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The Spiritual Hierarchies
GA 110

Düsseldorf, April 12, 1909, Morning

Lecture I

[ 1 ] This course of lectures will take us into the high spiritual regions we shall be led from the earth, where we live, not only into the wide physical spaces of our universe, but also be uplifted to those spiritual worlds, from which this whole physical universe has derived its origin.

Such a course will show us, that the fundamental object of all knowledge and all wisdom is to solve the greatest problem of all — the problem of humanity. In order to make the human being understandable, explanatory facts have to be brought from far away. Above all it is necessary that those who wish to follow this course should be acquainted with the fundamental conceptions of Anthroposophy; although it is true that all Anthroposophists are acquainted with them in a general way. In these lectures we may rise in spirit to very exalted spheres, but we shall always endeavour to bring those facts which lie so far afield near to you and make them as comprehensible as possible.

[ 2 ] When we have to speak of what we call the Spiritual Hierarchies, it means that our souls' gaze must rise to those beings who, in the sphere of our earth, have a higher existence than man. In the visible world we can only progress to beings that represent four degrees of one hierarchy, i.e., the mineral world, the plant world, the animal world and the human world. Above man begins a world of invisible beings, through the knowledge of the super-sensible world, and man is able (as far as it is possible for him) to rise a certain distance towards those beings and powers, which are the continuation in the invisible world of the four grades found within the realm of the earth. The knowledge and investigation which lead us into those regions has not, as you all know, come into existence only at our present time in evolution. There is what we may call a primeval world-wisdom; — all that man can fathom, all that he can know and realise, all that he has gained in ideas and conceptions, all that he has attained through clairvoyant imagination, inspiration, and intuition, — all has been lived before, and known before, by those Beings who are higher than he. He only follows so to say, in their track. To make use of a trivial example: the watchmaker has first the idea, then he makes the watch according to the idea. A watch is made after the maker's ideas which preceded the watch; afterwards everyone can study and observe for himself from what ideas the watch was made, he can follow up the thoughts of the watchmaker. At the present point of evolution it is indeed only this kind of connection that man can have with primeval world-wisdom and with the spiritual beings that stand above him. Spiritual beings had first those imaginations, inspirations, intuitions, those ideas and thoughts according to which the world, as we see it, was formed. Man finds these thoughts and ideas in the world again; when he rises to clairvoyant vision, he finds the imaginations, inspirations, and intuitions, by the help of which he can penetrate into the world of those spiritual beings. We can, therefore, say that before our world came into being there already existed the wisdom of which we are going to speak: it is the Plan of the World.

[ 3 ] How far must we go back, while still remaining within the limits of reality, if we want to come into touch with that primeval world-wisdom? Must we go back to some time or other in the historical past, when some great teacher was teaching? We can certainly learn a great deal if we do; but to come into touch with true primeval world-wisdom we must go back to the time when there was no outwardly visible earth, when no world visible to the outer senses was as yet in existence. It was from out [of] that wisdom itself that the world came forth. But this wisdom, out of which spiritual beings formed our world, was imparted to man later. Man with his thoughts could see behind those thoughts, could realise the thoughts according to which spiritual beings have built the world. After this primeval wisdom, this wisdom of the creators of the world had worked through many forms, it appeared in a form known to many of you: after the great Atlantean period it appeared in those ancient, holy Rishis, the great teachers of India, during our first epoch of civilisation. [ 4 ] With these sublime Rishis the primeval wisdom expressed itself in a form which the man of the present day can but little understand. The human capacities of feeling and thinking have greatly changed since the times when the great teachers of India taught man in the first epoch of civilisation after Atlantis; and if the words which came from the Rishis were simply repeated as they were said, there would be hardly one soul in the whole earth who could hear anything more in them nowadays than just words and again words. One has need of other capabilities of feeling than those at present existing, in order to understand the wisdom which was given to humanity in the first epoch after Atlantis. For all that is found in the best books regarding primeval world-wisdom, is but a faint echo of what this really is which in many ways is but a deceptive, obscured wisdom. However grand and sublime the Vedas appear to us, however beautiful the songs of Zarathustra sound, and however magnificent the language in which the ancient wisdom of Egypt speaks, so that we can never sufficiently admire it; still, all that has been written down gives us but a dim, dull reflection of the wisdom of Hermes, of the grand teaching of Zarathustra, or of the sublime knowledge which the Ancient Rishis proclaimed. This sublime wisdom has been preserved and guarded for humanity; it was always to be found in certain very limited circles of people who watched over what is called the knowledge of the Mysteries. In the Mysteries of India, Persia, Chaldea, Egypt, and in the Christian Mysteries, all the primeval wisdom of humanity has been safely preserved up to our times. Up to a short time ago it was only in those narrow circles, that not book-wisdom, but living wisdom, could be found. For certain reasons which will be made clear in this course of lectures, our time has been chosen for extending to larger masses of people that which has been kept alive by those little groups. The original wisdom of the Rishis, for instance, has never lost life. It permeated, like the fountain of youth, the age which we regard as the beginning of our era. The very holy wisdom which the Rishis gave to man was continued through Zarathustra and his pupils, through the Chaldean and Egyptian teachers. It also flowed in the words of Moses, and it came forth again with. an altogether new impulse, as from the fountain of life, with the appearance of the Christ upon earth. It then became so deep, so intrinsically internal, that it could only gradually flow again into humanity. Thus we see that since the outward declaration of Christianity, the primeval world wisdom has penetrated but slowly and gradually into humanity from most elementary beginnings. [ 5 ] Its messages are there, they are to be found in the Gospels and in other Christian writings which include the wisdom of the holy Rishis, in a new form; like a new birth out of a new fountain. But how could these messages be understood at the beginning of the era for whose purification Christianity had been created? Through the Gospels it was least of all understood; they only attained very gradually to further comprehension and in many ways to a still further obscuration, and to-day the Gospels are, in truth, the most sealed of all books for the larger part of humanity — books which will only be first understood by a future age which will have refreshed itself at the source of the original world-wisdom. But the treasures hidden in the Christian revelation have been preserved, treasures no other than those of the Eastern wisdom, but renewed by means of fresh forces They have been guarded in narrow circles which were the continuation of Mystery Societies, like the Brotherhood of the Holy Grail, and finally in the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross. These treasures of truth have been kept well hidden and have been accessible only to those who through severe trials had prepared themselves for the living wisdom. Thus the treasures of the Eastern and Western wisdom, through all the centuries of evolution from the beginning of our era, were made almost inaccessible to the larger mass of humanity.

[ 1 ] Only a little trickled through here and there to the outer world: the most part remained a secret of the new Mysteries. [ 6 ] Then came a time when some of the contents of primeval wisdom, treasured in narrow circles, was allowed to be given out to larger masses of humanity in a language comprehensible to them. Since the last third of the nineteenth century or thereabouts one can speak of this world wisdom in a more or less unveiled form. It is only because certain things have taken place in the spiritual worlds that the Guardians of the Mysteries received permission to allow some of the ancient wisdom to penetrate to the outer world. All of you, my dear friends, know the course of development of the Anthroposophical Society. You know how the ice in which its development was bound was, so to say, broken by those words of wisdom, revealed in a way which I am not going to enter into now — the stanzas of Dzyan. Those stanzas of Dzyan, of the secret teaching, contain in truth some of the deepest and most important wisdom; they have in them much of that which coming from the teaching of the holy Rishis has flowed through the sanctuaries of the East. They contain also much of what has streamed into Western Europe since the Christian rejuvenation. For the stanzas of Dzyan do not include only the wisdom which had to be kept exclusively for the East, but also a great deal of that which streamed as a clear light through the centuries of our time, through the Middle Ages into the Mystery Schools of the West. Much that is to be found in the stanzas of Dzyan will only be gradually understood in all its depth. It may well be said here that the wisdom of the stanzas of Dzyan is of such a kind that it cannot yet be understood in the widest anthroposophical circles, or fathomed with the exoteric capabilities of the present day.

[ 7 ] After the first ice had been broken in this way, the time came when one could speak more openly from the sources of Western occultism, which is no other than the occultism of the East transplanted and continued in a way that has adapted itself to new circumstances and conditions of physical and spiritual life.

The time has come when one can speak from those ever living sources of occultism which have been faithfully treasured in the Mysteries of the Rosy Cross. There is no wisdom of the East which has not streamed into Western occultism and into the teaching and investigations of the Rosy Cross; in them is to be found absolutely all that the great teachers of the East ever had in their keeping. Nothing, nothing whatever of that which is to be found in the Eastern wisdom is lacking in the wisdom of the West. The only difference — if it can be called a difference — is that Western occultism has to include the whole of the Eastern wisdom and teaching and, without losing anything, to blend it with the light which has been kindled in humanity through the Christ Impulse. When one speaks of Western occultism, of that which has its derivation from the hidden Western Rishis (whom certainly no eye hath seen) it is impossible to say that in it is wanting one single iota, one single shred of the Eastern wisdom. Only it had all to be brought forth again fresh and new from the fountain-head of the Christ Impulse. All the great treasures of wisdom which were first revealed by the holy Rishis regarding superhuman worlds and super-sensible existence, resound in the description we have to give of the spiritual hierarchies and their reflection in the physical world. Just as the geometry of Euclid has not become something different from what it used to be, because one teaches and learns it with new human capabilities, just as little has the wisdom of the holy Rishis changed because we learn and teach it with the new capabilities which have been kindled in us by the Christ Impulse. Therefore much of what we have to say about the spiritual worlds can be called Eastern wisdom. There must not be any misunderstanding in these things — and misunderstandings happen so easily. [ 8 ] Those who will not free themselves of a misconception, in order to come to understanding, can very easily misinterpret what, for instance, was said yesterday at the Easter lecture. They might assert about the so-called truths of Buddha, that I had said that the Buddha had taught and revealed the truths about life and life's pain as follows: ‘birth is pain, illness is pain, old age is pain, death is pain; to be separated from those one loves is pain, not to be united with what one loves is pain, not to have what one desires is pain’ and that I said: ‘Let us look at those who, in the times after Christ, really understood the Christ Impulse; for all the holy truths of the Buddha about the pain of life have no more their full importance; something has been created by the Christ Impulse that is like a cure for the pain of life.’ The Buddha taught: ‘Birth is pain’; but those who understood the Christ would answer that through birth we enter into a life shared with the Christ, and through the Christ's share in it the pain of life will be extinguished. Illness will also be extinguished through the healing power of the Christ Impulse, and there is no more pain in illness for one who understands Christ, and death also has no more pain for him who understands Christ. Yet someone might reply to this ‘Yes, but I could point to the Gospels to show that also there you will find it said that illness is pain, life is pain’: and one might superficially come to the conclusion: ‘We have those modern religious documents, but what they contain can also be found in Buddhism, therefore religions are not making progress, there is no evolution in them. All religions say the same things, but you have spoken of a progress, you expounded to us how, with the help of Christianity, the old truths of Buddhism would not be true any more.’ If anyone were to say this he would be guilty of a very serious misunderstanding. For that was not said: everything indeed was said with the exception of the last sentence. It is very important that this very subtle question should be rightly understood. A fanatic can never understand with precision, but a man who is objective can. [ 9 ] No one who speaks with knowledge of Rosicrucian wisdom will ever expound anything that would be against any of the writings of the great Buddha, or say that anything in them is untrue. Every man who speaks from the sources of Rosicrucian wisdom shares the conviction of Buddha, no one denies it. ‘Yes,’ such a man says, ‘what thou, great Buddha, through thy inner illumination, hast seen of the great truths about pain and life is exactly true, it is true to its last iota.’ Nothing, absolutely nothing will be taken away from it. All of it remains as it was. And it is just because all of it remains as it was, because all is true of what the Buddha said about the pain of life, of illness, of old age and of death, just because of this, the Christ Impulse is such a powerful and important saving help to us, for it is just this which lifts the pain, because it is true that pain would be there, if the world could not be lifted beyond and above it through that great Impulse. Why could the Christ work effectively? Because the Buddha had spoken the truth. Humanity had to be brought down out of the spiritual heights where the primeval world wisdom is active in its purest form; man had to be led to independence, through physical existence with which life's pain and illness are bound up, and the great healing help had to oppose those unavoidable facts in the course of further evolution. Does that man deny the reality of facts who, while declaring that these realities exist, holds at the same time that remedy has been given us by which the facts, about which those truths have been said, can be brought to a salutary development; does he who says this deny any existing reality? Oh! in those heights of existence where we must look for the spheres of the spiritual hierarchies — there Buddhism is not opposed to Christianity, nor Christianity to Buddhism; there the Buddha gives his hand to the Christ, and the Christ to the Buddha. But every misconception regarding human evolution, every misconception as to its ascending development, is a misconception also of that spiritual act in our earthly evolution which is the Act of Christ.

Thus nothing is denied. of the wisdom of the East, the wisdom which has brought down to us the teaching of the holy Rishis, and with it the primeval world-wisdom, which through such long epochs of time has ever been streaming into humanity. But, all through those very long epochs, large masses of humanity could not penetrate to the sources of that wisdom, could only understand it with great difficulty; it was precisely the understanding of it which came with such difficulty. [ 10 ] In ancient Atlantean times, before the great catastrophe, when the masses of humanity were still clairvoyant with the thin ancient clairvoyance, they beheld something quite different when they looked upwards to the spaces of heaven, to the spiritual hierarchies, from what they saw in the times after Atlantis when the larger part of humanity had lost its clairvoyance and so could gaze only with its physical eyes into the physical distances of the heavens. Therefore, in the times before the Atlantean catastrophe, it would have been quite senseless to speak to them of the heavenly bodies spread out in space as they are to-day. The clairvoyant human eye gazed into heavenly distance and saw the spiritual worlds. In those times there would have been no sense in speaking of Mercury or of Neptune or of Saturn, etc., as our astronomy speaks. The way astronomy speaks of the spaces of the world and what they contain is merely a reflection of what is seen by our own physical sight when it looks into depths of the sky. This did not exist for the ancient clairvoyant humanity of Atlantis; when they looked upwards, they did not see physically-limited stars, what the physical eye sees to-day is but the outer physical expression of the spiritual realities which people then beheld. When looking to-day with one's physical eye through a telescope at the place where Jupiter is, one perceives a physical globe surrounded by moons. What was seen by the man of Atlantis when he lifted his clairvoyant gaze to that same point which we look at to-day with our physical eyes? The Atlantean's eyes would have seen as little of what our sight sees to-day, as we should if we looked at a light through a thick autumn fog. The eye of the Atlantean would not have seen the physical star Jupiter, but he would have seen that which is also united with Jupiter to-day, which the man of the present day does not see: the aura of Jupiter, a totality of spiritual beings, of which the physical Jupiter is only the external expression. Thus did the gaze of man, before the Atlantean catastrophe, sweep round the spaces of the world seeing everywhere its spiritual content. He could speak only of the spiritual, for it would have had no meaning to speak of physical stars, when the physical eye was not yet opened as it is to-day. Looking into the spaces of the universe man saw spiritual beings — the spiritual hierarchies. He actually saw beings. [ 11 ] We can compare the changes that took place with further evolution in this way: let us suppose that we are going out into a thick fog; we do not see separate lights, everything is surrounded by aura or fog. The fog lifts and disperses, the separate lights are visible, but their aura becomes invisible ... This is only a physical process which must serve for an example. But the ancient eye saw the aura of Jupiter, it saw spiritual beings in that aura which at certain points of their evolution were united to Jupiter. Humanity then developed further, to the attainment of physical sight. The aura remained: men could no longer see it, but the physical body in the centre became ever clearer and clearer, spiritually it was lost to sight as its corporeal part became visible. But the knowledge of the spiritual, the knowledge of the beings surrounding the star was kept and guarded in the holy Mysteries.

All the holy Rishis speak of that knowledge. In the times when men already saw only in a physical way, the Rishis spoke to them of the spiritual atmospheres, of the spiritual inhabitants of those spheres which are spread out in the spaces of the world.

[ 12 ] Consider what the situation then was. In the centres of knowledge, spiritual beings were spoken of which surround the spheres of the universe. Outside where the physical eye was growing always sharper, physical matter was spoken of more and more. When the Ancient Rishis said the word Mercury (they did not use that word, but we take it as an example), did they mean by it the physical orb of that name? No! — even the ancient Greeks did not use it in that sense; what they meant was the totality of spiritual beings belonging to that planet. Spiritual world and spiritual beings were spoken of when, in the centres of secret knowledge for instance, the word Mercury was pronounced. When the disciples of that sacred knowledge spoke of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn pronouncing these words in their different languages, they expressed the gradations of spiritual beings. When those names are used to-day, only the coarsest part is meant of that which was originally understood by Moon, Mercury, Venus. The principal part is just what is omitted to-day; the ancient teacher of wisdom said the word Moon and with that word he evoked the idea of a great spiritual world. When he, pronouncing the word ‘Moon’, pointed to the place in heaven where the moon was, he felt in his consciousness that it was the lowest stage of the spiritual hierarchies, but the man to whom he was showing it, who was getting ever further from that spiritual sight because humanity was growing more and more physical, saw only the physical moon, and called it ‘Moon.’

One single word for two things which, though they certainly belong to each other, call forth quite different ideas in man. It was the same when the sages of the sacred knowledge pointed to Mercury, Sun, or Mars. [ 13 ] Thus we see that the two currents grew always further apart in humanity, the spiritual one describing something quite different from the material current. In the sacred Mysteries these words — which later became the mere names of physical planets — were always understood as descriptions of spiritual worlds and gradations of spiritual realms. The outer world always understood it materially up to the time of modern Mythology — I use the word purposely — which is called Astronomy. And as Anthroposophy has recognised the full worth of all the other Mythologies, it has also, as you will understand, given full value to that Mythology which is called modern Astronomy, which sees only space and in it, the physical world-spheres as physical orbs. But to him who knows, modern Mythology is only a special phase of all Mythologies. What the ancient inhabitants of Europe said in their myths about gods and stars, what the Romans gave in their Mythologies, and what appeared as the obscured Mythology of the Middle Ages, lead up in a straight line to the wonderful and admirable discoveries of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. A future will come when modern Mythology will be spoken of somewhat in this way: ‘There was a time when people found it right to place a material sun as the middle point of an ellipse and let the planets rotate within it, and spin round themselves on their own axes in different ways; they arranged a world system in that way, as people of earlier times also did. To-day’ — so will that future age think — ‘all that is only legend and fairy tale.’ Yes, that future age will come, although the man of the present who laughs at former Mythologies thinks it impossible that one could ever speak of Copernican Mythology. But this consideration will make clear to us how through the same words something ever more different may be meant. In spite of this the true primeval wisdom has always been cultivated and has always continued; it has however always been less understood exoterically and its spiritual side less seen, the more it has been materially explained.

In the beginning of our era, when there was a rejuvenescence of primeval wisdom, (in order that humanity should not lose all touch with that ancient wisdom), it was said. in sharp, clear words, that when man looks at the outer space of the world and his physical eye sees only what is physical, the space is filled with spirit. It was the most intimate pupil of St. Paul, Dionysius the Areopagite, who said in clear-cut words: ‘There is not only matter out there in space; there is, for the soul which rises consciously into the spaces of universal existence, the spiritual part which stands above man in the evolution of existence.’ And he used words which sounded different from the old ones, for if he had used the old words everybody would have understood them in the material sense. The Rishis spoke of the spiritual hierarchies, they expressed in their language what the Greek and Roman wisdom still described when speaking of the ascending scale of worlds: of the Moon, of Mercury, Mars and Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Dionysius, the pupil of the Apostle Paul had the same worlds in his mind as the Rishis, he repeated in clear cut words that here one had to do with spiritual realms, and he used words which he could be certain would be understood in their spiritual sense: he spoke of Angels, Archangels, Archai, Powers, Mights, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim. For now humanity had completely forgot what it once knew. Had it still been able to understand the connection between what Dionysius and the Rishis had seen, it would have grasped, while hearing on the one side of the Moon, and on the other side of the Mysteries of the Angels, that these were one and the same thing. It would have heard the word Mercury on the one hand and Archangel on the other, and would have known they were the same. The word ‘Archai’ spoken by the one, and ‘Venus’ by the other, were the same. And men. would have understood that with the words ‘Sun’ and ‘Powers’ the same worlds were meant. With the name ‘Mars’ they would have felt that they had to rise to the Mights (Dynamis). When they heard Jupiter mentioned, they would have known that it was the same as when in the school of Dionysius, Dominions were described. Saturn corresponds to ‘Thrones’; [ 14 ] but in wider circles this was not known any more, it could not be known. Thus there was on the one side a science of matter, which became ever more material, and the old names which once signified spiritual forces, were now used in a material sense. And on the other side, there was a spiritual life which spoke of Angels and Archangels, etc. which had lost its connection with the physical designations of these spiritual beings.

Thus we see how the primeval wisdom enters through Dionysius into the school which Paul had inaugurated, and how this new inauguration had to be penetrated by the ancient spirit. It is the task of modern Spiritual Science, or anthroposophy to form once more the bond which must unite the physical to the spiritual, the bond between the earth and the spiritual hierarchies. It is impossible for those who do not know where their ideas about the outer world of the senses come from, to realise the other, the spiritual side of knowledge. [ 15 ] This will be particularly noticeable when we have to deal with those writings which, although they are but a faint echo of the primeval cosmic wisdom, can still be understood in the light of that wisdom.

Let me show you an example of the difficulty there is in understanding writings which come down to us from that primeval wisdom. It is an example out of the Song Celestial, the Bhagavad Gita, where a sentence throws a very significant light on the connection between human life and the hierarchies. It is the following: (8th Chap. beginning with 23rd verse) ‘I will explain unto thee, oh man seeking for truth’ (it is thus generally translated) ‘under what circumstances those who know the Eternal leave the earth through the gate of death, to be later reborn or not. I will tell thee: Behold the fire, behold the day, behold the time of the waning moon, behold the half year when the sun is high — those who die at that time, who die in fire, in the day, in the time of the waxing moon, those enter through the gates of death into Brahma, but those who die in the sign of the smoke, in the night, when the moon is waning, in the half year when the sun stands low, these when they leave the world and pass through the gates of death enter only into the light of the moon, and return again to the world.’ [ 16 ] Here you have, my dear anthroposophical friends, a sentence from the Bhagavad Gita, in which it says that the condition of man's progress and of his reincarnation depends on whether he dies in the sign of the light, by day, with the waxing moon, during the half year when the sun stands high, or whether he dies in the sign of the smoke, by night, when the moon wanes and when the sun is low. It is said that this refers to the material sun. Of those who die in the sign of the fire by day, with the moon waxing, and during that half of the year when the sun is high, it is said that they do not need to return. Those who die in the sign of the smoke, by night, with the moon waning, and when the sun is low, must return into the world. This sentence out of the divine song of the East presents the greatest difficulty to all those who want to explain it within the limits of exoteric life. It can be explained only when it is illuminated by the light of spiritual knowledge, by the light in which it was received and written, the light which streams out of the Mystery schools, which can be increased. which has known its rejuvenescence through Christianity and which shows us how to find the link which binds the names Moon to Angels, Mercury to Archangels, Venus to the Archai and so on. With its help we shall find the key to such sentences as the one we gave as an example. Our course of studies will start from the explanation of this sentence in the Bhagavad Gita, a thing which is impossible in exoteric life; and after we have found the key to it, we shall pass on to further explanations of the spiritual hierarchies.

Erster Vortrag

[ 1 ] Dieser Vortragszyklus wird uns in hohe Gebiete des geistigen Lebens führen, wird uns sozusagen von unserem Wohnplatze der Erde nicht nur hinausführen in die physischen Raumeswelten, sondern er wird uns auch hinaufführen in die geistigen Welten, aus denen ja die physische Raumeswelt ihren Ursprung genommen hat. Aber gerade ein solcher Vortragszyklus wird Ihnen zeigen, daß alles Wissen und alle Weisheit im Grunde genommen darauf abzielt, uns das große, das größte der Rätsel zu lösen, das Menschenrätsel. Denn um den Menschen verständlich zu machen, müssen die Dinge weit, weit hergeholt werden. Nun ist es ja allerdings notwendig, daß derjenige, der diesen Kursus verfolgen will, mit einigen geisteswissenschaftlichen Grundbegriffen bereits ausgerüstet ist, aber das sind ja im Grunde genommen alle die verehrten Zuhörer. Und so dürfen wir denn in diesem Zyklus einmal vielleicht den Geistesflug ganz besonders hoch gestalten, wenn auch immer die Bemühung vorliegen soll, die Dinge, die ja so weit hergeholt werden müssen, so verständlich wie möglich zu machen.

[ 2 ] Wenn wir zu sprechen haben von dem, was man geistige Hierarchien nennt, so bedeutet das ja, daß unsere Seelenaugen hinaufsteigen sollen zu denjenigen Wesenheiten, welche ihr Dasein über dem Menschen haben hier auf unserer Erde. Wir können sozusagen für sichtbare Augen nur durch Wesenheiten aufsteigen, welche vier Stufen einer Hierarchie darstellen: die mineralische Welt, die pflanzliche Welt, die tierische Welt, die menschliche Welt. Und über dem Menschen beginnt eine Welt von unsichtbaren Wesenheiten, und es ist dem Menschen durch die Erkenntnisse des Übersinnlichen, soweit sie ihm möglich sind, gegeben, eine Strecke hinaufzusteigen zu denjenigen Mächten und Wesenheiten, die in der übersinnlichen, in der unsichtbaren Welt die Fortsetzung dieser innerhalb der Erde befindlichen viergliedrigen Stufenfolge sind. Dasjenige Wissen und die Forschung, die uns in diese Gebiete führen, sie sind ja, wie Sie alle wissen, nicht etwas, was etwa erst in unserer Zeit hereintritt in die menschliche Entwickelung; es gibt eine - wir können sie so nennen — Urweltweisheit. Denn dasjenige, was der Mensch ergründen kann, was der Mensch wissen und erkennen kann, was er sich erringt an Begriffen und Ideen, was er sich erringt an Imaginationen und Inspirationen und Intuitionen des Hellsehens, alles das wird ja sozusagen vom Menschen nur nacherlebt, und vorgelebt und vorgewußt haben es eben die über dem Menschen stehenden Wesenheiten. Wenn wir einen trivialen Vergleich gebrauchen dürfen, so könnten wir sagen: Erst hat der Uhrmacher die Idee, den Gedanken der Uhr, dann verfertigt er danach die Uhr. Die Uhr ist gebildet nach den Gedanken des Uhrmachers, die vorangegangen sind, und hinterher kann jemand die Uhr zergliedern, analysieren und nachstudieren, welchen Gedanken des Uhrmachers diese Uhr entsprungen ist. Ein solcher denkt dann die Gedanken des Uhrmachers nach. So nur kann sich der Mensch im Grunde genommen in seinem heutigen Entwickelungsstadium verhalten gegenüber der Urweltweisheit - der über ihm stehenden geistigen Wesenheiten. Sie haben sie zuerst gehabt: die Imaginationen, die Inspirationen, die Intuitionen, die Ideen und Gedanken, nach denen unsere Welt, wie sie um uns herum uns vorliegt, gebildet ist. Und der Mensch wiederum findet in dieser Welt diese Gedanken, Ideen; und wenn er sich emporhebt zum hellseherischen Schauen, so findet er auch die Imaginationen, Inspirationen, Intuitionen, durch die er eindringt wiederum in die Welt der geistigen Wesenheiten. Daher können wir sagen: Ehe denn unsere Welt war, war diejenige Weisheit, von der wir eigentlich zu sprechen haben. Sie ist der Plan der Welt.

[ 3 ] Also bis wohin müssen wir, wenn wir innerhalb der Wirklichkeit bleiben, zurückgehen, wenn wir diese Urweltweisheit antreffen wollen? Müssen wir zurückgehen bis in irgendeine geschichtliche Zeitperiode, wo dieser oder jener große Lehrer gelehrt hat? Gewiß, wir können viel lernen, wenn wir da- oder dorthin zurückgehen in die geschichtlichen Zeitepochen und bei den großen Lehrern Schüler werden. Aber um in ihrer wahren, höchsten Gestalt die Urweltweisheit anzutreffen, müssen wir zurückgehen bis zu jener Zeit, da noch keine äußere sichtbare Erde, keine für die Sinne um uns herum existierende Welt war; denn aus der Weisheit selber heraus ist die Welt entsprungen. Aber diese Weisheit, nach der die göttlich-geistigen Wesenheiten unsere Welt gebildet haben, sie wurde auch dem Menschen nachher zuteil. Der Mensch konnte in seinem Denken hinterher die Gedanken schauen, die Gedanken wahrnehmen, nach denen die Götter die Welt gebildet haben. Und nachdem diese Urweltweisheit, diese Weisheit der Weltenschöpfer, mancherlei Gestalten durchgemacht hat, kam sie in einer Art, wie es ja vielen von Ihnen bekannt ist, nach der großen atlantischen Epoche zu den alten heiligen Rishis unserer ersten nachatlantischen Kultur, zu den großen Lehrern Indiens.

[ 4 ] Diese Urweltweisheit war damals bei den großen, erhabenen Rishis in einer Gestalt vorhanden, von der sich die heutige Menschheit nur sehr, sehr wenig vorstellen kann. Denn die menschlichen Denkfähigkeiten, die menschlichen Empfindungsfähigkeiten haben sich sehr geändert, seit Indiens große Lehrer zuerst die nachatlantische Menschheit belehrt haben; und wenn ohne weiteres viel von dem heute ausgesprochen würde, was aus dem Munde der heiligen Rishis geklungen hat, die meisten Seelen von heute würden auf der ganzen Erde kaum etwas anderes hören als Worte und wieder Worte. Es gehören eben noch andere Empfindungsfähigkeiten, als sie die Menschheit jetzt hat, dazu, um das wirklich zu verstehen, was zuerst als Weisheit zu der nachatlantischen Menschheit gekommen ist. Denn alles das, was aufgezeichnet worden ist von dieser Weisheit, alles, was in den schönsten und besten Büchern von dieser Urweltweisheit aufgezeichnet worden ist, das ist doch alles nur ein schwacher Nachklang der Urweltweisheit selber. Das ist in vieler Beziehung getrübte, verdunkelte Weisheit. Und wenn sie noch so schön, noch so erhaben sind, die Veden, wenn noch so schön die Lieder des Zarathustra klingen, wenn noch so herrlich zu uns spricht Ägyptens uralte Weisheit - alles, alles das, wir können es gewiß nicht genug bewundern, aber was aufgeschrieben ist, das gibt nur in einem getrübten Lichte die große Weisheit des Hermes, die große Weisheit des Zarathustra oder gar die erhabenen Erkenntnisse, welche die alten Rishis verkündet haben. Doch diese erhabene Weisheit, sie ist der Menschheit aufbewahrt geblieben, sie war immer vorhanden in gewissen, allerdings engen Kreisen, welche die heiligen Geheimnisse, wie man diese Erkenntnisse nennt, behüteten. In den Mysterien Indiens, Persiens, Ägyptens, Chaldäas, in den christlichen Mysterien und so weiter bis herauf in unsere Zeit ist aufbewahrt geblieben alles das, was Urweltweisheit der Menschen ist. Bis vor kürzester Zeit war es eigentlich nur möglich, in diesen engsten Kreisen selber nicht die Buchweisheit, sondern die lebendige Weisheit zu vernehmen. Aus Gründen, die gerade in diesem Vortragszyklus klar werden können, ist in unserer Zeit die Epoche gegeben, in welcher in größerem Umfang herausdringen soll in größere Massen der Menschheit dasjenige, was in kleinen Kreisen als Lebendiges aufbewahrt worden ist. Denn versiegt ist sie niemals, die Urweltweisheit der heiligen Rishis zum Beispiel. Sie ist durchgegangen wie durch einen Jungbrunnen in der Zeit, die wir erkennen als den Beginn unserer Zeit. Diese uralt-heilige Weisheit, die damals der Menschheit erflossen ist, sie wurde fortgesetzt von Zarathustra und seinen Schülern, von den chaldäischen, ägyptischen Lehrern, sie floß aber auch ein in die Verkündigung des Moses, und sie trat sozusagen eben gerade wie aus einem Jungbrunnen neu hervor mit völlig neuem Impuls durch die Erscheinung des Christus auf der Erde. Aber sie wurde damit zunächst auch so tief, sie wurde so innerlich, daß sie wiederum nur allmählich in die Menschheit einfließen kann. Und so sehen wir denn, daß seit den Zeiten der christlichen Verkündigung äußerlich in der Welt die Urweltweisheit einfließt in die Menschheit langsam und allmählich, im elementarsten Anfang.

[ 5 ] Die Botschaften sind dagewesen, sie liegen vor in den Evangelien, in den anderen christlichen Schriften, welche in erneuerter Gestalt die Weisheit der heiligen Rishis enthielten, enthielten so wie neugeboren aus dem Jungbrunnen. Aber wie konnten diese Botschaften vom Anfange an gerade in dem Zeitalter, für dessen Läuterung das Christentum geschaffen war, verstanden werden? Das aller-, allerwenigste wurde verstanden von der Verkündigung durch die Evangelien, und nach und nach arbeiten diese Evangelien sich erst durch zu einem weiteren Verständnis — in vieler Beziehung zu einer weiteren Verdunkelung. Und heute sind gerade die Evangelien im Grunde genommen diejenigen Bücher, die sozusagen für die Menschheit noch in ihren weitesten Kreisen die versiegeltsten sind; die erst eine Zukunft, die sich erfrischen kann an der Urweltweisheit, wiederum verstehen wird. Bewahrt aber wurden die Schätze, die in den Schächten der christlichen Offenbarung liegen — und die keine anderen Schätze sind als die Schätze der östlichen Weisheit auch, aber eben aus neuen Kräften wieder herausgeboren -—, bewahrt wurden sie wiederum in engeren Kreisen, in jenen engeren Kreisen, die ihre Fortsetzung dann finden in verschiedenen Mysteriengesellschaften wie zum Beispiel in der Bruderschaft vom heiligen Gral, in der Bruderschaft endlich der Rosenkreuzer. Bewahrt wurden da diese Wahrheitsschätze, zugänglich gemacht nur denjenigen, die sich durch scharfe Erprobungen für die lebendige Weisheit vorbereitet hatten. Und so waren die Weisheitsschätze des Ostens und Westens durch Jahrhunderte und Jahrhunderte der Entwickelung vom Beginn unserer Zeitrechnung hindurch den großen Menschenmassen draußen in der Welt ziemlich unzugänglich. Nur einzelnes rieselte da und dort in die große Welt hinein; das meiste blieb Geheimnis der neueren Mysterien.

[ 6 ] Da kam die Zeit, in welcher sozusagen von dem Inhalt der Urweltweisheit in einer für die größere Menge verständlichen Sprache gesprochen werden durfte. Das letzte Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts etwa ist es, in dem in einer mehr oder weniger unverhüllten Gestalt über die Urweltweisheit gesprochen werden kann. Nur dadurch, daß gewisse Dinge gerade in den geistigen Welten vorgegangen sind, ist sozusagen den Behütern der Mysterien die Möglichkeit gegeben worden, einiges hinausdringen zu lassen von der Urweltweisheit. Sie alle kennen ja den Hergang der theosophischen Entwikkelung; Sie wissen, daß sozusagen das Eis der theosophischen Entwickelung zuerst gebrochen worden ist durch diejenigen Weisheiten, die geoffenbart worden sind auf eine Weise, die ich heute nicht zu beschreiben brauche, in den sogenannten Dzyan-Strophen. Diese Dzyan-Strophen der «Geheimlehre» enthalten in der Tat tiefste, bedeutsamste Weisheit, enthalten vieles von dem, was, ausgehend von der Lehre der heiligen Rishis, heruntergeflossen ist durch die Weistümer des Orients. Vieles von dem enthalten sie auch, was dann eingeflossen ist nach der christlichen Verjüngung in den europäischen Westen. Denn nicht bloß solche Weisheit ist in den Dzyan-Strophen enthalten, die etwa bloß im Osten bewahrt geblieben wäre, sondern auch vieles, was sozusagen in einem hellen Lichte erstrahlt durch die Jahrhunderte unserer Zeitrechnung hindurch, durch das Mittelalter, in den Geheimschulen des Westens. Und auch mancherlei von dem, was in den Dzyan-Strophen steht, es wird erst allmählich in seiner Tiefe verstanden werden. Denn hier darf es wohl einmal gesagt werden: In den Dzyan-Strophen ist solche Weisheit enthalten, daß sie in weitesten theosophischen Kreisen heute noch gar nicht verstanden werden kann, ja solche Weisheit, daß heute noch gar nicht mit exoterischen Fähigkeiten die Möglichkeit gegeben ist, die Tiefen auszuschöpfen; daß Aussichtslosigkeit vorliegt für alle exoterischen Fähigkeiten, die Untergründe dieser bedeutsamen Welt offenbaren zu können.

[ 7 ] Nachdem auf diese Art sozusagen das erste Eis gebrochen war, kam auch die Zeit, in der gesprochen werden durfte aus den Quellen des westlichen Okkultismus heraus, der aber kein anderer ist als der östliche, wie er sich nur kontinuierlich und alle Vorgänge des geistigen und physischen Lebens berücksichtigend fortgepflanzt hat, wo auch aus den Quellen des lebendigen Okkultismus heraus, der treu behütet worden ist in den Rosenkreuzermysterien, gesprochen werden kann. Es gibt keine Weisheit des Ostens, die nicht eingeflossen wäre in den Okkultismus des Westens, und in der rosenkreuzerischen Lehre und Forschung finden Sie restlos alles, was die großen Weisen des Ostens jemals bewahrt haben. Nichts, nichts von dem, was man wissen kann aus der Weisheit des Ostens, fehlt in der Weisheit des Westens. Es ist der Unterschied, wenn man von einem solchen Unterschied sprechen will, nur der, daß die Weisheit des Westens die gesamte östliche Lehre, die gesamte östliche Weisheit, die gesamte östliche Forschung zusammennehmen muß und, ohne irgend etwas von ihr verlorengehen zu lassen, sie zu beleuchten hat mit dem Lichte, das durch den Christus-Impuls in der Menschheit entzündet worden ist. So sage niemand, wenn von westlichem Okkultismus gesprochen wird, von demjenigen, der in gewisser Beziehung herrührt von den verborgenen Rishis des Westens, die freilich die Augen nicht sehen, es sage niemand, daß in ihm auch nur ein Jota, ein Häkchen fehle vom östlichen Okkultismus. Nichts, aber auch gar nichts fehlt. Er hat nur alle Dinge neu herauszugebären aus dem Jungbrunnen des Christus-Impulses. Alle die großen Weistümer, die zuerst von dem Munde der heiligen Rishis geklungen haben zur Menschheit über die übermenschlichen Welten, über das übersinnliche Dasein, sie müssen wiederum hereinklingen in das, was über die geistigen Hierarchien und ihre Abschattung in der physischen Welt zu sagen ist. Geradesowenig wie die Geometrie des alten Euklid erwas anderes geworden ist, als was sie war, trotzdem man sie mit den neueren menschlichen Fähigkeiten heute lehrt und lernt, ebensowenig ist die Weisheit der heiligen Rishis etwas anderes geworden dadurch, daß wir sie lehren und lernen mit den durch den Christus-Impuls angefachten Fähigkeiten. So also könnten wir einen großen Teil dessen, was wir über die geistigen Welten zu sagen haben, ohne weiteres östliche Weisheit nennen. Denn man darf in diesen Dingen nichts mißverstehen, und das Mißverständnis liegt so nahe.

[ 8 ] Diejenigen, welche von den Mißverständnissen nicht zum Verständnis aufrücken wollen, können zum Beispiel etwas, was gestern in dem österlichen Festvortrag gesagt worden ist, sehr leicht mißverstehen. Es könnten da - wir müssen das erwähnen zu unserer Verständigung - solche kommen, die nicht vorrücken wollen zum vollen Verständnis, und könnten sagen: Du hast gestern gesprochen von den großen sogenannten heiligen Wahrheiten des Buddha. Du hast gesagt, daß der Buddha gelehrt und geoffenbart hätte die heiligen Wahrheiten vom Leiden im Leben: Geburt ist Leid, Krankheit ist Leid, Alter ist Leid, Tod ist Leid, von demjenigen getrennt sein, was man liebt, ist Leid, vereint sein mit dem, was man nicht liebt, ist Leid, nicht erhalten, was man begehrt, ist Leid. Und du hast, so könnte mancher sprechen, uns gestern gesagt: Blicken wir einmal in die nachchristliche Zeit zu denjenigen, die den Christus-Impuls wirklich verstanden haben - da sollen wir uns dann zum Bewußtsein bringen, daß durch das Verständnis und die Durchdringung dieses ChristusImpulses die alten heiligen Wahrheiten des Buddha vom Leiden des Lebens nicht mehr ihre volle Gültigkeit hätten, daß sozusagen mit dem Christus-Impuls etwas geschaffen worden ist wie ein Heilmittel gegen das Leid des Lebens. Du hast gesagt, so könnte jemand sprechen, der Buddha lehrt: Geburt ist Leid; aber die Christus-Versteher antworten: Durch die Geburt treten wir ein in ein Leben, das wir mit Christus teilen, und durch den Anteil an Christus wird das Leid des Lebens ausgelöscht; ebenso wird durch die Heilkraft des Christus-Impulses die Krankheit ausgelöscht, und die Krankheit ist nicht mehr Leid für den Christus-Versteher, und Tod ist nicht mehr Leid für den ChristusVersteher und so weiter. Dann aber könnte jemand erwidern: Ja, aber ich weise dir aus dem Evangelium nach, daß in den Evangelien dieselben Sätze stehen wie in den heiligen Schriften des Buddha; auch im Evangelium können wir nachweisen, daß da steht: Leben sei Leid, Krankheit sei Leid und so weiter. Und so könnte man äußerlich sagen: Nun haben wir diese modernen religiösen Urkunden, doch wir finden ihren Inhalt schon im Buddhismus, es gibt also keinen Fortschritt in den Religionen, keine Entwickelung; alle Religionen enthalten dasselbe. Du aber hast von einem Fortschritt gesprochen, du hast dargestellt, wie sozusagen die alten heiligen Wahrheiten des Buddhismus durch das Christentum nicht mehr wahr sein sollen. - Wer so spricht, würde aber doch nur das grausamste Mißverständnis aussprechen. Denn das wurde nicht gesagt; alles, alles, nur nicht der letzte Satz wurde gesagt. Und es ist wichtig, daß man gerade in diesem subtilen Gebiete ganz genau versteht. Niemals kann der Fanatiker genau verstehen, nur der objektive Mensch kann genau verstehen.

[ 9 ] Niemals wird von irgendeinem, der aus dem Quell der Rosenkreuzer-Weisheit und -Forschung heraus spricht, gesagt werden, daß irgend etwas bekämpft werden soll vom Inhalt der Schriften des großen Buddha, daß irgend etwas nicht wahr sei in den Schriften des großen Buddha. Jeder, der aus dem Quell der Rosenkreuzerei heraus spricht, teilt die Überzeugung Buddhas und der gesamten östlichen Weisheit, keine negiert er. Er sagt: Jawohl, was du, großer Buddha, durch deine Erleuchtung in deinem Innern geschaut hast von den großen Wahrheiten vom Leide des Lebens, es ist restlos wahr; wahr ist es bis zum letzten Häkchen und Jota. — Nichts, aber auch gar nichts wird davon genommen. Es bleibt alles stehen. Und gerade aus dem Grunde, weil alles stehenbleibt, weil es wahr ist, was Buddha gesagt hat, daß Geburt Leid, Krankheit Leid, Alter Leid, Tod Leid und so weiter ist, deshalb ist uns der Christus-Impuls jenes mächtige und wichtige Heilmittel — weil er es ist, der dieses Leid aufhebt, weil es eben wahr ist, daß die Leiden da sind, wenn nicht ein großer Impuls die Welt darüber hinaushebt. Warum hat Christus gewirkt? Weil Buddha die Wahrheit gesprochen hat. Die Menschheit mußte heruntergeführt werden aus geistigen Höhen, wo die Urweltweisheit in reiner Gestalt gewirkt hat; zur Selbständigkeit mußte die Menschheit geführt werden, herunter ins physische Dasein, und damit wurde Leben Leid und Krankheit Leid; aber ebenso mußte in der Fortentwickelung das große Heilmittel kommen gegen diese unumstößlichen Tatsachen. Leugnet derjenige irgendeine Wirklichkeit, der da sagt: Ja, wahr ist es, was über diese Wirklichkeit gesagt wird, aber zu gleicher Zeit wird uns das Heilmittel gegeben, um die Tatsachen, die durch diese Wahrheiten ausgedrückt sind, zu einer gesunden Entwickelung zu bringen. —- Oh, in den Höhen des Daseins, wo wir sie aufsuchen müssen, die Sphären der geistigen Hierarchien, da heißt es nicht: Buddhismus gegen Christentum, Christentum gegen Buddhismus, da reicht der Buddha dem Christus und der Christus dem Buddha die Hand. Aber jedes Verkennen der menschlichen Entwickelung, jedes Verkennen des Aufstieges ist zu gleicher Zeit ein Verkennen der geistigsten Tat, die in unserer Erdenentwickelung geschehen ist, der Christus-Tat. Und so wird es nichts geben, was irgend negiert würde von der Weisheit des Ostens, die in so langen Zeiträumen heruntergebracht hat die Weisheit der heiligen Rishis und damit die Urweltweisheit, aber in diesen langen, langen Zeiträumen, in denen die Weisheit immer geflossen ist in die Menschheit, wurde sozusagen in den großen Massen der Menschen, die nicht in der Lage waren, vorzudringen zu den Quellen der heiligen Mysterien, die Verständigung über diese Weistümer schwer. Gerade die Verständigung wurde schwer.

[ 10 ] Oh, in den voratlantischen Zeiten, in den Zeiten vor der großen Katastrophe, als die großen Massen der Menschen hellseherisch noch, in altem, dumpfem Hellsehen, hinausschauten in die Hiimmelsräume, hinaufschauten zu den geistigen Hierarchien, da sahen sie anders als später in den nachatlantischen Zeiten, als das alte Hellsehen verschwunden war für die großen Massen der Menschen und nur das physische Auge hinaussehen konnte in die physischen Himmelsweiten! Daher hätte es auch keinen Sinn gehabt, in der Zeit vor der atlantischen Katastrophe etwa zu sprechen von denjenigen Himmelskörpern, die heute im Raume verteilt sind. Es sah ja das hellseherische Menschenauge hinaus in die Himmelsweiten, und diese waren geistige Welten. Sinnlos wäre es gewesen, in jenen Zeiten so etwa zu sprechen von Merkur oder Neptun oder Saturn und so weiter, wie unsere Astronomie spricht; denn so wie unsere Astronomie von dem Weltenraum und seinem Inhalt spricht, so gibt sie nur dasjenige wieder, was das sinnlich-physische Auge sieht, wenn es hinaufsieht in die Himmelsweiten. Das war gar nicht da in den atlantischen Zeiten bei der alten hellseherischen Menschheit; da sah man gar nicht, wenn man hinaufschaute, physisch begrenzte Lichtsterne. Dasjenige, was heute das physische Auge sieht, ist sozusagen nur ein äußerer Ausdruck von Geistigem, das man damals sah. Wenn heute das physische Auge hinaufblickt, meinetwillen durch Fernrohre, an die Stelle, wo der Jupiter steht, sieht es sozusagen eine physische Weltenkugel, umgeben von ihren Monden. So das heutige physische Auge. Was war es für den Menschen der alten atlantischen Zeit noch, wenn er sein damals noch hellseherisches Auge hinaufrichtete nach demselben Punkt, wohin heute des Menschen physisches Auge schaut? Was das physische Auge sieht, hätte damals das alte atlantische Auge ebensowenig gesehen, wie heute Ihr physisches Auge das Einzellicht sieht, wenn es hineinsieht in einen dichten Herbstnebel. Es sieht etwas wie eine Nebelaura um das Licht, und das Licht verschwindet in den farbigen Ringen um das Licht. Ebenso hätte das Auge des Atlantiers nicht gesehen den physischen Stern Jupiter, aber es hätte das gesehen, was heute auch mit dem Jupiter verbunden ist, was aber nur die Menschen nicht sehen können: die Aura des Jupiter, eine Summe von geistigen Wesenheiten, für die der physische Jupiter nur der Ausdruck ist. Und so schweifte das geistige Auge des Menschen vor der atlantischen Katastrophe herum in den Weltenräumen, überall Geistiges sehend. Man konnte nur von diesem Geistigen sprechen, denn sinnlos wäre es gewesen, damals, als das physische Auge noch nicht so geöffnet war wie heute, von physischen Sternen zu sprechen. Man sah in den Weltenraum hinaus und sah geistige Wesenheiten, geistige Hierarchien. Wesenheiten sah man.

[ 11 ] Und in der Fortentwickelung war es so, daß wir es wieder mit folgendem vergleichen können: Wir denken uns, wir treten hinaus in dichten Nebel. Wir sehen nicht die einzelnen Lichter. Alles ist umflort von dieser Nebelaura. Dann zerteilt sich der Nebel, physisch sichtbar werden die einzelnen Lichter. Aber die Auren sind unsichtbar. — Hier ist nur ein physischer Vorgang, der zum Vergleich dienen soll. Beim Jupiter war es aber so, daß das alte Auge die Aura sah. Es sah die geistigen Wesenheiten in der Aura, die aus einer gewissen Entwickelungsstufe heraus zum Jupiter gehörten. Die Menschheit entwickelte sich dann zum physischen Schauen. Die Aura blieb. Die Menschen konnten sie nicht mehr sehen, aber der physische Mittelkörper wurde immer deutlicher und deutlicher; es verlor sich, was geistig dazugehört, und es wurde sichtbar, was körperlich an ihm ist. Und das Wissen von diesem Geistigen um die Sterne herum, das Wissen von jenen Wesenheiten, die um die Sterne herum sind, es wurde aufbewahrt in den heiligen Mysterien. Von diesem Wissen sprechen alle die heiligen Rishis. In den Zeiten, wo die Menschen bereits nur physisch sahen, sprachen die heiligen Rishis von den geistigen Atmosphären, von den geistigen Bewohnerschaften dieser Weltenkugeln, die im Raume verteilt sind.

[ 12 ] Und jetzt nehmen Sie einmal die Situation, die eintrat. In den Stätten des Wissens sprach man von den geistigen Wesenheiten um die Weltenkugeln. Draußen, wo das sinnliche Auge immer schärfer und schärfer wurde, draußen sprach man immer mehr und mehr bloß von der dichten physischen Materie. Wenn die alten heiligen Rishis das Wort Merkur gesprochen hätten — das sie ja nicht gesprochen haben, aber nehmen wir das Wort, damit wir uns verständigen können -, haben sie dann diesen physischen Weltenkörper gemeint? Nein, nicht einmal die alten Griechen haben, wenn sie von dem Merkur gesprochen haben, diesen physischen Körper gemeint, sondern die Gesamtheit der geistigen Wesenheiten dieses Körpers. Geistige Welten, geistige Wesenheiten waren es, wovon man sprach, wenn man in den Stätten der Erkenntnis, sagen wir, das Wort Merkur aussprach. Es sprachen diejenigen, die die Jünger der Lehrer der Erkenntnisstätten waren, die Worte aus: Mond, Merkur, Venus, Sonne, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, und indem sie in den verschiedenen Sprachen solche Worte aussprachen, bezeichneten sie eine Stufenfolge von geistigen Wesenheiten. Wer das Wort in der heutigen Weise ausspricht und einen physischen Körper bezeichnet, bezeichnet nur das Gröbste dessen, was ursprünglich unter Mond, Merkur, Venus und so weiter verstanden worden ist. Die Hauptsache bezeichnet er gerade nicht. So sagte der alte Weisheitslehrer «Mond», und er schlug an mit diesem Worte die Vorstellung von einer großen geistigen Welt. Und wenn er das Wort «Mond» aussprach und an die Stelle des Himmels wies, wo der Mond ist, und in seinem Bewußtsein hatte: Da ist die unterste Stufe von geistigen Hierarchien -, dann sah derjenige, der sich durch die immer und immer zunehmende Versinnlichung der Menschheit weit entfernt hatte von dieser geistigen Anschauung, hinauf, sah aber den physischen Mond und nannte das «Mond». Ein Wort für zwei Dinge, die allerdings zusammengehörten, die aber ganz verschiedene Vorstellungen im Menschen hervorrufen. Und ebenso war es, wenn die Weisen der Erkenntnisstätten zu Merkur, Sonne, Mars und so weiter hinaufblickten. Die spirituelle Strömung bezeichnete mit ihren Worten etwas ganz anderes als die andere, die materielle Strömung.

[ 13 ] So sehen wir, daß die beiden Strömungen immer mehr und mehr auseinandergingen in der Menschheit. In den Mysterien hat man mit diesen Worten, die dann zu den Bezeichnungen unserer äußeren Weltkörper geworden sind, immer geistige Welten, Stufenfolgen von geistigen Welten verstanden. Die äußere Welt hat immer Materielles darunter verstanden bis auf unsere heutige Mythologie - ich spreche das Wort bewußt aus -, die man moderne Astronomie nennt; und da die Geisteswissenschaft die anderen Mythologien in ihrem vollen Werte anerkannt hat, werden Sie verstehen, daß auch die moderne Mythologie von der Geisteswissenschaft gewürdigt wird - bis zu jener Mythologie, die man die moderne Astronomie nennt, die nur mehr einen Raum sieht und darin physische Weltenkugeln. Aber diese moderne Mythologie ist für denjenigen, der erkennt, nichts anderes als eine besondere Phase aller Mythologien. Eine gerade Linie geht von dem, was die alten europäischen Bewohner in ihren Götter- und Sternen- und Weltensagen gesagt haben, was die Griechen, die Römer in ihren Mythologien gegeben haben, was das Mittelalter in seinen mehr oder weniger getrübten Mythologien gegeben hat, bis herauf zu jener Mythologie, welche, voll geeignet und vollständig zur Bewunderung berechtigt, Kopernikus, Kepler und Galilei gestiftet haben. Es wird eine Zeit kommen, wo man über diese moderne Mythologie so etwa sprechen wird: Es gab einmal Menschen, die haben es für richtig befunden, eine materielle Sonne in den Mittelpunkt einer Ellipse zu stellen, in Ellipsen Planeten herumkreisen zu lassen, diese in verschiedener Weise rotieren zu lassen; sie haben sich da ein Weltensystem zurechtgerückt wie frühere Zeiten eben auch. Heute, so wird natürlich eine zukünftige Zeit sprechen, ist das alles nur mehr Sage und Märchen. - Ja, diese Zeit wird auch kommen, wenn auch der Moderne noch so sehr die alten Mythologien verachtet und auf seine schwört und wenn es ihn auch noch so unmöglich dünkt, daß von einer kopernikanischen Mythologie gesprochen werden kann. Aber das wird es uns gerade verständlich machen, wie sozusagen bei den Worten immer anderes und anderes vorgestellt worden ist. Trotzdem aber wurde das, was Urweltweisheit ist, immer und immer fortgepflanzt, fortgesetzt. Nur wurde diese Urweltweisheit gerade exoterisch immer weniger und weniger verstanden, weil sie materieller interpretiert, erklärt worden ist, weil weniger das Spirituelle gesehen worden ist. Und so kam es denn, daß, um die Menschheit sozusagen nicht verlieren zu lassen den Zusammenhang mit der ursprünglichen, spirituellen Weisheit, bei der Verjüngung der Urweltweisheit im Beginne unserer Zeitrechnung in scharfen Worten wiederum hingewiesen werden mußte darauf, daß da, wo das menschliche Auge sich hinausrichtet und als physisches Auge nur Physisches sieht, daß da Geistiges den Raum geistig erfüllt. Und so wies mit den allerschärfsten Worten derjenige, der der intimste Schüler des Apostels Paulus war, so wies in Athen Dionysius der Areopagite darauf hin: Es gibt nicht nur Materielles draußen im Raume, es gibt, wenn die menschliche Seele ahnend aufsteigt in die Räume des Weltendaseins, Geistiges da draußen in der Welt, das über dem Menschen steht in der Entwickelung des Daseins. —- Und er gebrauchte jetzt Worte, die allerdings anders lauten mußten, denn hätte er die alten Worte gebraucht, niemand hätte darin anderes als Materielles gesehen. Die Rishis haben gesprochen von den geistigen Hierarchien, so daß sie in ihren Worten ausgedrückt haben, was auch griechische und römische Weisheit noch ausgedrückt hat, wenn sie gesprochen hat von der vor ihr aufsteigenden Welt des Mondes, des Merkur, des Mars, der Venus, des Jupiter, des Saturn. Dionysius, der Schüler des Apostels Paulus, hat ganz dieselben Welten im Auge wie die Rishis; nur betonte er scharf, daß man es mit Geistigem zu tun hat, und er nahm Worte, von denen er sicher war, daß sie geistig genommen wurden: Er sprach von Engeln, Erzengeln, Urkräften, Gewalten, Mächten, Herrschaften, Thronen, Cherubim, Seraphim. Und jetzt wurde wiederum von den Menschen vergessen, richtig vergessen dasjenige, was die Menschheit einmal gewußt hat. Hätte man im Zusammenhang verstehen können, was Dionysius der Areopagite und was die alten heiligen Rishis gesehen haben, so hätte man sozusagen gehört von der einen Seite den Mond benennen, von den anderen Mysterien hätte man die Welt der Engel benennen hören, und man hätte gewußt: Das ist dasselbe. Man hätte das Wort Merkur von der einen Seite gehört und von der anderen das Wort Erzengel und gewußt: Das ist dasselbe. Man hätte gehört das Wort Archai auf der einen Seite und das Wort Venus auf der anderen, und man hätte gewußt: Das ist dasselbe. Man hätte gehört das Wort Sonne auf der einen Seite und Gewalten auf der anderen und hätte gewußt: Dieselben Welten sind mit diesen Worten bezeichnet. Hätte man gehört das Wort Mars auf der einen Seite, man hätte gefühlt: Hier steigt man auf zu den Mächten. Hätte man gehört das Wort Jupiter auf der einen Seite, so wäre es dasselbe gewesen, was in der Schule des Dionysius angeschlagen wurde, wenn von Herrschaften die Rede war. Dem Wort Saturn entspricht hier das Wort Throne.

[ 14 ] Aber man hat es eben in weiteren Kreisen nicht mehr gewußt, nicht mehr wissen können. So war auf der einen Seite eine Wissenschaft des Materiellen, die materieller und materieller wurde, die die alten Namen, die einstmals auch Geistiges bedeutet haben, für das Materielle beibehalten hat. Und so war auf der anderen Seite ein spirituelles Leben, das gesprochen hat von Geistigem, von Erzengeln, Engeln und so weiter, und das den Zusammenhang verloren hat mit den physischen Ausdrücken dieser geistigen Wesenheiten. Und so sehen wir, wie Urweltweisheit hineindringt in die Schule, die Paulus gestiftet hatte durch Dionysius, und wie es sich nur darum handelt, das neu Gestiftete mit dem alten spirituellen Geiste zu durchdringen. Das aber ist die Aufgabe der modernen Geisteswissenschaft oder Anthroposophie, wiederum zu ziehen das Band, das da laufen soll zwischen dem Physischen und dem Geistigen, zwischen der Welt, der Erde und den geistigen Hierarchien. Unverständlich ist daher denjenigen, die nicht wissen, woher eigentlich die Vorstellungen über die äußere sinnliche Welt kommen, unverständlich ist es für sie, zu erkennen die andere Seite, die spirituelle Seite des Wissens.

[ 15 ] Das aber wird besonders auffällig, wenn wir herantreten an jene Schriften, die aus den Urweltweisheiten hervorgegangen sind und welche, wenn sie auch einen schwachen Nachklang enthalten, doch nur aus dieser Urweltweisheit heraus wirklich verstanden werden können. Lassen Sie uns gerade in bezug auf die Schwierigkeit des Verständnisses jener Schriften, die aus der Urweltweisheit hervorgegangen sind, als Beispiel eine Stelle anführen, eine Stelle aus dem göttlichen Liede, der Bhagavad Gita, eine Stelle, die bedeutungsvoll tief das Menschenleben in seinem Zusammenhange mit den Hierarchien beleuchtet. Diese Stelle aus der Bhagavad Gita, sie steht im 8. Kapitel, beginnt beim 23. Vers, lautet: «Ich will dir erklären, o wahrheitforschender Mensch» - so wird es gewöhnlich übersetzt - «unter welchen Umständen die Gotterhabenen, wenn sie die Erde durch das Tor des Todes verlassen, um wiedergeboren zu werden oder nicht, gehen. Ich will dir sagen: Sieh Feuer, sieh den Tag, sieh die Zeit des zunehmenden Mondes, sieh das halbe Jahr, in dem die Sonne hoch steht. Diejenigen, welche zu der Zeit sterben, daß sie sterben im Feuer, im Tag, in der Zeit des zunehmenden Mondes, der hoch stehenden Sonne, die gehen durch das Tor des Todes in Brahma ein; diejenigen aber, die da sterben im Zeichen des Rauches, in der Nacht, in der Zeit des abnehmenden Mondes, in dem halben Jahr, wenn die Sonne tief steht, die gehen, wenn sie von der Welt scheiden, durch das Tor des Todes nur ein in das Licht des Mondes und kehren wieder zurück auf diese Welt.»

[ 16 ] Meine lieben Freunde, hier haben Sie eine Stelle in der Bhagavad Gita, in der Ihnen gesagt wird: Es hängt die Art und Weise des Vorwärtsschreitens des Menschen, seiner Wiedergeburt davon ab, ob er stirbt im Zeichen des Lichtes, beim Tag, beim zunehmenden Monde, im Halbjahr, wo die Sonne hoch steht, oder ob er stirbt im Zeichen des Rauches, in der Nacht, wenn der Mond abnimmt oder wenn die Sonne tief steht. Das wird gesagt, das ist der materielle Sinn. Und von denjenigen, die eingehen durch das Tor des Todes im Zeichen des Feuers, bei Tag, bei zunehmendem Monde, da, wo die Sonne hoch steht, von denen wird gesagt, daß sie nicht wieder zurückzukehren brauchen. Von den anderen, die da sterben im Zeichen des Rauches, in der Nacht, bei abnehmendem Mond oder in dem Halbjahr, in welchem die Sonne tief steht, von ihnen wird gesagt, daß sie nicht zu den Höhen des Brahma aufsteigen können, sondern nur zu der Höhe des Mondes und wieder zurückkehren müssen. Es ist eine Stelle in dem göttlichen Liede des Ostens, die allen, fast allen, die sie erklären wollen innerhalb des exoterischen Lebens, die größten Schwierigkeiten macht. Nur dann ist sie zu erklären, wenn sie beleuchtet wird mit dem Lichte spiritueller Erkenntnis, mit dem Lichte, aus dem heraus sie im Grunde genommen geschrieben worden ist, mit dem Lichte, das erstrahlt in den Geheimschulen, das sich fortpflanzt, das seine Verjüngung erfahren hat durch das Christentum, wenn sie beleuchtet wird mit dem Lichte, das uns das Band finden läßt zu den Namen: Mond - Engel, Merkur - Erzengel, Venus — Archai und so weiter. Und wir werden den Schlüssel finden zu solchen Stellen, wir wollen diese eine Stelle als Beispiel wählen, wenn wir sie in das alte spirituelle Licht rücken. Von dem Erklären dieser Stelle im göttlichen Liede, von der Erklärung dieser Stelle der Bhagavad Gita, die im exoterischen Leben unmöglich ist, soll unsere Betrachtung heute abend ausgehen, und dann werden wir, nachdem wir den Schlüssel gefunden haben, aufsteigen in die geistigen Hierarchien.

First Lecture

[ 1 ] This lecture cycle will lead us into the high realms of spiritual life, will not only lead us from our earthly dwelling place into the physical worlds of space, but will also lead us up into the spiritual worlds from which the physical world of space originated. But it is precisely a lecture cycle like this that will show you that all knowledge and all wisdom is basically aimed at solving the great, the greatest of riddles, the riddle of man. For in order to make man understandable, things must be far, far-fetched. Now it is indeed necessary that those who want to follow this course are already equipped with some basic concepts of spiritual science, but basically all of the honored listeners are. And so we may perhaps take the flight of the spirit to a particularly high level in this cycle, even though the effort should always be made to make the things that have to be so far-fetched as understandable as possible.

[ 2 ] When we speak of what are called the spiritual hierarchies, it means that our soul's eyes should ascend to those entities that have their existence above human beings here on our earth. We can, so to speak, only ascend through entities that represent four levels of a hierarchy: the mineral world, the plant world, the animal world, and the human world. And above the human being begins a world of invisible entities, and through the knowledge of the supersensible, insofar as it is possible for him, it is given to man to ascend a distance to those powers and entities that are the continuation of these four-part stages within the earth in the supersensible, in the invisible world. The knowledge and research that lead us into these areas are, as you all know, not something that has only recently entered human development in our time; there is a - we can call it that - primeval wisdom. For that which man can fathom, what man can know and recognize, what he acquires in concepts and ideas, what he acquires in imaginations and inspirations and intuitions of clairvoyance, all this is, so to speak, only relived by man, and the beings standing above man have lived and known it before. If we may use a trivial comparison, we could say: First the watchmaker has the idea, the thought of the watch, then he makes the watch accordingly. The clock is formed according to the thoughts of the clockmaker that preceded it, and afterwards someone can dissect the clock, analyze it and study which thoughts of the clockmaker originated in this clock. Such a person then reflects on the thoughts of the clockmaker. Only in this way can man, in his present stage of development, behave towards the original world wisdom - the spiritual beings that stand above him. They had them first: the imaginations, the inspirations, the intuitions, the ideas and thoughts, according to which our world, as it presents itself around us, is formed. And man, in turn, finds these thoughts, ideas in this world; and when he elevates himself to clairvoyant vision, he also finds the imaginations, inspirations, intuitions, through which he in turn penetrates into the world of spiritual beings. Therefore we can say: Before there was our world, there was the wisdom of which we are actually speaking. It is the plan of the world.

[ 3 ] So, if we want to encounter this primordial wisdom, how far back do we have to go within reality? Do we have to go back to some historical period when this or that great teacher taught? Certainly, we can learn a lot by going back here or there in the historical epochs and becoming disciples of the great teachers. But to encounter the primeval world wisdom in its true, highest form, we have to go back to the time when there was no outer visible earth, no world around us for the senses; for the world arose out of wisdom itself. But this wisdom, according to which the divine-spiritual beings formed our world, was also bestowed upon man afterwards. In his thinking, man was later able to see the thoughts, to perceive the thoughts with which the gods formed the world. And after this primordial wisdom, this wisdom of the creators of the world, had undergone many transformations, it came, in a form known to many of you, after the great Atlantean epoch to the ancient holy rishis of our first post-Atlantean culture, to the great teachers of India.

[ 4 ] This ancient wisdom was present at that time in the great, exalted rishis in a form that present-day humanity can only imagine to a very, very limited extent. For the human powers of thought and feeling have changed a great deal since India's great teachers first taught post-Atlantic humanity; and if much of what sounded from the mouths of the holy rishis were to be said today, most souls today would hardly hear anything but words and more words on the whole earth. It requires a different kind of sensitivity than that which humanity now has, in order to truly understand what came first as wisdom to post-Atlantean humanity. For all that has been recorded of this wisdom, all that has been recorded in the most beautiful and best books of this primeval wisdom, is but a faint echo of the primeval wisdom itself. In many respects it is clouded, darkened wisdom. And however beautiful and sublime the Vedas may be, however beautiful the songs of Zarathustra may sound, however gloriously the ancient wisdom of Egypt speaks to us - all this, we certainly not sufficiently admire, but what has been written down, that gives only in a clouded light the great wisdom of Hermes, the great wisdom of Zarathustra or even the sublime knowledge that the ancient Rishis have proclaimed. But this exalted wisdom has been preserved for humanity; it has always been available in certain, albeit narrow circles, which guarded the sacred secrets, as these insights are called. In the mysteries of India, Persia, Egypt, Chaldea, in the Christian mysteries and so on up to our time, everything that is the primeval wisdom of mankind has been preserved. Until very recently, it was actually only possible in these narrow circles themselves to hear not book wisdom but living wisdom. For reasons that may become clear in this lecture cycle, our time is marked by an epoch in which what has been preserved in small circles as living wisdom is to be brought out to a greater extent and to larger masses of humanity. For it has never dried up, the primeval wisdom of the holy rishis, for example. It has passed through, as through a fountain of youth in time, which we recognize as the beginning of our time. This ancient and sacred wisdom, which flowed to mankind at that time, was continued by Zarathustra and his disciples, by the Chaldean and Egyptian teachers. But it also flowed into the proclamation of Moses, and it emerged anew, as it were, from a fountain of youth, with a completely new impulse through the appearance of Christ on earth. But with that it also became so deep, so inward, that it can only flow into humanity gradually. And so we see that since the times of the Christian proclamation, the original world wisdom has been flowing into humanity slowly and gradually, in the most elementary beginning.

[ 5 ] The messages were there, they are in the Gospels, in the other Christian scriptures, which contained the wisdom of the holy rishis in a renewed form, as if newly born from the fountain of youth. But how could these messages be understood from the very beginning, especially in the age for whose purification Christianity was created? The very least was understood from the proclamation of the Gospels, and gradually these Gospels only work their way through to a further understanding - in many respects to a further obscuration. And today the Gospels are basically the books that are still the most sealed for humanity, even in their broadest circles; only a future that can refresh itself with the wisdom of the primeval world will understand them again. But the treasures that lie in the shafts of Christian revelation were preserved – and these are no different from the treasures of Eastern wisdom, but reborn from new forces – and they were again kept in narrower circles, in those narrower circles that then found their continuation in various mystery societies such as the Brotherhood of the Holy Grail, and finally in the Brotherhood of the Rosicrucians. There these treasures of truth were kept, accessible only to those who had prepared themselves for the living wisdom through rigorous trials. And so the treasures of wisdom of the East and West were quite inaccessible to the masses of people out in the world for centuries and centuries of development from the beginning of our era. Only a few trickled here and there into the big world; most of it remained a secret of the newer mysteries.

[ 6 ] Then came the time when it was permissible to speak, so to speak, of the content of primeval wisdom in a language that could be understood by the masses. It is the last third of the nineteenth century, for instance, when the wisdom of the Primordial World can be spoken of in a more or less undisguised form. It is only because certain things have just happened in the spiritual worlds that the custodians of the mysteries have been given the opportunity, so to speak, to let some of the wisdom of the Primordial World escape. You all know the course of theosophical development; you know that the ice of theosophical development was first broken, so to speak, by those wisdoms that were revealed in a way that I do not need to describe today, in the so-called Dzyan stanzas. These Dzyan stanzas of The Secret Doctrine do indeed contain the most profound and significant wisdom, containing much of what, starting from the teaching of the holy Rishis, flowed down through the wisdoms of the Orient. They also contain much of what then flowed into the European West after the Christian rejuvenation. For not only is such wisdom contained in the Dzyan stanzas, which would have remained preserved only in the East, but also much that shines, so to speak, in a bright light through the centuries of our era, through the Middle Ages, in the secret schools of the West. And much of what is in the Dzyan stanzas will only gradually be understood in its depth. For here it may well be said: the Dzyan stanzas contain such wisdom that it cannot be understood even in the broadest theosophical circles today, and such wisdom that today, with exoteric abilities, it is not even possible to fathom its depths; there is no prospect for any exoteric ability to reveal the foundations of this significant world.

[ 7 ] After the first ice had been broken, so to speak, the time also came when it was allowed to speak from the sources of Western occultism, which is is none other than the Eastern one, as it has only continuously propagated itself, taking into account all processes of spiritual and physical life, where it can also be spoken of as coming from the sources of living occultism, which has been faithfully guarded in the Rosicrucian mysteries. There is no wisdom of the East that has not been incorporated into Western occultism, and in Rosicrucian teaching and research you will find everything that the great sages of the East have ever preserved. Nothing, nothing of what can be known from the wisdom of the East is missing in the wisdom of the West. The only difference, if one wants to speak of such a difference, is that the wisdom of the West has to take the entire Eastern teaching, the entire Eastern wisdom, the entire Eastern research, and, without letting anything of it be lost, has to illuminate it with the light that has been kindled in humanity through the Christ Impulse. So let no man say, when Western occultism is spoken of, that it is in any way derived from the hidden Rishis of the West, who, to be sure, are not seen by the eyes of the physical body. Let no man say that it lacks even one iota, one tittle, of Eastern occultism. Nothing, absolutely nothing is missing. He has only to bring forth all things anew from the fountain of youth of the Christ impulse. All the great wisdom that first sounded from the mouths of the holy rishis to mankind about the superhuman worlds, about the supersensible existence, must in turn resound in what is to be said about the spiritual hierarchies and their shading in the physical world. Just as the geometry of the ancient Euclid has not changed, despite being taught and learned with the newer human faculties, so the wisdom of the holy Rishis has not changed, despite being taught and learned with the faculties kindled by the Christ Impulse. Thus, we could easily call a large part of what we have to say about the spiritual worlds Eastern wisdom. For in these matters there must be no misunderstanding, and the misunderstanding lies so close.

[ 8 ] Those who do not wish to advance from misunderstanding to understanding can very easily misunderstand something that was said yesterday in the Easter Festival Lecture, for example. There could be – we have to mention this for our understanding – those who do not want to advance to full understanding and could say: Yesterday you spoke of the great so-called sacred truths of the Buddha. You said that the Buddha taught and revealed the sacred truths of suffering in life: birth is suffering, illness is suffering, old age is suffering, death is suffering, being separated from what one loves is suffering, being united with what one does not love is suffering, not receiving what one desires is suffering. And you, so some might say, told us yesterday: Let us look at those who really understood the Christ impulse in the post-Christian era – and realize that through the understanding and penetration of this Christ impulse, the old sacred truths of the Buddha about the suffering of life would no longer be fully valid, that with the Christ impulse, so to speak, something has been created as a remedy against the suffering of life. You said that someone might say, the Buddha teaches: birth is suffering; but the Christ-comprehenders answer: through birth we enter into a life that we share with Christ, and through the share in Christ, suffering of life is extinguished; in the same way, through the healing power of the Christ impulse, illness is extinguished, and illness is no longer suffering for the Christ-comprehender, and death is no longer suffering for the Christ-comprehender, and so on. But then someone might reply: Yes, but I can show you from the Gospels that the same sentences appear in the Gospels as in the holy scriptures of Buddha; and we can also show from the Gospels that it says: Life is suffering, illness is suffering, and so on. And so, on the surface, one could say: Now we have these modern religious documents, but we already find their content in Buddhism, so there is no progress in religion, no development; all religions contain the same things. But you spoke of progress, you showed how, so to speak, the old sacred truths of Buddhism are no longer supposed to be true through Christianity. But anyone who speaks in this way would only express the most terrible misunderstanding. For that was not said; everything, absolutely everything except the last sentence was said. And it is important that one understands quite exactly in this subtle region. The fanatic can never understand exactly; only the objective man can understand exactly.

[ 9 ] Never will it be said by any one speaking from the source of Rosicrucian wisdom and research that anything is to be combated in the writings of the great Buddha, that anything is not true in the writings of the great Buddha. Everyone who speaks from the source of Rosicrucianism shares the conviction of Buddha and of all Eastern wisdom; none of it is denied. He says: Yes, what you, great Buddha, have seen through your enlightenment within of the great truths of the suffering of life, is completely true; it is true down to the last tittle and iota. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is taken from it. Everything remains. And precisely because everything remains, because it is true what Buddha said, that birth is suffering, illness is suffering, old age is suffering, death is suffering, and so on, that is why the Christ Impulse is that mighty and important remedy – because it is He who abolishes this suffering, because it is indeed true that suffering exists if a great impulse does not lift the world above it. Why did Christ work? Because Buddha spoke the truth. Humanity had to be led down from spiritual heights, where the primeval wisdom of the world had worked in a pure form; humanity had to be led to independence, down into physical existence, and with that, life became suffering and illness became suffering; but in the same way, in the further development, the great remedy had to come against these incontrovertible facts. He who says, “Yes, it is true what is said about this reality,” denies any reality. But at the same time we are given the remedy to bring the facts expressed by these truths to a healthy development. Oh, in the heights of existence, where we must seek them, the spheres of the spiritual hierarchies, it is not: Buddhism against Christianity, Christianity against Buddhism, there the Buddha extends his hand to the Christ and the Christ to the Buddha. But any misunderstanding of human development, any misunderstanding of the ascent, is at the same time a misunderstanding of the most spiritual deed that has taken place in our earthly development, the Christ deed. And so there will be nothing that would be negated by the wisdom of the East, which has brought down the wisdom of the holy rishis over such long periods of time and thus the primeval world wisdom. But in these long, long periods of time in which wisdom has always flowed into humanity, it became difficult, so to speak, for the great masses of people who were not able to penetrate to the sources of the sacred mysteries to understand these wisdoms. It was precisely this understanding that became difficult.

[ 10 ] Oh, in the pre-Atlantic times, in the times before the great catastrophe, when the great masses of people were still clairvoyant, in old, dull clairvoyance , looked up to the spiritual hierarchies, they saw differently than later in the post-Atlantic times, when the old clairvoyance had disappeared for the masses of people and only the physical eye could see into the physical reaches of heaven! Therefore, it would not have made sense to speak in the time before the Atlantic catastrophe of those celestial bodies that are now distributed in space. The clairvoyant human eye saw into the far reaches of the heavens, and these were spiritual worlds. It would have been pointless to speak in those days of Mercury or Neptune or Saturn and so on, as our astronomy does; for just as our astronomy speaks of space and its contents, it only reflects what the physical eye sees when it looks up into the heavens. This was not at all the case in Atlantean times with the old clairvoyant human race; when they looked up, they did not see physically limited stars of light at all. What the physical eye sees today is, so to speak, only an external expression of what the clairvoyant saw in those days. Today, when the physical eye looks up, for example through a telescope, to where Jupiter is located, it sees, so to speak, a physical globe surrounded by its moons. Such is the physical eye today. What was it for the man of the old Atlantean time when he raised his still clairvoyant eye to the same point where today man's physical eye looks? What the physical eye sees, the old Atlantean eye would have seen just as little as today your physical eye sees the single light when it looks into a dense autumn fog. It sees something like a nebulous aura around the light, and the light disappears in the colored rings around the light. Likewise, the eye of the Atlantean would not have seen the physical star Jupiter, but it would have seen what is also connected with Jupiter today, but which only people cannot see: the aura of Jupiter, a sum of spiritual beings for which the physical Jupiter is only the expression. And so the spiritual eye of man wandered around in the cosmic spaces before the Atlantic catastrophe, seeing spiritual beings everywhere. One could only speak of this spiritual, because it would have been senseless at that time, when the physical eye was not yet as open as it is today, to speak of physical stars. One looked out into the cosmic space and saw spiritual beings, spiritual hierarchies. One saw spiritual beings.

[ 11 ] And in the further development it was so that we can compare it again with the following: We imagine stepping out into dense fog. We do not see the individual lights. Everything is shrouded in this nebula aura. Then the fog parts, and the individual lights become physically visible. But the auras are invisible. This is only a physical process that is intended for comparison. With Jupiter, however, the old eye saw the aura. It saw the spiritual entities in the aura that belonged to Jupiter from a certain stage of development. Humanity then developed physical vision. The aura remained. People could no longer see it, but the physical body became clearer and clearer; what belongs to it spiritually was lost, and what is physical about it became visible. And the knowledge of these spiritual beings around the stars, the knowledge of those entities that are around the stars, was preserved in the sacred mysteries. All the holy Rishis speak of this knowledge. In times when people already saw only physically, the holy Rishis spoke of the spiritual atmospheres, of the spiritual inhabitants of these globes that are distributed in space.

[ 12 ] And now take the situation that arose. In the seats of knowledge, people spoke of the spiritual beings around the world globes. Outside, where the sensory eye became sharper and sharper, outside, people spoke more and more only of dense physical matter. If the ancient holy Rishis had spoken the word Mercury – which they did not speak, but let's take the word so that we can communicate – did they then mean this physical world body? No, not even the ancient Greeks, when they spoke of Mercury, meant this physical body, but the totality of the spiritual entities of this body. It was spiritual worlds, spiritual entities that were spoken of when one uttered the word Mercury in the places of knowledge. Those who were the disciples of the teachers of the places of knowledge spoke the words: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and by pronouncing such words in the different languages, they designated a hierarchy of spiritual beings. Those who pronounce the word in today's way and refer to a physical body, only refer to the coarsest aspect of what was originally understood by Moon, Mercury, Venus and so on. He does not describe the main thing. Thus the old teacher of wisdom said “Moon”, and with this word he conjured up the idea of a great spiritual world. And when he pronounced the word “moon” and pointed to the place in the sky where the moon is, and in his consciousness had: “There is the lowest level of spiritual hierarchies” - then the one who, through the ever-increasing sensuality of humanity, had distanced himself from this spiritual view, looked up, but saw the physical moon and called it “moon”. One word for two things that certainly belonged together, but which evoke very different ideas in people. And it was the same when the sages of the seats of knowledge looked up to Mercury, the Sun, Mars and so on. The spiritual current used words to describe something completely different from the other, the material current.

[ 13 ] Thus we see that the two currents diverged more and more in humanity. In the mysteries, these words, which then became the designations of our outer world bodies, were always understood to mean spiritual worlds, sequences of spiritual worlds. The outer world has always understood it in a material sense, except for our present-day mythology – I consciously use the word – which is called modern astronomy. Since spiritual science has recognized the full value of the other mythologies, you will understand that modern mythology is also appreciated by spiritual science – up to the mythology that is called modern astronomy, which only sees space and physical globes in it. But for the one who recognizes, this modern mythology is nothing more than a special phase of all mythologies. There is a straight line running from what the ancient inhabitants of Europe said in their legends about the gods, stars and worlds, from what the Greeks and Romans gave in their mythologies, from what the Middle Ages gave in their more or less distorted mythologies, right up to the mythology that Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo founded, which is fully adequate and fully justified to be admired. A time will come when people will speak of this modern mythology somewhat like this: There were once people who thought it right to place a material sun at the center of an ellipse, to let planets revolve around it in ellipses, to let them rotate in different ways; they constructed a world system for themselves just as earlier times did. Today, a future time will speak, of course, all this is only legend and fairy tale. Yes, that time will also come, however much the modern age despises the old mythologies and swears by its own, and however impossible it may seem to speak of a Copernican mythology. But that will make it all the more understandable to us, as, so to speak, different and different things were always imagined with the words. Nevertheless, what is primeval world wisdom was passed on and continued over and over again. Only this primeval world wisdom was less and less understood exoterically because it was interpreted and explained in a more material way, because the spiritual aspect was less recognized. And so it came about that, in order not to let humanity lose touch with the original spiritual wisdom, so to speak, when the ancient world wisdom was rejuvenated at the beginning of our era, it had to be pointed out in no uncertain terms that where the human eye is directed and, as a physical eye, only sees the physical, there is spiritual filling space spiritually. And so, with the most emphatic words, the one who was the most intimate disciple of the Apostle Paul, pointed this out in Athens, as Dionysius the Areopagite did in Athens: There is not only material substance out there in space; there is, when the human soul ascends intuitively into the spaces of world existence, spiritual substance out there in the world that stands above man in the evolution of existence. And now he used words that had to be different, for if he had used the old words, no one would have seen anything in them but the material. The Rishis spoke of the spiritual hierarchies, and in their words they expressed what was also expressed in the wisdom of Greece and Rome when they spoke of the world of the moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, which arose before theirs. Dionysius, the disciple of the Apostle Paul, had the same worlds in mind as the Rishis; only he emphasized sharply that one is dealing with spiritual realities, and he used words that he was sure would be taken spiritually: He spoke of angels, archangels, elemental forces, powers, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim. And now, once again, people have forgotten, truly forgotten, what humanity once knew. If one could have understood in context what Dionysius the Areopagite and the ancient holy Rishis saw, then one would have heard, so to speak, the moon being named from one side, and the world of the angels being named from the other mysteries, and one would have known: this is the same. One would have heard the word Mercury from one side and from the other the word Archangel and would have known: This is the same. One would have heard the word Archai on one side and the word Venus on the other, and one would have known: This is the same. One would have heard the word Sun on one side and Powers on the other and would have known: These words describe the same worlds. If one had heard the word Mars on one side, one would have felt: Here one ascends to the powers. If one had heard the word Jupiter on one side, it would have been the same as what was posted in the school of Dionysius when there was talk of dominions. The word Saturn corresponds here to the word Thrones.

[ 14 ] But in wider circles, they no longer knew it, could no longer know it. On the one hand, there was a material science that became more and more material and retained the old names, which had once also meant spiritual, for the material. And on the other hand, there was a spiritual life that spoke of spiritual beings, of archangels, angels and so on, and that had lost the connection with the physical expressions of these spiritual beings. And so we see how primeval wisdom penetrates into the school that Paul had founded through Dionysius, and how it is only a matter of permeating the newly founded school with the old spiritual spirit. But that is the task of modern spiritual science or anthroposophy, to draw the bond that should exist between the physical and the spiritual, between the world, the earth and the spiritual hierarchies. It is incomprehensible to those who do not know where the ideas about the external sensory world actually come from; it is incomprehensible for them to recognize the other side, the spiritual side of knowledge.

[ 1 5 ] This becomes particularly striking when we approach those writings that have emerged from the ancient world wisdoms and which, although they contain a faint echo, can only be truly understood from this ancient world wisdom. Let us cite as an example, with regard to the difficulty of understanding those scriptures that emerged from the primeval wisdom, a passage from the Divine Song, the Bhagavad Gita, a passage that sheds a meaningful light on human life in its connection with the hierarchies. This passage from the Bhagavad Gita, which is found in Chapter 8, beginning with verse 23, reads: “I will explain to you, O truth-seeking man” - this is how it is usually translated - “under what circumstances the God-fearing, when they leave the earth through the gate of death, go to be reborn or not. I will tell you: see fire, see day, see the time of the waxing moon, see the half-year when the sun is high. Those who die at the time of dying in the fire, in the day, in the time of the waxing moon, the high sun, enter through the gate of death into Brahma; but those who die in the sign of the smoke, at night, in the time of the waning moon, in the half-year when the sun is low go, when they depart from the world, through the gate of death only into the light of the moon and return again to this world.

[ 16 ] My dear friends, here you have a passage in the Bhagavad Gita that tells you: The way of man's progress, his rebirth, depends on whether he dies in the sign of light, in the day, in the waxing moon, in the half-year when the sun is high, or whether he dies in the sign of smoke, in the night, when the moon is waning or when the sun is low. That is said, that is the material sense. And of those who enter through the gate of death in the sign of fire, by day, in the waxing moon, when the sun is high, it is said of them that they need not return. Of the others who die in the sign of smoke, at night, when the moon is waning or in the half-year when the sun is low in the sky, it is said of them that they cannot ascend to the heights of Brahma, but only to the height of the moon and must return. There is a passage in the Divine Song of the East which presents the greatest difficulties to all, or almost all, who would explain it within the exoteric life. It can only be explained when it is illuminated with the light of spiritual knowledge, with the light from which it was originally written, with the light that shines in the secret schools, that is passed on, that has experienced its rejuvenation through Christianity, when it is illuminated with the light that allows us to find the connection to the names: Moon – Angel, Mercury – Archangel, Venus – Archai, and so on. And we shall find the key to such passages. Let us choose this one passage as an example of what happens when we place it in the old spiritual light. Our consideration this evening shall start with the explanation of this passage in the divine song, with the explanation of this passage in the Bhagavad Gita, which is impossible in the exoteric life, and then, having found the key, we shall ascend into the spiritual hierarchies.