Foundation Course
Spiritual Discernment, Religious Feeling, Sacramental Action
GA 343
30 September 1921 p.m., Dornach
IX. Religious Feeling and Intellectualism
Emil Bock: I would like to introduce today's discussion hour and assume I have your understanding when I ask that yesterday's questions which have remained open, will, where possible, be considered again today. I believe I have your support for this. If you want me to clarify this request on your behalf, it will be to deal with the complex of questions regarding the apostolic succession coming into the question in future, where the need for the establishment of a new tradition must be expected, so to speak. In relation to this the question is important, how we, who are mostly Protestants, would relate to the work and personality of Luther, and go back to Luther's stance on the sacraments and to the whole Mystery content of Christianity. If I'm properly informed, that was the question which now appears to us as the next one, and I would very much like Doctor Steiner to enter into these questions as far as he considers possible.
[ 1 ] Rudolf Steiner: My dear friends! I will try to continue with what was implied in this relationship started here yesterday in such a way that the many questions, which actually have to come out of such an examination, from the most varied sides, can then be considered further, because for this program of the Dornach course, it would be of the utmost necessity that as far as possible, no doubt and uncertainties would remain.
[ 2 ] I would endeavour to go into the actual complex of questions and through this we will perhaps reach what underlies them, for further discussion. In fact, everything that licentiate Bock has just said is actually connected, so I may say it is important what opinions rise up among you now, regarding the position of Protestantism and Catholicism. I believe I can accept that you have come here from quite a positive foundation, namely to find a way out of today's religious turmoil. I myself don't want to say that it is obviously my wish to influence this towards the one or other side. Indeed, it doesn't concern some or other knowledge, but is about decisions of will, and these must rise out of inner convictions, being able of course to be motivated in the most varied ways, so we must actually discuss the possible motivation of their willed decisions. For example, a lot will depend upon your decisions of intent with regard the abyss that gapes between Catholicism and evangelical Christianity, between Protestantism and so on. Isn't it true, your resolution will be substantially different—I am now referring to the resolution of the majority of those present here—if you take into account that the Christian impulse, considered as widely as possible, in for example community building, can become that which the Christ wills for the world. However, regarding Catholicism—where I now separate Catholicism strictly from the Roman—Catholic Church—you could not find in Catholicism a possibility to bridge the abyss to the evangelistic side, if you don't gain a mutual understanding about the sacramentalism anchored in the Catholic world.
Naturally you could also be of the opinion: we are not concerned at all, we want to create a life-filled church-based movement and then show how this viable church movement asserts itself in the world.—You could also take on this point of view: that doesn't require such a strict understanding of Catholicism as such. However, you could only gain support in the judgement regarding this direction, after you have found clarity in some historic foundations about the basis for the opening of this abyss. Today the situation is actually like this; if a person has remained within Catholicism, is standing within practical Catholicism, then he actually can't understand the evangelical mind. Neither will someone who has grown up in the evangelical-protestant tradition, who is really connected to the various nuances in modern views anchored in the Protestant churches, be able to find the way over the abyss easily. It is precisely the reason for this question that must be understood before a decision can be reached.
[ 3 ] Catholicism carries within it that view which has disappeared from modern consciousness, actual modern consciousness from which has disappeared, one could say if you want to be precise, since the 15th century. It was quite appropriate—but again connected with Roman political impulses, which then allowed the appropriate background to come in—it was quite appropriate, in a certain way, to keep Catholicism in mind and make it a duty for the Catholic clerics to return to the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, in other words, the philosophy promoting the culmination of philosophical thinking before the 15th century. One can say that to live without this philosophy, one can actually find no theory of knowledge for the justification of sacramentalism, as practiced in the Catholic Church. By contrast the protestant-evangelical consciousness lies within this development which was only imposed after the 15th century. If you want to live through the wrestling of these two currents you can look at the work of Nicolaus Cusanus, who already in the 15th century, one might say, with all intensity, raised the question for itself: How does the past and the future stand beside one another in my soul? Cusanus, by going back to certain soul experiences, connected with the name of Dionysius Areopagita, and was able to build a bridge for himself.
[ 4 ] I said yesterday that the Protestant quite rightly sees something magical in the way the Catholic performs Mass, and that is certainly correct. Because of our adaptation of the modern-day educational material, we are incapable of admitting to this magic. If you come with a modern consciousness you would not be able to find any difference between a sacrificial Mass as presented in the continuity of Christian evolution and a sacrificial Mass which is simply presented in words, symbols and gestures, perceptible by outer senses, as taking place in the Mass. Beyond the understanding of the content lies the understanding of that which is the sacrifice of Mass for the Catholic; this is connected with the unifying understanding of the world which has got lost for modern humanity, the unified understanding of the world which is understood on the one side by the spirit and on the other side from nature. I could say the route of knowledge has turned more to the side of nature while insight into the spiritual world has disappeared, and as a result of this, the possibilities to perceive certain mysteries. With this I don't want to say that in the consciousness of every Catholic priest there is also a substantial content about the sacrifice of the Mass. Still, in the Catholic community there is an awareness of this substantial content of the sacrifice of Mass to such a degree that one can still speak about the reality of it in the present.
[ 5 ] I can't make anything presented here, clearer to you in any other way, than through the view of knowledge. Everything, my dear friends, which is woven into our discussions during these days, what is presented in the Elaborat of Dr Rittelmeyer and the Elaborat of Dr Schairer, regarding the determination of the religious and the differentiation of the religious point of view from the point of view of knowledge, all this is incomprehensible to the Catholic. It basically doesn't exist for him. When he considers it as a modernist or someone like that, then he is basically already accepted by Protestantism even within Catholicism. For the Catholics none of these things give rise to some or other question; for them you can't formulate questions in this way. For true Catholicism, the assumption is that there should be a mere emotional human relationship to God, without a religious dogmatic content, something quite incomprehensible; the religious dogma should connect itself with the supersensible world. Certainly, you could say, the Scholastics do this, making a differentiation, as Protestantism adopts in a different way, regarding what one can know and what one should purely believe. However, the Scholastics don't make this differentiation in the same way. For the scholastic the difference lies between truths, acquired simply through human reason, and those truths which lie at the basis of revelation, basically only relate to the various ways people come to the content; but it is still not a fundamental difference. For scholasticism it is true that the Preambuli fidei are certainly there, acquired through ordinary reason, above which lies the truth of revelation, but the truth of revelation also has a real content with which one can have a thinking relationship, like the scientific truths, which also promote a relationship through thinking. Therefore, one's relationship to the revelations is the same kind of relationship one has to scientific truths. There is only a difference in relation to the way people arrive at the truth, not a fundamental difference as we have been discussing here, these days. There is something extraordinarily important here, and from it comes the basis of the abyss.
[ 6 ] You see, in order to clarify the sacramental and mass aspects to you here, I have to approach through the content of knowledge. If you look today at the two outer poles of human existence, the birth with the embryo and conception—I want to place these three in a unified term of "birth"—with birth on the one side and death on the other, so you understand what happens for the physical human being, even according to the order of scientific events. Today's human being, even if he is a theologian, speaks about birth and death as if they are scientific facts, involving physical man. That's exactly why in this day and age the wall between faith and knowledge has been so ruggedly erected, because one wants to keep something which has been taken away through purely scientific knowledge about birth and death, as one admittedly doesn't want for religion, to classify it in terms of knowledge.
How does a person regard birth today? It must seem a peculiar thing that I speak to you about birth, when I want to speak about Mass, but I would not be able to speak about Mass, without also speaking about birth. People see birth according to the study of embryology and ask: What happens to the embryonic germ through the fructification?—Then they ask: How is the male and how is the female substance of inheritance absorbed, and what actually goes on there, scientifically observable, from the forefathers to the child?—Today's man must, with all the antecedents of his scientific education, certainly take this point of view. This point of view exercises such a colossal suggestive view on modern man, that if this point of view is not according to science, it is regarded as nonsense. Everything which is brought up in the human being and is thereby entangled with his thinking habits, leads the human being to phrase his question in this way. Then he can, when he says: 'This question can be answered by science'—at least add: 'Faith remains the way in which the body and the soul may unite.' Yet, it is actually not so. Here lies one of the points where you can make yourself quite demonstrative; for Anthroposophy it is quite important to connect with science and develop it further. Through anthroposophic research it is shown that the concept of matter, as it exists in the human organism, becomes fully disabled in its mode of action. If one looks at a fertilized female egg and its further development, one actually is looking at something which through conception, has excluded itself from all possible earthly events. In the fertilized egg a chaos is created in which all processes available to science, are initially excluded. If I present it schematically it will end here. (A drawing is made on the blackboard.)
Through the fertilization, as far as it happens in the human being, a place is created within earth's processes, where everything stops which could be accessible to natural science. Through this exclusion the possibility is created, at this point, for cosmic activity to take place, peripheral cosmic processes. Within this place something happens which is not accessible to material science.
Here I'm drawing the earth, here is the realm of human beings, this is the periphery beyond which you can go, far beyond measure. While most of us, actually in the realm human beings have the earth's processes, also with the father and mother, we have here—in this circle which I'm drawing—effects from the periphery, from the immeasurable expanse, so that, what is happening here, may be transferred and enter into the scientifically given world. It is an imagination which is quite far away from modern man, because it has been lost since the 15th century.

[ 7 ] When you are in the proximity of Nepal and walk over the earth, you only need to put a flame to a piece of paper and light it, to see how it smokes out of the earth. Those of you who have travelled in Italy would have seen this: it smokes out of the earth. Why does this happen? It is because what would rise from within the earth is usually held by the air pressure; by lighting a piece of paper the air pressure is reduced and what is below, in the earth, now pushes out.
[ 8 ] Through the fertilization the earth processes are excluded, and this enables the heavenly processes to be active. The reverse is what you can demonstrate with a volcanic vent. While we just examine earthly phenomena we have mainly to do with centralized processes, in other words that which rays out from the earth's centre, basically in the direction of gravity, whereas when we consider embryonic processes it is in relation to peripheral processes, which to some extent come from out of immeasurable widths, working in towards the centre. They become effective the moment the earth's effectiveness is excluded. If we go into what is taking place here, then with human embryonic development we need to examine what the participation of the entire cosmos has in the origins of mankind, and not look at precursors which are earthly. Secondly it happens—and it happens further along the embryonic development—that it enters into a relationship with physical matter. Thirdly, what happens is that which has come to the human beings out of the spiritual world and entered the physical world and all that can be in its emerging, everything which had come from the cosmos as periphery-central, in contrast with central-peripheral, now comes into the centre. Through all of this, only now earthly processes come about, man's utilisation of the earthly. The fourth event, the last one, is the preparation for inner human love which only appears when the individual has learnt to speak. So we can say that the precursors which take place through birth are the following: the human being's descent from the spiritual community: if you like the word, it could be "excommunication," meaning the descent, the coming down. (He writes on the blackboard.)
- Descent. The second is the entering of the relationship with matter. (Writes on the blackboard:)
- Relationship with matter. The third is entitlement to the centralising forces of the earth: adaptation to the earthly. (Writes on the blackboard:)
- Adaptation to the earth And the fourth is perceptibility, the ability to speak which however only emerges after the birth, to the extent of what embryonic activity took place. (Writes on the blackboard:)
- Ability to speak. We come closer to the mystery of birth in quite another way if we look at it like this, my dear friends. How can we come closer to the mystery of death which is the other pole of human life? If we now go in reverse, and we begin with the Ability to Speak (Writes on the blackboard:)
Gospel 1.
[ 9 ] Then we create in contrast to the entitlement of the centralising earthly forces, the resurrection, the re-adaptation of the periphery: this happens in the sacrifice of smoke. The opposite of "three" is what we are doing by taking what we receive and adapting it to the earth, to the smoke counteracting the earth's centralizing forces. (Writes on the blackboard:)
Offering 2.
[ 10 ] In other words, what are we doing here? We first speak the Word in the Gospel, and we become conscious that we express this Word in such a way that it is not our word in the sense as I've said yesterday, but that it goes over into objectivity. We relinquish the Word to the smoke—smoke which is capable of adapting the form of the words. Certainly you may say it is suggestive, but still, only suggestive. The Offering consists in the expressed word, which creates waves, being trusted to the smoke, carried up in the smoke. Our word itself becomes carried up. If we turn the relationship to matter around, then we arrive at the dematerialization in the transubstantiation, in the transformation. (Writes on the blackboard:)
Transubstantiation 3.
[ 11 ] In our becoming a child out of the periphery of the cosmos and drawing in our 'I,' in death we withdraw, and we have for this the sign of the transubstantiation, the de-materialization. Where does this power come from? See, just as the peripheral forces work towards the centre when we speak about birth, these forces which we have called up in the offering, work outwards into the world. They work because we have entrusted our words into the smoke. They now work from out of the centre and they carry the dematerialised words through the power of the speaker and in this way, we come into the position, to fulfil the fourth, the opposite of the descent, the merging with the Above, the communion. (Writes on the blackboard:)
Communion 4.
[ 12 ] Now, however my dear friends, we are not only born in the beginning of our lives but forces active at birth continue to work in us. These forces, however, do decrease when we are separated from our mother's body into the outer air. They become subdued but continue working to a lesser extent. The most obvious continuation lies in the creation of languages from the embryonic forces, also in relation to the rest of the organism. Besides the forces creating language, embryonic forces continue to work and do so most strongly from the moment of going to sleep to that of waking up. Thus, embryonic forces work more strongly during sleep than when people are awake. It is only an extract which had been working during the time of being an embryo, yet during hours of restful sleep these embryonic forces continue to work. Forces of death also work in us continuously. Every moment we are born, and we die. Death forces are working. The reverse processes which had descended to work in the development of language continue to work in us; this process works in us, which come from the Gospel through to communion, from the speech up to the union with the Divine-spiritual. However, that which is a sacrament in the Mass, is fulfilled in an outer process which continuously counteracts what is being born in us. This is what amounts to the continuous perpetual forces of death in us.
[ 13 ] You see, this sacramental process would have been fulfilled in the old Mysteries. Why could they have been accomplished in the old Mysteries? They could have been fulfilled because a certain inherited spiritual perceptivity was available for them. The very moment when a person who lived before the Mystery of Golgotha, pronounced the corresponding words, therefore expressing what we have in the Gospels today, these words were taken into account by the Divine-spiritual. With the ceremony the people surrendered their continuous dying process to the Divine-spiritual forces. These Divine-spiritual forces left the earth during the time of the Mystery of Golgotha. It is only a historical prejudice to believe that the earth is in a continuous development. This is not so; it is certainly not. If the Mystery of Golgotha had not been fulfilled then we could not fulfil such a ceremony, then what dies is given over to the etheric and astral worlds and not, however, to the world where our 'I' belongs. It was not like that before the Mystery of Golgotha.
Here we touch on something, dear friends, which people with their intellectual education can't believe at all because they don't have the antecedents to it. They can't believe that fire, air, water and earth since the time of the Mystery of Golgotha are different from before. It only appears as determined by a time, not that the following could be answered: What would have happened to the earth if the Mystery of Golgotha had not taken place?—So let's just switch the Mystery of Golgotha off, and we can ask ourselves: What would have become of this ceremony if the event of the Mystery of Golgotha had not happened?
[ 14 ] It would be a procedure that, driven by the process of death, would only have conserved our being up to our astral body. The physical body would lose itself into the earth, the ether body would become indistinct in the etheric seas, and the astral body would enter into the astral world, but the I would be corrupted; the I would have to reach its end in some or other incorporation; the I could not go through the portal of death. That is the secret of earth evolution, that, before our time calculation began, the human being retained something which could have been redeemed by going through the gate of death, and which could be made clear through this ceremony. This ceremony, had the Mystery of Golgotha not intervened, would have become what it could have, if the last of the spiritual beings who still had a relationship to the human I, had departed from warmth, air, water, earth, and as in warmth, air, water and air only those beings remained, which still had a connection to our etheric, who have a further relationship to our astral, but no more with our human I.
[ 15 ] This, my dear friends, was the huge fear for the demons when they recognised Christ, who had descended on to the earth. They believed they could now take on the control and eradicate the human I from earth. It is clearly expressed in the Gospels, how the demons behaved when they recognised who had arrived. They knew their plan for the world was crossed out, they had hoped—from out of the spheres where they had originated, they could hope for it—to take the earth's rulership into their own hands. Christ stepped on to the earth and that which the Christ had brought down from the spiritual worlds into earthly events, gave the ceremony its new content, and in this ceremony the presence of the Christ Being took place.
[ 16 ] This is something which certainly can be accessed through spiritual science. You really need to take this up in yourselves, what I have, in a way, only drawn in threads, sketched, as if given in a little drawing. The human being needs to start arriving at a real understanding for the mystery of birth, which appears in nature as a sacrament itself, because it is supernatural, and an understanding must be created for the sacrament within the sacrifice of Mass, which becomes supernatural through the presence of Christ. For those who can't reason, as I've just spoken, for those who can't understand the actual process in the outcry of the lower demons when they saw the deeds of Christ, and only regard this outcry of the demons as a comparison, taking it as something exhausted in the meaning of words, don't understand anything about sacramental deeds, and in particular, the central sacramental ritual of the sacrifice of Mass.
[ 17 ] Unfortunately, humanity has forgotten that they could speak about these things since the first third of the 15th century. Today we are confronted with not only what is customary in the country, but also what has become customary on earth, to appear like a maniac when words are uttered considering the outcry of the demons as a real event when they saw the Christ. We often have the experience: What is wisdom before God, has become foolishness to the world. Then again what is foolishness before the world, in present times is so often wisdom before the gods.
[ 18 ] So the time has arrived when the sacramental element is not at all able to penetrate, because intellectualism is seizing all circles with such power—it works firstly on our religious and scientific areas—that it also seizes the religious and above all, things concerning theology. It's connected to external events, my dear friends, that took place, and you can see it resulted in what had actually developed out of church schools as a teaching for humanity, first preserved in the universities. If you want to continue taking this further you can study the way universities continued from the 14th century onwards, where the spiritual evolution gradually became removed from human evolution, how they gradually became secularized and how in due course what was within the spiritual led to the worldly. Make a study of how state waged war with the church, and how the state—because the church insisted on it—at most left the teaching content within it as an enclave but otherwise the spiritual has been taken out of humanity's evolution. This historical evolution you have to experience, you must even be able to feel it. We stand today in the presence of many cold hearts in historical development. We have completely stopped feeling religious at least as far as historical development is concerned. How can we gain from the Gospels at all, while they have emerged out of quite other states of evolution, when we have stopped feeling religious towards historical evolution?
[ 19 ] You see, here you have a real transition from out of the earthly life, into the spiritual life. Through birth a person descends in four steps into the earthly existence until the moment of speech, through the death process he ascends from speech up to communion. He would have died today, also his I, if he had not taken up what lies up to communion in the whole ceremonial process, if he has not taken up Christ, who redeemed from within the physical, the etheric, astral and conserving the I, so that he can retain his I even after death.
With the sacrifice of Mass people are snatched away from the power of the demons, from that power which entangles us in contradictions which are primarily shaped by intellectual concepts with sharp outlines. However, life is not made up of sharp outlines, life can only live within our consciousness in a conceptual way, if a concept organically evolves into another concept. With the inorganic, where we have detached concepts, they are merely clothed as dead in our consciousness. We need concepts which can evolve from one into another, which are alive and capable of metamorphosis; only these concept are not pushed away when we take them up inwardly, these concepts would be propagated and would be capable, through the offering, through transubstantiation up to communion, to become re-united with the Divine, through which we are released here on earth.
[ 20 ] Whoever adapts the standpoint of modern consciousness, my dear friends, takes on the standpoint which had to be accepted on the one side from the 15th century, if one goes with the progress of the human race. One actually has to simply go with progress; it gives a certain viewpoint of consciousness, by which we can't remain standing still. Even if we are to fall into an abyss, we would have to go with the progress of the human race, but we must simply find the possibility to return from the other side of the abyss so we may continue. What has been happening since the 15th century has of course been necessary. The evangelistic-protestant consciousness has permeated what had been necessary in the evolution of humanity since the 15th century. You can see how, as the point of this development approached humanity, the most varied discussions regarding the transubstantiation and the Last Supper came to the fore. As long as one takes the point of view of the sacramental, such discussions won't arise, because such discussions stem from the invasion of intellectualism in the sacramental way of thinking. From before the 15th century, we in Europe were at the same standpoint on which Hinduism stands today. When a Hindu participates in intellectual development, he is in this intellectual development as free as possible, in as far as he remains a true Brahman. The Hindu participates in the ceremony, in the ritual; it connects everyone, and those who participate in the ritual is a true Hindu believer; he can think about it as he wishes, in it he remains completely free. Dogma, which is captured by thoughts, or a content of teaching, basically doesn't exist. Schools can emerge that interpret things in a hundred different ways. All of this can exist in orthodox Hinduism, if only the ceremonies are recorded as something actual and real.
[ 21 ] Humanity in Europe also reached this standpoint before, around the time of the 15th century. At that time the invasion of intellectualism, which promoted sharp, outlined concepts, would simply not comply with sacramentalism, because with the commencement of discussions there was actually nothing to discuss. If there had been such a person as Scotus Eriugena, in other words a person who stood amidst the conception of the first Christian centuries presenting the discussion of later—one could even say that they were in front of him in a certain sense, it works that way ahead, it is after all in the others ...—(gap in notes). If you study this in Scotus Eriugena you could say he spoke out of the fullness of life, by contrast the later discussions can be compared to my experience with a school friend who had quite radically wriggled himself into materialism, and during our dialogue about one thing and another, he became quite angry and interrupted with the words: It is nonsense to speak about something other than brain processes, to say anything other than what moves in the brain are mere molecules and brain atoms, because those are the only things that happen in thinking and feeling.—So I answered: So, tell me, why are you lying? You are continuously lying when you say, "I feel" and "I think" and so on; you will have to say, "my brain feels," "my brain thinks"; in order for you to be correct, you have to say it like that.—Because he had developed completely into materialism, he criticized people one day in their very foundations. He said: A human being is a being who, instead of standing properly on a surface, moves by oscillating on two legs in a constant search for a position of equilibrium: it is simply nonsense to regard the way he moves, in any other way.—From his point of view, he spoke correctly because he criticized the living from the point of view of intellectualism. Somewhat in this way it would appear to an old confessor of sacramentalism, if one spoke from an intellectual critical viewpoint about sacramentalism and criticized religious life in this way. Since the 15th century it has become a matter of course and all of what is modern religious consciousness doesn't know just how much it has become entangled in it.
[ 22 ] So one can say: we have on the one side the Catholic Church, which, if it feels its living nerve rightly, does not allow intellectualism to enter into it, and we have on the other side the evangelist-protestant consciousness having developed in a cultural milieu which no longer experiences the reality of sacramentalism, as I've indicated today. That's why the abyss is so enormous. The Catholic has stopped in the human evolution presented in the impulses of the 15th century; he developed his religion only up to this point. Cardinal Newman's connection to Catholicism therefore was so difficult, because his approach was out of modern consciousness. For the Catholic, religious life has come to one side, while modern science took the outer side. You can't read a scientific work that has emerged from Catholicism without experiencing how the most learned priests and most learned Catholics work with science in such a way that it is regarded as outer phenomena, and only that which they bring in feeling, in fervour from their Catholicism, can give them strength. However, science is a different matter to what is done within the religious, and the scholasticism of Thomas Aquinas was the last product of intellectual development in that it still included the philosophy as organic in its world view. As a result, it basically had to be discussed again for the philosophical fortification of Catholicism. [ 23 ] The Protestant consciousness felt obliged to take up intellectualism, to process intellectualism. Thus, they became alienated from sacramentalism; as a result, it became necessary to take on an ethical character, it was necessary to relinquish everything which somehow formed foundations of knowledge for the religious life. It was for instance necessary to insist that, instead of adding a mystery to birth, to substitute it with the scientific mystery of birth which meant connecting the soul with the body, achieved without an opinion possibly gained from it. The Mass, the inverse ceremony of birth processes, which are dying processes, would be mindlessly given over to historical development, and abandoned. This all relates to the time of intellectualism when the human being could no longer directly find the spiritual within the physical. So it can be seen, that if religious content is to be saved at all, it would be to formulate it in such a way that it has nothing connecting it to a content of knowledge. This will always stand as a gaping contradiction for anyone who does not, in theory, want to ignore the practical impulses of the soul's life.
[ 24 ] However, humanity could never have entered into the age of experiencing freedom without having participated what had been brought to fruition in the 15th century, because freedom can only be gained within the culture of intellectualism. Only intellectually are we able to depend so much on ourselves that we may have the inner experience, which I have portrayed in my book The Philosophy of Freedom (later translations called The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity) regarding the experience of pure thinking as the foundation of freedom. All discussions prior to this regarding freedom, are only preparatory, because freedom is not to be discovered within a view which basically only contained necessity, like the view which had remained before the 15th century. So let's pose the fundamental question which can be solved in the present: How do we, despite recognising the blessings of intellectualism, rediscover the sacramental out of freedom?
[ 25 ] Without a deep grasp on this question, we will not be able to understand it. The help of historical evolution needs to be taken into account in order to understand these things. If you can't let go of what I've now come to terms with, if you don't understand Luther's soul struggle inwardly either, but only in a certain sense only outwardly, intellectually, you will see in the next few days that we have already, with what has been said today, started moving the building blocks together for the understanding of Luther's soul's struggle. With this I want to close today.
(Afterwards Rudolf Steiner admitted he would be willing to enter into eventual questions and Licentiate Bock asked him to shortly clarify again the connection between Mass and birth.)
[ 26 ] Rudolf Steiner: It concerns the ability of speech, therefore life through words, which is the last capability given through the powers of birth, come to the fore in this direction (reference to table 5—see outline below). Now, we develop the ability for language which we receive here, in the most comprehensive sense, which we apply in the Gospels, in that we proclaim the words of God, so that we are carried from birth up to the words which turn back again. So the way goes from "descent" up to the words, Logos, and then back again. I only wrote "Gospel" on the blackboard, to place the Mass as a reverse ritual in the ceremonial process. When we look at the sacrifice of Mass—I'm letting go of the introductory processes, they are all preparatory—so the first real action is reading the Gospel, the sounding out of words, that means all which is directed towards birth, we allow to sound initially in the sacrifice of Mass. The Gospel which is read, is actually the first process of the Mass, and sounds out as word. Now, after intermediate processes here again, which do not represent the essential, the offering begins. The altar is smoked. This has the meaning that the word, which is sounded, unites with the smoke and rises from the altar. Then a time follows in which the offering continues up to the transubstantiation, when we also come back to the final material. Finally, there's the communion, which is the reverse of the descent, which is to be taken upwards. If we have understood the totality of the processes, then we first have the word, then the offering with smoke, then the word is carried into it through the power of dematerialization in the transformation and to the unification through communion. Yes, so be it.
- Descent—Communion 4.
- Relationship with matter—Transubstantiation 3.
- Adaptation to earth—Offering 2.
- Ability to speak—Gospel 1.
Neunter Vortrag
Emil Bock: Ich will die heutige Diskussionsstunde eröffnen und nehme an, daß ich in Ihrem Einverständnis handele, wenn ich bitte, die gestern noch offen gebliebenen Fragen jetzt womöglich weiter zu beantworten. Ich glaube, daß diese Bitte von Ihnen wohl unterstützt wird. Es wird sich dann wohl darum handeln, wenn ich in Ihrem Namen diese Bitte präzisieren soll, wie nun dieser ganze Fragenkomplex in bezug auf die apostolische Sukzession in Zukunft wieder in Frage kommt, wo gewissermaßen mit der Notwendigkeit der Einsetzung einer neuen Tradition gerechnet werden muß. Und im Zusammenhang damit war uns ja die Frage bedeutsam gewesen, wie wir uns, da wir ja zum größten Teil Protestanten sind, zu dem Werk und zu der Persönlichkeit Luthers und gerade zu der Stellung Luthers zu den Sakramenten und zu dem ganzen Mysteriengehalt des Christentums überhaupt zu verhalten haben. Wenn ich recht unterrichtet bin, war das die Frage, die uns allen jetzt als die nächstfolgende erschien, und ich darf wohl Herrn Dr. Steiner bitten, auf diese Fragen, soweit er es für möglich erachtet, eingehen zu wollen.
[ 1 ] Rudolf Steiner: Meine lieben Freunde! Ich werde mich also bemühen, dasjenige, was gestern in dieser Beziehung hier angedeutet, begonnen worden ist, fortzusetzen und hoffe, daß die zahlreichen Fragen, die eigentlich aus einer solchen Auseinandersetzung hervorgehen müssen, von den verschiedenen Seiten dann auch des weiteren aufgeworfen werden, denn es würde für das Programm, das für diesen Dornacher Kurs gesetzt worden ist, gerade im eminentesten Sinne notwendig sein, daß möglichst wenige Zweifel und Unklarheiten zurückbleiben.
[ 2 ] Also ich werde mich zunächst bemühen, hinzuleiten auf den eigentlichen Fragenkomplex, und wir werden dadurch vielleicht die Unterlagen bekommen zu weiteren Besprechungen. In der Tat hängt ja alles das, was eben Herr Lizentiat Bock gesagt hat, eigentlich zusammen, so daß ich sagen kann, es hängt viel daran, welche Meinung unter Ihnen auftauchen kann in diesem Augenblick über die Stellung von Protestantismus und Katholizismus. Ich glaube eben durchaus annehmen zu können, daß Sie hierher gekommen sind aus einem ganz positiven Grund, nämlich dem, den Weg zu finden aus den religiösen Wirrnissen der Gegenwart heraus. Ich selber will durchaus nicht sagen, daß mir irgendwie es naheliegt, nach der einen oder nach der anderen Seite diesen Weg beeinflussen zu wollen. Denn es handelt sich ja dabei nicht bloß um irgendeine Erkenntnis, sondern um Willensentschlüsse, und diese müssen aus Ihrer innersten Überzeugung herauslaufen, sind aber natürlich in der verschiedensten Weise möglich zu motivieren, so daß wir uns über die mögliche Motivierung Ihrer Willensentschlüsse eigentlich besprechen müssen. Es wird zum Beispiel sehr viel davon abhängen, wie Sie zu einem Willensentschluß kommen gegenüber dem Abgrund, der da klafft zwischen Katholizismus und dem evangelischen Christentum, dem Protestantismus und so weiter. Denn, nicht wahr, Ihre Entschließung wird wesentlich anders ausfallen — ich meine jetzt die Entschließung der Majorität der hier Anwesenden -, wenn Sie darauf Rücksicht nehmen, das Christentum möglichst so weit zu fassen, daß zum Beispiel jetzt in Ihre Gemeindebildungen übergehen kann alles dasjenige, was Christ sein will in der Welt. Das wäre ein Ideal, ich möchte sagen, es wäre außerordentlich zu wünschen. Aber Sie werden gegenüber dem Katholizismus — wobei ich den Katholizismus jetzt streng trenne von der römisch-katholischen Kirche -, Sie werden gegenüber dem Katholizismus keine Möglichkeit finden, von der evangelischen Seite her den Abgrund zu überbrücken, wenn Sie nicht ein gegenseitiges Verständnis gewinnen über den in der katholischen Welt verankerten Sakramentalismus. Sie können sich natürlich auch auf den Standpunkt stellen: Das geht uns zunächst nichts an, wir wollen eine lebensfähige kirchliche Bewegung schaffen, und dann mag es sich zeigen, wie sich diese lebensfähige kirchliche Bewegung in der Welt behauptet. — Auch diesen Standpunkt werden Sie einnehmen können; das erfordert dann nicht eine so strikte Verständigung mit dem Katholizismus als solchem. Sie werden aber erst Unterlagen zu einem Urteil nach dieser Richtung gewinnen können, wenn Sie sich aus gewissen historischen Untergründen heraus ganz klar darüber werden, worin eigentlich das Auftun dieses Abgrundes beruht. Denn heute liegt die Sache eigentlich so, daß derjenige, der innerhalb des Katholizismus stehengeblieben ist, das heißt also mit seinem Menschen in dem praktischen Katholizismus drinnensteht, eigentlich das evangelische Gemüt nicht verstehen kann. Ebensowenig kann derjenige, der aus den heutigen evangelisch-protestantischen Traditionen heraus gewachsen ist, aus modernen Anschauungen aller Schattierungen, die eben in den evangelischen Kirchen verankert sind, wenn er ganz damit verbunden ist, kaum leicht den Weg über den Abgrund hinüber finden. Gerade über das Warum dieser damit aufgeworfenen Frage muß man sich klar werden, bevor man zu einer Entscheidung kommen kann.
[ 3 ] Der Katholizismus trägt in sich diejenige Anschauung, welche aus dem modernen Bewußtsein, dem eigentlichen modernen Bewußtsein verschwunden ist, man könnte sagen, wenn man einen deutlichen Zeitpunkt angeben will, seit dem 15. Jahrhundert. Und es war durchaus sachgemäß — aber eben verbunden wiederum mit römischpolitischen Impulsen, die dann das Sachgemäße in den Hintergrund haben treten lassen —, es war durchaus in einer gewissen Weise sachgemäß, um nun auch erkenntnismäßig den Katholizismus zu halten, den katholischen Klerikern die Verpflichtung aufzuerlegen, zu der Philosophie des Thomas von Aquin zurückzukehren, also zu derjenigen Philosophie, welche die Kulmination des philosophischen Denkens vor dem 15. Jahrhundert bedeutet. Man kann sagen: Ohne in dieser Philosophie zu leben, kann man eigentlich keine erkenntnistheoretische Rechtfertigung des Sakramentalismus finden, wie er in der katholischen Kirche geübt wird. Dagegen liegt das protestantisch-evangelische Bewußtsein durchaus innerhalb derjenigen Entwickelung, welche erst nach dem 15. Jahrhundert eingesetzt hat. Wenn Sie das Ringen zwischen diesen beiden Strömungen durchleben wollen, dann wenden Sie sich an die Werke des Nicolaus Cusanus, der gerade im 15. Jahrhundert, man möchte sagen, mit aller Intensität die Frage für sich aufgeworfen hat: Wie stehen Vergangenheit und Zukunft in meiner Seele jetzt nebeneinander?, und der in einer gewissen Weise durch Zurückgehen zu gewissen Seelenerlebnissen, die sich an den Namen des Dionysius Areopagita knüpfen, für sich dann eine Brücke geschaffen hat.
[ 4 ] Ich habe gestern gesagt, der Protestant sieht sehr richtig in der Art, wie der Katholik sein Meßopfer auffaßt, etwas Magisches, und das ist durchaus richtig. Aber man ist ja, wenn man die Bildungssubstanz der neueren Zeit annimmt, eben gar nicht imstande, dieses Magische ohne weiteres zuzugeben. Man wird, wenn man nur von dem modernen Bewußtsein ausgeht, keinen Unterschied finden zwischen einem Meßopfer, das hineingestellt ist in die Kontinuität der christlichen Entwickelung, und einem Meßopfer, das eben einfach in Wort, Zeichen und Handlung alles dasjenige enthält, was dem äußeren Sinnenanschauen nach in dem Meßopfer vorkommt. Jenseits des Verständnisses für den Inhalt liegt nämlich das Verständnis für dasjenige, was dem Katholiken das Meßopfer ist; und das liegt daran, daß eben das einheitliche Weltverständnis durchaus in der neuesten Zeit für die Menschheit verlorengegangen ist, dieses einheitliche Weltverständnis, welches den Geist auf der einen Seite begreift, die Natur auf der anderen Seite begreift. Ich möchte sagen, die Wege des Erkennens haben sich mehr der Natur zugewendet, und die Einsicht in die geistige Welt ist geschwunden, und mit ihr die Möglichkeit, gewisse Mysterien als solche zu durchschauen. Ich will damit durchaus nicht sagen, daß im Bewußtsein eines jeden katholischen Priesters auch der substantielle Gehalt über das Meßopfer vorhanden ist. Aber immerhin, in der katholischen Gemeinschaft ist das Bewußtsein von dem substantiellen Gehalt des Meßopfers soweit vorhanden, daß man schon davon als von einer Realität auch in der Gegenwart noch immer sprechen kann.
[ 5 ] Ich kann Ihnen das, was hier vorliegt, doch wiederum nicht anders klarmachen, als wenn ich von dem Erkenntnisstandpunkt ausgehe. Denn alles dasjenige, meine lieben Freunde, was in diesen Tagen in die Diskussion hineingeworfen wurde, was in dem Elaborat Dr.Rittelmeyers und in dem Elaborat von Dr.Schairer steht über die Bestimmung des Religiösen und die Abgrenzung des religiösen Standpunktes vom Erkenntnisstandpunkte, alles das ist ja für den Katholiken gänzlich unverständlich, [es ist für ihn] im Grunde genommen gar nicht vorhanden. Und wenn er doch darauf eingeht als Modernist oder sonstwie, dann ist er im Grunde genommen auch innerhalb des Katholizismus schon vom Protestantismus hingenommen. Für den Katholiken bilden alle diese Dinge nicht im geringsten irgendwelche Fragen; man kann für ihn die Fragen nicht so formulieren. Denn für den wirklichen Katholizismus wäre die Annahme, daß es ein bloßes Gefühlsverhältnis des Menschen zu Gott geben sollte ohne einen religiösen Dogmeninhalt, etwas absolut Unverständliches; der religiöse Dogmeninhalt muß sich beziehen auf die übersinnliche Welt. Gewiß, Sie können sagen, gerade die Scholastik mache diesen, vom Protestantismus dann in einer anderen Weise übernommenen Unterschied zwischen dem, was man wissen kann und dem, was man bloß glauben soll. Aber die Scholastik macht diesen Unterschied keineswegs in derselben Weise. [Für die Scholastik] ist der Unterschied zwischen Wahrheiten, die durch bloße menschliche Vernunft erreicht werden, und denjenigen Wahrheiten, die der Offenbarung unterliegen, im Grunde genommen nur ein solcher, der sich bezieht auf die verschiedene Art und Weise, wie der Mensch zu diesen Inhalten kommt; aber es ist kein prinzipieller Unterschied. Es ist ja im Sinne der Scholastik durchaus so, daß ganz gewiß die «Praeambuli fidei» da sind, die durch die gewöhnliche Vernunft erreicht werden können, und darüber liegt die Offenbarungswahrheit; aber die Offenbarungswahrheit hat ebenso einen realen Inhalt, zu dem man sich denkend zu verhalten hat, wie die naturwissenschaftlichen Wahrheiten, zu denen man sich ja auch denkend verhält. [Man hat sich also] zu den Wahrheiten, die einem geoffenbart sind, genauso zu verhalten [wie zu naturwissenschaftlichen Wahrheiten]. Es ist nur ein Unterschied in bezug auf die Art, wie der Mensch zu den Wahrheiten kommt, nicht dieser prinzipielle Unterschied, der in diesen Tagen hier erörtert worden ist. Darin liegt ein außerordentlich Wichtiges, und damit ist im Grunde der Abgrund eigentlich gegeben.
[ 6 ] Sehen Sie, deshalb muß ich, indem ich hier das Sakramentale, indem ich die Messe erklären soll, auf diesen Erkenntnisinhalt einmal eingehen. Wenn heute der Mensch die zwei äußersten Pole des menschlichen Lebens ins Auge faßt, die Geburt mit Embryonalleben und Konzeption - ich will diese drei unter dem einheitlichen Namen «Geburt» zusammenfassen —, die Geburt auf der einen Seite und den Tod auf der anderen Seite, so faßt er dasjenige, was für den physischen Menschen damit geschieht, eben durchaus in der Ordnung naturwissenschaftlicher Geschehnisse auf. Der heutige Mensch, auch wenn er Theologe ist, redet über Geburt und Tod, wie man über naturwissenschaftliche Geschehnisse redet, wenn es sich um den physischen Menschen handelt. Gerade deshalb wird ja in der heutigen Zeit so schroff die Mauer aufgerichtet zwischen Glauben und Wissen, weil man gegenüber dem, was einem genommen wird durch die rein naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnis von Geburt und Tod, etwas behalten will, was man zwar für die Religion dann hat, was sich aber in das Wissen nicht einreihen läßt. Wie sieht der heutige Mensch auf die Geburt hin? Es wird Ihnen sonderbar erscheinen, daß ich genötigt bin, von der Geburt zu sprechen, wenn ich von der Messe sprechen will, aber ich würde von der letzteren nicht sprechen können, ohne von der Geburt zu sprechen. Der Mensch sieht auf die Geburt so hin, daß er den menschlichen Embryonalkeim studiert und fragt: Was geschieht durch die Befruchtung im Embryonalkeim? — Er fragt dann: Wie wird die männliche und wie die weibliche Vererbungssubstanz aufgenommen, und was geht da eigentlich, in der Weise, wie man es naturwissenschaftlich durchschauen kann, von den Vorfahren über auf das Kind? — Der heutige Mensch muß, nach allen Antezedenzien, die ihm aus seiner naturwissenschaftlichen Bildung vorliegen, durchaus diesen Standpunkt einnehmen. Dieser Standpunkt übt eine so kolossale Suggestion auf den modernen Menschen aus, daß er [einen Standpunkt], der nicht so sieht, geradezu wie eine Art Wahnsinn ansehen muß. Denn alles, was im modernen Menschen heranerzogen wird und sich dadurch in seine Denkgewohnheiten hineinverfilzt, alles das leitet eben den Menschen dahin, die Fragen nur so stellen zu können. Dann kann er, wenn er sagt: diese Frage kann einmal durch das Wissen beantwortet werden —, höchstens hinzufügen: dem Glauben bleibt dann die Art und Weise, wie mit diesem Leib die Seele vereinigt wird. Aber es ist eben doch nicht so. Und hier liegt einer der Punkte, wo Sie sich so recht anschaulich machen können, daß es doch für Anthroposophie eine gewisse Bedeutung hat, an die moderne Naturwissenschaft anzuknüpfen und sie weiter zu entwickeln. Denn für die anthroposophische Forschung zeigt sich nämlich, daß durch die Konzeption die Materie, wie sie im menschlichen Organismus vorhanden ist, in ihrer Wirkungsweise völlig ausgeschaltet wird. Wer ein befruchtetes weibliches Ei ins Auge faßt in seiner Weiterentwickelung, der faßt eben etwas ins Auge, was durch die Konzeption von allen irdischen Geschehensmöglichkeiten ausgeschlossen worden ist. Es ist im befruchteten Ei ein Chaos geschaffen, in dem alles Wirken, das der modernen Naturwissenschaft zugänglich ist, zunächst ausgeschlossen ist. Wenn ich das schematisch zeichne, hört das hier auf. (Während der folgenden Ausführungen wird an die Tafel gezeichnet.) Darin besteht die Befruchtung, insofern sie im Menschenreich wirkt, daß ein Ort geschaffen wird, innerhalb dessen die Erdenwirkungen aufhören, alles dasjenige aufhört, was durch Naturwissenschaft erreichbar ist. Dadurch ist die Möglichkeit geschaffen, daß innerhalb dieses Ortes kosmische Wirksamkeit Platz greift, peripherisch-kosmische Wirksamkeit. Da drinnen geschieht jetzt nicht dasjenige, was durch Erdennaturwissenschaft erreichbar ist. Ich zeichne hier die Erde, hier ist das Reich der Menschen, das ist die Peripherie, die Sie natürlich unermeßlich weit hinauslegen können. Während wir überall sonst im Bereich der Menschen die Wirkungen der Erde haben, auch noch bei Vater und Mutter sonst, so haben wir hier — wenn ich diesen Kreis hereinzeichne - Wirkungen von der Peripherie, von den unermeßlichen Weiten hereinwirkend, so daß dasjenige, was da geschieht, in die der Naturwissenschaft gegebene Welt hereinkommt. Eine Vorstellung, die dem modernen Menschen ganz fernliegt, weil sie verlorengegangen ist seit der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts.

[ 7 ] Wenn Sie in der Nähe von Neapel sind, so brauchen Sie, wenn Sie über gewisse Erdflächen gehen, nur ein Stück Papier zu nehmen und anzuzünden, so raucht es aus dem Boden heraus, Diejenigen, die in Italien gereist sind, werden das ja gesehen haben; es raucht von der Erde heraus. Warum raucht es denn? Weil das, was herausraucht, in der Erde drinnen ist und durch den gewöhnlichen Luft Tafel 5 druck festgehalten wird; zünden wir ein Papier an, so wird dadurch der Luftdruck geringer, und das, was sonst unter der Erde ist, schiebt sich heraus.
[ 8 ] Durch die Befruchtung wird das Erdenwirken ausgeschlossen, und das Himmelswirken macht sich dadurch geltend. Es ist das Umgekehrte von dem, was man an den Solfataren demonstrieren kann. Während wir es sonst, wenn wir auf der Erde die Erscheinungen untersuchen, mit Zentralwirkungen zu tun haben, also mit etwas, was von der Erde ausgeht, [dessen Zentrum] gewissermaßen in der Richtung der Schwere liegt, haben wir es im embryonalen Wirken tatsächlich mit peripherischen Wirkungen zu tun, die gewissermaßen von unermeßlichen Weiten nach dem Zentrum hinwirken. Sie kommen zur Wirksamkeit in dem Moment, wo die irdische Wirksamkeit ausgeschlossen ist. Und wenn wir nun eingehen auf das, was hier geschieht, so müssen wir bei der Embryonalbildung des Menschen Vorgänge ins Auge fassen, bei denen es sich um das Teilnehmen des ganzen Kosmos an der Menschenentstehung handelt, und nicht um solche Vorgänge, die irdisch sind. Das erste, mit dem wir es zu tun haben, ist ja, daß zunächst aus der geistigen Welt ein Mensch kommt, ein Ich, daß der Mensch aufhört, innerhalb der geistigen Welt zu leben und beginnt, innerhalb der physischen Welt zu leben. Das zweite, was geschieht — und das geschieht auf dem weiteren Wege der embryonalen Entwickelung -, ist, daß er die Verwandtschaft mit der physischen Materie eingeht. Das dritte, was geschieht, ist, daß nun dasjenige, was durch den Menschen herauskommt aus der geistigen Welt und eine Verwandtschaft eingeht mit der physischen Welt und alle dem, was darin noch liegen kann an Aufstrebendem, daß alles das, was vom Kosmos hereinkommt aus dem Peripherisch-Zentralen, im Gegensatz zu dem Zentral-Peripherischen, von dem Zentralen hingenommen wird. Durch das alles beginnt jetzt die eigentliche Erdenwirksamkeit, die Inanspruchnahme des Menschen von dem Irdischen. Und das letzte, das vierte, ist die Vorbereitung der menschlichen Innerlichkeit im Leibe, die erst dann herauskommt, wenn der Mensch das Sprechen gelernt hat. So daß wir sagen können: Die Vorgänge, die sich abspielen durch die Geburt, sind: Das Herabsteigen des Menschen aus der Gemeinschaft mit dem Geistigen; wenn Sie ein Wort dafür haben wollen, können Sie sagen «Exkommunion»; das Herabsteigen also, das Herabkommen. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
1.) Herabkommen
Das zweite ist das Eingehen der Verwandtschaft mit der Materie. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
2.) Verwandtschaft mit der Materie
Das dritte ist das Inanspruchgenommenwerden von den irdischen Zentralkräften, das Sichanpassen der Erde. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
3.) Anpassen der Erde
Und das vierte ist die Vernehmbarkeit, die Sprachfähigkeit, die allerdings erst in dem Maße herauskommt, als die embryonale Tätigkeit noch nach der Geburt beim Menschen stattfindet. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
4.) Sprachfähigkeit
Ganz anders kommt man dem Mysterium der Geburt nahe, indem man es so betrachtet, meine lieben Freunde.
Wie werden wir denn dann dem Mysterium des Todes nahekommen, das der andere Pol des Menschenlebens ist? Nun, wenn wir den Weg zurückmachen, wenn wir beginnen bei der Sprachfähigkeit, im Evangelium, (es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
Evangelium 1.
[ 9 ] so schaffen wir im Gegensatz zu dem Inanspruchgenommenwerden durch die Zentralkräfte der Erde das Wiederhinaufsteigen, das Wiedersichanpassen den Peripherien; das aber geschieht im Rauchopfer. Das Gegenteil von «Drei» also vollziehen wir, indem wir dasjenige, was wir bekommen, indem wir uns der Erde angepaßt haben, nun dem den Zentralkräften der Erde entgegenwirkenden Rauch anvertrauen. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
Opferung 2.
[ 10 ] Mit anderen Worten, was tun wir hier? Wir sprechen zuerst im Evangelium das Wort, und wir werden uns bewußt, daß wir dieses Wort so aussprechen, daß es nicht unser eigenes Wort ist, in dem Sinne, wie ich das gestern gesagt habe, sondern daß es in die Objektivität übergeht. Wir übergeben das Wort dem Rauch — dem Rauch, der in der Lage ist, in seiner Form die Form des Wortes anzunehmen. Gewiß, Sie werden sagen, andeutungsgemäß, aber eben doch andeutungsgemäß. Das Opfer besteht ja darin, daß wir das ausgesprochene Wort, das Wellen wirft, dem Rauch anvertrauen, der es nun hinaufträgt. Unser Wort selber wird hinaufgetragen. Kehren wir die Verwandtschaft mit der Materie um, so kommen wir zu dem Entmaterialisieren in der Transsubstantiation, in der Wandlung. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
Transsubstantiation 3.
[ 11 ] Wir haben bei unserer Kindwerdung aus der Peripherie des Kosmos herein unser Ich geführt, wir führen es im Sterben wiederum hinaus, und wir haben dafür das Zeichen der Transsubstantiation, der Entmaterialisierung. Woher kommt diese Kraft? Nun, genau wie die peripherischen Kräfte nach dem Zentrum wirken, wenn wir von der Geburt reden, wirken jetzt die Kräfte, die wir schon angerufen haben in der Opferung, nach der Welt hinaus. Sie wirken, weil wir dem Rauch anvertraut haben unser Wort. Sie wirken jetzt vom Zentrum aus und sie tragen das entmaterialisierte Wort hinaus durch die Kraft der Rede selber, und dadurch kommen wir in die Lage, das vierte zu vollführen, das Gegenteil des Herabkommens: die Vereinigung mit dem Oberen, die Kommunion. (Es wird an die Tafel geschrieben:)
Kommunion 4.
[ 12 ] Nun aber, meine lieben Freunde, werden wir nicht nur im Beginne unseres Lebens geboren, sondern die Kräfte, die in der Geburt wirken, wirken fort, nur daß sie abgedämpft werden, wenn wir von dem Mutterleib in die äußere Luft getragen werden. Sie werden abgedämpft, aber sie wirken fort, in abgedämpfter Art wirken sie fort. In der Sprachentstehung liegt die allerdeutlichste Fortsetzung desjenigen, was in den Embryonalkräften auch in bezug auf den übrigen Organismus vorhanden ist. Aber auch außer den sprachbildenden Kräften wirken die embryonalen Kräfte fort, am stärksten wirken sie jedesmal dann, wenn das Schlafen beginnt bis zum Aufwachen. Da wirken viel deutlicher die Embryonalkräfte fort beim Menschen als im Wachzustande. Es ist nur noch ein Extrakt desjenigen, was während der Embryonalzeit gewirkt hat, aber während der Schlafensruhe wirken eben diese Embryonalkräfte fort. Dann wirken aber auch in uns fortwährend die Sterbekräfte. In jedem Augenblicke werden wir geboren und sterben wir. Es wirken die Sterbekräfte. Es wirkt in uns der umgekehrte Vorgang fort, der von dem Herabkommen bis zur Sprachfähigkeit gewirkt hat; der Vorgang wirkt in uns, der von dem Evangelium bis zur Kommunion führt, von der Sprache bis zur Vereinigung mit dem Göttlich-Geistigen. Aber dasjenige, was also ein Sakrament ist in der Messe, das ist im Äußeren vollzogen ein Vorgang, der in uns fortwährend dem Geborenwerden entgegenwirkt. Das ist dasjenige, was die fortdauernden kontinuierlichen Sterbekräfte in uns ausmachen.
[ 13 ] Sehen Sie, ein solcher sakramentaler Prozeß wurde auch in den alten Mysterien vollzogen. Warum konnte er vollzogen werden, dort in den alten Mysterien? Er konnte vollzogen werden, weil im Menschen vorhanden war ein gewisses Erbe an Geisteswahrnehmung. In dem Augenblick, wo der Mensch, der da lebte vor dem Mysterium von Golgatha, das entsprechende Wort aussprach, also dasjenige aussprach, was wir heute in den Evangelien haben, wurde dieses Wort in Anspruch genommen von dem Göttlich-Geistigen. Mit der Zeremonie übergab der Mensch das Geheimnis seines fortdauernden Sterbens den göttlich-geistigen Mächten. Diese göttlichgeistigen Mächte haben in der Zeit, in die das Mysterium von Golgatha hineinfällt, die Erde verlassen. Es ist nur ein Vorurteil historischer Art, [zu glauben,] die Erde sei in kontinuierlicher Entwickelung. Das ist nicht so; es ist durchaus nicht so. Wäre das Mysterium von Golgatha nicht geschehen, wir würden heute eine solche Zeremonie so vollziehen können, daß wir dasjenige, was stirbt, nur übergeben würden der ätherischen und der astralischen Welt, nicht aber der Welt, der unser Ich angehört. Das war vor dem Mysterium von Golgatha eben nicht so. Hier wird etwas berührt, meine lieben Freunde, was der Mensch heute nach seiner intellektualistischen Bildung gar nicht glauben kann, weil er die Antezedenzien nicht dazu hat. Er kann nicht glauben, daß Feuer, Luft, Wasser, Erde seit dem Mysterium von Golgatha etwas anderes sind, als sie früher waren. Das ist nur eine Zeitbestimmung, [nicht,] daß ich damit die Frage beantworte: Was wäre mit der Erde geschehen, wenn das Mysterium von Golgatha nicht gekommen wäre? — Also schalten wir zunächst einfach das Mysterium von Golgatha aus, und fragen wir uns: Was wäre diese Zeremonie geworden, wenn das Mysterium von Golgatha nicht gekommen wäre?
[ 14 ] Sie wäre ein Vorgang, der durch die Prozesse des Todes unser Wesen nur bis zum astralischen Leib hinauf konservieren würde. Der physische Leib würde sich in der Erde auflösen, der Ätherleib würde im Äthermeere verschwimmen, und der astralische Leib würde übergehen in die astralische Welt, aber das Ich wäre verdorben, das Ich müßte sein Ende erreicht haben in irgendeiner Verkörperung, das Ich könnte nicht durch die Pforte des Todes gehen. Das ist das Geheimnis der Erdenentwickelung, daß, bevor unsere Zeitrechnung begonnen hat, der Mensch etwas übrig behielt, was er noch durch die Pforte des Todes hindurch retten konnte, und das er sich anschaulich machen konnte durch diese Zeremonie. Diese Zeremonie wäre, wenn das Mysterium von Golgatha nicht eingetreten wäre, eben das geworden, was sie werden konnte, als die letzten geistigen Wesenheiten, die noch mit dem menschlichen Ich Verwandtschaft haben, Abschied genommen haben von Wärme, Luft, Wasser, Erde, und als in Wärme, Luft, Wasser, Erde nur diejenigen Wesen geblieben sind, die noch mit unserem Ätherischen eine Verwandtschaft haben, die noch mit unserem Astralischen eine weitere Verwandtschaft haben, aber nicht mehr mit dem menschlichen Ich.
[ 15 ] Das, meine lieben Freunde, war die große Furcht der Dämonen, als sie den Christus erkannten, der auf die Erde gekommen war. Sie hatten gedacht, die Herrschaft nun antreten zu können und das menschliche Ich von der Erde austilgen zu können. Es ist das deutlich im Evangelium ausgedrückt, wie die Dämonen sich gebärdeten, als sie erkannten, wer da gekommen ist. Denn sie wußten, ihr Weltenplan ist durchkreuzt, sie hatten gehofft - aus den Sphären, aus denen sie hervorgegangen sind, konnten sie das hoffen —, nun die Herrschaft der Erde in die Hand zu nehmen. Der Christus war in die Erde eingetreten, und durch dasjenige, was durch den Christus aus geistigen Welten heruntergetragen worden ist in das Erdengeschehen, hat die Zeremonie ihren neuen Inhalt bekommen, ist in dieser Zeremonie anwesend geworden die Christus-Wesenheit.
[ 16 ] Das ist eine Sache, die durchaus geisteswissenschaftlich verfolgt werden kann. Man muß nur dasjenige wirklich in sich aufnehmen, was ich eben, ich möchte sagen, fadengezeichnet habe, was ich Ihnen skizzenhaft, wie durch eine kleine Zeichnung gegeben habe. Man muß anfangen, ein richtiges Verständnis zu gewinnen für das Mysterium der Geburt, das in der Natur selbst als Sakrament sich uns entgegenstellt, weil es übernatürlich ist, und man muß daraus sich Verständnis verschaffen für das Sakrament, das im Meßopfer liegt, das übernatürlich wird durch die Anwesenheit des Christus. Wer nicht so reden kann, wie ich jetzt gesprochen habe, wer nicht als einen realen Prozeß verstehen kann den Aufschrei der niederen Dämonen, als sie wahrnahmen die Taten des Christus, und diesen Aufschrei der Dämonen bloß nimmt als Vergleich, wer ihn nimmt als irgend etwas, was in der Wortbedeutung sich erschöpft, versteht nichts von dem, was eine sakramentale Handlung ist, insbesondere die zentralsakramentale Handlung des Meßopfers.
[ 17 ] Nun hat aber die Menschheit im ersten Drittel des 15. Jahrhunderts verlernt, über diese Dinge so sprechen zu können. Man steht ja heute vor dem, was nicht nur landesüblich, sondern erdenüblich geworden ist über die Welt zu sagen, eben wie ein Wahnsinniger da, wenn man spricht von einem realen Ereignis in bezug auf den Aufschrei der Dämonen, als sie den Christus gewahr wurden. Man steht tatsächlich durchaus mit der Empfindung da: Was Weisheit vor Gott ist, ist Torheit geworden vor der Welt. Darum auch ist dasjenige, was Torheit ist vor der Welt, dann in der heutigen Zeit so oft Weisheit vor dem Göttlichen.
[ 18 ] Und so trat die Zeit ein, in der das Sakramentale überhaupt nicht mehr hingenommen werden konnte, in der der Intellektualismus alle Kreise ergriff und mit einer solchen Macht wirkte - er wirkte ja zunächst auf unser religiöses und wissenschaftliches Gebiet —, daß er auch das Religiöse ergriff und vor allen Dingen die Theologie. Das hängt durchaus mit den äußeren Ereignissen zusammen, meine lieben Freunde, die sich abgespielt haben und die Sie ja in Mitteleuropa daran verfolgen können, wie dasjenige, was eigentlich aus kirchlichen Schulen heraus sich entwickelt hat als Lehre für die Menschheit, zunächst konserviert wurde in den Universitäten. Studieren Sie, wie die Behandlung der Universitäten vom 14. Jahrhundert ab geschieht, wie sie dann weiter sich entwickeln und sehen Sie, wie die Universitäten allmählich herausgenommen werden aus dem spirituellen Zusammenhang der Menschheitsentwickelung, wie sie nach und nach verweltlicht werden und wie der Gang der ist, dasjenige, was innerhalb des Geistigen steht, in das Weltliche hineinzuleiten. Studieren Sie, wie die Staaten in Kampf kommen mit dem Kirchlichen, und wie die Staaten — weil die Kirche darauf streng bestanden hat — höchstens noch als Enklave den Lehrgehalt darinnengelassen haben, im übrigen aber das Spirituelle herausgenommen worden ist aus der Entwickelung der Menschheit. Diese geschichtliche Entwickelung muß man eben empfinden, muß man eben fühlen können. Wir stehen heute viel zu kalten Herzens der historischen Entwickelung gegenüber. Wir haben mindestens der historischen Entwickelung gegenüber ganz aufgehört, religiös zu fühlen. Wie sollen wir denn überhaupt die Evangelien erreichen, da sie aus ganz anderen Zuständen der Menschheitsentwickelung hervorgegangen sind, wenn wir aufgehört haben, der historischen Entwickelung gegenüber religiös zu empfinden?
[ 19 ] Sehen Sie, da haben Sie den realen Übergang aus dem irdischen Leben in das geistige Leben. Durch die Geburt wird der Mensch heruntergeführt durch vier Stufen in das irdische Dasein bis zur Sprache, durch den Todesvorgang wird er hinaufgeführt von der Sprache bis zur Kommunion. Aber er würde sterben heute [auch mit seinem Ich], wenn er nicht dasjenige aufgenommen hätte, was bis zur Kommunion hin in den ganzen zeremoniellen Vorgängen liegt, wenn er nicht aufgenommen hätte den Christus, der ihn vom Tode innerhalb des Physischen, des Ätherischen und des Astralen bis zum Konservieren des Ich hin rettet, so daß er das Ich auch nach dem Tode haben kann. Mit dem Meßopfer wird das Leben des Menschen der Macht der Dämonen entrissen, derjenigen Macht, welche uns dadurch in Widersprüche verwickelt, daß sie vor allen Dingen mit dem Intellektualismus Begriffe in scharfen Konturen schafft. Aber das Leben lebt nicht in scharfen Konturen, das Leben lebt innerhalb unseres Bewußtseins begrifflich nur dann, wenn ein Begriff organisch in den anderen übergehen kann. In dem Unorganischen, daß wir abgegrenzte Begriffe haben, haben wir nur in unser Bewußtsein verkleidet das Tote. Wir brauchen Begriffe, von denen einer in den anderen übergeht, die lebendig, metamorphosenfähig sind; diese Begriffe allein werden nicht zurückgestoßen, wenn wir sie in unserem Innern fassen, diese Begriffe werden hinausgetragen und sind fähig, durch die Opferung, durch die Transsubstantiation bis zur Kommunion, zur Wiedervereinigung mit dem Göttlichen zu führen, durch das wir entlassen sind auf die Erde herunter.
[ 20 ] Wer sich auf den Standpunkt des modernen Bewußtseins stellt, meine lieben Freunde, der stellt sich auf den Standpunkt, den man auf der einen Seite durchaus seit dem 15. Jahrhundert einnehmen muß, wenn man mit dem Fortschritt des Menschengeschlechtes geht. Man muß einfach mit dem Fortschritt gehen; es gibt einen gewissen Standpunkt des Bewußtseins, vermöge dessen wir nicht stehenbleiben können. Auch wenn wir in einen Abgrund hineinstürzen würden, müßten wir mit dem Fortgang des Menschengeschlechtes gehen; dann müßten wir eben einfach die Möglichkeit suchen, jenseits des Abgrundes wiederum weiterzukommen. Das, was seit dem 15. Jahrhundert geschehen ist, war doch notwendig. Das evangelisch-protestantische Bewußtsein hat sich mit dem durchdrungen, was ja sich notwendig im Entwickelungsgang der Menschheit seit dem 15. Jahrhundert herausentwickeln mußte. Sie sehen, indem dieser Entwickelungspunkt für die Menschheit herannaht, wie in der mannigfaltigsten Weise die Diskussionen auftauchen über die Transsubstantiation, über das Abendmahl. Solange man auf dem sakramentalen Standpunkt steht, gibt es solche Diskussionen nicht, denn solche Diskussionen rühren her von der Invasion des Intellektualismus in die sakramentale Denkweise. Wir waren innerhalb Europas ungefähr vor dem 15. Jahrhundert auch auf demselben Standpunkt, auf dem heute etwa das Hindutum steht. Wenn der Hindu die intellektuelle Entwickelung mitmacht, dann ist er in der intellektuellen Entwickelung so frei als möglich, sofern er ein richtiger Brahmanist bleibt. Der Hindu macht die Zeremonien mit, er macht den Kultus mit; der Kultus verbindet alle, und derjenige, der den Kultus mitmacht, ist ein richtiger Hindugläubiger; er mag denken darüber, was er will, darin ist er vollständig frei. Dogmen, die durch Gedanken festgehalten werden, einen Lehrgehalt, gibt es im Grunde genommen nicht. Schulen können entstehen, die die Dinge in hundertfältiger Weise auslegen. Das alles kann im richtigen rechtgläubigen Hinduismus sein, wenn nur die Zeremonien als das Reale, das Wirkliche festgehalten werden.
[ 21 ] Ungefähr auf diesem Standpunkt stand man auch in Europa vor dem 15. Jahrhundert. Damals begann die Invasion des Intellektualismus, der scharfe, konturierte Begriffe forderte, und der einfach nicht zurechtkam mit dem Sakramentalismus, weil er die Diskussion da anfing, wo es eigentlich nichts zu diskutieren gibt. Hätten Sie einem Menschen wie etwa Scotus Eriugena, also solch einem Menschen, der ganz darinnen gestanden hat in der Auffassung der ersten christlichen Jahrhunderte, die Diskussionen von später vorgelegt — man kann sogar sagen, daß sie ihm in einem gewissen Sinn vorgelegen sind, es wirkt das schon voraus, sie lagen aber doch in anderem — ... [Lücke]. Wenn Sie das bei Scotus Eriugena studieren, so kann man sagen, er redet noch aus dem vollen Leben heraus, und demgegenüber nehmen sich die späteren Diskussionen etwa so aus, wie ich so etwas einmal erlebt habe bei einem Schulfreund, der in ganz radikaler Weise zum Materialismus sich hinentwickelte, und der unter anderem mit mir ein Zwiegespräch hatte, in dem er recht böse die Sache abbrach und sagte: Es ist Unsinn, von etwas anderem zu sprechen als von Gehirnvorgängen, wenn man vom menschlichen Seelenleben redet; es ist Unsinn, etwas anderes zu sagen, als daß sich die Gehirnmoleküle und -atome soundso bewegen, denn das ist alles, was in den Gedanken und Gefühlen lebt. - Da antwortete ich ihm: Ja, sage mir einmal, warum lügst du? Du lügst ja fortwährend, wenn du sagst «ich fühle», «ich denke» und so weiter; du müßtest sagen «mein Gehirn fühlt», «mein Gehirn denkt»; wenn du wahr wärest, müßtest du das sagen. — Dadurch, daß er sich ganz zum Materialismus hinentwickelte, kam er dann auch eines Tages darauf, den Menschen in Grund und Boden hinein zu kritisieren. [Er sagte: Der Mensch ist] ein Wesen, das statt mit einer ordentlichen Standfläche, sich durch Pendeln von zwei Beinen fortbewegt unter fortwährendem Suchen der Gleichgewichtslage; es ist einfach ein Unsinn, das ganze Wesen des Menschen, seine Gangart [anders zu betrachten]. —- Er hatte da eigentlich von seinem Standpunkt aus wahr gesprochen, denn er hatte vom Standpunkte des Intellektualismus aus das Lebendige kritisiert. So etwa wäre es einem alten Bekenner des Sakramentalismus vorgekommen, wenn man vom intellektualistisch-kritischen Standpunkte aus sich über den Sakramentalismus hergemacht hätte, wenn man das religiöse Leben so kritisiert hätte, Aber das wurde seit dem 15. Jahrhundert eine Selbstverständlichkeit, und in all das ist nun das moderne religiöse Bewußtsein hineinverstrickt und ahnt manchmal nicht, wie sehr es da hineinverstrickt ist.
[ 22 ] So daß man sagen kann: Wir haben auf der einen Seite die katholische Kirche, die, wenn sie ihren Lebensnerv richtig empfindet, gar nicht den Intellektualismus in sich hineinkommen lassen darf, und wir haben auf der anderen Seite das evangelisch-protestantische Bewußtsein, das sich entwickelt hat in einem Kulturmilieu, das nichts mehr von der Realität [des Sakramentalismus] empfindet, wie ich heute angedeutet habe. Deshalb ist die Kluft eine so ungeheuere. Der Katholik ist eben stehengeblieben in der Menschheitsentwickelung vor den Impulsen, die sich im 15. Jahrhundert ergeben haben, er hat seine Religion nur bis dahin entwickelt. Dem Kardinal Newman wurde der Anschluß an den Katholizismus deshalb so schwer, weil er aus dem [modernen] Bewußtsein heraus kam. So ist für den Katholiken das religiöse Leben auf die eine Seite getreten, und äußRerlich wurde das ganze moderne Wissenschaftstreiben aufgenommen. Sie können kein aus dem Katholizismus hervorgegangenes wissenschaftliches Werk lesen, ohne das nicht zu empfinden, wie auf die gelehrtesten Patres und die gelehrtesten Katholiken die moderne Wissenschaft so wirkt, daß sie sie als eine äußere Angelegenheit betrachten, und nur dasjenige, was sie an Gefühl, an Inbrunst aus ihrem Katholizismus hineintragen, das kann ihnen Festigkeit geben. Aber die Wissenschaft ist eine andere Angelegenheit als das, was innerhalb des Religiösen gepflogen wird, und die Scholastik des Thomas von Aquin war das letzte Produkt geistiger Entwickelung, in dem noch die Philosophie als Organisches in der gesamten Weltanschauung drinnensteht. Daher mußte sie im Grunde genommen wiedererörtert werden zur philosophischen Befestigung des Katholizismus.
[ 23 ] Das evangelische Bewußtsein fühlte sich verpflichtet, den Intellektualismus aufzunehmen, den Intellektualismus zu verarbeiten. Dadurch entfremdete es sich dem Sakramentalismus, dadurch war es genötigt, einen mehr rein ethischen Charakter anzunehmen, es war genötigt, von alle dem abzusehen, was irgendwie Erkenntnisgrundlegung ist für das religiöse Leben. Es war zum Beispiel genötigt, anstatt darauf zu dringen, das Mysterium der Geburt durchzuserzen, stattdessen das Mysterium der Geburt der Naturwissenschaft hinzuwerfen und dafür etwas aufzunehmen, worüber bloß Glaubensgewißheit zu erlangen ist, das heißt, die Vereinigung der Seele mit dem Leibe so aufzufassen, daß darüber keine Anschauung gewonnen werden kann. Die Messe, welche die Zeremonie der umgekehrten Geburtsvorgänge, der Sterbevorgänge ist, wurde verständnislos der geschichtlichen Entwickelung übergeben, sie wurde fallengelassen. Das alles hängt damit zusammen, daß eben im Zeitalter des Intellektualismus der Mensch das Geistige unmittelbar auch im Physischen nicht finden konnte. Und so sieht er sich heute genötigt, den religiösen Inhalt, um ihn überhaupt retten zu können, so zu gestalten, daß er gar nichts zu tun hat mit all dem Wissensinhalt. Das wird immer als ein klaffender Widerspruch dastehen für denjenigen, der sich nicht theoretisch über die praktischen Impulse des Seelenlebens hinwegsetzen will.
[ 24 ] Aber niemals hätte die Menschheit einrücken können in das Zeitalter des Erlebens der Freiheit, ohne dasjenige mitzumachen, was seit dem 15. Jahrhundert sich vollzogen hat, denn die Freiheit ist nur zu erringen innerhalb einer Kultur des Intellektualismus. Allein das Intellektuelle stellt uns so auf uns selber, daß wir dasjenige innere Erlebnis haben, das ich in meiner «Philosophie der Freiheit» dargestellt habe als das Erlebnis des reinen Denkens, das das Grunderlebnis der Freiheit ist. Alles vorhergegangene Reden über die Freiheit ist nur ein Vorbereitendes, denn die Freiheit ist eben noch nicht zu finden innerhalb einer Anschauung, welche im Grunde nur Notwendigkeit enthalten hat, wie jene Anschauungen, die vor dem 15. Jahrhundert stehengeblieben sind. So stellt sich für uns das Grundrätsel hin, das in der Gegenwart zu lösen ist: Wie kommen wir dazu, trotzdem wir die Segnungen des Intellektualismus anerkennen, aus der Freiheit heraus den Sakramentalismus doch wiederum zu finden?
[ 25 ] Ohne daß wir die Frage in dieser Tiefe fassen, können wir sie nicht verstehen. Man muß schon die historische Entwickelung zu Hilfe nehmen, wenn man die Dinge verstehen will. Und wer nicht das vorangehen lassen kann, was ich jetzt auseinandergesetzt habe, der versteht Luthers Seelenkampf eben auch nicht innerlich, sondern doch in einer gewissen Weise nur äußerlich, intellektualistisch; und Sie werden in den nächsten Tagen sehen, daß wir schon mit dem, was wir heute gesagt haben, die Bausteine zusammengetragen haben zum Begreifen von Luthers Seelenkampf. Damit wollen wir für heute zunächst schließen.
(Nachdem Rudolf Steiner sich bereit erklärt, auf eventuelle Fragen noch einzugehen, bittet ihn Lizentiat Bock, noch kurz den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Meßopfer und der Geburt zu wiederholen.)
[ 26 ] Rudolf Steiner: Es handelt sich darum, daß die Sprachfähigkeit, also das Leben im Worte, die letzte Fähigkeit ist, die nach den anderen Fähigkeiten durch die Geburtskräfte in dieser Richtung herauskommt (Tafel 5). Nun bilden wir dann die Sprachfähigkeit, die wir da bekommen, im umfassendsten Sinne aus, und das wird dann zu dem Evangelium, in dem sich im Worte der Gott verkündet, so daß wir (Tafel5) durch die Geburt bis zu dem Worte getrieben werden, und vom Worte wiederum zurückgehen. Also der Weg geht vom «Herabkommen» bis zu dem Worte, Logos, und dann wiederum zurück. Ich habe nur «Evangelium» an die Tafel geschrieben, um gerade das Meßopfer als den umgekehrten zeremoniellen Vorgang hinzustellen. Wenn wir das Meßopfer betrachten — ich sehe ab von den einleitenden Vorgängen, die sind alle Vorbereitung -, so ist die erste wirkliche Handlung die Vorlesung des Evangeliums, das Erklingenlassen des Wortes; also dasjenige, wozu uns die Geburt zuletzt geführt hat, lassen wir im Meßopfer zuerst erklingen. Das Evangelium, das da gelesen wird, das ist die erste eigentliche Meßhandlung, da erklingt das Wort. Nun, nachdem wiederum Zwischenvorgänge sind, die aber nicht das Wesentliche darstellen, beginnt dann die Opferung. Der Altar wird geräuchert. Das hat den Sinn, daß das Wort, das erklungen ist, mit dem Rauche sich vereinigt, hinaufsteigt am Altar. Dann folgt die Zeit nach dem Offertorium bis zur Transsubstantiation, da sind wir also zur Entmaterialisierung zurückgekommen. Und das letzte ist dann die Kommunion, die das Umgekehrte von dem Herabkommen darstellt, das Hinaufgenommenwerden. Wenn die ganzen Vorgänge so gefaßt werden, so haben wir also zuerst das Wort, dann in der Opferhandlung den Rauch, der das Wort hinauftragen kann durch seine Kraft zu der Entmaterialisierung in der Wandlung und zu der Vereinigung in der Kommunion. So ist es, ja.
1.) Herabkommen Kommunion 4.
2.) Verwandtschaft mit der Materie Transsubstantiation 3.
3.) Anpassen der Erde Opferung 2.
4.) Sprachfähigkeit Evangelium 1,
Ninth Lecture
Emil Bock: I will open today's discussion hour and assume that I have your permission to continue answering the questions that remained open yesterday. I believe that you will support this request. It will then probably be a matter of me specifying this request on your behalf, as now this whole complex of questions regarding apostolic succession will come up again in the future, where, to a certain extent, the necessity of establishing a new tradition must be reckoned with. And in this context, the question of how we, since we are mostly Protestants, relate to the work and personality of Luther and especially to Luther's position on the sacraments and the whole mystery content of Christianity, was indeed significant to us. If I am correctly informed, that was the question that now seemed to us all to be the next one to be addressed, and I may well ask Dr. Steiner to address these questions to the extent that he considers possible.
[ 1 ] Rudolf Steiner: My dear friends! I will endeavor to continue what was hinted at and begun here yesterday in this regard and hope that the numerous questions that must actually arise from such a discussion will be raised from the various sides in the future as well, because it would be eminently necessary for the program that has been set for this Dornach course that as few doubts and ambiguities as possible remain.
[ 2 ] So, I will first try to lead us to the actual complex of questions, and perhaps this will provide us with the basis for further discussions. In fact, everything that Mr. Bock has just said is actually connected, so that I can say that much depends on what opinion may arise among you at this moment regarding the position of Protestantism and Catholicism. I believe that I can safely assume that you have come here for a very positive reason, namely to find a way out of the religious confusion of the present. I myself certainly do not want to say that it is somehow obvious to me to want to influence this path in one direction or the other. Because it is not just about some kind of knowledge, but about decisions of the will, and these must arise from your innermost conviction, but can of course be motivated in a wide variety of ways, so that we actually have to discuss the possible motivation of your decisions of the will. For example, a great deal will depend on how you come to a decision regarding the abyss that gapes between Catholicism and Protestant Christianity, between Protestantism and so on. Because, isn't it true that your resolution will turn out quite differently – I am now referring to the resolution of the majority of those present here – if you take into consideration the idea of defining Christianity as broadly as possible, so that, for example, everything that wants to be Christian in the world can now be transferred to your community formations. That would be an ideal, I would say it would be extremely desirable. But you will not find any possibility, vis-à-vis Catholicism – whereby I now strictly separate Catholicism from the Roman Catholic Church – of bridging the abyss from the Protestant side, unless you gain a mutual understanding of the sacramentalism anchored in the Catholic world. Of course, you can also take the position: That is not our concern at first, we want to create a viable church movement, and then it may show how this viable church movement asserts itself in the world. — You will also be able to take this position; it does not require such a strict understanding with Catholicism as such. But you will only be able to gain the necessary information for such a judgment when you have a clear understanding of the historical background to the opening of this abyss. For today the situation is actually such that someone who has remained within Catholicism, that is, whose human being is still within practical Catholicism, cannot really understand the Protestant mind. And just as little can he who has grown out of the present-day Protestant traditions, out of modern views of all shades, which are anchored in the Protestant churches, if he is completely attached to them, easily find the way across the abyss. It is precisely the why of this question that must be clarified before a decision can be reached.
[ 3 ] In Catholicism there is a conception that has disappeared from modern consciousness, from the actual modern consciousness, one could say, if one wants to specify a clear point in time, since the 15th century. And it was entirely appropriate – but again connected with Roman political impulses, which then pushed the appropriate into the background – it was entirely appropriate, in a certain way, to to hold, to impose on Catholic clergy the obligation to return to the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, that is, to the philosophy that represents the culmination of philosophical thought before the 15th century. One can say: Without living in this philosophy, one cannot really find an epistemological justification of sacramentalism as it is practiced in the Catholic Church. On the other hand, the Protestant-evangelical consciousness is entirely within the development that only began after the 15th century. If you want to experience the struggle between these two currents, then turn to the works of Nicolaus Cusanus, who, in the 15th century, one might say, raised the question with all his might: How do the past and the future stand side by side in my soul now? and who, in a sense, by going back to certain soul experiences that are linked to the name of Dionysius the Areopagite, then created a bridge for himself.
[ 4 ] Yesterday I said that the Protestant is very right to see something magical in the way the Catholic understands his sacrifice of the Mass, and that is absolutely right. But if you accept the educational substance of modern times, you are not at all able to admit this magic without further ado. If we start from the modern consciousness alone, we will find no difference between a Mass that is part of the continuity of Christian development and a Mass that simply contains in word, sign and action everything that appears to the external senses in the Mass. Beyond the understanding of the content lies the understanding of what the Mass sacrifice means to the Catholic; and this is because the unified understanding of the world has been lost for humanity in the most recent times, this unified understanding of the world, which comprehends the spirit on the one hand and nature on the other. I would like to say that the paths of knowledge have turned more to nature, and insight into the spiritual world has disappeared, and with it the possibility of seeing through certain mysteries as such. I do not want to say by this that the substantial content of the sacrifice of the Mass is also present in the consciousness of every Catholic priest. But at least in the Catholic community there is enough awareness of the substantial content of the sacrifice of the Mass that one can still speak of it as a reality even in the present.
[ 5 ] I cannot make what is at hand here any clearer to you than if I were to start from the point of view of knowledge. Because all that, my dear friends, which has been thrown into the discussion in these days, what is in Dr. Rittelmeyer's and Dr. Schairer's paper on the determination of the religious and the demarcation of the religious point of view from the point of view of knowledge, all of this is completely incomprehensible to the Catholic, [it is] basically does not exist. And if he does address it as a modernist or otherwise, then basically, even within Catholicism, it has already been accepted by Protestantism. For the Catholic, none of these things in the least raises any questions; you cannot formulate the questions for him in this way. For true Catholicism, the assumption that there should be a mere emotional relationship between man and God without a religious dogmatic content would be something absolutely incomprehensible; the religious dogmatic content must refer to the supersensible world. Of course, you may say, it is precisely scholasticism that makes this distinction, adopted by Protestantism in a different way, between what can be known and what is merely to be believed. But scholasticism does not make this distinction in the same way. For scholasticism, the difference between truths that are attained by mere human reason and those truths that are subject to revelation is basically only one that refers to the different way in which man comes to these contents; but it is not a difference in principle. In the sense of scholasticism, it is certainly the case that the “Praeambuli fidei” are there, which can be achieved by ordinary reason, and above that lies the truth of revelation; but the truth of revelation also has a real content, to which one has to relate in thought, just as one relates to scientific truths in thought. [So one has to] relate to the truths that are revealed to one in exactly the same way as to scientific truths. There is only a difference in the way man comes to the truths, not this fundamental difference that has been discussed here in these days. There is something extraordinarily important in this, and with it the abyss is actually given.
[ 6 ] You see, that is why I have to go into this cognitive content when explaining the sacrament and the mass. When today a person considers the two extreme poles of human life, birth with embryonic life and conception – I will summarize these three under the unified name “birth” – on the one hand birth and on the other hand death, then he understands what happens to the physical person in this process, and he understands it as a natural scientific event. Today, even theologians speak about birth and death as one speaks about natural scientific events when the physical human being is concerned. That is precisely why in this day and age the wall between faith and knowledge is being erected so abruptly, because when it comes to what is taken away by purely scientific knowledge of birth and death, one wants to hold on to something that one then has for religion, but which cannot be categorized as knowledge. How does the modern man look at birth? It will seem strange to you that I am compelled to speak of birth when I want to speak of the Mass, but I would not be able to speak of the latter without speaking of birth. Man looks at birth in such a way that he studies the human embryonic germ and asks: What happens in the embryonic germ through fertilization? He then asks: How is the male and female hereditary substance taken up, and what actually happens, in the way that can be scientifically understood, from the ancestors to the child? — Today's man must, according to all the antecedents that are available to him from his scientific education, take this point of view. This point of view exerts such a colossal influence on modern man that he must regard a point of view that does not see it as a kind of madness. For everything that is cultivated in modern man and thus becomes intertwined in his habits of thought, all this leads man to be able to ask the questions only in this way. Then, when he says: this question can one day be answered by knowledge —, he can at most add: faith is then left with the way in which the soul is united with this body. But it is not like that. And here is one of the points where you can see quite clearly that it does have a certain significance for anthroposophy to tie in with modern science and develop it further. For it is clear from anthroposophical research that through the act of conception, the matter as it is present in the human organism is completely eliminated in its mode of action. If you consider a fertilized female egg in its further development, you are considering something that has been excluded from all earthly possibilities of occurrence through the act of conception. A chaos is created in the fertilized egg in which all activity that is accessible to modern natural science is initially excluded. If I draw this schematically, it stops here. (During the following explanations, drawings are made on the board.) Insofar as it works in the human realm, fertilization consists of creating a place within which the earthly effects cease, everything that can be reached by natural science ceases. This creates the possibility that within this place cosmic activity takes place, peripheral-cosmic activity. What is happening in there is not what can be reached by earthly natural science. I draw the earth here, here is the realm of people, that is the periphery, which you can of course place out to an immeasurable distance. While we have the effects of the earth everywhere else in the human realm, even in our father and mother, here, when I draw this circle in, we have effects from the periphery, from the immeasurable expanses, working inwards, so that what happens here enters into the world given to natural science. This is a concept that is quite foreign to modern man because it has been lost since the mid-15th century.

[ 7 ] If you are near Naples, when you walk over certain areas of land, you only need to take a piece of paper and light it, and it will smoke out of the ground. Those who have traveled in Italy will have seen this; the earth smokes. Why does it smoke? Because what is smoking is inside the earth and held there by the normal air pressure. If we light a piece of paper, the air pressure is reduced and what is otherwise under the earth pushes its way out.
[ 8 ] The effect of the earth is excluded by the fertilization, and the effect of the heavens is thus asserted. It is the opposite of what can be demonstrated at the solfataras. While we are otherwise dealing with central effects when we examine the phenomena on earth, that is, with something that emanates from the earth, [the center of which] lies, as it were, in the direction of gravity, we are actually dealing with peripheral effects in the embryonic activity, which, as it were, work from immeasurable distances towards the center. They become effective at the moment when earthly effectiveness is excluded. And if we now go into what happens here, we have to consider processes in the embryonic formation of the human being in which the whole cosmos participates in the creation of the human being, and not earthly processes. The first thing we have to deal with is that a human being comes from the spiritual world, that the human being ceases to live within the spiritual world and begins to live within the physical world. The second thing that happens – and this happens on the further path of embryonic development – is that he enters into a relationship with physical matter. The third thing that happens is that what comes out of the spiritual world through the human being enters into a relationship with the physical world and all that can still lie in it in terms of upward striving, all that comes from the cosmos from the peripheral-central, in contrast to the central-peripheral, is taken up by the central. Through all this, the actual earthly activity now begins, the claiming of the human being by the earthly. And the last, the fourth, is the preparation of the human inwardness in the body, which only comes out when the human being has learned to speak. So that we can say: the processes that take place through birth are: the descent of the human being from communion with the spiritual; if you want a word for it, you can say “excommunication”; the descent, the coming down. (It is written on the board:)
1.) Coming down
The second is the entering into a relationship with matter. (It is written on the blackboard:)
2.) Relationship with matter.
The third is the utilization of the earthly central forces, the adaptation to the earth. (It is written on the blackboard:)
3.) Adapting the earth
And the fourth is the ability to speak, which only comes to the extent that the embryonic activity still takes place after birth in humans. (It is written on the board:)
4.) Language ability
You approach the mystery of birth quite differently by looking at it this way, my dear friends.
How then do we approach the mystery of death, which is the other pole of human life? Well, if we go back the way we came, if we start with the ability to speak, in the Gospel, (it is written on the board:)
Gospel 1.
[ 9 ] we create, in contrast to being claimed by the central forces of the earth, the re-ascent, the re-adaptation to the peripheries; but this happens in the smoke offering. So we perform the opposite of “three” by entrusting what we have received, by adapting to the earth, to the smoke that counteracts the central forces of the earth. (It is written on the board:)
Sacrifice 2.
[ 10 ] In other words, what are we doing here? We speak the word in the gospel first, and we become aware that we pronounce this word not as our own word, in the sense in which I said it yesterday, but that it passes into objectivity. We hand the word over to the smoke – the smoke that is able to take on the form of the word. Of course, you will say, only in the form of a suggestion, but still a suggestion. The sacrifice consists in our entrusting the spoken word, which casts waves, to the smoke, which now carries it upwards. Our word itself is carried upwards. If we reverse the relationship with matter, we arrive at dematerialization in transubstantiation, in transformation. (It is written on the blackboard:)
Transubstantiation 3.
[ 11 ] We have led our ego in from the periphery of the cosmos when we are born, and we lead it out again when we die. We have the sign of transubstantiation, of dematerialization, for this. Where does this power come from? Well, just as the peripheral powers work towards the center when we speak of birth, the powers that we have already invoked in the sacrifice now work out towards the world. They work because we have entrusted our word to the smoke. They are now working from the center and carrying the dematerialized word out through the power of speech itself, and this puts us in a position to accomplish the fourth, the opposite of coming down: union with the superior, communion. (It is written on the board:)
Communion 4.
[ 12 ] But now, my dear friends, we are not only born at the beginning of our lives; the forces that are active at birth continue to be active, only they are dampened when we are carried out of the mother's womb into the outside air. They are attenuated, but they continue to work, in an attenuated way they continue to work. In the development of speech lies the clearest continuation of what is present in the embryonic forces in relation to the rest of the organism. But the embryonic forces also continue to work outside of speech-forming forces, and they work most strongly each time from the beginning of sleep until waking. The embryonic forces continue to work much more clearly in humans than in the waking state. It is only an extract of what was at work during the embryonic period, but during sleep these same embryonic forces continue to work. But then the dying forces also work in us continually. We are born and die every moment. The dying forces are at work. The reverse process continues to work in us, which worked from the descent to the ability to speak; the process works in us, which leads from the gospel to communion, from speech to union with the divine-spiritual. But that which is a sacrament in the mass, is a process that is performed externally and that continuously counteracts being born in us. That is what the continuous dying forces in us make up.
[ 13 ] You see, such a sacramental process was also performed in the ancient mysteries. Why could it be performed there in the ancient mysteries? It could be carried out because there was a certain heritage of spiritual perception in man. The moment a person living before the Mystery of Golgotha spoke the corresponding word, that is, spoke that which we have today in the Gospels, this word was claimed by the Divine-Spiritual. With this ceremony, man handed over the secret of his continuous dying to the divine-spiritual powers. These divine-spiritual powers left the earth during the time of the Mystery of Golgotha. It is only a historical prejudice to believe that the earth is in continuous evolution. This is not the case; it is not the case at all. If the Mystery of Golgotha had not happened, we would be able to perform such a ceremony today in such a way that we would only hand over what dies to the etheric and astral worlds, but not to the world to which our ego belongs. That was not the case before the Mystery of Golgotha. Here we touch on something, my dear friends, which, because of his intellectualistic education, man today cannot believe, because he has no antecedents for it. He cannot believe that fire, air, water and earth have become something different since the Mystery of Golgotha. That is only a temporal determination. This does not answer the question: what would have happened to the Earth if the Mystery of Golgotha had not come? — So let us simply exclude the Mystery of Golgotha for the time being and ask ourselves: what would this ceremony have become if the Mystery of Golgotha had not come?
[ 14 ] It would be a process that, through the processes of death, would only preserve our being up to the astral body. The physical body would dissolve into the earth, the etheric body would blur in the etheric sea, and the astral body would pass over into the astral world, but the I would be corrupted, the I would have reached its end in some embodiment, the I could not pass through the gate of death. That is the secret of the evolution of the earth, that before our era began, man retained something that he could still save through the gate of death, and that he could visualize through this ceremony. This ceremony would have become, had the Mystery of Golgotha not occurred, just what it could become, when the last spiritual entities, which still have affinity with the human ego, have taken leave of warmth, air, water, and when only those beings remained in warmth, air, water, and earth that still have a kinship with our etheric, that still have a further kinship with our astral, but no longer with the human ego.
[ 15 ] That, my dear friends, was the great fear of the demons when they recognized the Christ who had come to earth. They had thought that they would now be able to take power and wipe out the human ego from the earth. The Gospel clearly expresses how the demons behaved when they recognized who had come. For they knew that their plan for the world had been thwarted; they had hoped – from the spheres from which they had emerged, they could hope – to take control of the earth. The Christ had entered the earth, and through that which was brought down from the spiritual worlds into earthly events through the Christ, the ceremony has taken on a new meaning, and in this ceremony the Christ-being has become present.
[ 16 ] This is a matter that can certainly be pursued in spiritual science. One must only really absorb within oneself that which I have just, I would say, thread-drawn, which I have given you sketchily, as if through a small drawing. One must begin to gain a true understanding of the mystery of birth, which in nature itself as a sacrament confronts us because it is supernatural, and one must gain from it an understanding of the sacrament that lies in the sacrifice of the Mass, which becomes supernatural through the presence of Christ. Anyone who cannot speak as I have done, who cannot understand the outcry of the lower demons when they perceived the deeds of Christ as a real process, and takes this outcry of the demons as a mere comparison, or if you take it as something that is exhausted in the meaning of the word, you understand nothing of what a sacramental act is, especially the central sacramental act of the Mass.
[ 17 ] Now, however, in the first third of the 15th century, humanity has forgotten how to talk about these things. Today, when speaking of a real event in relation to the outcry of demons when they became aware of Christ, one is indeed at a loss for words, just as a madman would be when speaking of something that is not only customary in a particular country, but has become customary throughout the world. One is indeed left with the feeling: “What wisdom is before God has become folly before the world.” That is why what is folly in the eyes of the world is so often wisdom before the Divine in our time.
[ 18 ] And so the time came when the Sacramentale could no longer be accepted at all, when intellectualism took hold of all circles and worked with such power - after all, it initially worked in our religious and scientific fields - that it also took hold of the religious and, above all, of theology. This is absolutely connected with external events, my dear friends, which have taken place and which you in Central Europe can follow, as that which actually developed out of church schools as a teaching for humanity was first preserved in the universities. Study how the universities were treated from the 14th century onwards, how they then developed further, and see how the universities were gradually taken out of the spiritual context of human development, how they were gradually secularized and how the course is to lead what is within the spiritual into the secular. Study how the states came into conflict with the church, and how the states — because the church insisted on it — at most left the teaching content in it as an enclave, but otherwise the spiritual was taken out of the development of humanity. This historical development must be sensed, it must be felt. Today we stand far too cold-heartedly before historical development. At least we have ceased to feel religiously toward historical development. How then can we reach the Gospels at all, since they arose out of quite different conditions of human development, when we have ceased to feel religiously toward historical development?
[ 19 ] You see, there you have the real transition from earthly life to spiritual life. Through birth, the human being is led down through four stages into earthly existence, all the way to language; through the process of death, he is led up from language to communion. But he would die today [even with his ego] if he had not taken in what lies in the entire ceremonial process leading up to Communion, if he had not taken in the Christ who saves him from death within the physical, the etheric and the astral, up to the preservation of the ego, so that he can have the ego even after death. With the sacrifice of the Mass, man's life is snatched from the power of demons, the power that entangles us in contradictions by creating sharply contoured concepts through intellectualism. But life does not live in sharp contours; life lives conceptually within our consciousness only when one concept can organically merge into another. In the inorganic, that we have distinct concepts, we have only what is dead disguised in our consciousness. We need concepts that merge into one another, that are alive, capable of metamorphosis; these concepts alone are not rejected when we grasp them within ourselves, these concepts are carried out and, through sacrifice, through transubstantiation, they lead to communion, to reunion with the divine, through which we are released back down to earth.
[ 20 ] Those who take the standpoint of modern consciousness, my dear friends, take the standpoint that, on the one hand, one must take since the 15th century if one goes with the progress of the human race. One simply has to go with progress; there is a certain point of view of consciousness, by virtue of which we cannot stop. Even if we were to fall into an abyss, we would have to go with the progress of the human race; then we would simply have to seek the possibility of making progress again on the other side of the abyss. What has happened since the 15th century was necessary after all. The Evangelical-Protestant consciousness has become imbued with what necessarily had to develop in the course of human evolution since the 15th century. You see, as this point of development for humanity approaches, discussions arise about transubstantiation, about the Lord's Supper, in the most diverse ways. As long as one stands on the sacramental point of view, there are no such discussions, because such discussions arise from the invasion of intellectualism into the sacramental way of thinking. Within Europe, we were also at about the same point of view before the 15th century as the Hindu point of view is today. If the Hindu participates in intellectual development, then he is as free as possible in the intellectual development, provided he remains a true Brahmanist. The Hindu participates in the ceremonies, he participates in the cult; the cult unites everyone, and the one who participates in the cult is a true Hindu believer; he may think about it whatever he wants, in that he is completely free. There are basically no dogmas that are held by thought, no doctrinal content. Schools can arise that interpret things in a hundred different ways. All this can be in the right orthodox Hinduism, if only the ceremonies are held as the real thing.
[ 21 ] This was more or less the point of view in Europe before the 15th century. Then began the invasion of intellectualism, which demanded sharp, contoured concepts, and which simply could not cope with sacramentalism because it began the discussion where there is actually nothing to discuss. If you had presented a person like Scotus Eriugena, that is, someone who was completely immersed in the understanding of the first Christian centuries, with the discussions of later times – one can even say that they were presented to him in a certain sense, it seems to have an effect in advance, but they were different –... [gap]. If you study this in Scotus Eriugena, you can see that he is still speaking from the fullness of life, and in contrast to this, the later discussions seem as I once experienced them with a school friend who developed in a very radical way towards materialism and who, among other things, had a conversation with me in which he broke off rather angrily and said: “It is nonsense to speak of anything other than brain processes when talking about the human soul life; it is nonsense to say anything other than that the brain molecules and atoms move in a certain way, because that is all that lives in thoughts and feelings. “Then I answered him: 'Yes, tell me why you lie. You lie all the time when you say 'I feel', 'I think' and so on; you should say 'my brain feels', 'my brain thinks'; if you were true, you would have to say that. By developing completely into materialism, he then also came to criticize man to the ground. He said: Man is a being that, instead of having a proper base, moves by swinging from two legs while constantly seeking equilibrium; it is simply nonsense to look at the whole nature of man, his gait, differently. He had actually spoken the truth from his point of view, because he had criticized the living from the point of view of intellectualism. This is roughly how it would have seemed to an old confessor of sacramentalism if someone had attacked sacramentalism from an intellectual-critical point of view, if one had criticized religious life in this way. But since the 15th century, this has become a matter of course, and modern religious consciousness is now enmeshed in all of this, sometimes not realizing how deeply it is enmeshed.
[ 22 ] So that one can say: On the one hand, we have the Catholic Church, which, if it feels its lifeblood correctly, must not allow intellectualism to enter it, and on the other hand, we have the Protestant consciousness, which has developed in a cultural milieu that no longer feels the reality [of sacramentalism], as I have indicated today. That is why the gap is so enormous. The Catholic has simply stopped in the development of mankind before the impulses that arose in the 15th century; he has only developed his religion up to that point. It was so difficult for Cardinal Newman to embrace Catholicism because he came from a [modern] consciousness. Thus, for the Catholic, religious life has been pushed to one side, and all the modern pursuit of science has been taken up externally. You cannot read a scientific work that has emerged from Catholicism without realizing how modern science affects the most learned priests and the most learned Catholics, causing them to view it as an external matter, and only what they bring with them in terms of feeling and fervor from their Catholicism can give them stability. But science is a different matter from that which is practiced within religion, and the scholasticism of Thomas Aquinas was the last product of intellectual development, in which philosophy is still an organic part of the overall world view. Therefore, it had to be re-examined in order to philosophically fortify Catholicism.
[ 23 ] The Protestant consciousness felt obliged to take up intellectualism and to assimilate it. In so doing, it became estranged from sacramentalism and was compelled to assume a more purely ethical character. It was compelled to disregard everything that is somehow the foundation of knowledge for religious life. For example, instead of emphasizing the mystery of birth, it was necessary to emphasize the mystery of the birth of natural science and to include something that could only be attained through faith, that is, to conceive of the union of soul and body in such a way that no insight could be gained from it. The Mass, which is the ceremony of the reverse of the birth process, the dying process, was handed over to historical development without understanding, it was dropped. All this is connected with the fact that precisely in the age of intellectualism man could not find the spiritual directly in the physical either. And so today, in order to salvage the religious content at all, he is compelled to shape it in such a way that it has nothing whatever to do with all the content of knowledge. This will always stand out as a gaping contradiction for anyone who does not want to ignore the practical impulses of the soul life in theory.
[ 24 ] But humanity could never have entered the age of experiencing freedom without going through what has taken place since the 15th century, because freedom can only be won within a culture of intellectualism. Only the intellectual approach places us in such a way in relation to ourselves that we have that inner experience which I have presented in my 'Philosophy of Freedom' as the experience of pure thinking, which is the fundamental experience of freedom. All that has been said about freedom before is only preparatory, for freedom cannot be found within a conception which basically contained only necessity, like those conceptions that stopped before the 15th century. Thus the fundamental riddle for us is this: How can we, while recognizing the blessings of intellectualism, come out of freedom to find sacramentalism again?
[ 25 ] We cannot understand the question unless we pose it in this depth. We must resort to the historical development if we want to understand the matter. And anyone who cannot proceed from what I have now discussed does not understand Luther's spiritual struggle inwardly either, but only outwardly, in a certain intellectualistic way; and in the next few days you will see that with what we have said today we have already gathered the building blocks for understanding Luther's spiritual struggle. For today, we will conclude with this.
(After Rudolf Steiner has agreed to take questions, Bock briefly reiterates the connection between the sacrifice of the mass and birth.)
[ 26 ] Rudolf Steiner: The point is that the ability to speak, that is, the life in the word, is the last ability to emerge in this direction after the other abilities through the birth forces (plate 5). Now we then develop the ability to speak, which we receive, in the most comprehensive sense, and this then becomes the Gospel, in which God is proclaimed in the word, so that we are driven (blackboard 5) through birth to the word, and from the word we go back again. So the path goes from “descending” to the word, logos, and then back again. I only wrote “gospel” on the blackboard to emphasize the Mass sacrifice as the reverse ceremonial process. If we consider the Mass-Sacrifice – I pass over the introductory proceedings, they are all in preparation – the first real act is the reading of the Gospel, the sounding of the word; thus that to which the Nativity led us last, in the Mass-Sacrifice we let it sound first. The Gospel that is read is the first actual act of the Mass, the word is sounded. Now, after a few more preliminary procedures, which do not represent the essential, the sacrifice begins. The altar is fumigated. The meaning of this is that the word that has been spoken unites with the smoke and rises up at the altar. Then comes the time after the offertory until transubstantiation, when we have returned to dematerialization. And the last thing is then Communion, which represents the opposite of coming down: being taken up. If all the processes are conceived in this way, we have first the word, then in the act of sacrifice the smoke, which can carry the word upwards through its power of dematerialization in the consecration and of uniting in Communion. That is how it is, yes.
1.) Descent Communion 4.
2.) Relationship with Matter Transubstantiation 3.
3.) Customization of the Earth Sacrifice 2.
4.) Language Ability Gospel 1,