The Gospel of St. John
GA 103
30 May 1908, Hamburg
X. The Effect of the Christ Impulse Within Mankind
We have been considering the whole law of evolution of the post-Atlantean humanity, and we have tried to understand why the founding of Christianity should have taken place just at a particular moment in this period of evolution. Yesterday at the close of our lecture, we observed that an understanding of important questions in the Gospel of St. John and in the whole of Christianity depends upon our keeping well in mind this evolutionary law in its esoteric, Christian sense. Only in this way shall we be able to gain a complete understanding of the meaning of the words “Holy Spirit,” “ Father and Mother of Jesus.” Above all we must remember that in the course of the last lectures, it was made clear that the post-Atlantean humanity falls into seven sub-divisions. It is, in fact, that humanity to which, strictly speaking, we, ourselves belong and which developed after the Atlantean Flood. I intentionally avoided the idea of “sub-races,” because the concept “race” does not fully coincide with the idea we are considering. What we are considering are cultural periods of development and what we still experience as racial laws in our present humanity is, in fact, an echo of the Atlantean evolution. The human evolution which preceded the Atlantean Flood, which took place for the most part upon a continent lying between present Europe and America, upon ancient Atlantis, can also be divided into seven successive groups. To these seven groups the expression “racial evolution” is applicable, for these seven successive stages of humanity upon ancient Atlantis differed widely from each other bodily, both internally and externally. We include in the external body also the inner configurations of brain, blood and other fluids. But it cannot be said that the earliest humanity of the post-Atlantean age, the Indian, differed sufficiently from ourselves for us to be able to employ the expression “race” for it. We must always hold fast to the continuity of Divine Wisdom, therefore it is often necessary to form a connection with this ancient concept of the race. Yet false ideas can very easily be created by this word “race” through our failing to see that the reason for the division of humanity of the present is something of a much more inner character than the idea usually attached to the word race. Race can no longer be used for the culture that will replace our own after the seventh subdivision, because then humanity will be divided according to quite different fundamental laws.
From this point of view we must consider the division of the post-Atlantean period into the following epochs: 1st the ancient Indian epoch; 2nd the ancient Persian; 3rd the Babylonian-Assyrian-Chaldean-Egyptian; 4th the Greco-Latin; and 5th, the epoch in which we now live. Our epoch will be replaced by a 6th and that by a 7th evolutionary epoch. We are now in the 5th post-Atlantean cultural epoch and say to ourselves:—Christianity entered into human evolution in its full profundity and significance in the 4th epoch. It has had its influence on the humanity of the 5th epoch to a marked degree and we shall now forecast prophetically what its further effect will be, as far as this is possible out of Spiritual Wisdom. We indicated yesterday that the mission of Christianity was prepared in the 3rd epoch. The Egyptian civilization belongs to the 3rd epoch, and out of its womb the adherents of the Old Testament directed the development of Hebrew culture in such a way that Christianity was born, as it were, coming fully into the world in the 4th epoch, in the person of Christ Jesus. We may say that humanity experienced a certain spiritual influence in the 3rd epoch of the post-Atlantean age. This worked on into the 4th Epoch, concentrating in the person of Christ Jesus, then continued on into the 5th, our own, and from thence it will work on over into the 6th epoch which will follow ours. Now we must clearly understand how all this has occurred.
Let us call to mind that in the course of human evolution, the various constituent parts of the human being have experienced their own evolution. Let us recall how it was in the later Atlantean period. We have described how the ether head sank into the physical body and how at that time people developed the rudimentary capacity for saying “I AM” to themselves. When the Atlantean Flood occurred, the human physical body was permeated by the power of the “I AM;” this means that human progress had advanced far enough to have prepared the physical instrument for the ego or for self-consciousness. By this we understand quite clearly that if we were to go back into the middle of the Atlantean period, we should find no human being in the position to develop a self-consciousness in which it was possible for him to speak the words, “I am an I” or “I AM,” out of himself. That could only occur after that part of the ether head, of which we have spoken, has united with the physical part of the head. Up to the time of the submersion of Atlantis by the Flood, the human being had developed the rudiments of the physical brain, which was to become the bearer of this self-consciousness, and the germs of the other configurations of his physical body. Up to the time of the Atlantean Flood, the physical body was being made ready to be the bearer of the ego. We may ask: What was the mission of Atlantis? It was to implant the ego in the human being, to imprint it upon him, and this mission then reached out beyond the Flood—described as the Deluge—over into our age. In our post-Atlantean epoch, however, something else had to enter; gradually and by degrees, Manas or Spirit-Self had to enter into the human being. The influence of Manas or Spirit-Self begins with our post-Atlantean age. We know that after we have passed through various embodiments in our sixth or seventh epochs, Manas or Spirit-Self will have overshadowed us to a certain degree. But a longer preparation is needed for the human being to become a fit instrument for this Manas or Spirit-Self. Before that, he will first have to become a true bearer of the “I” or ego, even though it take thousands of years. He will not only have to make his physical body an instrument for the ego, but the other members of his being as well.
In the first cultural epoch of the post-Atlantean period, the human being for the first time made his ether body into a bearer of the ego, just as he had previously done with his physical body. This was the ancient Indian civilization. In this epoch, the human being acquired the ability to develop not only a physical instrument for the ego, but also a fitting ether body. Therefore in the following table, the first epoch, the ancient Indian civilization is indicated as having an ether body.
If we now wish to consider the further evolution of these cultural epochs in relation to the human being, we must not, merely superficially, consider the soul as the astral body, but we must proceed more accurately and take as a basis the membering of the human being which you will find in my book “Theosophy.” You know that there we distinguish, in general, not only the seven human members, but the middle part we again divide into Soul Body, Sentient Soul, Intellectual Soul and Consciousness Soul—and then we have the higher members, Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. Usually only seven members are to be distinguished. The fourth member which we summarize under the name “Ego,” we must again divide, because in human evolution it is thus divided. What was evolved during the ancient Persian period is the actual Astral or Soul Body. It is the bearer of the actual human active forces, therefore the transition from the Indian to the Persian periods consisted in passing over from a state of inactivity to one of activity in the material world.

The movement of the hands and everything that was connected with it, the transition from inactivity to physical work is what characterized this epoch. To a much greater degree than is supposed, the inhabitants of ancient India were disinclined to bestir the hands, but in contemplation were much more inclined to lift themselves above the material existence into higher worlds. They had to penetrate deeply into their inner being when they wished to call to memory those earlier states. Therefore the Indian Yoga, for example, consisted in general in giving special care and cultivation to the ether body.
Now let us proceed further. In the culture of the ancient Persian epoch, the ego had sunk into the Soul Body. In that of the Assyrian-Babylonian-Chaldean-Egyptian epoch, the ego mounts into the Sentient Soul. You inquire, what is the Sentient Soul? It is the means by which the sensitory human being directs himself outwardly, whereby the perceiving human being by means of his eyes and other senses becomes aware of the ruling spirit in outer nature. Consequently in that epoch, the eyes were directed toward the material things spread out in space, toward the stars and their courses. What was spread out externally in space acted upon the Sentient Soul. In the Egyptian-Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian period, very little existed as yet of what can be called an inner, personal and intellectual human culture. We of the present can no longer really imagine what constituted the Egyptian Wisdom of that epoch. It was, in fact, not at all a matter of thinking, a matter of speculation as was the case later on; but when the Egyptian turned his glance toward the outer world, he inwardly experienced the law which he read in the physical world with the physical senses. It was a reading of the laws, a science of perception, a science of feeling, not a science of concepts. If our scholars would only reflect—I am using a harsh expression—then all that has just been said would be pointed out to them, as it were, with fingers, with spiritual fingers. For if the Egyptian did not think with the true, inner forces of the intellect, that means nothing more nor less than that there could not have been, at that time, a real science of thought or of logic. It is true, there was none. History points out to you that the real founder of logic was Aristotle. If there had previously been a logic, a science of thought, it would have been possible to inscribe it in a book. A logic, which is in itself a process of reflection in the ego, in which ideas are united and separated within the ego, in which one forms judgments logically and does not gather them from the things themselves, first appeared in the fourth cultural epoch. Therefore we call this fourth epoch the epoch of the Intellectual Soul, and we ourselves are now in the epoch of the appearance of the ego in the Consciousness Soul. Humanity entered into this epoch about the middle of the Middle Ages, beginning with the 1oth, 11th, and 12th Centuries. It came as late as that. The ego first entered the Consciousness Soul about the middle of the Middle Ages.
This can be very easily proven historically, and light could be thrown into every corner were there time to point out much that might come into question. At that time a very definite concept was implanted in mankind, the concept of individual freedom, of individual ego-capacity. If you consider the early part of the Middle Ages, you will still find everywhere that the value of the individual, in a certain sense, depended upon his position in the community. A person inherited his standing, his rank and position from his father and his kinsmen, and in accordance with these impersonal things, which are not consciously connected with the ego, he acted and worked in the world. Only later, when commerce expanded and inventions and modern discoveries were made, did the ego-consciousness begin to extend itself, and we can see arising everywhere in the European world the external reflection of this Consciousness Soul in very definite forms of municipal government, municipal constitution, etc. From the history of this city of Hamburg, for example, it can easily be proven how these things have developed historically. What in the Middle Ages was called the “free city” is the external counterpart of this breathing of the ego-conscious soul through humanity. And if we now allow our glance to sweep into the future, we may say: We are now about to develop this personal consciousness within the Consciousness Soul. All the demands of the modern age are nothing but the demands of the Consciousness Soul which mankind is unconsciously expressing. But when we look still further into the future, we see spiritually something else. The human being then rises in the next cultural epoch, to Manas or Spirit-Self. That will be a time when men will possess a common Wisdom in a very much greater degree than at present; they will be, as it were, immersed in a common Wisdom. This will be the beginning of the feeling that the innermost kernel of the human being is at the same time the most universal. What is looked upon as the possession of the individual, in the present sense of the word, is not yet so on a higher plane. At present there is a notion, closely linked with the individuality, with the human personality, that human beings must contend with one another, must have different opinions. Men say: if we could not have different opinions we would not be independent human beings. Just because they wish to be independent, they must hold different opinions. That, however, is an inferior point of view. Men will be most peaceful and harmonious when they, as separate persons, become most individualized. As long as men are not yet fully overshadowed by Spirit-Self there will be opinions which differ from each other. These opinions are not yet experienced in the true, innermost part of their being. At present there are only a few forerunners of things experienced in the depths of the soul, and these are mathematical and geometrical truths. These cannot be put to the vote. If a million people were to say to you that 2x2=5 and you perceive in your inner being that it is 4, you know that this is true and that the others must be wrong. It is as though someone were to maintain that the sum of the three angles of a triangle does not amount to 18o degrees.
It will be Manas-Culture when more and more the sources of truth are experienced within the strengthened human individuality, within the human personality, and when, at the same time, there is an agreement between what different people experience as higher reality, just as now there is an agreement between what they experience as the truths of mathematics. Men agree upon these mathematical truths at present everywhere, because they are the most elementary truths. In respect of other truths, men contend not because there can be two different right opinions about the same subject, but because they have not yet reached the point of recognizing and fighting down the personal sympathy and antipathy that divides them. Were personal opinions still to come into consideration in simple mathematical truths, many housewives might then, perhaps, agree that 2x2=5 and not 4. For those who see more deeply into the nature of things, it is quite impossible to disagree about their higher nature; there is only one possibility for those who disagree: that of developing themselves to perceive more deeply. Then reality discovered in one soul will coincide exactly with that in another, and there will be no more strife. That is the guarantee for true peace and true brotherhood, because there is but one Reality and this Reality has something to do with the Spiritual Sun. Just think how orderly the plants grow; each plant grows toward the sun and there is only a single sun. When in the same way, in the course of the sixth cultural epoch, that Spirit-Self draws into human beings, a Spiritual Sun will actually be present, toward which all men will incline, and in which they will become harmonized. That is the great perspective which we have in prospect for the sixth epoch. Then in the seventh, Life-Spirit or Budhi will, in a certain way, enter into our evolution. This is the far distant future toward which we, only divining, can turn our glance.
But we now see clearly that an epoch will come, the sixth, which will be a very important one; important, because it will bring Peace and Brotherhood through a common Wisdom. Peace and Brotherhood, because not only will the Higher Self sink down into its lower form as Spirit-Self or Manas in certain chosen human beings, but also in that part of humanity passing through a normal evolution. A union of the human ego, as it has been gradually evolved with the higher, the unifying Ego, will then take place. We may call this a spiritual marriage and the union of the human ego with Manas or Spirit-Self was always so called in Esoteric Christianity. However, things of the world are bound closely together and men cannot stretch out their hands, as it were, and draw this Manas or Spirit-Self into themselves. They must reach a very much higher stage of evolution in order to be able to help themselves in respect of these things. In order that the human being in the post-Atlantean age may unite with the Higher Ego, men had to have help in their evolution. When something is to be accomplished, there must be a preparation. If a child is to develop into something special at fifteen years of age, something must be done to that end as early as his sixth or seventh year. Everywhere, evolution must prepare its impulses. What is to happen to mankind in the sixth epoch must be slowly and gradually prepared. The power and force of what is to take place within mankind in the sixth epoch has to come from without.
The first preparation was something still wholly external, operating from the spiritual world, something that had not yet descended into the physical world. That has been pointed out in the great mission of the Hebrew people. When Moses, an Initiate of the Egyptian Mysteries, received those instructions from the Spiritual Guidance of the World which we were able to characterize with the words: “When thou speakest unto them of My laws, tell them that My Name is the ‘I AM,’” he was charged in these words: “Prepare them by pointing to the formless, invisible God. Point out that, while the Father-God is still active in the blood, the ‘I AM’ who is to descend even to the physical plane is prepared for those who can understand.” This was prepared, as it were, in the third cultural epoch. Out of the Hebrew people we see streaming forth the mission to deliver to humanity the God who then descended deeper into matter and appeared in the flesh. First He was prophesied, then later He appeared to the physical eyes in the flesh. Thus came to expression in the right sense what had been prepared by Moses.
Let us keep this point of time clearly in mind: the spiritual prophecy through Moses, and the conclusion of this prophecy in the appearance of the prophesied Messiah in the Christ. From this time onward—which we can designate as the first division in the history of Christianity—the real Impulse was implanted in human evolution for unity and brotherhood which will eventuate in the sixth epoch. It is like a force that, having sunk down deeply into an object, continues to be active there until gradually results emerge. In a similar way, this spiritual force has been active up to our present time which we must describe as an age in which humanity has wholly descended into matter with all its intellectual and spiritual powers. The question may be asked: Why did Christianity have to come to the world as a direct forerunner of the most deeply materialistic epoch?
Just imagine, for a moment, that humanity had entered into this most deeply materialistic age without Christianity. It would then have been impossible for it to find again the impulse upwards. Think away the Impulse that has been implanted in mankind through the Christ, then the whole of humanity would have had to fall into decadence, would have had to be bound forever to matter. As it is expressed in occultism, it would have been “seized by the force of gravity in matter” and would have been thrown out of its evolution. Thus we must imagine that in the post-Atlantean epoch, mankind made a movement downward into matter, and that before the lowest stage was reached, there came the other Impulse which impelled it again upward in the opposite direction. This was the Christ Impulse. Had the Christ Impulse been active earlier, humanity would never have come to a materialistic development at all. Had it fallen in the ancient Indian epoch, mankind would certainly have been permeated with the spiritual element of Christianity, but it would never have descended deeply enough into matter to have been able to produce all that we call today an outer physical culture. It may seem extraordinary to say that without Christianity there would never have been any railroads, any steamships etc., but for anyone who knows things in their relationship, it is a fact. Never would these means of culture have arisen out of the ancient Indian civilization. There exists a mysterious connection between Christianity and all that is today the so-called pride of mankind. Because Christianity waited until the right moment of time for its appearance, an external culture became possible, and because it entered just at the right moment, it became possible for those who unite themselves with the Christ Principle to be able to rise again out of materiality. However, since Christianity has been received without understanding, it has become very greatly materialized. Because it has been so greatly misunderstood, it has itself been materialistically interpreted. Thus, in a certain way, it is a very distorted, materialistic form which Christianity has assumed in the course of that period which we have just been following right up to our own times, and which we may designate as a second division of Christian history. Instead of the Last Supper, for example, being apprehended from its higher spiritual aspect, it has become materialized and has been represented as a transubstantiation of gross physical substance. And we could instance hundreds and hundreds of examples of the fact that Christianity as a spiritual phenomenon has not been understood.
We have now almost reached the moment when this second period ends, when men must of necessity form a connection with the spiritual aspect of Christianity, with what Christianity really should be, in order that its true spiritual content may be drawn forth. This will come about through the Anthroposophic deepening of Christianity. By applying Anthroposophy to Christianity, we are following the universal historic necessity of preparing the third Christian epoch which directs its life toward the in-streaming of Manas in the sixth epoch. That will be, as it were, the third chapter. The first chapter is the period of the prediction of Christianity up to the time of the appearance of Christ Jesus and a little beyond. The second chapter is the deepest possible immersion of the human spirit in matter and the materialization of Christianity itself. The third chapter will be a spiritual understanding of Christianity by means of a deepening of the soul through Anthroposophy. That such a document as the Gospel of St. John has not, up to our own age, been understood is due to our whole materialistic evolution. Such a materialistic culture as has gradually developed could not fully understand this Gospel. The spiritual culture which must begin with the Anthroposophic Movement will understand this document in its truly spiritual form and prepare what will then lead over into the sixth epoch.
For those who have attained a Christian or a Rosicrucian initiation—even for those who have attained any initiation whatsoever—an extraordinary phenomenon makes its appearance. Things which take place acquire for them a double meaning; one which is enacted in the outer physical world, another, by means of which things enacted in the physical world become indications of great, comprehensive spiritual happenings. You will, therefore, understand if I now attempt to describe somewhat the impressions of the writer of the Gospel of St. John on one particular occasion.
An extraordinary event took place during the life of Christ Jesus and this event occurred upon the physical plane. The one who is describing it, according to the Gospel, does so as an initiate. Accordingly, the event represents to him simultaneously the perceptions and the results that accrue during the process of initiation. Picture to yourselves the end of this act of initiation.
During three and a half time periods, which in ancient times, as we have already pointed out, were represented by three and a half days, the candidate for initiation lay in a lethargic sleep. Each day he experienced something different in respect of the spiritual world. On the first day he had definite experiences which presented to him events in the spiritual worlds; and on the two subsequent days he had still other experiences. Now in this particular passage of the Gospel, the person we are considering had shown to him what is always spiritually presented to the clairvoyant faculty, that is, the future of mankind. If we know the impulses of the future, we can then inject them into the present and thereby lead the present over into the future.
Picture to yourselves the seer of that age. He experienced the spiritual meaning of the first of the three chapters I have described from the time when the command resounded: “Say unto your people, I am the ‘I AM,’” to the descent of the Messiah. As second chapter he experienced the descent of the Christ into matter, and as third chapter he experienced how gradually mankind is being prepared to receive the Spirit or Spirit-Self (Manas) in the sixth epoch. He experienced all this in an astral prevision. He experienced the marriage of humanity with the Spirit. That is an important experience which mankind can only impress upon the outer world through Christ having entered into time, into history. Previously mankind had not lived in this kind of brotherliness, brought about by means of the spirit unfolding within the inner being, in which peace exists between man and man. Prior to this, there was only the love prepared physically through the tie of blood. This love develops gradually into a spiritual love which then descends upon earth. As final result of this third chapter of initiation, we may say that humanity celebrates its marriage with Spirit-Self or Manas. This can only happen when the time for it has arrived, when the time has matured for the full realization of the Christ Impulse. So long as the time has not yet come, so long will the relationship which is based upon the kinship of blood obtain, and so long will love be an un-spiritual form of love.
Wherever in ancient documents numbers are mentioned, the hidden aspect of numbers is meant. When we read, “On the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee,” every initiate knows that with this “third day,” something very special is meant. What is meant? The writer of the Gospel of St. John points out that it is not alone a matter of an actual experience, but that it is, at the same time, a great, an overpowering prophecy. This marriage expresses the great marriage of humanity which occurred on the third day of initiation. On the first day there occurred what took place in the transition from the third to the fourth cultural epoch; on the second day, what took place in the transition from the fourth to the fifth epoch and on the third day what will occur when mankind passes over from the fifth to the sixth epoch. These are the three days of initiation. The Christ Impulse has been compelled to wait until the third epoch. Before that, the time had not come when it could operate. The Gospel of St. John points to a special relationship between “me and thee,” between “us two.” That is what is really said, not the absurd “Woman, what have I to do with thee.” When the Mother asks the Christ to make a sign, He answered: “My time is not yet come” to be active at marriages, that is, to bring people together. That time is yet to come. What is based upon the blood-bond still works on and will continue to be active; hence the reference to the relationship between mother and son at the Marriage of Cana.
When we consider the documents in this way, all that is really external stands out in bold relief against a significant spiritual background. We gaze into the abysmal depths of the spiritual life when we penetrate into what has been bestowed upon mankind by such an initiate as the writer of the Gospel of St. John, into what he was able to bestow upon it, because the Christ had implanted His Impulse within human evolution.
Therefore we have seen that these things must be explained by the astral reality which the initiate experiences, not by empty allegory or symbolism. We are not dealing with a symbolic interpretation only, but with the narration of the experiences of the initiate. If this were not so, then one might feel that those who stand outside are right when they say that Spiritual Science offers nothing but allegorical interpretations. If we apply to this passage the spiritual-scientific interpretation, as we now understand it, we learn how, through three cosmic days, the Christ Impulse works upon humanity, from the third cultural epoch over into the fourth, from the fourth to the fifth and from the fifth into the sixth. And viewing this evolution from the standpoint of the Gospel of St. John, we are now able to say: The Christ Impulse was so great that mankind of the present has understood but very little of it, and only in a later age will it be wholly comprehended.
Zehnter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Uns beschäftigte das ganze Gesetz der nachatlantischen Entwickelung unserer Menschheit, und wir suchten zu verstehen, warum gerade in einem ganz bestimmten Zeitpunkte dieser nachatlantischen Entwickelung die Stiftung des Christentums stattfinden mußte. Wir haben gestern am Schluß des Vortrages erwähnt, daß das Verständnis wichtiger Fragen des Johannes-Evangeliums und des ganzen Christentums davon abhängt, daß wir gerade dieses Entwickelungsgesetz im esoterisch-christlichen Sinne gut ins Auge fassen. Nur dadurch werden wir ein volles Verständnis gewinnen können für die Bedeutung der Worte «Heiliger Geist», «Vater und Mutter Jesu». Vor allen Dingen erinnern wir uns, daß uns klar geworden ist im Laufe der letzten Vorträge, daß die nachatlantische Menschheit, also diejenige Menschheit, zu der wir im engeren Sinne selbst gehören, die sich entwickelt hat nach der atlantischen Flut, in sieben Uhnterabteilungen zerfällt. Es wird von mir absichtlich der Begriff « Unterrassen» vermieden, weil eigentlich der Begriff «Rasse» sich nicht völlig deckt mit dem, um was es sich dabei handelt. Es handelt sich um Kulturentwickelungsperioden, und das, was wir als Rassengesetz in unserer heutigen Menschheit noch erleben, ist eigentlich ein Nachklang der atlantischen Entwickelung. Diejenige Menschheitsentwikkelung, die der atlantischen Flut vorangegangen ist, also die sich zum großen Teil abgespielt hat auf jenem Kontinente, der da war zwischen dem heutigen Europa und dem heutigen Amerika, der alten Atlantis, diese Menschheitsentwickelung teilen wir auch in sieben aufeinanderfolgende Abschnitte. Für diese sieben Abschnitte gilt noch der Ausdruck «Rassen-Entwickelung». Denn diese sieben aufeinanderfolgenden Stufen der Menschheit auf der alten Atlantis waren auch noch körperlich, inner- und außer-körperlich - zum äußeren Körper rechnet man auch die innere Konfiguration des Gehirns, des Blutes und der anderen Säfte — sehr voneinander verschieden, während gar keine Rede davon sein kann, daß etwa die erste Menschheit der nachatlantischen Zeit, die alten Inder, von uns so weit verschieden waren, daß wir noch den Ausdruck «Rasse» darauf anwenden dürften. Man muß ja immer die Kontinuität der Theosophie festhalten, und daher ist es ja oft notwendig, an diesen alten Begriff der Rassen anzuknüpfen. Aber man erweckt doch zu leicht falsche Vorstellungen durch das Wort Rasse, weil man übersieht, daß das Einteilungsmotiv für die Menschheit, das wir heute haben, ein viel innerlicheres ist als das, welches mit dem Ausdruck der Rasse zusammenhängt. Und gar auf das, was unsere Kultur ablösen wird, die Kultur nach der siebenten Unterabteilung, wird überhaupt der Ausdruck Rasse nicht mehr angewendet werden dürfen, weil die Menschheit sich dann gliedern wird nach ganz anderen Grundgesetzen.
[ 2 ] Von diesem Gesichtspunkte aus müssen Sie es nehmen, wenn wir die nachatlantische Zeit einteilen erstens in die alte indische Epoche, zweitens in die altpersische, drittens in die babylonisch-assyrisch-chaldäisch-ägyptische, viertens in die griechisch-lateinische und fünftens in die Epoche, in der wir jetzt leben; die unsrige wird abgelöst werden von einer sechsten und einer siebenten Entwickelungsepoche.
[ 3 ] Wir also stehen jetzt in der fünften nachatlantischen Kulturepoche und sagen uns: Das Christentum ist eingetreten in die Menschheitsentwickelung in seiner vollen Tiefe und Bedeutung in der vierten Epoche. Es hat, soweit die Menschheit der fünften Epoche ergriffen werden konnte, gewirkt, und wir werden prophetisch voraussagen, wie es weiter wirken wird, soweit es aus der spirituellen Wissenschaft möglich ist, vorherzusagen. Wir haben aber schon gestern erwähnt, daß die Mission des Christentums vorbereitet worden ist in der dritten Kulturepoche. Die ägyptische Kultur gehört zu der dritten Kulturepoche, und aus ihrem Schoße heraus leitete das Bekennertum des Alten Testamentes die hebräische Kulturentwickelung so, daß sozusagen herausgeboren wurde aus dem Schoße der dritten Kulturepoche das Christentum, das dann voll zur Welt kam für die vierte Epoche mit dem Christus Jesus. Wir können also sagen: Die Menschheit der nachatlantischen Zeit hat erlebt einen gewissen geistigen Einfluß in der dritten Kulturepoche. Dieser Einfluß hat fortgewirkt in die vierte Epoche hinein; da konzentrierte er sich in dem Christus Jesus, wirkte weiter hinein in die fünfte Kulturepoche, in die unsrige, und wird von der unsrigen hinüberwirken in die sechste Epoche, die der unsrigen nachfolgen wird. Und nun müssen wir genau verstehen, wie diese Wirkungen geschehen sind.
[ 4 ] Erinnern wir uns einmal genau, daß im Laufe der Menschheitsentwikkelung die verschiedenen Grundteile des Menschen ihre Entwickelung erleben. Erinnern wir uns daran, wie es in der letzten atlantischen Zeit war. Wir haben ausgeführt, daß in den physischen Leib hinein sich gesenkt hat der Ätherkopf, daß da der Mensch die erste Anlage empfangen hat, zu sich «Ich-bin» zu sagen. Als die atlantische Flut eintrat, war der physische Leib des Menschen von der Gewalt dieses «Ich-bin» durchdrungen; das heißt, der Mensch war damals so weit, das physische Werkzeug vorbereitet zu haben für das Ich-Bewußtsein oder das Selbstbewußtsein. Damit wir uns ganz genau verstehen: Wenn wir in die Mitte der atlantischen Zeit zurückgingen, würde kein Mensch in der Lage gewesen sein, ein solches Selbstbewußtsein zu entwickeln, um aus sich selbst heraus «Ich bin ein Ich!» oder «Ich bin» auszusprechen. Das konnte nur dadurch eintreten, daß jener Teil des Ätherkopfes, von dem wir gesprochen haben, sich verband mit dem physischen Teile des Kopfes. Damals, bis zum Untergang der Atlantis durch die atlantische Flut, bildete der Mensch das erste aus, was ausgebildet werden mußte, um ein Träger dieses Selbstbewußtseins werden zu können: er bildete die physische Gehirnanlage und die andere Gestaltung des Körpers aus. Also der physische Leib wurde bis zur atlantischen Flut hin reif, ein Ichträger zu sein.
[ 5 ] Wir können also fragen: Welches war denn die Mission des Atlantiertums? Die Mission des Atlantiertums war, dem Menschen das Ich einzuimpfen, einzuprägen; und diese Mission geht dann über die atlantische Flut, die man als Sintflut beschreibt, hinüber in unsere Zeit. Aber in unserer nachatlantischen Kulturepoche muß schon wieder etwas anderes kommen: da muß langsam hineingehen in den Menschen Manas oder das Geistselbst. Mit unserer nachatlantischen Zeit beginnt der Einfluß von Manas oder Geistselbst. Wir wissen also, daß dann, wenn wir in unserer sechsten und siebenten Epoche verschiedene Verkörperungen werden durchgemacht haben, wir von Manas oder Geistselbst bereits werden überschattet sein bis zu einem gewissen Grade. Aber es bedarf einer längeren Vorbereitung für den Menschen, um überhaupt ein geeignetes Werkzeug für dieses Manas oder Geistselbst zu werden. Er hatte dazu - wenn es sich auch um Tausende von Jahren dabei handelt - vorher erst ein Ich-Träger im eigentlichen Sinne zu werden. Er mußte nicht nur seinen physischen Leib zu einem Werkzeug des Ich machen, sondern auch die anderen Glieder seiner Wesenheit. |
[ 6 ] In der ersten Kulturepoche der nachatlantischen Zeit macht der Mensch zuerst seinen Ätherleib zum Ich-Träger, wie er vorher seinen physischen Leib dazu gemacht hatte. Das war die alte indische Kultur. Sie besteht im wesentlichen darin, daß der Mensch die Fähigkeit erlangt, nicht nur ein physisches Werkzeug zu haben für das Ich, sondern auch einen dazu geeigneten Ätherleib. Daher ist in dieser Tabelle die erste Epoche, die alte indische Kultur, mit « Ätherleib » beschrieben (siehe Seite 181).
[ 7 ] Wollen wir jetzt die weitere Entwickelung dieser Kulturepochen ins Auge fassen in bezug auf den Menschen, so müssen wir nicht nur oberflächlich das Seelische als astralischen Leib annehmen, sondern genauer zu Werke gehen und diejenige Gliederung des Menschen zugrunde legen, die Sie in meiner «’Theosophie» finden. Da wissen Sie, daß wir nicht bloß unterscheiden im allgemeinen die sieben Glieder des Menschen, sondern daß der mittlere Teil des Menschen wieder zerfällt in den Empfindungsleib, in die Empfindungsseele, die Verstandesseele und die Bewußtseinsseele; und dann haben wir das Geistselbst, den Lebensgeist und den Geistesmenschen. Man unterscheidet ja gewöhnlich nur sieben Glieder; das vierte, das wir unter dem Worte «Ich» zusammenfassen, müssen wir weiter gliedern, weil es in der menschlichen Entwickelung so gegliedert ist.
[ 8 ] Das, was nun während der altpersischen Kulturepoche ausgebildet wird, ist der eigentliche Astralleib oder der Empfindungsleib; er ist der Träger der eigentlichen Betätigungskräfte des Menschen, daher besteht der Übergang vom Indertum zum Persertum darin, daß zum Bearbeiten der Materie übergegangen wird. Das Regen der Hände und was damit verbunden ist, das Übergehen zur Arbeit, das ist es, was diese Kulturepoche charakterisiert. Das alte Indertum war in einem viel höheren Grade, als man sich denkt, dazu geneigt, nicht die Hände zu regen, sondern in Kontemplation sich zu erheben über das Materielle zu den höheren Welten. Man mußte sich tief in sich hineinversenken, wenn man sich zurückerinnern wollte an den früheren Zustand. Daher besteht zum Beispiel die indische Yoga-Einweihung im allgemeinen darin, daß der Ätherleib eine besondere Pflege und Ausbildung erfährt.
[ 9 ] Nun schreiten wir weiter. Die Kultur des alten Persertums besteht darin, daß das Ich in den Empfindungsleib gesenkt wird. Die Kultur der Assyrer, Babylonier, Chaldäer, Ägypter besteht darin, daß das Ich hinaufsteigt bis in die Empfindungsseele. Was ist Empfindungsseele? Was vorzüglich bei dem empfindenden Menschen sich nach außen richtet, wodurch der wahrnehmende Mensch sich betätigt mit den Augen und den anderen Sinnen und wahrnimmt draußen in der Natur den waltenden Geist. Daher wird in dieser Zeit das Auge gerichtet auf die im Raume ausgebreiteten materiellen Dinge, auf die Sterne und ihren Gang. Da wirkt auf die Empfindungsseele das, was äußerlich im Raume ausgebreitet ist. Wenig ist in der ägyptisch-chaldäischassyrisch-babylonischen Zeit von dem im Menschen schon vorhanden, was man innerliche Persönlichkeits- und Verstandeskultur nennen könnte. Das stellt sich auch der heutige Mensch nicht mehr richtig vor, wie eigentlich die ägyptische Weisheit dieser Epoche beschaflen war. Diese Weisheit war eigentlich gar nicht ein Denken, ein Spekulieren, wie das später gekommen ist; sondern wenn der Mensch den Blick hinausrichtete, empfing er das Gesetz, das er draußen mit den Sinnen ablas. Ein Ablesen der Gesetze war es, keine Begriflswissenschaft, eine Anschauungswissenschaft, eine Empfindungswissenschaft.
[ 10 ] Wenn unsere Gelehrten nachdenken würden - es ist ja ein harter Satz -, so würden sie mit Fingern sozusagen auf das, was jetzt eben ausgesprochen worden ist, hingewiesen werden, allerdings mit geistigen Fingern. Denn wenn nicht nachgedacht worden ist mit den eigentlichen inneren Verstandeskräften, so heißt das nicht mehr und nicht weniger, als daß es damals eine eigentliche Begriffswissenschaft, eine logische Wissenschaft nicht gegeben haben kann. Die hat es auch nicht gegeben! Die Geschichte weist Ihnen nach, daß der eigentliche Begründer der Logik Aristoteles ist. Hätte es früher eine Logik, eine Begriffswissenschaft gegeben - diese in ein Buch zu btingen, das würden diese Menschen schon imstande gewesen sein.
[ 11 ] Eine Logik, das, was Nachdenken im Ich selber ist, wo man im Ich Begriffe verbindet und trennt, wo man also logisch urteilt, nicht abliest von den Dingen, das tritt erst in der vierten Kulturepoche ein. Daher nennen wir diese vierte Epoche die Epoche der Verstandesseele.
[ 12 ] Und wir selbst sind in einer Epoche - ungefähr trat die Menschheit ein in diese Epoche um die Mitte des Mittelalters, vom 10., 11., 12. Jahrhundert angefangen -, wir selbst sind in der Epoche des Eintretens des Ich in die Bewußtseinsseele. So spät ist das erst gekommen. In die Bewußtseinsseele trat das Ich ein erst ungefähr um die Mitte des Mittelalters. Auch das ließe sich sehr leicht historisch belegen, und man könnte in alle Winkel hineinleuchten, wenn man Zeit hätte, auf manches hinzudeuten, was dabei in Frage kommt. Damals impfte sich dem Menschen ein ganz bestimmter Begriff ein von individueller Freiheit, von individueller Ich-Tüchtigkeit. Wenn Sie noch die erste Zeit des Mittelalters betrachten, würden Sie durchaus noch überall finden, daß der Mensch in einer gewissen Weise gilt durch das, wie er in die Gesellschaft hineingestellt ist. Man erbt vom Vater und den Angehörigen Stand und Rang und Würde, und vermöge dieser unpersönlichen Dinge, die nicht mit dem Ich bewußt verknüpft sind, handelt und arbeitet man in der Welt. Erst später, als der Handel sich ausdehnte und die Erfindungen, die neuzeitlichen Entdeckungen kamen, beginnt das Ich-Bewußtsein sich auszudehnen, und wir können sehen, daß überall in der europäischen Welt die äußeren Abbilder dieser Bewußtseinsseele in einer ganz bestimmten Art von Städteverfassungen, Städtekonstitutionen und dergleichen auftreten. Aus der Geschichte Hamburgs zum Beispiel könnte man leicht nachweisen, wie sich historisch diese Dinge entwickelt haben. Das, was man «freie Stadt» im Mittelalter nannte, das ist der äußere Abdruck dieses Hinhauchens der ichbewußten Seele durch die Menschheit. Und wenn wir jetzt einmal den Blick in die Zukunft schweifen lassen, so sagen wir: Jetzt sind wir eben daran, dieses Persönlichkeitsbewußtsein in der Bewußtseinsseele auszubilden. Alle Forderungen der neueren Zeit sind nichts anderes, als daß unbewußt die Menschen die Forderungen der Bewußtseinsseele herausbringen.
[ 13 ] Wenn wir aber den Blick weiter schweifen lassen, erblicken wir im Geiste noch etwas anderes. Da steigt dann der Mensch auf in der nächsten Kulturepoche zu Manas oder dem Geeistselbst. Das wird eine Zeit sein, in welcher die Menschen in weit höherem Grade als heute eine gemeinsame Weisheit haben werden, sozusagen in gemeinsame Weisheit eingetaucht sein werden. Es wird beginnen etwas davon, daß man empfinden wird, daß das Ureigenste des Menschen zu gleicher Zeit das Allgemeingültigste ist. Das, was man im heutigen Sinne als individuelles Gut des Menschen auffaßt, ist noch nicht ein individuelles Gut auf einer hohen Stufe. Heute ist mit der Individualität, mit der Persönlichkeit des Menschen noch im hohen Grade verknüpft, daß die Menschen sich streiten, daß die Menschen verschiedene Meinungen haben und behaupten: Wenn man nicht verschiedener Meinung sein dürfte, würde man ja kein selbständiger Mensch sein. Gerade weil sie selbständige Menschen sein wollen, müssen sie zu verschiedenen Meinungen kommen. Aber das ist ein untergeordneter Standpunkt der Anschauung. Am friedlichsten und harmonischsten werden die Menschen sein, wenn der einzelne Mensch am individuellsten sein wird. Solange die Menschen noch nicht vom Geistselbst vollständig überschattet sind, gibt es Meinungen, die voneinander verschieden sind. Diese Meinungen sind noch nicht im wahren Innersten des Menschen empfunden.
[ 14 ] Heute gibt es nur einige Vorläufer für die im wahren Innern empfundenen Dinge. Das sind die mathematischen und geometrischen Wahrheiten. Über die kann man nicht abstimmen. Wenn eine Million Menschen Ihnen sagen würde, daß 2x 2= 5 ist, und Sie schen es selbst im eigenen Innern ein, daß es 4 ist, so wissen Sie es, und Sie wissen auch, daß die anderen im Irrtum sein müssen — geradeso, wie wenn jemand behauptete, daß die drei Winkel eines Dreiecks nicht zusammen 180 Grad betragen.
[ 15 ] Das ist Manas-Kultur, wenn immer mehr empfunden werden die Quellen der Wahrheit in dem stark gewordenen Individuellen, Persönlichen des Menschen und wenn zu gleicher Zeit das, was empfunden wird als höhere Wahrheit, auch von Mensch zu Mensch übereinstimmt wie die mathematischen Wahrheiten. In diesen stimmen die Menschen heute schon überein, weil das die trivialsten Wahrheiten sind. In bezug auf die anderen Wahrheiten streiten sich die Menschen, nicht weil es über dieselbe Sache zwei verschiedene richtige Meinungen geben kann, sondern weil die Menschen noch nicht so weit gekommen sind, das alles zu erkennen und niederzukämpfen, was an persönlicher Sympathie oder Antipathie sie trennt. Würde bei den einfachen mathematischen Wahrheiten noch die eigene Meinung in Betracht kommen, so würden viele Hausfrauen vielleicht dafür stimmen, daß 2x 2=5 ist und nicht 4. Für den, der tiefer in die Natur der Dinge hineinsieht, ist es eben unmöglich, über die höhere Natur der Dinge zu streiten, es gibt nur die Möglichkeit, sich dazu hinaufzuentwickeln. Dann trifft die Wahrheit, die in der einen Seele gefunden ist, genau zusammen mit der Wahrheit in der anderen Seele; dann streitet man nicht mehr. Und das ist die Gewähr des wahren Friedens und der wahren Brüderlichkeit, weil es nur eize Wahrheit gibt, und diese Wahrheit hat wirklich etwas zu tun mit der geistigen Sonne. Denken Sie einmal, wie die einzelnen Pflanzen ordentlich wachsen; jede Pflanze wächst der Sonne zu, und es ist nur eine einzige Sonne. So wird, wenn im Verlauf der sechsten Kulturepoche das Geistselbst in die Menschen einziehen wird, tatsächlich eine geistige Sonne da sein, der sich alle Menschen zuneigen und in der sie übereinstimmen werden. Das ist die große Perspektive, die uns in Aussicht steht für die sechste Epoche. Und in der siebenten Epoche wird der Lebensgeist oder die Buddhi in einer gewissen Weise einziehen in unsere Entwickelung.
[ 16 ] Das sind ferne Zukünfte, in die wir nur erahnend einen Blick hineinwerfen können. Jetzt aber sind wir uns darüber klar: Es wird eine sehr wichtige Kulturepoche sein, diese sechste; denn sie wird durch gemeinsame Weisheit Frieden und Brüderlichkeit bringen. Friede und Brüderlichkeit dadurch, daß sich dann nicht bloß für einzelne auserlesene Menschen, sondern für den in normaler Entwickelung stehenden Teil der Menschen hineinsenkt das höhere Selbst, zunächst in seiner niederen Form, als Geistselbst oder Manas. Eine Verbindung des menschlichen Ich, wie es sich so allmählich herangebildet hat, mit dem höheren Ich, mit dem einenden Ich wird dann stattfinden. Wir können das eine geistige Ehe nennen - und so nannte man auch immer in der christlichen Esoterik die Verbindung des menschlichen Ich mit dem Manas oder dem Geistselbst. Aber die Dinge hängen in der Welt tief zusammen, und der Mensch kann nicht von sich aus sozusagen die Hand ausstrecken und dieses Manas oder Geistselbst herbeiziehen; sondern noch eine viel höhere Entwickelungsstufe wird er erreichen müssen, damit er sich in bezug auf diese Dinge selber helfen könne.
[ 17 ] Damit überhaupt das geschehen könne, daß der Mensch sich in der nachatlantischen Zeit vereinige mit dem höheren Ich, mußte der Menschheitsentwickelung Hilfe kommen. Wenn irgend etwas erreicht werden soll, muß es vorbereitet werden. Wenn ein Kind mit dem fünfzehnten Jahre etwas werden soll, muß man ja auch schon vom sechsten, siebenten Jahre darauf hinarbeiten. Überall muß eine Entwickelung ihre Impulse vorbereiten. Was mit der Menschheit im sechsten Zeitraum geschehen soll, mußte langsam vorbereitet werden. Es mußte von außen die Gewalt und die Kraft kommen zu dem, was dann im sechsten Zeitraum mit der Menschheit geschehen soll.
[ 18 ] Die erste Vorbereitung war eine noch ganz von außen aus dem Geistigen heraus wirkende, eine solche, die noch nicht heruniergestiegen war in die physische Welt. Das wird uns angedeutet durch die große Mission des hebräischen Volkes. Als Moses, der in die ägyptischen Mysterien Eingeweihte, von der geistigen Weltenleitung jenen Auftrag bekam, den wir charakterisieren konnten mit den Worten: «Sage ihnen als meinen Namen, wenn du ihnen meine Gesetze sagst, ich bin der «Ich-bin»» (2. Mose 3, 14), da war ihm mit diesen Worten aufgetragen: Bereite sie vor, indem du auf den gestaltlosen, unsichtbaren Gott hindeutest. Weise darauf hin, daß - während der Vater-Gott noch in dem Blute wirkt - für diejenigen, die es verstehen können, vorbereitet wird das «Ich-bin», das dann bis in den physischen Plan hinuntersteigen soll! - Das wurde sozusagen innerhalb der dritten Kulturepoche veranlagt. Und aus dem hebräischen Volke sehen wir die Mission entströmen, den Gott der Menschheit zu übermitteln, der dann tiefer heruntersteigt, der im Fleische erscheint. Vorher ist er verkündigt worden, nachher ist er für das äußere Auge im Fleische erschienen. Damit ist im rechten Sinne zum Ausdruck gekommen, was durch Moses vorbereitet worden war.
[ 19 ] Fassen wir diesen Zeitpunkt einmal recht ins Auge: die geistige Verkündigung durch Moses und den Abschluß dieser Verkündigung, das Erscheinen des verkündeten Messias in dem Christus. Von dieser Zeitepoche an, die wir als einen ersten Abschnitt in der Geschichte des Christentums bezeichnen könnten, wird in die Menschheitsentwickelung hinein der reale Impuls gelegt zur Einheit und Brüderlichkeit, die da kommen soll im sechsten Zeitraum. Es ist, wie wenn eine Kraft in etwas hinabversenkt wird, die dann weiter wirkt, damit die Frucht nach und nach herauskommt. So wirkte diese Kraft weiter bis in unsere Zeit hinein, bis in die Zeit, die wir schildern mußten als eine solche, in welcher die Menschheit mit ihren intellektuellen und geistigen Kräften ganz hinuntergestiegen ist in die Materie. Man könnte nun fragen: Warum mußte denn das Christentum gerade zur Welt kommen als unmittelbarer Vorläufer der tiefsten materiellen Epoche?
[ 20 ] Denken Sie einmal, die Menschheit wäre ohne das Christentum eingetreten in diese tiefste materielle Epoche. Es wäre dann für sie unmöglich gewesen, den Impuls nach aufwärts wiederzufinden. Denken Sie sich den Impuls, der der Menschheit durch den Christus eingepflanzt worden ist, fort, und die ganze Menschheit müßte in die Dekadenz fallen, müßte mit der Materie sich auf ewig verbinden; sie würde, wie es im Okkultismus heißt, «von der Schwere der Materie erfaßt» und aus ihrer Entwickelung hinausgeworfen werden. So müssen wir uns vorstellen, daß die Menschheit in der nachatlantischen Kulturepoche einen Ruck hinuntergeht in die Materie. Und es kam in die Menschheit, bevor die niederste Stufe erreicht wurde, der andere Impuls, der wieder hinauf in die entgegengesetzte Richtung stößt. Das war der Christus-Impuls. Hätte der Christus-Impuls früher gewirkt, so wäre die Menschheit überhaupt nicht zur materiellen Entwickelung gekommen. Wäre er hineingefallen in die alte indische Kulturepoche, würde die Menschheit gewiß durchdrungen worden sein von dem spirituellen Element des Christentums, aber die Menschheit würde nie so tief hinuntergestiegen sein, daß sie alles das, was wir heute äußere physische Kultur nennen, hätte hervorbringen können.
[ 21 ] Es mag sonderbar erscheinen, wenn man sagt, ohne das Christentum gäbe es keine Eisenbahnen, Dampfschiffe usw., aber für den, der die Dinge im Zusammenhang erkennt, ist es so. Niemals würden aus der alten indischen Kulturepoche diese Kulturmittel hervorgegangen sein. Es gibt einen geheimen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Christentum und alle dem, was heute der sogenannte Stolz der Menschheit ist. Dadurch, daß das Christentum bis zum rechten Zeitpunkt wartete, hat es möglich gemacht die äußere Kultur; und dadurch, daß es zur rechten Zeit eingetreten ist, hat es möglich gemacht, daß diejenigen, die sich mit dem Christus-Prinzip verbinden, wieder sich erheben können aus der Materie.
[ 22 ] Da aber das Christentum als etwas Unverstandenes aufgenommen worden ist, ist es arg vermaterialisiert worden. Es ist so weit mißverstanden worden, daß es selbst materialistisch aufgefaßt worden ist. Und so ist es in gewisser Weise sogar eine arg verzerrte, materialistische Gestalt, die das Christentum angenommen hat im Verlaufe der Zeit, die wir eben ins Auge faßten bis zu uns hinauf und die wir als einen zweiten Abschnitt bezeichnen können. Statt zum Beispiel die höhere spirituelle Idee des Abendmahls zu begreifen, wurde das Abendmahl vermaterialisiert, wurde als grobe Substanzverwandlung vorgestellt. Und so könnten wir Hunderte und aber Hunderte von Beispielen dafür anführen, daß das Christentum als spirituelle Erscheinung nicht verstanden worden ist. Jetzt sind wir ungefähr an dem Zeitpunkte angekommen, wo diese zweite Epoche abläuft, wo notwendigerweise die Menschheit an das spirituelle Christentum anknüpfen muß, an das, was das Christentum wirklich sein soll, um den wahren geistigen Inhalt aus ihm herauszuholen. Und das wird geschehen durch die anthroposophische Vertiefung des Christentums. Indem wir Anthroposophie auf das Christentum anwenden, folgen wir der welthistorischen Notwendigkeit, die dritte christliche Zeitepoche vorzubereiten, die entgegenlebt dem Einströmen des Manas im sechsten Zeitraum. Das wird sozusagen das dritte Kapitel sein. — Das erste Kapitel ist die Zeit der Vorverkündigung des Christentums bis zum Erscheinen des Christus Jesus und ein wenig darüber hinaus. Das zweite Kapitel ist das tiefste Heruntertauchen des menschlichen Geistes in die Materie und die Vermaterialisierung selbst des Christentums. Und das dritte Kapitel soll sein die geistige Erfassung des Christentums durch anthroposophische Vertiefung.
[ 23 ] Es hängt mit der ganzen materialistischen Entwickelung zusammen, daß eine solche Urkunde wie das Johannes-Evangelium bis zu unserer Zeit nicht verstanden worden ist. Eine materialistische Kultur, wie sie sich nach und nach herausgebildet hat, konnte das JohannesEvangelium nicht voll verstehen. Die spirituelle Kultur, die mit der anthroposophischen Bewegung beginnen muß, wird gerade dieses Dokument in seiner wahren spirituellen Gestalt verstehen und das vorbereiten, was hinüberleiten soll in die sechste Kulturepoche.
[ 24 ] Für denjenigen, der eine christliche Einweihung oder eine rosenkreuzerische Einweihung erlangt - übrigens auch für den, der überhaupt die Einweihung erlangt -, stellt sich eine ganz besondere Erscheinung heraus. Für ihn erlangen die Dinge, die da vorgehen, eine doppelte Bedeutung: die eine, welche sich außen abspielt in der physischen Welt, die andere, durch welche die Dinge, die sich in der physischen Welt abspielen, Fingerzeige sind für große, umfassende geistige Geschehnisse. Und so werden Sie mich verstehen, wenn ich jetzt versuche, ein wenig den Eindruck zu schildern, den bei einer bestimmten Gelegenheit derjenige hatte, der das Johannes-Evangelium geschrieben hat.
[ 25 ] Es gab ein besonderes Ereignis im Verlaufe des Lebens des Christus Jesus, und dieses Ereignis geschah auf dem physischen Plane. Derjenige, der im Sinne des Johannes-Evangeliums schildert, schildert es aber als Eingeweihter. Daher stellt für ihn das Ereignis zu gleicher Zeit dar die Wahrnehmungen und Erlebnisse während des Einweihungsaktes. Denken Sie sich nun den letzten Schluß des Einweihungsaktes.
[ 26 ] Dreieinhalb Epochen, die in alten Zeiten, wie wir schon erwähnt hatten, durch dreieinhalb Tage dargestellt waren, war der Einzuweihende in einem lethargischen Schlaf. An jedem Tage erlebte der Einzuweihende etwas anderes in bezug auf die geistigen Welten. Am ersten Tage hatte er bestimmte Erlebnisse, die sich ihm als Geschehnisse in der geistigen Welt darstellten, am zweiten Tage andere und am dritten Tage wieder andere. Nun hat sich demjenigen, von dem hier die Rede ist in der betreffenden Stelle, gezeigt, was sich geistig immer zeigt für das hellseherische Vermögen: die Zukunft der Menschheit. Wissen wir die Impulse der Zukunft, so können wir sie der Gegenwart einimpfen und dadurch die Gegenwart der Zukunft entgegenführen.
[ 27 ] Denken Sie sich den Seher der damaligen Zeit. Er erlebte die geistige Bedeutung des ersten der geschilderten Kapitel, von da an, wo der Ruf ertönt: «Sage deinem Volk: Ich bin der «Ich-bin»», bis zur Herabkunft des Messias. Als zweites Kapitel erlebte er den Herunterstieg des Christus in die Materie. Und als drittes Kapitel erlebte er, wie allmählich die Menschheit vorbereitet wird, zu empfangen den Geist oder das Geistselbst, Manas, im sechsten Zeitraum. Und er erlebte das in einem astralen Vorgesicht. Er erlebte die Hochzeit zwischen der Menschheit und dem Geist. Das ist ein wichtiges Erlebnis, das aber die Menschheit nur dadurch äußerlich zur Ausprägung bringen kann, daß der Christus in die Zeit, in die Geschichte eingetreten ist. Vorher hat die Menschheit nicht gelebt in einer solchen Brüderlichkeit, die durch den im Innern aufgegangenen Geist herbeigeführt wird, wo Friede ist zwischen Mensch und Mensch. Vorher gab es nur die Liebe, die materiell vorbereitet war durch die Blutsverwandtschaft. Diese Liebe entwickelt sich nach und nach zur geistigen Liebe, und diese geistige Liebe senkt sich herunter. Als Schlußerfolg des dritten Kapitels der Einweihung sagen wir daher: Die Menschheit feiert ihre Ehe mit dem Geistselbst oder Manas. Das kann erst eintreten, wenn die Zeit dafür gekommen ist, wenn die Zeit reif geworden ist für das volle Verwirklichen des Impulses des Christus. Solange sie nicht gekommen ist, so lange gilt noch das Verhältnis, das sich auf die Blutsverwandtschaft begründet, so lange ist die Liebe nicht geistig. Überall, wo in den alten Urkunden von Zahlen gesprochen wird, ist von dem Geheimnis der Zahl die Rede. Und wenn wir lesen: «Am dritten Tage war eine Hochzeit zu Kana in Galiläa» (2, 1), so weiß jeder Eingeweihte, daß mit diesem «dritten Tage» etwas Besonderes gemeint ist. Was liegt da vor? Der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums weist hier darauf hin, daß es sich nicht nur um ein wirkliches Erlebnis handelt, sondern zu gleicher Zeit noch um eine große, gewaltige Prophetie. Diese Hochzeit drückt aus die große Menschheitshochzeit, die sich in der Einweihung zeigte am dritten Tage. Am ersten Tage zeigte sich, was sich in der ersten Epoche abspielt beim Herübergehen von der dritten in die vierte Kulturepoche, am zweiten Tage, was sich abspielt beim Herübergehen von der vierten zur fünften Kulturepoche, und am dritten Tage das, was geschieht, wenn die Menschheit von der fünften zur sechsten Kulturepoche hinübergehen wird. Das sind die drei Tage der Einweihung. Und es mußte der ChristusImpuls warten bis zum dritten Zeitpunkt. Vorher ist der Zeitpunkt nicht da, wo er wirken kann.

[ 28 ] Im Johannes-Evangelium wird hingedeutet auf eine besondere Beziehung von «mir und dir», von «uns beiden». Dies ist es nämlich, was dort steht, nicht das absurde: «Weib, was habe ich mit dir zu schaffen ?» Als die Mutter den Christus auffordert, daß er das Zeichen tue, sagt er: «Meine Zeit ist noch nicht gekommen » (2, 4), um auf Hochzeiten zu wirken, das heißt um die Menschen zusammenzuführen. Die Zeit wird erst kommen. Jetzt wirkt noch nach und wird fortwirken dasjenige, was auf Blutsbande begründet ist; daher der Hinweis auf Beziehungen zwischen Mutter und Sohn bei der Hochzeit.
[ 29 ] Wenn wir so diese Urkunde betrachten, hebt sich uns alles real Äußerliche ab von einem bedeutsamen spirituellen Hintergrund. Wir schauen in eine abgrundartige Tiefe des geistigen Lebens hinein, wenn wir durchschauen, was ein solcher Eingeweihter, wie der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums, der Menschheit geschenkt hat und was er ihr nur dadurch schenken konnte, daß der Christus seinen Impuls der Menschheitsentwickelung eingeimpft hat.
[ 30 ] So haben wir gesehen, daß nicht durch eine hohle Allegorie oder Symbolik, sondern aus der astralen Wirklichkeit heraus, die der Eingeweihte erlebt, diese Dinge erklärt werden müssen. Nicht nur um eine symbolische Auslegung kann es sich hier handeln, sondern um eine Erzählung dessen, was der Eingeweihte erlebt. Wenn das nicht so hingestellt wird, erlebt man es wohl mit Recht, daß diejenigen, die da draußen stehen, sagen, die Geisteswissenschaft bringe gar nichts weiter als allegorische Auslegungen! Wenn wir nun an dieser Stelle die geisteswissenschaftliche Auslegung, so wie wir es jetzt verstanden haben, anwenden, dann lernen wir, wie durch drei Weltentage hindurch - von der dritten in die vierte, von der vierten in die fünfte und von der fünften in die sechste Kulturepoche — der Christus-Impuls innerhalb der Menschheit wirkt. Und wir sehen diese Entwickelung im Sinne des Johannes-Evangeliums so an, daß wir sagen: Der Impuls des Christus war ein so großer, daß ihn die Menschheit heute nur zum geringsten Teile verstanden hat und daß er erst in einer späteren Zeit ganz verstanden werden wird.
Tenth Lecture
[ 1 ] We were concerned with the whole law of the post-Atlantean development of our humanity, and we sought to understand why the foundation of Christianity had to take place at a very specific time in this post-Atlantean development. We mentioned yesterday at the end of the lecture that the understanding of important questions of the Gospel of John and of Christianity as a whole depends on our having a good grasp of this law of development in the esoteric-Christian sense. Only in this way will we be able to gain a full understanding of the meaning of the words “Holy Spirit”, “Father and Mother of Jesus”. Above all, let us remember that it has become clear to us in the course of the last lectures that post-Atlantean humanity, that is, the humanity to which we ourselves belong in the narrower sense, which developed after the Atlantean flood, is divided into seven subdivisions. I have deliberately avoided using the term “sub-races” because the term “race” does not actually correspond entirely with what we are talking about. We are dealing with periods of cultural development, and what we are still experiencing as a racial law in our present-day humanity is actually an echo of the Atlantean development. The development of humanity that preceded the Atlantean flood, that is, which took place for the most part on the continent between today's Europe and today's America, the ancient Atlantis, we also divide this development of humanity into seven successive stages. The term “racial development” still applies to these seven stages. For these seven successive stages of humanity on ancient Atlantis were still very different from one another physically, internally and externally - the external body also includes the internal configuration of the brain, blood and other humors - whereas there can be no question of the first humanity of the post-Atlantean period, the ancient Indians, being so different from us that we could still apply the term “race” to them. We must always maintain the continuity of Theosophy, and therefore it is often necessary to refer to this old concept of races. But it is too easy to create false ideas by using the word race, because one overlooks the fact that the motive for dividing humanity that we have today is a much more inner one than that which is connected with the expression of race. And even to that which will replace our culture, the culture according to the seventh subdivision, the term race will no longer be allowed to be used at all, because humanity will then be divided according to quite different basic laws.
[ 2 ] From this point of view you must take it when we divide the post-Atlantean period firstly into the old Indian epoch, secondly into the old Persian, thirdly into the Babylonian-Assyrian-Chaldean-Egyptian, fourthly into the Greek-Latin and fifthly into the epoch in which we now live; ours will be replaced by a sixth and a seventh epoch of development.
[ 3 ] So we are now in the fifth post-Atlantean cultural epoch and say to ourselves: Christianity entered the development of humanity in its full depth and significance in the fourth epoch. It has worked as far as mankind of the fifth epoch could be grasped, and we will predict prophetically how it will continue to work, as far as it is possible to predict from spiritual science. But we already mentioned yesterday that the mission of Christianity was prepared in the third cultural epoch. The Egyptian culture belongs to the third cultural epoch, and out of its womb the confessionalism of the Old Testament led the Hebrew cultural development in such a way that Christianity was born, so to speak, out of the womb of the third cultural epoch, which then came fully into the world for the fourth epoch with Christ Jesus. We can therefore say that humanity in the post-Atlantean period experienced a certain spiritual influence in the third cultural epoch. This influence continued into the fourth epoch; there it concentrated in Christ Jesus, continued into the fifth cultural epoch, into ours, and will work from ours into the sixth epoch, which will follow ours. And now we must understand exactly how these effects have happened.
[ 4 ] Let us remember exactly that in the course of human evolution the various basic parts of man experience their development. Let us remember how it was in the last Atlantean period. We have explained that the etheric head sank into the physical body, that man received the first disposition to say “I-am” to himself. When the Atlantean flood occurred, the physical body of man was permeated by the power of this “I-am”; that is, man was then ready to have prepared the physical tool for the I-consciousness or self-consciousness. So that we understand ourselves exactly: If we went back to the middle of the Atlantean period, no human being would have been able to develop such self-consciousness as to pronounce “I am an I!” or “I am” from within himself. This could only occur if that part of the etheric head of which we have spoken united with the physical part of the head. At that time, until the sinking of Atlantis by the Atlantean flood, man formed the first thing that had to be formed in order to be able to become a bearer of this self-consciousness: he formed the physical brain and the other formations of the body. So the physical body became mature enough to be a carrier of the ego by the time of the Atlantean flood.
[ 5 ] So we can ask: What was the mission of Atlantism? The mission of Atlanteanism was to inculcate the ego in man, to imprint it on him; and this mission then carries over into our time via the Atlantean Flood, which is described as the Flood. But in our post-Atlantean cultural epoch something else must come: Manas or the spirit-self must slowly enter the human being. With our post-Atlantean time the influence of manas or spirit-self begins. So we know that when we have gone through various embodiments in our sixth and seventh epochs, we will already be overshadowed to a certain degree by manas or spirit-self. But it requires a longer preparation for the human being to become a suitable tool for this manas or spirit self. He had to become an ego-bearer in the true sense beforehand - even if it took thousands of years. He had to make not only his physical body into an instrument of the ego, but also the other members of his being.
[ 6 ] In the first cultural epoch of the post-Atlantean period, man first makes his etheric body into an ego-bearer, just as he had previously made his physical body into one. This was the old Indian culture. It consists essentially in the fact that man acquires the ability to have not only a physical tool for the ego, but also an etheric body suitable for this purpose. That is why the first epoch, the old Indian culture, is described in this table as “etheric body” (see page 181).
[ 7 ] If we now want to consider the further development of these cultural epochs in relation to the human being, we must not only superficially assume the soul as an astral body, but go to work more precisely and take as a basis the structure of the human being that you will find in my “Theosophy”. There you know that we do not merely distinguish in general the seven members of the human being, but that the middle part of the human being is again divided into the sensory body, the sensory soul, the intellectual soul and the consciousness soul; and then we have the spirit self, the life spirit and the spirit man. We usually distinguish only seven members; the fourth, which we summarize under the word “I”, must be further subdivided because it is structured in this way in human development.
[ 8 ] What is now formed during the ancient Persian cultural epoch is the actual astral body or the sensory body; it is the carrier of the actual powers of activity of the human being, therefore the transition from Indianism to Persianism consists in the transition to the working of matter. The raining of the hands and what is connected with it, the transition to work, that is what characterizes this cultural epoch. Ancient India was inclined, to a much greater degree than one might imagine, not to rain the hands, but to rise in contemplation above the material to the higher worlds. One had to immerse oneself deeply if one wanted to remember the previous state. Therefore, for example, the Indian yoga initiation generally consists of the etheric body receiving special care and training.
[ 9 ] Now we move on. The culture of ancient Persia consists in the lowering of the ego into the sentient body. The culture of the Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Egyptians consists in the fact that the ego ascends into the sentient soul. What is the sentient soul? That which is primarily directed outwards in the sentient human being, whereby the perceiving human being is active with the eyes and the other senses and perceives the ruling spirit outside in nature. Therefore, at this time the eye is directed towards the material things spread out in space, towards the stars and their course. That which is outwardly spread out in space has an effect on the sentient soul. In the Egyptian-Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian period, little of what one could call inner personality and intellectual culture was already present in man. Even people today no longer really imagine what the Egyptian wisdom of this era was actually like. This wisdom was not actually thinking, speculation, as it came to be later; rather, when man looked out, he received the law that he read outside with his senses. It was a reading of the laws, not a science of concepts, a science of perception, a science of sensations.
[ 10 ] If our scholars were to reflect - after all, it is a hard sentence - they would be pointed to what has just been said with fingers, so to speak, but with spiritual fingers. For if no thought has been given to the actual inner powers of understanding, this means no more and no less than that there could not have been an actual conceptual science, a logical science, at that time. Nor did it exist! History proves to you that the actual founder of logic is Aristotle. If there had been a logic, a conceptual science in the past - these people would have been able to write it down in a book.
[ 11 ] Logic, that which is thought in the ego itself, where one connects and separates concepts in the ego, where one judges logically, not reads off things, that only occurs in the fourth cultural epoch. That is why we call this fourth epoch the epoch of the intellectual soul.
[ 12 ] And we ourselves are in an epoch - humanity entered this epoch around the middle of the Middle Ages, from the 10th, 11th, 12th century onwards - we ourselves are in the epoch of the entry of the ego into the consciousness soul. It only came that late. The ego only entered the consciousness soul around the middle of the Middle Ages. This too could very easily be proved historically, and one could shine a light into every corner if one had time to point out some of the things that come into question. At that time, people were imbued with a very specific concept of individual freedom, of individual ego efficiency. If you look back to the first period of the Middle Ages, you would still find everywhere that man is valid in a certain way because of the way he is placed in society. One inherits status and rank and dignity from one's father and relatives, and it is by virtue of these impersonal things, which are not consciously connected with the ego, that one acts and works in the world. It was only later, when trade expanded and inventions and modern discoveries came, that the ego-consciousness began to expand, and we can see that everywhere in the European world the outer images of this consciousness-soul appear in a very definite kind of town constitutions, city constitutions and the like. From the history of Hamburg, for example, one could easily demonstrate how these things have developed historically. What was called a “free city” in the Middle Ages is the outward impression of this breathing of the self-conscious soul through humanity. And if we now let our gaze wander into the future, we say: We are now in the process of forming this personality consciousness in the conscious soul. All the demands of recent times are nothing other than that people unconsciously bring out the demands of the consciousness soul.
[ 13 ] But if we let our gaze wander further, we see something else in the spirit. In the next cultural epoch man will ascend to Manas or the spirit-self. That will be a time in which people will have a common wisdom to a far greater degree than today, will be immersed in common wisdom, so to speak. Something will begin to be felt of the fact that man's most primal nature is at the same time the most universal. That which in today's sense is understood as man's individual good is not yet an individual good on a high level. Today, individuality, the personality of man, is still to a great extent connected with the fact that people argue, that people have different opinions and claim: if one were not allowed to have different opinions, one would not be an independent person. Precisely because they want to be independent people, they have to come to different opinions. But that is a subordinate point of view. People will be at their most peaceful and harmonious when they are at their most individual. As long as people are not yet completely overshadowed by the spirit self, there will be opinions that differ from one another. These opinions are not yet felt in the true innermost being of man.
[ 14 ] Today there are only some precursors for the things felt in the true innermost being. These are mathematical and geometrical truths. You can't vote on them. If a million people were to tell you that 2x 2= 5, and you yourself admit within yourself that it is 4, you know it, and you also know that the others must be mistaken - just as if someone were to claim that the three angles of a triangle do not add up to 180 degrees.
[ 15 ] This is Manas culture, when the sources of truth are increasingly perceived in the individual, personal aspects of man, which have become strong, and when at the same time what is perceived as higher truth also agrees from person to person, like the mathematical truths. People already agree on these today because they are the most trivial truths. With regard to the other truths, people argue, not because there can be two different correct opinions about the same thing, but because people have not yet come so far as to recognize and fight down everything that divides them in terms of personal sympathy or antipathy. If, in the case of simple mathematical truths, one's own opinion still came into consideration, many housewives would perhaps vote that 2x 2=5 and not 4. For those who look deeper into the nature of things, it is simply impossible to argue about the higher nature of things; there is only the possibility of developing upwards towards it. Then the truth found in one soul coincides exactly with the truth in the other soul; then there is no more arguing. And that is the guarantee of true peace and true brotherhood, because there is only one truth, and this truth really has something to do with the spiritual sun. Think of how the individual plants grow in order; each plant grows towards the sun, and there is only one sun. So when, in the course of the sixth cultural epoch, the spirit self will move into people, there will actually be a spiritual sun to which all people will turn and in which they will agree. This is the great perspective that we can look forward to in the sixth epoch. And in the seventh epoch the spirit of life or the buddhi will enter our development in a certain way.
[ 16 ] These are distant futures into which we can only glimpse. But now we realize that this sixth cultural epoch will be a very important one, for it will bring peace and brotherhood through common wisdom. Peace and brotherhood through the fact that then the higher self, at first in its lower form, as spirit-self or Manas, will sink in, not only for individual selected human beings, but for the part of humanity in normal development. A union of the human ego, as it has gradually developed, with the higher ego, with the unifying ego, will then take place. We can call this a spiritual marriage - and in Christian esotericism this is what the connection of the human ego with the manas or the spirit self has always been called. But things are deeply interrelated in the world, and man cannot, so to speak, reach out by himself and draw this manas or spirit-self to him; but he will still have to reach a much higher stage of development so that he can help himself with regard to these things.
[ 17 ] In order for this to happen at all, for man to unite with the higher I in the post-Atlantean period, help must come to the development of mankind. If anything is to be achieved, it must be prepared. If a child is to become something at the age of fifteen, one must also work towards it from the age of six or seven. Everywhere a development must prepare its impulses. What was to happen to humanity in the sixth period had to be prepared slowly. The force and the power had to come from outside for what was then to happen to humanity in the sixth period.
[ 18 ] The first preparation was one still working entirely from outside out of the spiritual, one that had not yet descended into the physical world. This is indicated to us by the great mission of the Hebrew people. When Moses, the initiate into the Egyptian mysteries, received from the spiritual world leadership that commission which we could characterize with the words: “Tell them as my name, when you tell them my laws, I am the ‘I-am’ (Exodus 3:14), he was instructed with these words: ”Prepare them by pointing to the formless, invisible God. Point out that - while the Father-God is still working in the blood - the “I-am” is being prepared for those who can understand it, which is then to descend into the physical plan! - This was, so to speak, predisposed within the third cultural epoch. And from the Hebrew people we see the mission flowing forth to transmit the God of humanity, who then descends deeper, who appears in the flesh. Before he was proclaimed, afterwards he appeared to the outer eye in the flesh. Thus was expressed in the right sense what had been prepared by Moses.
[ 19 ] Let us consider this point in time: the spiritual proclamation by Moses and the conclusion of this proclamation, the appearance of the proclaimed Messiah in the Christ. From this epoch, which we could describe as the first phase in the history of Christianity, the real impulse towards unity and brotherhood, which is to come in the sixth period, is laid into the development of mankind. It is as if a force is sunk into something, which then continues to work so that the fruit gradually emerges. Thus this power continued to work right into our time, into the time which we had to describe as one in which humanity with its intellectual and spiritual powers descended completely into matter. One could now ask: Why did Christianity have to come into the world as the immediate precursor of the deepest material epoch?
[ 20 ] Think for a moment that humanity would have entered this deepest material epoch without Christianity. It would then have been impossible for them to find the upward impulse again. Imagine the impulse implanted in humanity by the Christ, and the whole of humanity would have to fall into decadence, would have to unite with matter for ever; it would, as occultism says, be “seized by the gravity of matter” and thrown out of its development. Thus we have to imagine that in the post-Atlantean cultural epoch mankind will take a lurch down into matter. And before the lowest level was reached, the other impulse came into humanity, which pushes up again in the opposite direction. This was the Christ impulse. If the Christ impulse had worked earlier, humanity would not have come to material development at all. Had he fallen into the old Indian cultural epoch, humanity would certainly have been permeated by the spiritual element of Christianity, but humanity would never have descended so deeply that it could have brought forth all that which we today call outer physical culture.
[ 21 ] It may seem strange to say that without Christianity there would be no railroads, steamships, etc., but to those who see things in context, it is so. These cultural means would never have emerged from the old Indian cultural epoch. There is a secret connection between Christianity and all that is today the so-called pride of mankind. By waiting until the right time, Christianity has made external culture possible; and by entering at the right time, it has made it possible for those who connect themselves with the Christ-principle to rise again out of matter.
[ 22 ] But because Christianity has been received as something misunderstood, it has been badly materialized. It has been misunderstood to such an extent that it has itself become materialistic. And so in a certain sense it is even a badly distorted, materialistic form that Christianity has assumed in the course of time, which we have just considered up to us and which we can describe as a second phase. For example, instead of grasping the higher spiritual idea of the Lord's Supper, the Lord's Supper was materialized, was presented as a crude transformation of substance. And so we could cite hundreds and hundreds of examples of how Christianity as a spiritual phenomenon has not been understood. Now we have arrived at about the time when this second epoch is coming to an end, when humanity must necessarily tie in with spiritual Christianity, with what Christianity is really meant to be, in order to extract the true spiritual content from it. And this will happen through the anthroposophical deepening of Christianity. By applying anthroposophy to Christianity, we are following the world-historical necessity of preparing the third Christian epoch, which lives towards the influx of mana in the sixth period. This will be the third chapter, so to speak. - The first chapter is the time of the pre-proclamation of Christianity up to the appearance of Christ Jesus and a little beyond. The second chapter is the deepest immersion of the human spirit into matter and the materialization of Christianity itself. And the third chapter is to be the spiritual comprehension of Christianity through anthroposophical deepening.
[ 23 ] It is connected with the whole materialistic development that such a document as the Gospel of John has not been understood until our time. A materialistic culture, as it has gradually developed, could not fully understand the Gospel of John. The spiritual culture that must begin with the anthroposophical movement will understand precisely this document in its true spiritual form and prepare what is to lead over into the sixth cultural epoch.
[ 24 ] For the one who attains a Christian initiation or a Rosicrucian initiation - incidentally also for the one who attains initiation at all - a very special phenomenon emerges. For him the things that happen there take on a double meaning: the one that takes place outside in the physical world, the other through which the things that take place in the physical world are pointers to great, comprehensive spiritual events. And so you will understand me if I now try to describe a little the impression which, on a certain occasion, the one who wrote the Gospel of John had.
[ 25 ] There was a special event in the course of the life of Christ Jesus, and this event happened on the physical plane. The one who describes it in the sense of the Gospel of John, however, describes it as an initiate. Therefore, for him the event represents at the same time the perceptions and experiences during the act of initiation. Now think of the final conclusion of the act of initiation.
[ 26 ] Three and a half epochs, which in ancient times, as we have already mentioned, were represented by three and a half days, the initiate was in a lethargic sleep. On each day the initiate experienced something different in relation to the spiritual worlds. On the first day he had certain experiences which presented themselves to him as events in the spiritual world, on the second day others and on the third day still others. Now the one who is spoken of here in the passage in question was shown what is always spiritually evident to the clairvoyant faculty: the future of mankind. If we know the impulses of the future, we can implant them into the present and thereby lead the present towards the future.
[ 27 ] Think of the seer of that time. He experienced the spiritual meaning of the first of the chapters described, from the moment when the cry is heard: “Tell your people: I am the ‘I am’, until the descent of the Messiah. In the second chapter, he experienced the descent of Christ into matter. And as the third chapter he experienced how humanity is gradually prepared to receive the spirit or the spirit self, Manas, in the sixth period. And he experienced this in an astral premonition. He experienced the marriage between humanity and the spirit. This is an important experience, but humanity can only bring it to external expression through the fact that the Christ has entered into time, into history. Before that, humanity did not live in such brotherhood, which is brought about by the spirit that has arisen within, where there is peace between man and man. Before, there was only love, which was prepared materially through blood relations. This love gradually develops into spiritual love, and this spiritual love descends. As the final result of the third chapter of initiation we therefore say: Humanity celebrates its marriage with the spirit self or Manas. This can only occur when the time has come, when the time is ripe for the full realization of the impulse of the Christ. As long as it has not come, the relationship based on blood relationship is still valid, as long as love is not spiritual. Wherever numbers are mentioned in the old documents, the mystery of the number is mentioned. And when we read: “On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee” (2:1), every insider knows that something special is meant by this “third day”. What is it? The writer of the Gospel of John points out here that it is not only a real experience, but at the same time a great, powerful prophecy. This wedding expresses the great wedding of humanity, which manifested itself in the inauguration on the third day. On the first day was shown what takes place in the first epoch when passing from the third to the fourth cultural epoch, on the second day what takes place when passing from the fourth to the fifth cultural epoch, and on the third day what will happen when humanity passes from the fifth to the sixth cultural epoch. These are the three days of initiation. And the Christ impulse had to wait until the third day. Before that, the time is not there when it can work.

[ 28 ] In the Gospel of John, a special relationship between “me and you”, between “the two of us” is indicated. This is what it says, not the absurd: “Woman, what have I to do with you?” When the mother asks Christ to perform the sign, he says: “My time has not yet come” (2:4) to officiate at weddings, that is, to bring people together. The time will come. What is based on blood ties still has an effect now and will continue to have an effect; hence the reference to relationships between mother and son at the wedding.
[ 29 ] When we look at this document in this way, everything real and external stands out from a significant spiritual background. We look into an abyss-like depth of spiritual life when we see through what such an initiate as the writer of the Gospel of John has given to mankind and what he could only give it by the fact that the Christ has implanted his impulse for the development of mankind.
[ 30 ] So we have seen that these things must be explained not by a hollow allegory or symbolism, but out of the astral reality which the initiate experiences. It cannot be just a symbolic interpretation, but a narration of what the initiate experiences. If it is not put in this way, it is quite right that those who stand outside say that spiritual science brings nothing more than allegorical interpretations! If we now apply the spiritual-scientific interpretation at this point, as we have now understood it, then we learn how through three world-days - from the third into the fourth, from the fourth into the fifth and from the fifth into the sixth cultural epoch - the Christ-impulse works within humanity. And we look at this development in the sense of the Gospel of John in such a way that we say: The impulse of the Christ was such a great one that mankind has only understood it in the smallest part today and that it will only be fully understood in a later time.