Things in Past and Present in the Spirit of Man
GA 167
Twelve lectures given in Berlin, February 13th through May 30th 1916. Also known as: Things of Present and Past in the Spirit of Man. Published in German as: Gegenwaertiges und Vergangenes im Menschengeiste (und erweiterte Inhaltsangaben fuer die naechste Auflage).
The translation of these lectures has been made from shorthand reports unrevised by the lecturer and published as Volume No. 167 in the Complete Centenary Edition of the works of Rudolf Steiner in the original German. Translated by E. H. Goddard
I. | Examination of Anthroposophic Literature | February 13, 1916 |
II. | Deeper Secrets of Man's Soul-Spiritual Nature | March 07, 1916 |
III. | Shedding Light on the Deeper Impulses of History. Blavatsky | March 28, 1916 |
IV. | Secrets of Freemasonry | April 04, 1916 |
V. | Comenius and the Temple of PanSophia | April 11, 1916 |
VI. | Death and Resurrection | April 18, 1916 |
VII. | Man's Four Members | April 25, 1916 |
VIII. | Thomas More and His Utopia | May 02, 1916 |
IX. | Celtic Symbols and Cult, Jesuit State in Paraguay | May 09, 1916 |
X. | The Value of Truth | May 16, 1916 |
XI. | Fragments from the Jewish Haggada | May 23, 1916 |
XII. | Luciferic Dangers from the East | May 30, 1916 |