den Menschen anzuwenden ist, daß der Mensch, der in die Welt hereintritt, zum Teil nur ausgestattet ist mit Evolutionswerten, zum Teil nur mit Involutionswerten, und daß immer dazugefügt werden muß durch das Sakrament zu dem Evolutionswert der Involutionswert, und zu dem Involutionswert der Evolutionswert. Man spricht gleichsam die Grundempfindung aus: Der Mensch tritt als ein unvollständiges Wesen in das irdische Dasein, er muß erst zu einem vollständigen Wesen gemacht werden. Als Individuelles drückt sich seine Unvollkommenheit aus in der Geburt, in der Reife, in der Verleiblichung, in der Erinnerung, im Tod. Dazu muß der Mensch, damit er vollkommen physisch-leiblich-geistig-seelisch lebt, hinzufügen auf sakramentale Weise: die Taufe, die Firmung, das Altarsakrament, die Buße und die letzte Ölung. In bezug auf das Soziale steht der Mensch in dem ausnahmsweisen Zustand der Priesterlichkeit drinnen, wo durch das äußere Zeichen in sakramentaler Weise in der Priesterweihe auch hingewiesen werden soll auf dasjenige, was tief verborgen als Involutionswert vorhanden ist. Und in der Heiligung der Ehe durch das Sakrament soll eben zum Ausdruck kommen, wie das, was nur unvollständig gegeben ist bei Mann und Weib als ein Involutionswert, durch eine äußere sakramentale Handlung, durch den entsprechenden Evolutionswert ergänzt wird.
[ 25 ] Das, was ich ihnen damit zunächst vorgeführt habe, bitte ich Sie, nicht in einseitiger naturalistischer Weise zu nehmen, sonst könnten Sie natürlich sagen, das wäre alles in einer einseitigen naturalistischen Weise gegeben. Fassen Sie als eine Einheit auf die äußere natürliche Welt und die innerliche moralisch-religiöse Welt, dann haben wir durchaus immer für einen innerlichen moralisch-religiösen Wert einen sakramentalen Evolutionswert. Und umgekehrt haben wir für etwas, was nach außen auftritt in Evolutionsform, nötig, einen Involutionswert zu suchen, das heißt, die Verinnerlichung für den Menschen zu suchen. Wir leben heute innerhalb unserer neueren Zivilisation fast einzig und allein in Evolutionswerten. Wir haben sehr notwendig, sakramental zu Involutionswerten wiederum zu kommen. Warum, meine lieben Freunde, haben die moralischen und die religiösen Wahrheiten für die heutige Menschheit eine so geringe Kraft? Sie haben geringe Kraft, weil es schon einmal notwendig ist, daß das, was an den Menschen herantritt, nicht bloß als Ermahnung und Gebot herantritt, sondern so, daß er gewahr wird, daß in diesem Herantreten ein wirkliches Durchdringen mit dem Göttlichen stattfindet. Das kann aber vor das menschliche Bewußtsein nur in der sakramentalen Handlung hintreten.
[ 26 ] Nun, Sie haben von mir verlangt, daß ich über dieses Sakramentale spreche. Das, was heute gefragt worden ist, ist eben zum großen Teil gar nicht zu beantworten, ohne daß man von dem spricht, was der eigentliche Grundgedanke und die Grundempfindung des Sakramentalen ist. Lebendig sind diese Grundempfindung und dieser Grundgedanke im Sakramentalen nicht mehr, im Grunde genommen schon nicht mehr seit jener Zeit, seit - selbstverständlich wiederum mit Recht — über das Sakramentale zu diskutieren begonnen worden ist. Aber wenn es auch heute nicht schon etwa in der Absicht liegen kann, außerhalb der katholischen Kirche alle Sakramente wieder aufzunehmen, so muß doch daran gedacht werden, wiederum zu einem wirklichen Kultus, zu wirklichen Ritualien zu kommen, weil nur diese, wie wir noch sehen werden, eigentlich gemeindebildend wirken können. Das ist es, was ich zunächst als eine Grundlage sagen wollte. Dann wollen wir weiter auf,die Fragen eingehen, die gestellt worden sind.
1.) Geburt : Taufe
2.) Reife : Firmung, Confirmation
3.) Verleiblichung : hl. Abendmahl
4.) Lebenserinnerung: Buße
5.) Tod : hl. Ölung
6.) Verbindung : Priesterweihe
7.) Mann u. Weib: Ehe
Thirteenth Lecture
Emil Bock: We have a wide range of questions, for example about the meaning of the seven sacraments, then about the difference between the Lutheran idea of redemption and the idea of redemption in anthroposophy, as well as about Paul's experience of Christ.
Constantin Neuhaus asks Dr. Steiner to elaborate on the meaning of the sacraments and asks to continue talking about consecration; he would be grateful to hear about holy water, the Eucharist, the meaning of the requiem and prayers for the dead, and about celibacy and marriage.
A participant asks, with reference to Dr. Steiner's account that he witnessed the host receiving an aura during the consecration: what would happen if the priest did not have full dignity?
Another participant would like to know something about the priest's contact with the dead.
Rudolf Steiner: These questions are all to be touched upon. In what sense did you mean this connection?
A participant: In the same way as it exists in the Catholic Church, connected with the priest's help at death, with the last sacrament.
Another participant mentions that the question has been raised several times as to what could be said about the cosmic significance of the standing still of the sun and moon at Joshua.
Another participant shares that there was something he did not understand from the morning lecture, namely: “Man has increasingly lost the ability to shape the divine within himself,” and would like to know what this shaping of the divine within oneself consists of.
[ 1 ] Rudolf Steiner: This is just a sentence explanation that is to be taken in such a way that in older times of the earth's development, man felt his way into his form; he is actually, if I may express it so, with his skin an enclosure of the divine being. This was particularly expressed by the use of a term that was truly a kind of mystery term: Man is a temple of God. — So this indwelling of a being that emerges directly from the divine was felt in man in older times. Then came times when only a few chosen ones were said to have the possibility of having something divine within them. And in essence, especially the mystery members at the time of the Mystery of Golgotha were thoroughly convinced that man in his earthly form could no longer harbor a divine essence within him, precisely because of the falling away that gradually took place up to [the time of] the Mystery of Golgotha. Thus the epoch would be characterized in such a way that one would say: Earth humanity has lost the old divine beings, and if the Mystery of Golgotha had not come – in contrast to which those in the know have said: the last one, but he who comes from outside to fulfill a human body, has become the first – then the earth would simply have entered into descending evolution, that is, into its downfall. That is the explanation that can be given as a word for word explanation.
[ 2 ] But all these things that have now been mentioned – and I would ask you to keep such questions and comments in mind – can only be properly answered when one goes into the essence of the sacraments. And allow me, as it were, to insert a little about this essence of the sacraments today. We will then be much more likely to be able to talk about holy water, the sign of the cross, the Eucharist, the sacrifice of the Mass, and so on, once we have covered these things.
[ 3 ] You know that the Catholic Church recognizes seven sacraments. This assumption of seven sacraments – and we will only understand the sacramental at all if we start from such assumptions as we now want to make – this assumption of seven sacraments is based precisely on the view that we have to consider the life of man in seven parts. But it is impossible to go into the essence of the sacrament if one does not absorb a certain premise, which today has actually more or less disappeared from contemporary consciousness. This premise, which I believe is also extremely important to what we discussed yesterday in the discussion hour, because it is connected with what I have so far only been able to characterize very briefly, with what actually underlies Luther's soul struggle.

[ 4 ] When we speak of development in today's sense, we actually have a somewhat one-sided idea. One always thinks, when speaking of development, that one must start from something; and what one starts from, like a germ, is then followed by a second, which emerges from it; then a third, which in turn emerges from it. In this way one thinks of development, always assuming that what follows should have resulted from what went before. But this concept of development is an extremely one-sided one in relation to reality, because that is not how development takes place. If you look at a plant in the state where it has fully developed the leaves, the blossom, up to the fruit organs, then you can think in terms of the developmental concept just characterized. (It is drawn on the blackboard, on the left). But you can no longer think in this way if you start from the root, or rather from the germ, and then seek the germ in the flower. You have to say: there is a state in the successive growth in which you are dealing with the greatest outward development, and there is another state in which you are dealing with the least outward development. So when the leaf shoots of a plant develop in all directions, the corollas develop upwards and the fruit vessels develop, we are dealing with an outwards development. But then, in rhythm, this development alternates with the opposite, where, so to speak, the whole being withdraws, so that what is outwardly apparent becomes the most inconspicuous imaginable, but instead the full power is concentrated in one point. If we want to speak in Goethean terms, we would have to say: in the first instance, during the unfolding, the spiritual is withdrawn and the sensual is developed in the broadest sense (it is drawn on the blackboard), and here, where the growth is contracted, the spiritual is developed and the sensual is compressed into the most unimpressive germ conceivable. So when we speak of the concept of development, we must always bear in mind that we have to speak of a rhythm, but we can only come to terms with the concept of rhythm if we focus on what nature is. At the moment we penetrate into history, the matter becomes somewhat more complicated. Take, for example, the period of time in the course of historical development that I characterized yesterday, from Augustinus to Luther. (It is written on the board:)
Augustinus ————————————————————— Luther
[ 5 ] It is extraordinarily significant to visualize everything that took place during this period, both externally and internally, in the external cultural life and in the internal spiritual and psychological life of humanity. Consider that this period includes the infinitely significant mysticism of a...1The stenographer did not record a name at this point. In the stenographer's own plain text transcription (an original stenograph is no longer available), it is noted that the name contained a “B”. that the composition of the booklet, which also played such an important role for Luther played such a great role for Luther's outlook, the Theologia deutsch, and if we consider that immediately after this period something remarkable comes to expression, arising from the depths of historical development in minds such as Paracelsus and Jakob Böhme, that is, afterwards. When we consider this matter, we have the impression, above all, that during this period of Western development there is a strong inwardness. People's souls are turning inward. If you thoroughly immerse yourself in the kind of discussions that Johannes Tauler, for example, gave in his sermons, you will find a striving towards the inner being, a withdrawal from the outer, a waiting until, as they called it, a spark arises in the inner being, which can then renew the human soul. I have also characterized this in my booklet on medieval mysticism. If you look at Tauler's striving for such an internalization, if we see how he, after becoming more and more mature through this internalization in the course of his life, comes together in a very mysterious way with a personality, and how this personality, simply by the impression he was so impressed by something that it transformed his already deep inner life, so that this was the occasion for a sermon that was described in such a way that all who listened in the church were so struck that some of them fell down as if dead; they were so moved in the depths of their souls that they fainted completely. If you consider all this, you will find that during this time there was an enormous internalization of Western life in a large number of people. And if I could tell you in detail, my dear friends, what role was played again and again by reading, interpreting, and even dramatic performance of the Gospel of Luke, this most intimate Gospel, in this whole development, and if we look at the pastoral care of this time, we find the peculiar character of interiorization spread over this whole period. And we then find that with the end of this period – it is already preparing from the middle of the 15th century, it comes out precisely at Luther's time – general culture takes on a certain externalization. In everything, the opposite of the medieval internalization gradually develops. People's gaze is directed outwards, methods of observation are developed outwards, and less and less care is taken inside. There we have it – and we are still in the midst of this externalization in relation to the [evolution] of culture – there we have it clearly in history as well, two successive states that are as different as the developed plant is from the plant that is contracted in a center. So we have the same thing [as with the plant in history] that during such a period of internalization, as it was from Augustine to Luther – and this period of internalization was present despite what I have said this morning – all strength is concentrated internally, which comes out later, which unfolds later.
[ 6 ] My dear friends! In everything that is external culture, we are working today with the forces that humanity developed internally in the time from Augustine to Calvin or to Luther. And when we consider development in this way, it falls into an evolutionary state, which is development, and an involutionary state, so that evolution and involution follow each other rhythmically. (The following is written on the board:)
[ 7 ] And only when we study this rhythmic change of evolution and involution in all areas, we come to understand the full development.
[ 8 ] But man is now the most complex being, because he is a real microcosm. In him, what has been established here as evolution and involution in terms of concept takes on the most complex form. We will first present this most complex form to our souls in individual phenomena. Let us first think of birth. (The following is written on the blackboard:)
1. Birth
[ 9 ] When we look at birth, that is, at the context of what forces its way out of embryonic life, what takes place between conception and the actual birth, we have a hindering of what was previously spiritual-soul in the human being to the material. The spiritual-soul is incorporated into the material. This is indeed a very complicated process, which has not yet been properly studied by physiology in its actual deeper significance. For the germ development is, I would say, only incompletely studied. It is usually only studied in such a way that one starts with the germ cell, with the formation of the germ cell, the formation of the vagina germ, in short, one follows the evolution up from the first germ cell, which is fertilized by its formation products and so on, until the embryo is mature and is then expelled. But we do not follow at the same time what develops in the chorion and amnion in the maternal body, which are around the embryo and which are the most perfect in their kind at the beginning of embryonic development, and which then become more complicated and are rejected at the birth of the embryo. In what emerges from the germ, we are dealing with an ascending evolution, and the involution consists in the soul-spiritual gradually passing over from the organs in which it first took hold in the maternal organism, from the chorion, from the amnion, then gradually to the actual egg germ, to the actual embryo, so that we have an involution of the spiritual-soul in the material. The material is shed, and then we have a subsequent evolution of the embryo. The embryo is born and now, as I have already explained to you, it continues the forces that it developed during the embryonic period. This goes as far as the development of speech and remains in our organism even later. So, during the whole of our life on earth, we carry within us the forces that remain within us as remnants of embryonic development: the forces of birth. These forces of birth develop and evolve in us like a natural gift. This happens, if I may use the expression, which sounds trivial, by itself. But in us, as soon as we take our first breath, as soon as we come into contact with the outside world, the other process begins, the process that can be described as a dying process. From the very beginning, we have the forces of dying within us at the same time. But our spiritual and mental intercourse with the outside world is incorporated into these forces of dying. We die through perceiving, we die through thinking. Through perceiving, through thinking, dying processes are incorporated into us. This is the opposite process to the evolutionary process of birth. Just as humanity has developed since the period of time roughly before and after the mystery of Golgotha, the changes I have spoken of are also occurring to humanity, and in a certain way man must hallow the involutionary process, the process opposite to evolution. Evolution is natural, it is a gift of nature; that which is given to us as birth and which then continues to work, that is a gift of nature. But when we begin to feel the process of involution, which takes hold of us as a process of dying, then, since the de-divinization of the world of which I spoke to you this morning, it must be hallowed, that is to say, something must be introduced into it that can proceed from the Christ Impulse. And so, since the development of Christianity, we see in the process of dying something to which a sacrament must be added; that is the sacrament of baptism. We shall have to speak about its ritual later, so that we can say: What birth is as an evolutionary process, baptism should become as an involutionary process. We should add to the rhythm into which we are placed through birth, so to speak, the swinging back of the pendulum in baptism. (It is written on the board:)
[ 10 ] The second evolutionary process that occurs in our lives is the one that manifests itself most strongly when a person reaches sexual maturity, when his physical body and etheric body have reached a certain stage of development and the astral body begins to develop particularly strongly, when therefore what separates in every state of sleep comes into a new connection. During sleep, the physical body and the etheric body remain in bed, while the astral body and the ego go out. Human life therefore consists of an intimate connection between the physical and etheric bodies, but initially a looser connection between these two and the astral body and the ego. In the waking state, these four [limbs] interpenetrate, but in the sleeping state, the astral body and the ego are out of the physical and etheric bodies, so the connection is looser. But this connection comes to a certain modification, it actually only comes to maturity [in the 14th, 15th, 16th year of life], it only [then] comes to the right interaction with that which we have separated from the physical body during sleep, which remains in bed during sleep. The right harmony only occurs in the 14th, 15th, 16th year of life. At that time, an inner strength takes hold of the human being, through which he permeates his physical body with his spiritual soul, that is, with his astral and with his I-being. This expresses itself outwardly in the onset of puberty, which is only the very outermost manifestation of a complete transformation of the whole human being. That which begins as an evolutionary process can be described as maturity. (It is written on the board:)
2. Maturity
[ 11 ] This is the process of evolution. The corresponding process of involution, which is related to maturity just as baptism is related to birth, is confirmation. (The following is written on the blackboard:)
Firmung. Confirmation
[ 12 ] The task of confirmation is thus – and we shall see what the appropriate ritual for it can be – to give the ego and the astral body, in the Christian sense, body, whereby everything that develops with maturity through the modified connection of the I and the astral body, the spiritual-soul with the physical-bodily, evolves with maturity.
[ 13 ] We thus enter an age in which we have another aspect in terms of development: We have submerged with our soul and spirit into the physical body. The physical body has taken hold of our soul and spirit, and the soul and spirit has entered into a certain union with the physical body. This is the state of development that we, if we want to regard it as an evolutionary process, describe as the incorporation of the spiritual-soul in the human being. We can say: the third evolutionary process is incarnation. (It is written on the board:)
3. Incarnation
[ 14 ] If we now look for the corresponding involutionary process, we must, above all, my dear friends, see that, by evolving this submerging of his spiritual-soul life into the physical body as a special power of his being, man is continually in a kind of vibrational state, in the return to the spiritual-soul, in the re-immersion in the physical-corporeal, so that he is in a rhythm that threatens him either to ecstatically lose himself in the spiritual-soul or to fall down into the animalistic, into complete incarnation. What man needs is something that can counteract this evolutionary process as an involutionary process, and this involutionary process is the reception of Holy Communion. The involutionary process for incarnation is Holy Communion. (It is written on the board:)
Holy Communion
[ 15 ] Speaking of evolution as we have done so far, we can say that the human being with his soul and spirit is constantly confronted with the physical body; at every moment, man must take care to get into the right rhythm so that he does not let his soul and spirit sink into the animalistic, or that he leaves the physical alone and, as it were, becomes unworldly and absorbed in the soul and spirit, which would weaken the soul and spirit. This is what man must seek, in order to bring himself into the right rhythm by receiving the Holy Communion.
[ 16 ] But this does not yet constitute complete human evolution. Complete human evolution includes not only being in this vibration between the spiritual-soul and the physical-bodily in the individual moment, but complete evolution also includes always being able to swing back in time. We need the memory of our previous experiences on earth. You only have to look at the field of psychopathology to see what it means for a person when their normal, correct memory is destroyed, undermined or somehow erased. This recollection may develop early, but only that which is connected with this recollection, the complete feeling of oneself inwardly, the complete coming to oneself, only enters after maturation. There is a difference, which only today's modern psychology does not consider, between what is present, for example, in the child's memory life up to the age of 15 or 16, which is quite different from later on, when one summarizes the memory again, so that the memory, by having it, actually consolidates the full firmness of the I. In short, we see that what we can call memory of life consolidates more and more. It is one of our necessities, it is that which also evolves out of our human essence. (It is written on the board:)
4. Memory
[ 17 ] And the corresponding involutionary process is what has been felt in Christianity as the sacrament of penance. (It is written on the blackboard:)
[ 18 ] In this way, the process of recollection is Christianized; in that it is Christianized, the process of recollection is at the same time elevated to the moral. Here man does not merely consolidate his ego, but here he is led—by bringing back memory to a complete elevation of that about which he also wants to give account in a moral sense, by developing the process into a sacrament and interspersing it with worship—to the involutionary process of penance, which in Catholicism consists of various parts, all of which clearly proceed from memory. Penance consists, of course, [in Catholicism] in the examination of conscience, in repentance, in the earnest intention to discard the faults of which one has become aware, in what confession is – we will have to talk about this again – and in what one imposes on oneself or what one imposes on one of the pastors as retribution. It is in this structure that full repentance consists, and it is the expression of what the involutionary process should be in relation to the evolutionary process of total memory, that is, of what the power of memory is in man.
[ 19 ] But that, my dear friends, exhausts the processes that take place in man as evolutionary processes from birth, and we then have the fact that man now tends in a natural way towards an involutionary process. We have a succession of evolutions. In memory, the succession of evolutions has in turn already been strongly internalized. Memory thus represents an internalization of what unfolded outwardly as birth. By further developing this, we come to the fifth, which is quite naturally an involutionary process, we come to death, which concludes the life of the individual human being. (It is written on the board:)
5. Death.
[ 20 ] We have previously always contrasted an evolutionary process with an involutionary process in the sacramental act; however, the evolutionary processes have gradually become similar to the involutionary processes. The involutionary processes in penance are, in a certain sense, outwardly what is inwardly concluded in the process of remembrance; thus, the involutionary processes have gradually been approximated to the evolutionary processes. If we now want to have a sacramental act for this natural involutionary process, for death, we have to introduce something to people in a cultic, ritual form in which, according to a spiritual knowledge of nature, one can see something with which one can approach the dying person and perform something on this dying person that is intended to stimulate his spiritual and soul life in a similar way to how his physical body has been stimulated by natural processes. Expressed in rhythm, the physical body should disappear again at death, and the spiritual and soul life should take form. For certain reasons, which we will have to discuss later, one has always seen in oils, in everything oil-like, that which in turn leads back to the spiritual-soul. The oiling process was also seen in nature as a process of ensoulment. That is why one performs the holy last unction here. (It is written on the blackboard:)
Holy Unction
[ 21 ] We are now adding the evolutionary process to the involutionary process, so to speak.
[ 22 ] With that, we have exhausted the individual life of the human being, and there remain two relationships of the human being that are no longer of an individual nature. One relationship is where the human being, who is a physical-bodily being standing here on earth, enters into a relationship with the spiritual-soul, as it is preserved in the heavens, so that, as it were, the umbilical cord to the spiritual-soul, which has been cut, is again attached, the human being's tendency is led back to the spiritual-soul. We are then dealing not with something individual in the human being, but with an interrelationship with the heavenly-spiritual. But this is something that is present in every human being, albeit unconsciously. If we were completely cut off from the spiritual-soul, we could never find our way back. But there is a profound involutionary process that is constantly present in us, a very hidden process, even more hidden than what happens within the human being when he passes through death with his organism; therefore it is a process that does not come to consciousness at all in the course of the individual's life. For this, an external evolutionary process must be sought, and this evolutionary process is then given in the ritual of priestly ordination. So, sixthly, we have a process that, as I said, is given by itself; the connection, as one can call it, and we have accordingly the external, the evolutionary process in priestly ordination. (It is written on the board:)
6. Connection: Priestly ordination.
[ 23 ] And now, as the seventh, we have that image in the earthly, which expresses the [relationship between] the spiritual-soul and the physical-bodily in the earthly; this relationship is naturally given in the relationship between man and woman. For every correct view, the relationship between man and woman is such that in woman that which inclines man more towards the spiritual-soul prevails, and in man that which inclines man more towards the physical-bodily. Yes, that is so. The relationship that man has to the spiritual is, so to speak, expressed on earth; and I would like to say that the woman has descended one step less into earthly life than the man. Actually, it should be expressed differently. One should say: the descent into earthly life could be characterized by a certain boundary. Woman does not fully reach this boundary, but man crosses it. This is the actual contrast between man and woman, expressed in physical and bodily terms. There is a certain boundary to be crossed, woman does not fully reach it, man crosses it. Thus, both carry a certain imperfection within them; and so there is a state of tension between the two. And if we seek the sacramental evolutionary value of this state of tension, which is naturally present in the relationship between man and woman – it is a deeply hidden involutionary process that we are hinting at here when we hint at the masculine and feminine – we find it in the sacrament of marriage. (It is written on the blackboard:)
7. Man and Woman: Marriage.
[ 24 ] This is what has always been present in Christian esotericism in relation to sacramentalism, insofar as it can be applied to the human being, that the human being, enters the world is endowed only in part with evolutionary values, in part only with involutionary values, and that the involutionary value must always be added to the evolutionary value through the sacrament, and the involutionary value to the evolutionary value. One expresses, as it were, the basic feeling: the human being enters earthly existence as an incomplete being, he must first be made into a complete being. As an individual, his imperfection is expressed in birth, in maturity, in embodiment, in memory, in death. To this, in order to live fully in body, soul and spirit, man must add in a sacramental way: baptism, confirmation, the sacrament of the altar, penance and extreme unction. In terms of the social, the human being is in the exceptional state of priesthood, which is also to be pointed out by the external sign in a sacramental way in the consecration of a priest. And the sanctification of marriage through the sacrament is meant to express how what is only incompletely present in man and woman as an involutionary value is supplemented by an external sacramental act, by the corresponding evolutionary value.
[ 25 ] I ask you not to take what I have shown you so far in a one-sided naturalistic way, otherwise you could of course say that this is all given in a one-sided naturalistic way. If you look at the outer natural world and the inner moral-religious world as a unity, then we always have a sacramental evolutionary value for every inner moral-religious value. And conversely, for something that appears externally in evolutionary form, we need to look for an involutionary value, that is, for the internalization of the human being. Today, within our newer civilization, we live almost exclusively in evolutionary values. We urgently need to return to sacramental involutionary values. Why, my dear friends, do moral and religious truths have so little power for today's humanity? They have little power because it is necessary that what approaches man does not do so merely as admonition and commandment, but in such a way that he becomes aware that in this approach a real penetration with the divine takes place. But this can only come before human consciousness in the sacramental act.
[ 26 ] Now, you have asked me to speak about this sacramental. What has been asked today cannot be answered without speaking of the actual basic idea and feeling of the sacramental. These basic feelings and ideas are no longer alive in the sacramental, basically no longer since that time, since - of course rightly - the sacramental began to be discussed. But even if it cannot be the intention today to reinstate all the sacraments outside the Catholic Church, it must be borne in mind that we need to return to a genuine cult, to genuine rituals, because only these, as we shall see, can actually have the effect of forming communities. That is what I wanted to say first as a basis. Then we will go on to discuss the questions that have been asked.
(Blackboard writing:)
1.) birth: baptism
2.) coming of age: confirmation
3.) incarnation: Holy Communion
4.) remembrance: repentance
5.) death: anointing
6.) connection: ordination
7.) man and woman: marriage