The Gospel of St. John
GA 103
25 May 1908, Hamburg
VI. The “I AM”
We have already pointed out in these lectures that in the words of Christ-Jesus to Nicodemus, we must recognize a conversation between Christ and a personality who is able to perceive what can be beheld outside of the physical body by means of higher organs of cognition if developed to a certain stage. For those who understand such things, this is clearly and distinctly indicated in the Gospel wherein it is stated that Nicodemus came to Christ-Jesus “in the night,” meaning in a state of consciousness in which the human being does not make use of his outer sense organs. We shall not enter into the trivial explanations which have been presented by different people concerning these words, “in the night.” You know that in this conversation the problem is one of rebirth of the human being “out of water and Spirit.” These are very important words concerning rebirth which the Christ speaks to Nicodemus in the 4th verse of the 3rd Chapter:
Nicodemus said unto Him:—How can a man be reborn when he is old?
Jesus answered:—Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
We have already said that these words must be carefully weighed and we should keep definitely in mind that the words of a religious document of this kind must be taken in a literal sense on the one hang, but on the other we must first discover and understand this literal meaning. The words are often quoted, “The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life!” Those who quote these words often employ them in a very peculiar manner. They find in them a license for reading into them their own phantasy, which they call the “spirit of the thing,” and then they say to someone who has taken the trouble to learn the letter before coming to the spirit: “What have we to do with the letter? The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” One who speaks in this manner, stands about on the same level with a man who would say: “The spirit is what truly lives, but the body is something dead. Therefore let us destroy the body, then will the spirit become alive.” Whoever speaks in this way does not know that the spirit is formed gradually, that the human being must use the organs of his physical body for reception of what he experiences in the physical world, which he then raises into spirit. First we must know the letter, then we can kill it; likewise, when the spirit has drawn everything it can out of the human body, the latter falls away from the human spirit.
There is something extraordinarily profound just in this very chapter of the Gospel of St. John. We can only enter into the meaning of it, when we follow human evolution still further back than we have already in our consideration of the Gospel up to the present. Today we must trace the human being back into still more remote periods of the earth's evolution.
In order that you may not, at the very beginning, be too much shocked at what I shall have to say about these early human states, I should like to lead you back once more to the ancient Atlantean epoch.
We have already called attention to the fact that before that great cataclysm of our earth, a memory of which is retained in the sagas of the Flood, our human progenitors lived out there in the west in a region which no longer exists, but which now forms the bed of the Atlantic Ocean. This continent which is called the ancient Atlantis harbored our forefathers. When we examine the later epochs of this Atlantean period of human evolution, we find, even in these epochs of the far distant past, that at least the form of the human being was not so very much unlike his present one. However, if we should go back to the earliest periods of this Atlantean continent, we would find the human form quite different from that of the present. We can go still further back.
Before the Atlantean age, the human being lived in a land which, in the language of today, is called Lemuria. This continent also perished through great changes on our earth. It occupied approximately the region which now lies between southern Asia, Africa, and Australia. When we examine the human forms which lived in Lemuria, as they present themselves to clairvoyant sight, we find them very different from those of present day humanity, and it is not necessary that I describe them to you in detail nor those of the early Atlantean period. Although you have already had to endure a great deal in the descriptions of Spiritual Science, nevertheless the forms of these ancient Lemurians, fundamentally so different from the present forms, would appear to you quite improbable. However, we must in a certain respect describe them, although quite superficially if we wish to understand what has happened to the human being in the course of the earth's evolution.
Let us suppose, for example, something in reality quite impossible, but we shall assume it for the sake of an understanding. Let us suppose that with your present senses, which of course you did not at that time possess, you could look into the latter part of the Lemurian and the first part of the Atlantean epochs of human evolution, and observe the surface of the earth in its various parts. If you should expect to be able to find the human being upon the earth by means of this physical sense perception, you would be greatly disappointed. At that time he did not exist in a form which you would be able to see with your present physical senses. It would appear to you as though certain regions of our earth's surface, already resembling islands, protruded out of the rest of the still fluidic earth, which was either surrounded by sea-water or enveloped in vapour. But those regions which thus protruded like islands were not yet dry land like our present solid earth, but soft earth masses in the midst of which fiery forces played. These island regions were continually being thrown up and then again submerged by the volcanic forces of that time. In short, there was still in the earth an element active in fire; all was still actively in a state of flux, continually changing. In certain regions which already existed, and which had been cooled to a certain degree, you would find precursors of our present animal world. Here and there you would have observed grotesque shapes; you would have found strange forms, forerunners of our reptiles and amphibians. However, you would have been able to see nothing of the human being, because at that time he did not possess a physical body dense and solid enough to be seen. You would have had to seek him elsewhere, as it were, in the masses of water and vapour. It would be, perhaps, as though you were to swim out to sea at the present time and could see there not much more of certain lower animals than a soft, slimy mass. You would then find the human physical form of that time embedded in the regions of aqueous vapour. The further back we go, the more attenuated and like his vapoury, watery environment do we find the human form of that period. Not until the Atlantean period does it begin to condense, and were we able to follow with our eyes the whole of evolution, we should be able to see how, out of the water, this human being becomes condensed, gradually descending upon the surface of the earth. As a matter of fact, it is true that the physical human being set foot upon the ground of our earth's surface relatively late. From this region of water and air, he gradually descended, crystallizing out of it. We have now obtained a sketchy picture of a human being who is not distinguishable from his environment, who consists of the same element in which he lives. When we follow very far back in the evolution of the earth, we find that this human body becomes more and more tenuous.
Now let us go back to the very beginning of our present earthly planet. We know that it arose out of the ancient Moon. This ancient Moon we have called the “Cosmos of Wisdom.” At a certain stage of its evolution, this ancient Moon did not contain what we would call solid earth, and we must understand very clearly that the physical conditions were quite different on the embodiment of our planet which just preceded our present Earth. If you follow back as far as the ancient Saturn condition, you must not imagine that it would appear as our earth now appears, that you would find rocks upon which you could walk, and trees which you could climb. None of all this existed at that time. If you had approached ancient Saturn during the middle period of its evolution from far out in cosmic space, you would not, perhaps, have seen any special cosmic body moving about, but you would have been able to detect something very strange, namely, that you had come into a region where you felt as though you had crept into an oven. The only reality of this Saturn state was that it possessed a different degree of warmth from its environment. In no other way could it have been perceived. Occultism does not, like the present ordinary physics, distinguish three conditions of matter only, but it discerns still others. The physicist declares that at present there are solid, fluidic and gaseous bodies. Saturn, however, was not yet even gaseous. Our gaseous state is much denser than the densest state on Saturn. In occultism, we distinguish also the state of warmth which is not simply a state of matter in vibration, but a fourth substantial state. Saturn consisted only of this warmth and if we proceed from Saturn to the Sun, we experience a condensation of that ancient fiery planet. The Sun is the first gaseous embodiment of our planet; it is the first gaseous or airy body. The ancient Moon-state then condenses still further; it is a fluid body which only later, when the sun departs from it, assumes a more dense condition. The actual middle condition, however, while it is still united with the sun, is the fluidic state. All that we today call mineral earth, the mineral, rocks, surface soil, all this did not exist on the ancient Moon. This appeared for the first time upon our Earth, crystallizing itself out of it.
When the Earth commenced its evolution, it began by first repeating once more all the various earlier conditions. Every substance and every being in the cosmos always repeats earlier conditions at the beginning of any new stage of evolution. Thus our Earth passed quickly through the Saturn, Sun and Moon states. When it was passing through the Moon evolution, it consisted of water, mixed with vapour—not like our present water, but a watery, that is to say, a fluidic condition of substance. The fluid state was its densest condition. This watery sphere which swam about in cosmic space was not like the water of the present, but water mixed with vapour, in other words, something gaseous and something fluidic permeating each other, and within this we find the human being. He could exist in this watery sphere, because no solid substance had yet been precipitated. Of the present human being, only his ego and his astral body were present. This ego and astral body did not yet feel themselves as separate entities, but as though embedded within the body of divine spiritual beings. They did not yet feel themselves severed from a being whose body is the water-vapour earth. Then within these ego-endowed astral bodies, enclosures were formed, very tenuous, fine human germs. This is shown in the first diagram.

The upper part of the diagram is intended to represent the astral body and ego which, insensible to outer perception, were embedded in the water-earth sphere; these draw from themselves the first germ of the physical body which together with the ether body was in a very rarefied condition. This then took form out of this watery earth-water sphere. If you were to follow this clairvoyantly, you would see the first germ of the physical and ether bodies surrounded by the astral body and ego as shown in the first figure. That part of you—namely, your physical and ether bodies—which at present lies in bed when you sleep, formed in its very first beginnings in this Earth-state the first human germ still wholly enveloped by the astral body and the ego. The watery vapour mass then densified, and the astral body with the ego gave the impulse to this first human germ to become a part of this primal water-earth. (We cannot now follow further the evolution of the animals and plants.) The next thing that occurred was the condensation of the water, and, in a certain sense, air and water appeared. No longer were vapour and water mixed together, but water and air were separated from one another. As a result, the human corporeality—physical and ether bodies—again became somewhat more densified and because the air had separated from the water, it became airy and took into itself the fiery element. Thus what was formerly watery now became aeriform. The physical ether human germ now consisted of air permeated by fire; the astral body and ego enveloped it and all this moved about in what remained of the water, fluctuating back and forth alternately in water and air.

We thus have before us the human being of that time, whose incipient state has reached even the density of air and has been made incalescent by fire. This has become the same human being who lies sleeping in bed today. To each of these human fire-beings belong an astral body and an ego, but they are completely embedded within the bosom of the Godhead, that is, they do not yet feel themselves individualized.
You must meditate deeply upon these things, for these conditions are so different from the present conditions of the earth, they seem shocking and unbelievable. Now you will ask:—What is the fire element which you have indicated there in the air? The fire which human beings possessed at that time still exists within you. It is the fire that pulses through your blood, it is the heat of the blood. What is left over from the ancient air also lives on within your organism. When you inhale and exhale, you have air within your otherwise solid body which flows in and out of it. When you inhale deeply, the air is then taken up into the blood and this is the reason for the warm air-breath. Imagine this air permeating the whole body, penetrating into all its parts. Now, think away all that is solid and fluid and picture only the form that remains, the form of a human being who has just inhaled; that means that he has driven the oxygen into the outermost parts of the body. A form remains which is very similar to the human, but which, however, consists only of air. The air which streams through the human being takes on the exact form of the body. A kind of shadow body remains consisting of air permeated with warmth. That is the kind of human being you were at that time; you did not then have the form which you now possess, but the physical and ether bodies were enveloped by the astral body invested with the ego. This condition continued on into the Atlantean period. Those who yield to the illusion that in the earliest epochs of Atlantis men walked about as they do today, are quite in error. The human creature first descended out of the airy sphere into the denser region of matter. There were at that time upon the earth only the animals who could not hold back their incarnation in physical form, thus they remained at the animal stage, since the earth was not yet mature enough to yield up its substance for the physical human form. Therefore the animals remained in lower forms because they could not hold back their descent into matter.
The next thing that occurred was the division of the human being, in respect of his physical body, into airy, warmth and fluid parts. This means, in an occult sense, that he became a water-man. You may say that the human being was previously already a water-man. But that would not be quite correct. Previously the earth was a watery sphere, and within it—although only in a spiritual state—were astral body and ego. They swam about in the water as spiritual beings; they were not yet individualized. Now we have for the first time reached the point where we could have found the physical human body contained within this water, but in a sort of jelly fish formation. If you had swum out into this primeval sea, you would have found in it, condensed out of the water, forms which would have been transparent to you. This is the way these human beings appeared in the beginning. First they had a water body and at the same time their astral body and ego continued to remain deeply embedded in the divine, spiritual beings. At that time, when the human being possessed this watery body the apportioning of his states of consciousness was very different from what it became later on. The separation into unconscious night and conscious day did not exist as it does now, but then, when the human being was still embedded in the beings of the divine-spiritual world, he had a dreamy astral consciousness. When, during the day, he dipped down into his fluidic, physical body, this was night to him and when he was again out of his physical body, he beheld the dazzling, astral light. When he plunged into the physical body in the morning, there all was dull and dreary and a sort of unconscious state began. Gradually, however, the present physical organs were formed in his physical body and with these he gradually learned to see. Day consciousness became brighter and brighter, and he was thereby cut off from the divine matrix. It was only toward the middle of the Atlantean period that this human creature was dense enough to become flesh and bone. After the cartilage had solidified, the bones then gradually appeared. At the same time the earth also became more solid and the human being then descended upon the surface of the earth. Thus that consciousness which he had possessed in the divine-spiritual world gradually disappeared, and he became more and more an observer of the outer world, preparing himself thereby to become a true earth dweller. In the last third of the Atlantean period, the human form became more and more like the present one.
Thus literally and truly the human being descended from spheres which we must designate water-vapour, water-air spheres. As long as he remained in the water-air sphere, his consciousness possessed the faculty of a clear astral perception, because whenever he was outside of the physical body he was above in the presence of the gods, but by virtue of the densification of the physical body, he cut himself off, as it were, from the divine substance. Like something that had acquired a shell, he slowly severed himself from his earlier connections, when he ceased to be watery and gaseous. As long as he was fluidic and airy in form, he remained above with the gods. He was not able to develop his ego, for he had not yet released himself from the divine consciousness. Because he descended into physical matter, his astral consciousness became ever more darkened. If we wish to characterize the significance of this evolutionary process, we may say that formerly, when the human being was still living with the gods, his physical and ether bodies were fluidic and gaseous in form, and were only gradually, simultaneously with the solidification of the earth, condensed to their present material form. That is the descent, but just as he has made this descent, so will he also ascend again. After he has had the experiences that are to be had in solid substance, he will again mount into those regions where his physical body will be fluidic and gaseous. He must bear within him the consciousness that if he wishes to unite himself again consciously with the gods, his true existence will be in those regions from which he has sprung. He has become condensed out of water and air and he will again become diffused into them. He can only spiritually anticipate this condition today by gaining within his inner nature a consciousness of the future state of his physical body. Only by becoming conscious of it today, however, will he gain the power to do so. When we have acquired this consciousness, our earthly goal will have been reached, our earthly mission attained. What does that mean? It means that human beings were at one time born, not of flesh and earth, but of air and water and that they must later be truly re-born in the Spirit, of air and water.
In the linguistic usage of those epochs in which the Gospels were written, (which we should also study), “Water” was called water; but “Pneuma,” which is now used for “Spirit,” was then called “Air.” It had at one time exactly that meaning. The word “Pneuma” should be translated “Air” or “Vapour,” otherwise a misunderstanding arises. Thus we should interpret the words in the conversation with Nicodemus in the following manner: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and air he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.”
The Christ is pointing to a future condition into which the human being will develop, therefore in this conversation we have before us a deep mystery of our evolution. We have only to understand the words correctly and employ them in the manner Anthroposophy can teach us. In the common language of every day, we still have remains of this former usage, when volatile substances are spoken of as spirit. Originally the word “Pneuma” meant air. You can see that it is very important for words to be understood in a very accurate and exact sense and to be carefully weighed. Then out of this very literal meaning arises the most wonderful spiritual interpretation.
Now let us try for a little while to direct our spiritual glance toward another fact of evolution. Let us once more look back to the time when the human astral body with the ego was immersed in the matrix of a common divine astral substance. As you follow this evolutionary course, you find that development took place in such a way that it is possible to describe it schematically. In the beginning, your whole astral being was embedded in the common astral substance and through the processes which we have just described, the physical and etheric enclosed it like surrounding shells. Thus individual human beings became separated from the general astral substance as detached parts. It was as though you had a fluid substance here before you and were dipping out parts of it. The detachment of the individual human consciousness from the divine consciousness runs parallel with the formation of the physical body. Thus we may say that the further we progress, the more we see how the separate individual human beings enclosed in the shell of the physical body, develop themselves as parts which are severed from the common astrality. It is true, the human being had to pay for this becoming independent by the darkening of his astral consciousness. Therefore he looked out from the sheath of his physical body and beheld the physical plane. The ancient clairvoyant consciousness, however, gradually disappeared.
Thus we see coming into existence the human inner being, an independent individual human inner being which is the bearer of the ego. When you observe the sleeping human being of the present, you have before you in the physical and ether bodies, which have remained behind in bed, what these sheaths, formed during the course of the ages, have produced through condensation. What had previously separated from the common astral substance returns to it each night in order to receive strength from it. Of course it does not enter so deeply into this divine substance as it did at that time, otherwise it would be clairvoyant. It retains its independence. This, then, is the independent individuality that came into existence in the course of evolution.
It may be asked, to what is this independent individual human being indebted for its very existence, this inner being that seeks its strength outside the physical and ether bodies? It is indebted to the physical and ether human bodies which were gradually formed in the course of evolution. They gave birth to that which dipped down into the physical senses and looked out into the physical world during the day, but which at night sank down into a state of unconsciousness, because it had severed itself from that condition in which it previously existed. In occult language, the part remaining in bed is called the real earth-man. That was “man.” And that part in which the ego remained day and night, that part born out of the physical and ether bodies was called the “child of man” or the “son of man.” The “son of man” is the ego and astral body, born out of the physical and ether bodies in the course of earthly evolution. The technical expression for this is the “son of man.”
Then comes the question, for what purpose did Christ Jesus come to earth; what was imparted to the earth through His Impulse? The “son of man” who had severed himself from existence in the bosom of the Godhead and had broken away from his earlier connections, and in place of which developed a physical consciousness will come again to a consciousness of the spirit through the force of the Christ Who appeared upon the earth. He will not only perceive in his physical environment with physical senses, but by means of the force of his own inner being of which he is now unconscious, a consciousness of his divine existence will flash up within him. Through the force of the Christ Who came upon the earth, the son of man will again be raised to his divine estate. Previously, after the manner of the ancient Mystery initiation, only chosen individuals could perceive the divine-spiritual world. In ancient times there was a technical expression for this. Those who could look into the divine-spiritual world and could become witnesses of it were called “serpents.” Those men of ancient times who were initiated into the Mysteries in this way were “serpents.” The “serpents” were the forerunners of the deed of Christ Jesus. Moses showed his mission by lifting up before his people the symbol of the elevation of those who could perceive in the spiritual worlds; he lifted up the serpent. What these chosen few had then become, now every “son of man” could attain through the force of the Christ present upon the earth. This the Christ expresses in his further conversation with Nicodemus when He says:—“Just as once upon a time Moses lifted up the serpent, even so will the son of man be lifted up.” Throughout, Christ Jesus made use of the technical expressions of that age. First the literal sense of the expressions must be discovered, then the true meaning can be understood; this is also identical with the Anthroposophical teaching. Therefore, in ancient times only a prophecy of the “I AM” teaching could gain a footing. Only on the outer authority of the initiated could the people hear something of the power of the “I AM” which should be enkindled in every “son of man.” But we are quite sufficiently informed about this.
We have seen what the “I AM” signifies in the Gospel of St. John and can ask whether this “I AM” in the course of time has been imparted to humanity. Has it been gradually proclaimed? Did the Old Testament prophetically point to and prepare for what was brought to mankind as an impulse through the descent of the incarnated “I AM?”
Please remember that all that occurs in the course of the ages has been slowly and gradually prepared before-hand. Like the child in the mother's womb, all that was brought by Jesus-Christ had been slowly matured in the followers of the Old Testament through the ancient Mysteries. On the other hand what had been prepared in the followers of the Old Testament among the ancient Jewish peoples had grown to maturity among the ancient Egyptians. Among them were highly developed initiates who knew what was to come upon the earth. We shall now learn how the Egyptians, who were the third sub-race of the post-Atlantean root-race, developed by degrees the complete impulse of the “I AM,” and how they furnished, like the mother's womb, the outer structure for this “I AM,” but did not go far enough to give birth to the Christ Principle. Then we shall learn how at last the ancient Hebrew peoples separated from them.
Moses is represented to us as one chosen from among the people of Egypt to become the prophet of God, of the incarnated “I AM.” He prophesied the coming of the “I AM” to those who could understand something of It. He announced that for the words, “I and Father Abraham are one,” will be substituted these other words, “I and the Father are one,” which means, I and the spiritual foundation of the World are directly one. The followers of the Old Testament looked up to the folk group-soul in its plurality and in this group-soul, each individual felt sheltered as though within the Divine. Through Moses, an initiate of the old order, it was prophesied that the Christ would come; in other words, that there is a divine principle which is higher than the blood-principle flowing down through the generations. It is true, God has been active in the blood since the time of Abraham, but this blood-father is only the outer manifestation of the spiritual Father.
Moses said unto God, Who am I that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?
He said, I will be with thee: and this shall be a sign that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth my people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.
And Moses said unto God: Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them: The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you, and they say unto me: What is his name? What shall I say unto them?
He had to announce prophetically a more exalted God, Who exists within the God of Father Abraham, but Who is at the same time a higher Principle. What is His name?
And God said unto Moses, I am the “I AM!”
Here is foretold the profound truth about the Word which later appeared incarnate in Christ-Jesus.
And he said: Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel: the “I AM” hath taught it to me.
This is the literal wording. In other words, this means that the “name,” that name which is the basis of the blood-name, is the “I AM”—and this “I AM” appears incarnate in the Christ of the Gospel of St. John.
And God said further unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, the Lord, God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob hath sent me unto you.
What has been seen only externally streaming through the blood, is in its deeper meaning, the “I AM.”
Thus was proclaimed what was later to enter the world through Christ-Jesus. We hear the name of the Logos, we hear Him at that time calling to Moses, “I am the I AM!” The Logos proclaims His name, that part of Himself which can be comprehended through the understanding, through the intellect. What is here proclaimed appears in the flesh as the Logos, is incarnated in Christ-Jesus.
Now let us consider the external sign of the flowing down of the Logos into the Israelitish people, as far as this can be grasped abstractly in thought. This outer sign is the “Manna” of the Wilderness. The word “Manna” is, in fact, (those who understand Spiritual Science know this) the same as “Manas”1Note by translator. Dr. Steiner was giving these lectures to Theosophists who were familiar with the oriental terminology. By degrees he dropped this as the students became familiar with his own new occidental terms., the “Spirit-Self.” Thus there streams into that people which has by degrees acquired an I-consciousness, the first trace of the Spirit-Self. However that which lives and appears in Manas itself must be called by another name. It is not something that can be simply known, but it is a force which can be taken into oneself. When the Logos simply proclaimed His name, it could be understood and grasped with the intellect. But when the Logos became flesh and appeared among men, then it became a Force-Impulse which is not only a teaching and a concept, but exists in the world as a Force-Impulse in which humanity can participate. He then calls Himself no longer “Manna,” but the “Bread of Life,” which is the technical expression for Budhi or Life-Spirit.
The water transformed by the spirit, which was offered in symbolic form to the Samaritan woman, and the “Bread of Life” are the first heraldings of the influx of Budhi or Life-Spirit into mankind. Tomorrow we shall continue this discussion.
Sechster Vortrag
[ 1 ] Es ist in diesen Vorträgen bereits darauf hingewiesen worden, daß wir in dem Gespräch des Christus Jesus mit Nikodemus die Unterredung zu sehen haben des Christus mit einer Persönlichkeit, die imstande ist, dasjenige wahrzunehmen, was man außerhalb des physischen Leibes durch bis zu einem gewissen Grade entwickelte höhere Erkenntnisorgane wahrnimmt. Klar und deutlich für den, der solche Dinge versteht, ist dies angedeutet im Evangelium dadurch, daß uns gesagt wird: Nikodemus kam zu dem Christus Jesus «bei der Nacht», das heißt in einem Bewußtseinszustand, innerhalb welchem sich der Mensch nicht seiner äußeren Sinnesorgane bedient. Wir wollen uns nicht auf triviale Erklärungen einlassen, die über dieses «bei der Nacht» von diesen oder jenen Leuten abgegeben worden sind. Nun wissen Sie, daß in diesem Gespräch die Rede davon ist, daß es eine Wiedergeburt des Menschen gibt - «aus Wasser und Geist». Es sind sehr wichtige Worte, die der Christus zu Nikodemus von der Wiedergeburt spricht im 3. Kapitel, Vers 4 und 5:
«Nikodemus spricht zu ihm: Wie kann ein Mensch wiedergeboren werden, wenn er alt ist? Kann er auch wiederum in seiner Mutter Leib gehen und geboren werden?
Jesus antwortete: Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage dir: Es sei denn, daß jemand geboren werde aus Wasser und Geist, so kann er nicht in das Reich Gottes kommen!»
[ 2 ] Daß diese Worte mit der Goldwaage zu wiegen sind, haben wir bereits gesagt, und es muß durchaus festgehalten werden, daß auf der einen Seite gilt: Die Worte einer solchen religiösen Urkunde müssen im buchstäblichen Sinne genommen werden; aber auf der anderen Seite gilt auch das: Wir müssen diesen buchstäblichen Sinn erst finden, erst kennen. Es wird oftmals der Satz zitiert: «Der Buchstabe tötet, der Geist aber macht lebendig» (2.Kor. 3, 6). Diejenigen Menschen, die diesen Satz zitieren, wenden ihn oftmals in einer sonderbaren Weise an. Sie betrachten diesen Satz als einen Freibrief, ihre eigene Phantasie, die sie den «Geist der Sache» nennen, aus diesen Worten herauszulesen, und sagen dann zu jemandem, der sich Mühe gibt, erst den Buchstaben zu kennen, ehe man zum Geist kommt: Ach, was geht uns der Buchstabe an; der Buchstabe tötet, der Geist aber macht lebendig! - Wer so redet, steht ungefähr auf der selben Höhe wie ein Mensch, der da sagen würde: Der Geist ist das eigentlich Lebendige, der Körper ist ein Totes; also zerschlagen wir den Körper, dann wird der Geist lebendig werden! — Wer so redet, weiß nicht, daß der Geist sich stufenweise bildet, daß der Mensch die Organe seines physischen Leibes benutzen muß, um das, was er in der physischen Welt erfährt, aufzunehmen und es dann in den Geist hinaufzutragen. Erst müssen wir also den Buchstaben kennen; dann können wir auch den Buchstaben töten, wie der Menschenleib vom Menschengeiste abfällt, wenn der menschliche Geist alles aus dem Leibe herausgeholt hat.
[ 3 ] Es liegt gerade in diesem Kapitel des Johannes-Evangeliums etwas außerordentlich Tiefes. Wir können in den Sinn dieses Kapitels nur eindringen, wenn wir die Evolution des Menschen noch weiter zurückverfolgen, als wir das schon zu denjenigen Zwecken getan haben, die bisher bei der Betrachtung des Johannes-Evangeliums die unsrigen waren. Wir müssen heute den Menschen in noch viel frühere Zeiträume der Erdenentwickelung zurückverfolgen.
[ 4 ] Damit Sie aber von Anfang an nicht gar zu sehr schockiert werden über das, was in bezug auf diese frühen Menschheitszustände zu sagen ist, möchte ich Sie noch einmal erst in die alte atlantische Zeit zurückführen.
[ 5 ] Wir haben ja schon darauf aufmerksam gemacht, daß unsere Menschenvorfahren vor jener großen Umwälzung auf unserer Erde, die in den Sintflutsagen erhalten ist, drüben im Westen lebten auf einem Ländergebiete, das heute nicht mehr existiert, sondern den Boden des Atlantischen Ozeans bildet. Dieser Kontinent, den wir die alte Atlantis nennen, beherbergte unsere Vorfahren. Wenn wir die letzten Zeiten dieser atlantischen Menschheitsperiode durchforschen, finden wir allerdings in diesen sehr weit zurückliegenden Zeiten, daß der Mensch wenigstens nicht gar zu unähnlich war seiner heutigen Gestalt. Aber wenn wir in die ersten Zeiten dieser Atlantis zurückgehen, würden wir schon eine ganz und gar von der heutigen verschiedene Menschengestalt finden. Nun können wir noch weiter zurückgehen.
[ 6 ] Vor der atlantischen Zeit hat der Mensch in einem Lande gelebt, das man nach heutigem Sprachgebrauche Lemurien nennt. Es ist ebenfalls durch mächtige Umwälzungen unserer Erde zugrunde gegangen. Es lag ungefähr an derjenigen Stelle, die heute zwischen dem südlichen Asien, Afrika und Australien liegt. Wenn wir die Menschengestalten prüfen, die in Lemurien gelebt haben, soweit sie sich dem hellseherischen Blicke darbieten, so sind sie sehr verschieden von den heutigen Menschen, und es ist nicht notwendig, daß ich Ihnen diese lemurischen Menschengestalten und diejenigen der ersten atlantischen Zeit genau beschreibe. Selbst wenn Sie sich manches schon gefallen lassen an Schilderungen in der Geisteswissenschaft, so würde Ihnen doch die grundverschiedene Gestalt dieser alten lemurischen Menschen von den heutigen wirklich recht unwahrscheinlich vorkommen. Aber in einer gewissen Beziehung müssen wir sie doch, wenn wir verstehen wollen, was mit dem Menschen im Laufe der Erdenentwickelung sich zugetragen hat, wenn auch recht äußerlich, beschreiben.
[ 7 ] Nehmen Sie einmal an — was ja in Wirklichkeit nicht möglich ist, aber wir wollen es einmal zum Verständnis annehmen -, Sie könnten mit Ihren heutigen Sinnen, die Sie damals natürlich nicht gehabt haben, in die letzte lemurische und in die erste atlantische Zeit der Menschheit hineinsehen und die Erdoberfläche an ihren verschiedenen Teilen betrachten. Wenn Sie erwarten würden, daß für solche sinnliche Wahrnehmung der Mensch auf der Erde zu finden wäre, dann würden Sie sich täuschen. Der Mensch war damals noch nicht in einer solchen Form vorhanden, daß Sie ihn mit heutigen Sinnen hätten sehen können. Es würde sich Ihnen zwar der Anblick darbieten, daß gewisse Gebiete unserer Erdoberfläche schon annähernd so wie Inseln herausragen aus der im übrigen noch flüssigen, entweder vom Meerwasser umgebenen oder in Dampf gehüllten Erde. Aber diejenigen Gebiete, die als Inselgebiete herausragen, waren doch noch nicht solche feste Länder wie unsere heutigen Festländer, sondern weiche Erdmassen, zwischen denen Feuergewalten spielten, so daß solche Inselgebiete fortdauernd durch die damaligen vulkanischen Gewalten heraufgetrieben werden und wiederum untergehen. Kurz, es ist noch ein im Feuer tätiges Element in der Erde, lebendig flutet noch alles, wandelt sich. Sie würden finden, daß auf gewissen Gebieten, die schon da sind, die bis zu einem solchen Grade schon abgekühlt sind, Vorläufer unserer heutigen Tierwelt leben. Von denen könnten Sie da oder dort schon etwas wahrnehmen: groteske Gestalten würden Sie finden, Vorläufer unserer Reptilien und Amphibien. Aber vom Menschen würden Sie nichts sehen können, weil der Mensch in der damaligen Zeit einen so dichten, festen physischen Leib gar nicht hatte. Sie müßten den Menschen ganz woanders suchen, sozusagen in den Wassermassen und Dampfmassen, wie wenn Sie heute etwa ins Meer hinausschwimmen und von gewissen niederen Tieren kaum etwas sehen als eine weiche, schleimige Masse. So würden Sie eingebettet finden in den Wasserdampfgebieten den damaligen menschlichen physischen Leib. Je weiter Sie zurückkommen, desto dünner, ähnlicher seiner dampfförmigen, wässerigen Umgebung ist der Mensch dieser Epoche. Erst während der atlantischen Zeit verdichtet er sich immer mehr; und wenn man den ganzen Werdegang mit Augen verfolgen könnte, so könnte man sehen, wie dieser Mensch sich aus dem Wasser heraus verdichtet und immer mehr auf den Erdboden herunterkommt. So daß es in der Tat richtig ist, daß der physische Mensch verhältnismäßig spät den Boden unserer Erdoberfläche betrat. Er stieg aus dem Wasser-Luftraum herab, kristallisierte sich aus dem Wasser-Luftraum nach und nach heraus. So haben wir uns ein skizzenhaftes Bild dafür verschafft, daß es einen Menschen geben kann, der sich sozusagen noch gar nicht von seiner Umgebung unterscheidet, der aus demselben Elemente besteht, in dem er lebt. Wenn wir ganz weit zurückgehen in der Erdenentwickelung, finden wir, daß dieser Menschenleib immer dünner und dünner wird.
[ 8 ] Gehen wir nun zurück bis an den Anfang unseres heutigen Erdenplaneten. Wir wissen, daß unser Erdenplanet hervorgegangen ist aus dem alten Monde. Wir haben den alten Mond den «Kosmos der Weisheit» genannt. Dieser alte Mond hatte auf einer gewissen Stufe seiner Entwickelung das nicht, was wir heute Erde, feste Erde nennen; denn wir müssen uns durchaus klar sein, daß auf der der Erde vorangehenden Verkörperung des Planeten auch die physischen Verhältnisse ganz andere waren. Wenn wir zurückgehen bis zum alten Saturnzustande, dürfen: wir nicht die Vorstellung haben, daß es da so ausgesehen hätte wie heute auf unserer Erde, daß da Felsen gewesen wären, auf die Sie hätten treten können, Bäume, auf die Sie hätten klettern können. Das alles war gar nicht vorhanden. Wenn Sie aus dem Weltenraum von weit her sich dem alten Saturn genähert hätten im mittleren Zustande seiner Entwickelung, dann hätten Sie nicht etwa irgendeinen besonderen Weltenkörper schweben sehen, sondern Sie hätten etwas Sonderbares gespürt, nämlich, daß Sie in eine Region hineingekommen wären, wo Sie so etwas gefühlt hätten, wie wenn Sie in einen Backofen hineingekrochen wären. Die einzige Wirklichkeit des Saturn war die, daß er einen anderen Wärmezustand hatte als seine Umgebung. Durch etwas anderes hätte man ihn nicht wahrnehmen können.
[ 9 ] Der Okkultismus unterscheidet nicht so, wie die gegenwärtige triviale Physik, drei Zustände der Materie, sondern er unterscheidet noch mehr solcher Zustände. Der Physiker sagt: Gegenwärtig gibt es feste, flüssige und gasförmige Körper. Aber der Saturn war noch nicht einmal gasförmig. Der gasförmige Zustand ist viel dichter als der festeste Zustand des Saturn. Wir unterscheiden im Okkultismus noch den Wärmezustand, der nicht ein bloßer Bewegungszustand der Materie ist, sondern ein vierter substantieller Zustand. Nur aus Wärme bestand dieser Saturn; und wenn wir vom Saturn zur Sonne aufrücken, erleben wir zugleich eine Verdichtung dieses alten feurigen Planeten. Die Sonne ist die erste Verkörperung unseres Planeten, die gasig ist. Die Sonne erst ist ein gasförmiger oder luftförmiger Körper. Der Mond verdichtet sich dann weiter. Er ist ein flüssiger Körper, der später, als ihn die Sonne verläßt, erst einen dichteren Zustand annimmt; aber der eigentliche mittlere Zustand, wo er noch mit der Sonne vereinigt ist, ist der flüssige Zustand. Das aber, was wir die heutige mineralische Erde nennen, was Mineralien, Felsmassen sind, was Ackerkrume ist, das ist auf dem alten Mond noch nicht vorhanden gewesen. Das kommt erst auf unserer Erde, kristallisiert sich da heraus.
[ 10 ] Als die Erde mit ihrer Entwickelung anfängt, muß sie noch einmal all die früheren verschiedenen Zustände wiederholen. Stets wiederholt jeder Körper und ein jedes Wesen im Kosmos auf einer neuen Entwickelungsstufe die früheren Zustände, so daß unsere Erde rasch durchläuft den Saturnzustand, den Sonnenzustand und den Mondenzustand. Als sie den Mondenzustand durchläuft, besteht sie aus Wasser mit Wasserdampf gemischt, nicht heutiges Wasser, aber wasserförmige, das heißt flüssige Substantialität; zum flüssigen Zustand bringt sie es als zum dichtesten. Diese wässerige Kugel, die im Weltenraume schwebte, ist nicht Wasser wie heute, aber Wasser mit Wasserdampf gemischt, also Gasiges und Flüssiges durcheinander, und da ist der Mensch schon darinnen. Weil noch keine festen Substanzen sich abgesetzt haben, kann der Mensch in dieser wässerigen Kugel darinnen sein. Vom heutigen Menschen ist darin sein Ich und sein astralischer Leib. Aber dieses Ich und dieser astralische Leib fühlen sich noch nicht als abgesonderte Wesenheit, sondern wie eingebettet im Schoß göttlich-geistiger Wesenheiten; sie fühlen sich noch nicht herausgelöst aus einer Wesenheit, deren Leib die wässerige, dampfförmige Erde ist. Nun bilden sich in diesen astralischen Leibern, die mit dem Ich ausgestattet sind, Einschlüsse, ganz dünne, feine Menschenanlagen. Das ist auf der ersten Figur gezeichnet.

[ 11 ] Was da oben ist, soll darstellen die für die äußere Betrachtung unsichtbaren astralischen Leiber und Iche, die so eingebettet sind in die wässerige Erdenkugel; und diese holen aus sich heraus die erste Anlage zum physischen Menschenleib, der mit dem Ätherleib in ganz, ganz dünnem Zustand da ist. Das gliedert sich da heraus. Wenn Sie das hellseherisch verfolgen würden, so würden Sie die erste Anlage des physischen und Ätherleibes sehen wie umgeben von astralischem Leib und Ich, wie das an der ersten Figur gezeichnet ist. Dasjenige, was heute, wenn Sie schlafen, von Ihnen im Bette liegen bleibt, Ihr physischer Leib und Ätherleib, das bildet sich in seinen ersten Anlagen in diesem Erdenzustand als erster Menschenkeim, der noch ganz umhüllt ist von Astralleib und Ich. Die wässerige Dampfmasse verdichtet sich da. Der Astralleib mit dem Ich geben Veranlassung, daß sich da überall die erste Menschenanlage eingliedert in dieser ursprünglichen Wassererde. Den Gang der Tiere und Pflanzen können wir dabei nicht weiter verfolgen.
[ 12 ] Das nächste, was sich nun bildet, ist, daß sich das Wasser verdichtet und daß in einer gewissen Beziehung sich zeigen Luft und Wasser, so daß also nicht mehr Dampf und Wasser durcheinandergemischt sind, sondern Wasser und Luft sich voneinander scheiden. Die Folge davon ist, daß der Menschenleib - physischer und ätherischer Leib - wiederum etwas dichter wird, daß er, weil ja jetzt die Luft sich abgeschieden hat vom Wasser, selbst luftartig ist und in sich aufnimmt das Feuerelement, so daß dasjenige, was früher wasserartig war, jetzt luftförmig wird. Die physisch-ätherische Menschenanlage besteht jetzt aus Luft, die von Feuer durchströmt wird; astralischer Leib und Ich umgeben sie, und das alles bewegt sich in dem, was noch vom Wasser übrig geblieben ist, abwechselnd in Wasser und Luft hin und her (siehe Zeichnung I).
[ 13 ] Also wir haben den Menschen so vor uns, daß das, was heute beim schlafenden Menschen im Bette liegt, in einer solchen Anlage vorhanden ist, die selbst bis zur Luftdichte geraten und von Feuer durchglüht ist. Zu jedem solchen Feuermenschen gehört ein Astralleib und Ich. Die sind aber durchaus eingebettet in den Schoß der Gottheit, das heißt, sie fühlen sich auch noch nicht als ein besonderes Ich.

[ 14 ] Sie müssen über solche Sachen tief nachdenken. Denn es unterscheiden sich diese Zustände so sehr von dem heutigen Erdenzustand, daß sie den Menschen schockieren und wie unbegreiflich erscheinen. - Nun werden Sie fragen: Was ist denn das Feuer, das da hineingezeichnet ist in die Luft? Dieses Feuer, das der Mensch damals schon hatte, lebt heute noch in Ihnen. Das ist das Feuer, das Ihr Blut durchpulst, ist die Blutwärme. Und auch die Reste der alten Luft leben noch in Ihrem Organismus. Wenn Sie einatmen und ausatmen, dann haben Sie in Ihrem sonst festen Leibe Luft, die aus- und einströmt. Denken Sie sich, Sie atmen ganz tief ein; dann wird diese Luft aufgenommen in Ihr Blut; dadurch ist das warme Luft. Jetzt denken Sie sich diese Luft durch den ganzen Körper dringend, überall dringt sie hinein. Denken Sie sich jetzt aber alles Feste und Flüssige fort, und denken Sie sich nur die Gestalt, die da bleibt: ein Mensch, der eben eingeatmet hat, das heißt den Sauerstoff bis in die äußersten Körperteile getrieben hat. Es bleibt Ihnen dann übrig eine Gestalt, die dem Menschen sehr ähnlich ist, die aber aus Luft besteht. Die Luft, die den Menschen durchströmt, nimmt ganz die Formen des Leibes an. Eine Art Schattenleib bleibt Ihnen übrig, bestehend aus Luft, mit Wärme durchzogen. Damals hatten Sie nicht diese Gestalt, aber ein solcher Mensch waren Sie: physischer und Ätherleib waren eingehüllt von dem mit dem Ich ausgestatteten Astralleibe. Dieser Zustand dauerte bis hinein in die atlantische Zeit. Derjenige, der sich der Illusion hingibt, daß in den ersten Zeiten der Atlantis die Menschen schon so wie heute umhergewandelt seien, der irrt sich. Die Menschen sind erst heruntergestiegen aus den Luftregionen in die dichtere materielle Region. Dazumai waren höchstens Tiere auf der Erde, die nicht warten konnten mit der Verkörperung im Physischen und die daher stehen geblieben sind, da die Erde noch nicht reif war, das Material für die Menschen herzugeben. Daher sind die Tiere auf niederen Formen stehen geblieben, weil sie nicht warten konnten mit dem Heruntersteigen.
[ 15 ] Das nächste war, daß der Mensch seinem physischen Leibe nach sich gliederte in Luft und Wärme und flüssige Bestandteile, das heißt aber im okkulten Sinne: er wurde ein Wassermensch. Sie könnten nun sagen: Der Mensch war doch früher auch schon ein Wassermensch. Da würden Sie aber nicht ganz richtig sprechen. Früher war die Erde eine Wasserkugel, und darin waren - nur geistig - Astralleib und Ich; die schwammen im Wasser als geistige Wesenheiten; sie waren nicht abgesonderte Wesenheiten. Jetzt sind wir erst auf dem Punkt, wo Sie den physischen Menschenleib finden würden in dem Wasser enthalten, sozusagen quallenförmig darin. Sie könnten in diesem Urmeer schwimmen und würden darin finden aus dem Wasser heraus verdichtete Gestalten, durch die Sie hindurchschauen könnten. So waren sie zuerst, diese Menschen: sie haben erst einen Wasserleib, und indem sie den Wasserleib haben, ist noch immer ihr astralischer Leib und ihr Ich sehr eingebettet in die göttlich-geistigen Wesenheiten.
[ 16 ] Dazumal, als der Mensch diesen Wasserleib hatte, war die Verteilung seiner Bewußtseinszustände eine ganz andere, als sie später geworden ist. So wie heute war die Verteilung von bewußtloser Nacht und bewußtem Tage nicht, sondern dazumal, als der Mensch noch eingebettet war in die göttlich-geistigen Wesenheiten, hatte er in der Nacht ein dämmerhaftes, astralisches Bewußtsein. Wenn er bei Tag untertauchte in seinen flüssigen physischen Leib, da wurde es für ihn Nacht; und wenn er wieder heraus war aus seinem physischen Leibe, da ging ihm das blendende astralische Licht auf. Wenn er untertauchte des Morgens in den physischen Leib, da wurde es dämmerig und trübe, da fing eine Art von Bewußtlosigkeit an. Immer mehr aber bildeten sich in seinem physischen Leibe die heutigen physischen Organe aus. Damit lernte der Mensch nach und nach sehen. Das Tagesbewußtsein wurde immer heller, und dadurch schnürte er sich ab von dem göttlichen Schoße. Und erst gegen die Mitte der atlantischen Zeit ist der Mensch so weit verdichtet, daß er Fleisch und Bein wird, nachdem sich zuerst die Knorpel verdichtet haben, die Knochen nach und nach herauskommen. Und damit wird außen die Erde auch immer fester, und der Mensch steigt herunter auf den Erdboden. Damit verschwindet immer mehr das Bewußtsein, das er gehabt hatte in den göttlich-geistigen Welten; er wird immer mehr ein Beobachter der äußeren Welt und bereitet sich vor, ein eigentlicher Erdenbürger zu werden. Im letzten Drittel der atlantischen Zeit wird dann die Menschengestalt immer ähnlicher der heutigen.
[ 17 ] So steigt der Mensch buchstäblich, wörtlich aus Sphären herunter, die wir bezeichnen müssen als Wasser- und Wasserdampfsphären, Wasser- und Luftsphären usw. Solange er in den Wasser-Luft-Sphären war, war sein Bewußtsein eine astralisch-helle Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit, weil er, so oft er heraus war aus dem physischen Leibe, oben bei den Göttern war, aber durch das Dichtwerden des physischen Körpers schnürte er sich sozusagen von der göttlichen Substanz ab. Wie etwas, was eine Schale bekommt, so schnürte sich der Mensch langsam heraus aus dem früheren Zusammenhange, als er aufhörte, wasser- und luftförmig zu sein. Solange er wässerig und luftförmig war, war er oben bei den Göttern. Er hat zwar nicht sein Ich entwickeln können, aber hatte sich noch nicht losgelöst von dem göttlichen Bewußtsein. Indem er herunterstieg in das Physische, verdunkelte sich sein astralisches Bewußtsein immer mehr.
[ 18 ] Wenn wir den Sinn dieser Entwickelung charakterisieren wollen, können wir sagen: Ehemals, als der Mensch noch bei den Göttern war, war der physische Leib und Ätherleib wässerig und luftförmig, und nach und nach hat er sich erst mit der Verdichtung der Erde verdichtet zu seiner heutigen Materialität. Das ist der Abstieg. Ebenso wie der Mensch heruntergestiegen ist, wird er auch wieder hinaufsteigen. Nachdem er das hier erfahren hat, was er in der festen Materie erfahren kann, wird er wieder hinaufsteigen in die Regionen, wo sein physischer Leib wässerig und luftförmig ist. Dieses Bewußtsein muß der Mensch in sich tragen, daß, wenn er sich wiederum verbinden will in seinem Bewußtsein mit den Göttern, sein wahres Sein in den Regionen sein wird, aus denen er entstammt. Herausverdichtet ist der Mensch aus Wasser und Luft; hineinverdünnen wird er sich wiederum. Geistig nur kann er sich diesen Zustand heute vorausnehmen, indem er sich innerlich das Bewußtsein von dem verschafft, was er später körperlich sein wird. Aber nur dadurch empfangen die Menschen die Kraft dazu, daß sie das bewußt heute aufnehmen. Wenn der Mensch sich dieses Bewußtsein erwirbt, wird er sein Erdenziel, seine Erdenmission erreichen. Was heißt denn das? Das heißt, der Mensch ist einstmals nicht geboren worden aus Fleisch und Erde, sondern aus Luft und Wasser. Und er muß später im Geiste wirklich wiedergeboren werden aus Luft und Wasser. — Der Sprachgebrauch der Zeiten, als die Evangelien entstanden sind, den wir auch studieren müssen, ist so, daß man «Wasser» auch Wasser genannt hat; aber «Pneuma», was heute als «Geist» gebraucht wird, war «Luft»; das Wort hatte dazumal durchaus eine solche Bedeutung. Man muß das Wort «Pneuma » übersetzen mit «Luft» oder mit «Dampf»; sonst ruft man ein Mißverständnis hervor. Man muß daher diesen Satz des Nikodemusgespräches so sagen:
«Amen, Amen, ich sage dir: Es sei denn, daß jemand geboren werde aus Wasser und Luft, sonst kann er nicht in die Reiche der Himmel kommen.» (3, 5) |
[ 19 ] So weist der Christus auf den Zukunftszustand hin, in den der Mensch sich hineinentwickeln soll, und so haben wir in dieser Unterredung ein tiefes Geheimnis unserer Entwickelung vor uns. Wir müssen nur die Worte richtig verstehen und sie anwenden durch das, was uns die Anthroposophie geben kann. In der trivialen Sprache ist noch etwas davon übriggeblieben, indem man leichtflüchtige Substanzen «Geister» nennt. Aber ursprünglich heißt das Wort «Pneuma»: Luft. - Sie sehen also, daß es sich recht sehr darum handelt, daß man die Worte in ganz genauem, exaktem Sinne auffaßt und auf die Goldwaage legt. Dann aber geht gerade aus dem buchstäblichen Sinne die wunderbarste geistige Bedeutung hervor.
[ 20 ] Nun versuchen wir noch eine kleine Weile unseren geistigen Blick auf eine andere Tatsache der Evolution zu richten.
[ 21 ] Blicken wir noch einmal weit zurück bis dahin, wo der menschliche Astralleib mit dem Ich eingesenkt waren in den Schoß des all‘gemein Göttlich-Astralischen. Die Herausentwickelung geschah ja so -— wenn Sie diesen Gang der Entwickelung verfolgen -, daß wir sie uns schematisch beschreiben können. Da war ursprünglich Ihr ganzes Astralisches eingebettet in das allgemeine Astralische, und durch die Vorgänge, die wir eben geschildert haben, bildeten sich das Physische und Ätherische wie Schalen herum. Dadurch wurden die einzelnen Menschen als abgesonderte Partien aus dem allgemein Astralischen herausgeschnürt, wie wenn Sie eine flüssige Substanz vor sich haben, und Sie schöpfen Teile heraus. Parallel ging mit dieser Bildung des physischen Leibes die Abschnürung des einzelnen menschlichen Bewußtseins vom göttlichen Bewußtsein. So daß wir, je weiter wir vorwärtsschreiten, sagen können: Wir sehen, wie - in die Schale des physischen Leibes eingeschlossen - die einzelnen individuellen Menschen sich herausbilden als Partien, die sich absondern aus der allgemeinen Astralität. Freilich muß der Mensch dieses Selbständigwerden dadurch bezahlen, daß sein astralisches Bewußtsein verdunkelt wird; dafür schaut er aus der Schale seines physischen Leibes hinaus und sieht den physischen Plan. Aber das alte hellscherische Bewußtsein geht ihm nach und nach verloren.
[ 22 ] So sehen wir das entstehen, was des Menschen Inneres ist, selbständiges individuelles Menscheninneres, was Ich-Träger ist. Wenn Sie heute den schlafenden Menschen betrachten, haben Sie in dem physischen Leibe und Ätherleibe, die im Bette zurückbleiben, dasjenige, was aus diesen Schalen, die sich da gebildet hatten im Laufe der Zeit, durch die Verdichtung entstanden ist. Was sich früher abgesondert hat aus dem allgemein Astralischen, kehrt jede Nacht zurück, um sich zu stärken in der allgemeinen göttlichen Substanz. Es geht natürlich nicht so weit darin auf, als es dazumal darin aufgegangen war, sonst wäre es ja hellseherisch. Es bewahrt sich seine Selbständigkeit. Diese selbständige Individualität ist also etwas, was im Laufe der Erdentwickelung entstanden ist.
[ 23 ] Wem verdankt denn dieses selbständige, individuelle Menscheninnere, welches außerhalb des physischen Leibes und Ätherleibes Stärkung sucht, sein Dasein? Es verdankt sein Dasein dem physischen Leibe und dem Ätherleibe des Menschen, der sich nach und _ nach im Laufe der Erdenentwickelung gebildet hat. Er hat das herausgeboren, was bei Tag untertaucht in die physischen Sinne und hinaussieht in die physische Welt, was aber bei Nacht in einen bewußtseinslosen Zustand untersinkt, weil es sich herausgelöst hat aus dem Zustande, in dem es früher war. Der okkulte Sprachgebrauch nennt das, was heute im Bette liegt, den eigentlichen Erdenmenschen. Das war der «Mensch». Und das, in dem das Ich drinnen steckt Tag und Nacht, was aber herausgeboren ist aus dem physischen und Ätherleib, nannte man das «Menschenkind» oder den «Menschensohn». Menschensohn ist Ich und astralischer Leib, wie sie herausgeboren sind im Laufe der Erdenevolution aus dem physischen und Ätherleibe. Dafür ist der technische Ausdruck « Menschensohn ». Wozu ist der Christus Jesus auf die Erde gekommen? Was sollte durch seinen Impuls der Erde mitgeteilt werden?
[ 24 ] Dieser «Menschensohn », der sich losgeschnürt hat aus dem Schoße der Gottheit, der sich losgelöst hat aus dem Zusammenhange, worin er früher war, aber dafür sich das physische Bewußtsein erobert hat, er soll durch die Kraft des Christus, der auf der Erde erschienen ist, wiederum zum Bewußtsein der Geistigkeit kommen. Er soll nicht nur sehen mit physischen Sinnen in der physischen Umgebung, sondern es soll ihm aufleuchten durch die Kraft seiner eigenen inneren Wesenheit, die ihm jetzt unbewußt ist, das Bewußtsein des göttlichen Daseins. Durch die Kraft des Christus, der auf die Erde gekommen ist, soll der Menschensohn wiederum zum Göttlichen erhöht werden. Vorher konnten nur einzelne Auserlesene auf die Art der alten Mysterien-Einweihung hineinschauen in die göttlich-geistige Welt. Für solche hatte man in alten Zeiten einen technischen Ausdruck. Die hineinschauen durften in die göttlich-geistige Welt und Zeugen werden konnten für sie, nannte man die «Schlangen ». « Schlangen » sind diejenigen Menschen in alten Zeiten, die auf diese Weise in den Mysterien eingeweiht wurden. Diese «Schlangen » waren die Vorläufer der Tat des Christus Jesus. Moses zeigte seine Sendung dadurch, daß er vor seinem Volke das Symbolum aufrichtete der Erhöhung derjenigen, die hineinschauen konnten in die geistigen Welten: die Schlange erhöhte er (4. Mose 21, 8-9). Was diese Einzelnen waren, das sollte durch die Kraft des Christus auf der Erde ein jeglicher Menschensohn werden. Das drückt der Christus aus im weiteren Verfolg des Nikodemusgespräches, indem er sagt:
«Wie einstmals durch Moses die Schlange ist erhöht worden, so soll der Menschensohn erhöht werden!» (3, 14)
[ 25 ] Durchaus bedient sich der Christus Jesus der technischen Ausdrücke der damaligen Zeit. Man muß nur den Buchstabensinn seiner Worte erst erforschen; dann versteht man den wirklichen Sinn, der sich auch deckt mit der anthroposophischen Lehre. Daher konnte in alten Zeiten auch nur eine Vorherverkündigung jener «Ich-bin »-Lehre Platz greifen. Nur auf die äußere Autorität der Eingeweihten hin konnten die Völker etwas hören von der Kraft des Ich-bin, die in jedem Menschensohn angefacht werden sollte. Aber auch darüber werden wir genügend unterrichtet.
[ 26 ] Wir haben gesehen, was das «Ich-bin» in dem Johannes-Evangelium bedeutet. Ist auch dieses «Ich-bin» dem Menschen nach und nach beigebracht worden? Ist es nach und nach angekündigt worden? Wird wirklich im Alten Testamente prophetisch hingewiesen und vorbereitet auf das, was durch das Herabkommen des verkörperten Ich-bin dem Menschen als Impuls gebracht wird?
[ 27 ] Erinnern wir uns, daß alles, was im Laufe der Zeit geschieht, langsam und allmählich vorbereitet wird. Was durch den Christus Jesus gebracht wird, mußte — wie im Mutterschoße das Kind - langsam heranreifen in den alten Mysterien, in den Bekennern des Alten Testamentes. Und das, was da vorbereitet wurde in den Bekennern des Alten Testamentes, im alten jüdischen Volk, das reifte wiederum heran bei den alten Ägyptern. Und die Ägypter hatten tiefe Eingeweihte, die da wußten, was da kommen sollte auf Erden. Wir werden hören, wie bei den Ägyptern, die die dritte Unterrasse der nachatlantischen Rasse waren, sich nach und nach der volle Impuls des Ich-bin ausbildete, wie sie gleichsam den Mutterschoß, das äußere Gefüge zu dem Ich-bin hergaben, aber nicht so weit kamen, daß aus ihnen heraus das Christus-Prinzip geboren werden konnte; wie dann endlich aus ihnen sich loslöste das alte hebräische Volk. Es wird uns dargestellt, wie Moses innerhalb der Ägypter ausersehen wird, der Vorherverkünder des Gottes zu sein, der das verkörperte «Ich-bin » ist. Er sollte es denen, die etwas davon verstehen konnten, vorher verkünden. Er sollte verkünden, daß der Spruch «Ich und der Vater Abraham sind eins» ersetzt wird durch den anderen: «Ich und der Vater sind eins!», das heißt: Ich und der geistige Urgrund der Welt sind unmittelbar eins. In ihrer Mehrzahl sah die Bekennerschaft des Alten Testamentes auf die Gruppenseele des Volkes hin, und der einzelne fühlte sich wie in einem Göttlichen geborgen in dieser Gruppenseele. Aber vorherverkündet wurde durch Moses, als einen im alten Sinne Eingeweihten, daß der Christus kommen werde, mit anderen Worten, daß es ein Gottesprinzip gibt, das höher ist als das durch die Generationen hinunterrinnende Blutsprinzip. Zwar wirkt der Gott im Blute seit Abraham, aber das ist nur die äußere Offenbarung des geistigen Vaters, dieser Blutsvater.
«Moses sprach zu Gott: Wer bin ich, daß ich zu Pharao gehe, und führe die Kinder Israels aus Ägypten?
Er sprach: Ich will mit dir sein. Und das soll das Zeichen sein, daß ich dich gesandt habe: Wenn du mein Volk aus Ägypten geführt hast, werdet ihr Gott opfern auf diesem Berge.
Moses sprach zu Gott: Siehe, wenn ich zu den Kindern Israels komme und spreche zu ihnen: Der Gott eurer Väter hat mich zu euch gesandt! und sie mir sagen: Wie heißt sein Name? Was soll ich ihnen sagen?» (2.Mose 3, 11-13)
[ 28 ] Er soll prophetisch einen höheren Gott verkünden, der in dem Gott des Vaters Abraham drinnen steckt, aber gleichsam wie ein höheres Prinzip. Wie heißt sein Name?
«Gott sprach zu Moses: Ich bin der «Ich-bin» !» (2. Mose 3, 14)
[ 29 ] Da ist vorausverkündet die tiefe Wahrheit des Wortes, die später verkörpert in dem Christus Jesus erscheint.
«Und sprach: Also sollst du zu den Kindern Israels sagen: Der «Ich-bin» hat es mich gelehrt.» (2. Mose 3, 14)
[ 30 ] So steht es wörtlich da. Das heißt mit anderen Worten: Der «Name», derjenige Name, der zugrunde liegt dem Blutsnamen, ist das «Ich-bin»; und der erscheint verkörpert in dem Christus des JohannesEvangeliums.
«Und Gott sprach weiter zu Moses: Also sollst du zu den Kindern Israels sagen: Der Herr, eurer Väter Gott, der Gott Abrahams, der Gott Isaaks, der Gott Jakobs hat mich zu euch gesandt.» (2. Mose 3, 15)
[ 31 ] Also, was ihr bisher nur äußerlich gesehen habt, was durch das Blut rann, das ist in seinem tieferen Sinne der «Ich-bin».
[ 32 ] So kündigt sich an, was durch den Christus Jesus eintritt in die Welt. Wir hören den Namen des Logos, wir hören ihn rufen damals zu Moses: «Ich bin der ‹Ich-bin›!» Da ruft der Logos seinen Namen, da ruft er dasjenige, was man durch den Verstand, durch den Intellekt zunächst von ihm begreifen kann. Was da gerufen wird, das erscheint im Fleische als der verkörperte Logos in dem Christus Jesus.
[ 33 ] Nun schauen wir uns das äußere Zeichen an, durch das auf die Israeliten herunterrinnt der Logos, soweit sie ihn rein begrifflich, in Gedanken erfassen können. Dieses äußere Zeichen ist das « Manna » der Wüste. Manna ist in Wahrheit — diejenigen, welche die Geheimwissenschaft kennen, wissen das — dasselbe Wort wie Manas, das Geistselbst. So strömt in diejenige Menschheit, die nach und nach sich errungen hat das Ich-Bewußtsein, der erste Anflug von dem Geistselbst ein. Das aber, was im Manas selbst lebt und kommt, darf sich noch anders benennen. Es ist nicht bloß das, was man wissen kann, sondern eine Kraft, die man selbst aufnehmen kann. Als der Logos bloß seinen Namen ruft, da muß man ihn verstehen, ihn fassen mit der Vernunft. Als der Logos Fleisch wird und innerhalb der Menschheit erscheint, da ist er ein Kraftimpuls, der unter die Menschen gebracht wird, der nicht nur als Lehre und Begriff lebt, sondern der in der Welt als ein Kraftimpuls enthalten ist, an dem der Mensch teilnehmen kann. Da nennt er sich aber nicht mehr «Manna», sondern das «Brot des Lebens» (6, 48), das ist der technische Ausdruck für Buddhi oder Lebensgeist.
[ 34 ] Das durch den Geist verwandelte Wasser, das der Samariterin im Symbolum gereicht wird, und das Brot des Lebens sind die erste Verkündigung des Einfließens der Buddhi oder des Lebensgeistes in den Menschen. An diese Auseinandersetzung werden wir morgen anknüpfen.
Sixth Lecture
[ 1 ] It has already been pointed out in these lectures that in the conversation of Christ Jesus with Nicodemus we have to see the conversation of the Christ with a personality who is able to perceive that which one perceives outside of the physical body through higher organs of perception that have been developed to a certain degree. This is clearly indicated in the Gospel for those who understand such things, in that we are told: Nicodemus came to Christ Jesus “by night,” that is, in a state of consciousness in which man does not use his external sense organs. We do not want to get involved in trivial explanations that have been given by these or those people about this “by night.” Now you know that this conversation is about the fact that there is a rebirth of man - “out of water and spirit”. These are very important words that the Christ speaks to Nicodemus about rebirth in the 3rd chapter, verses 4 and 5:
“Nicodemus said to him, How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?”
Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
[ 2 ] We have already said that these words must be weighed with a gold scale, and it must be firmly held that on the one hand the words of such a religious document must be taken literally, but on the other hand, we must first find and know this literal sense. The sentence is often quoted: “The letter kills, but the spirit gives life” (2 Cor. 3:6). Those who quote this sentence often apply it in a strange way. They regard this sentence as a license to read their own fancy, which they call the “spirit of the matter,” out of these words, and then say to someone who takes the trouble to know the letter first before getting to the spirit: “Oh, what do we care about the letter? The letter kills, but the spirit gives life!” — Whoever talks like that is on about the same level as a person who would say: The spirit is what is actually alive, the body is dead; so let's smash the body, then the spirit will come to life! — Those who talk like this do not know that the mind is formed in stages, that man must use the organs of his physical body to absorb what he experiences in the physical world and then carry it up into the mind. First we must know the letter; then we can also kill the letter, as the human body falls away from the human spirit when the human spirit has taken everything out of the body.
[ 3 ] There is something extraordinarily profound in this chapter of the Gospel of John. We can only penetrate the meaning of this chapter if we trace back the evolution of man even further than we have already done for the purposes we have had in mind in our study of the Gospel of John. Today we have to trace man back to much earlier periods of the evolution of the earth.
[ 4 ] In order to spare you too much shock at the beginning, I would like to take you back to the ancient Atlantean times first.
[ 5 ] We have already pointed out that our human ancestors lived in the west, in a region that no longer exists today but forms the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, before the great upheaval on our earth, which is preserved in the flood legends. This continent, which we call ancient Atlantis, was home to our ancestors. If we explore the last times of this Atlantean period of human history, we find, however, that at least in these very distant times, man was not at all dissimilar from his present form. But if we go back to the first times of this Atlantis, we would find a human form that is quite different from the present one. Now we can go back even further.
[ 6 ] Before the Atlantean era, man lived in a country that is called Lemuria in today's parlance. It also perished due to powerful upheavals on our earth. It was situated approximately at the point that today lies between southern Asia, Africa and Australia. If we examine the human forms that lived in Lemuria, as far as they present themselves to the clairvoyant gaze, they are very different from present-day humans, and it is not necessary for me to describe these Lemurian human forms and those of the first Atlantic period to you in detail. Even if you are already familiar with some descriptions in spiritual science, the fundamentally different shape of these ancient Lemurian people from today's would seem quite unlikely to you. But in a certain respect, we have to describe them, even if only very superficially, if we want to understand what has happened to man in the course of the evolution of the earth.
[ 7 ] Suppose – which is not really possible, but let us suppose for the sake of understanding – you could use your present senses, which you naturally did not have at that time, to see into the last Lemurian and first Atlantean periods of humanity and observe the earth's surface in its various parts. If you were to expect that a human being on earth could be found for such sensory perception, you would be mistaken. Man did not yet exist in such a form that you could have seen him with today's senses. You would, however, be able to see that certain areas of our Earth's surface were already jutting out somewhat like islands from the Earth, which was still liquid and either surrounded by seawater or shrouded in steam. But those areas that protrude as island areas were not yet solid lands like our present-day mainland, but soft masses of earth, between which the forces of fire played, so that such island areas are continually being pushed up and then submerged again by the volcanic forces of that time. In short, there is still an element active in fire in the earth, everything is still alive, changing. You would find that in certain areas that are already there, that have already cooled to such an extent, the forerunners of our present-day animal world live. You could see something of them here and there: grotesque figures you would find, forerunners of our reptiles and amphibians. But you would not be able to see anything of man, because man in those days did not have such a dense, firm physical body. You would have to look for man somewhere else, so to speak, in the water masses and vapor masses, as if you were swimming out into the sea today and could hardly see certain lower animals except as a soft, slimy mass. You would find the human physical body of that time embedded in the water vapor. The further back you go, the thinner and more similar to its vaporous, watery environment is the human being of this epoch. It is only during the Atlantean period that it becomes more and more dense; and if one could follow the whole development with eyes, one could see how this human being condenses out of the water and comes down more and more to the ground. So it is indeed correct that the physical human being came relatively late to the earth's surface. He descended from the watery airspace, crystallized out of the watery airspace bit by bit. Thus we have gained a rough idea of the fact that there can be a human being who, so to speak, does not yet differ at all from his surroundings, who consists of the same element in which he lives. If we go back very far in the evolution of the earth, we find that this human body becomes thinner and thinner.
[ 8 ] Let us now go back to the beginning of our present-day Earth planet. We know that our Earth emerged from the old Moon. We have called the old Moon the 'Cosmos of Wisdom'. At a certain stage of its development, this old Moon did not have what we call Earth, solid Earth, today; for we must be quite clear about the fact that on the planet's previous embodiment, the physical conditions were quite different. If we go back to the ancient state of Saturn, we must not imagine that it looked like our Earth today, that there were rocks there that you could have stepped on, trees that you could have climbed. None of that existed at all. If you had approached old Saturn from deep space when it was in the middle of its development, you would not have seen any particular celestial body floating there. Instead, you would have sensed something strange, namely that you had entered a region where you would have felt something like crawling into an oven. The only reality of Saturn was that it had a different temperature than its surroundings. It could not have been perceived by anything else.
[ 9 ] Occultism does not distinguish three states of matter as does present-day trivial physics, but it does distinguish even more such states. The physicist says: At present there are solid, liquid and gaseous bodies. But Saturn was not even gaseous. The gaseous state is much denser than the most solid state of Saturn. In occultism, we also distinguish the state of warmth, which is not a mere state of motion of matter, but a fourth substantial state. This Saturn consisted only of warmth; and when we move from Saturn to the Sun, we also experience a condensation of this old fiery planet. The Sun is the first embodiment of our planet that is gaseous. The sun is the first embodiment of our planet that is gaseous or air-like. The moon then becomes more condensed. It is a liquid body that only assumes a denser state later, when the sun leaves it; but the actual middle state, when it is still united with the sun, is the liquid state. But what we call the present-day mineral earth, what are minerals, rock masses, what is topsoil, that was not yet present on the old moon. That comes only on our earth, crystallizes out there.
[ 10 ] When the Earth begins its evolution, it must repeat all the earlier different states once again. At each new stage of development, every body and every being in the cosmos repeats the earlier states, so that our Earth quickly passes through the states of Saturn, the Sun and the Moon. When it passes through the lunar state, it consists of water mixed with water vapor, not water as we know it today, but watery, that is, liquid substantiality; it reaches the liquid state as its densest state. This watery sphere floating in space is not water as it is today, but water mixed with water vapor, a mixture of gaseous and liquid, and man is already present in it. Because no solid substances have yet settled, man can be present in this watery sphere. In this sphere, the modern human being has an ego and an astral body. However, this ego and this astral body do not yet feel like a separate entity, but rather as embedded in the bosom of divine spiritual entities; they do not yet feel detached from an entity whose body is the watery, vaporous earth. Now, in these astral bodies, which are endowed with the ego, inclusions are forming, very thin, fine human predispositions. This is shown in the first figure.

[ 11 ] What is shown above represents the astral bodies and Iches, which are embedded in the watery terrestrial globe and are invisible to external observation. These bring forth the first formation of the physical human body, which is present with the etheric body in a very, very thin state. This is structured out of it. If you were to follow this clairvoyantly, you would see the first formation of the physical and etheric bodies as surrounded by the astral body and I, as shown in the first figure. What remains of you in bed when you sleep, your physical body and etheric body, takes shape in its first form in this earthly state as the first human germ, still completely enveloped by the astral body and I. The watery vapor mass condenses there. The astral body with the I give rise to the first human disposition being integrated everywhere in this original watery earth. We cannot follow the course of animals and plants any further.
[ 12 ] The next thing that forms is that the water condenses and that in a certain respect air and water show up, so that steam and water are no longer mixed together, but water and air separate from each other. The consequence of this is that the human body – physical and etheric body – becomes somewhat denser again, and because the air has now separated from the water, it is itself air-like and absorbs the fire element, so that what used to be water-like now becomes air-shaped. The physical-etheric human constitution now consists of air, through which fire flows; the astral body and the I surround it, and all this moves back and forth in what is left of the water, alternately in water and air (see diagram I).
[ 13 ] Thus we have the human being before us in such a way that what lies in bed with the sleeping human being today is present in such an arrangement that it itself reaches the density of air and is glowing with fire. To each such fire-human being belongs an astral body and I. But they are completely embedded in the bosom of the Godhead, that is, they do not yet feel themselves as a special I.

[ 14 ] They have to think deeply about such things. For these conditions are so very different from the present state of the earth that they shock people and seem incomprehensible. - Now you will ask: What then is the fire that is drawn into the air? This fire, which man already had then, still lives in you today. That is the fire that pulses through your blood, the warmth of your blood. And the remnants of the old air also still live in your organism. When you breathe in and out, you have air flowing in and out of your otherwise solid body. Imagine taking a deep breath; then this air is absorbed into your blood; that is why it is warm air. Now imagine this air rushing through the whole body, penetrating everywhere. Now imagine all solids and liquids removed, and imagine only the form that remains: a person who has just inhaled, that is, who has driven oxygen into the outermost parts of the body. What remains is a form that is very similar to the human being, but which consists of air. The air that flows through the human being takes on the exact shape of the body. What remains is a kind of shadow body, consisting of air permeated with warmth. At that time you did not have this form, but you were such a human being: the physical and etheric bodies were enveloped by the astral body endowed with the I. This state lasted well into the Atlantean period. Anyone who entertains the illusion that in the early days of Atlantis, people already walked around as they do today is mistaken. People only descended from the air regions into the denser material region. At that time, only animals that could not wait to be embodied in the physical and that had therefore remained standing because the earth was not yet ripe to give the material for humans were present on earth. Therefore, the animals remained in lower forms because they could not wait to descend.
[ 15 ] The next step was that man's physical body was divided into air and warmth and liquid components, but in the occult sense this means that he became a water-person. You might say that man was already a water-person in the past. But that would not be entirely correct. In the beginning the Earth was a ball of water, and in it were the astral body and the ego, only in a spiritual form. They floated in the water as spiritual beings; they were not separate entities. Now we have arrived at the point where you would find the physical human body contained in the water, so to speak, in the form of a jellyfish. They could swim in this primeval ocean and would find in it denser forms emerging from the water, through which you could see. That is how they were at first, these human beings: they first had a water body, and while they had the water body, their astral body and their I were still very much embedded in the divine spiritual beings.
[ 16 ] In the past, when man had this water body, the distribution of his states of consciousness was quite different from what it later became. The distribution of unconscious night and conscious day was not the same as it is today. In the past, when man was still embedded in the divine spiritual beings, he had a dim astral consciousness at night. When he immersed himself in his liquid physical body during the day, it was night for him; and when he emerged from his physical body, the blinding astral light dawned on him. When he immersed himself in the physical body in the morning, it became dim and cloudy, a kind of unconsciousness began. But more and more, the present-day physical organs developed in his physical body. With that, man gradually learned to see. The day-consciousness became ever brighter, and through this he cut himself off from the divine bosom. And only towards the middle of the Atlantean period did man become so densely condensed that he became flesh and bone, after the cartilages had first become denser and the bones gradually emerged. And with that, the earth becomes more and more solid on the outside, and man descends to the ground. With that, the consciousness that he had had in the divine-spiritual worlds disappears more and more; he becomes more and more an observer of the outer world and prepares himself to become an actual citizen of the earth. In the last third of the Atlantean period, the human form becomes more and more similar to today.
[ 17 ] Thus man literally descends from spheres that we have to describe as water and water vapor spheres, water and air spheres, etc. As long as he was in the water-air spheres, his consciousness was an astral-light faculty of perception, because, as often as he was out of his physical body, he was with the gods, but by the densification of the physical body he cut himself off, as it were, from the divine substance. Like something that gets a shell, so man slowly untied himself from his former connection when he ceased to be watery and airy. As long as he was watery and airy, he was up with the gods. He could not develop his ego, but he had not yet detached himself from the divine consciousness. By descending into the physical, his astral consciousness darkened more and more.
[ 18 ] If we want to characterize the meaning of this development, we can say: Formerly, when man was still with the gods, the physical body and ether body were watery and airy, and only gradually did it condense with the densification of the earth to its present materiality. That is the descent. Just as man has descended, he will also ascend again. After he has experienced this here, which he can experience in solid matter, he will ascend again into the regions where his physical body is watery and airy. Man must carry this consciousness within himself, that when he wants to connect again in his consciousness with the gods, his true being will be in the regions from which he comes. Man is condensed out of water and air; he will again dilute himself into them. Only spiritually can he anticipate this state today by inwardly acquiring the consciousness of what he will later be in the physical sense. But people will only receive the strength to do this by consciously absorbing this knowledge today. If man acquires this consciousness, he will achieve his goal on earth, his mission on earth. What does that mean? It means that man was not born of flesh and earth, but of air and water. And later on he must really be reborn in spirit out of air and water. — The language of the times when the Gospels were written, which we must also study, is such that 'water' was also called 'water'; but 'pneuma', which is used today as 'spirit', was 'air'; the word had precisely that meaning in those days. The word “pneuma” must be translated as “air” or “breath”; otherwise, it will lead to misunderstanding. We must therefore rephrase this sentence from the Nicodemus dialogue as follows:
“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (3, 5) |
[ 19 ] Thus the Christ points to the future state into which the human being is to develop, and so in this conversation we have before us a deep secret of our development. We just have to understand the words correctly and apply them through what anthroposophy can give us. Some of this has been preserved in trivial language, in that we call volatile substances 'spirits'. But originally the word was 'pneuma': air. So you see that it is very important to understand the words in a very precise and exact sense and to weigh them on a gold scale. But then the most wonderful spiritual meaning emerges precisely from the literal sense.
[ 20 ] Now let us try for a little while to turn our spiritual gaze to another fact of evolution.
[ 21 ] Let us once more gaze far back into the past, to the time when the human astral body with the I was still embedded in the bosom of the universal divine-astral. The process of evolution occurred in such a way – if you follow this process of evolution – that we can describe it schematically. Originally, all your astral being was embedded in the general astral, and through the processes we have just described, the physical and etheric formed around it like shells. In this way, the individual human beings were separated out from the general astral as distinct portions, as if you were dealing with a liquid substance and scooping out parts of it. Parallel to this formation of the physical body was the severing of the individual human consciousness from the divine consciousness. So that the further we progress, the more we can say: we see how, enclosed in the shell of the physical body, the individual human beings develop as portions that separate from the general astrality. Of course, the human being must pay for this process of becoming independent by darkening his astral consciousness; in return, he looks out of the shell of his physical body and sees the physical plane. But the old hellish consciousness is gradually lost to him.
[ 22 ] Thus we see the emergence of what is inside the human being, an independent, individual human interior that is the carrier of the ego. When you look at a sleeping person today, what you see in the physical body and etheric body, which remain in bed, is what has emerged from these shells that had formed over time through condensation. What used to be separated from the general astral returns every night to strengthen itself in the general divine substance. Of course, it does not merge as far into it as it had merged into it at that time, otherwise it would be clairvoyant. It retains its independence. This independent individuality is therefore something that has arisen in the course of the evolution of the earth.
[ 23 ] To what does this independent, individual human inner life, which seeks sustenance outside of the physical body and etheric body, owe its existence? It owes its existence to the physical body and the etheric body of the human being, which has gradually formed over the course of the evolution of the earth. It gives birth to what descends into the physical senses by day and looks out into the physical world, but which sinks into an unconscious state by night because it has detached itself from the state in which it used to be. Occult usage calls what lies in bed today the actual earth man. That was the “human being”. And that in which the I is immersed day and night, but which has been born out of the physical and etheric bodies, was called the “human child” or the “son of man”. The Son of Man is the I and the astral body, as they have been born out of the physical and etheric bodies in the course of earthly evolution. The technical term for this is “Son of Man”. Why did Christ Jesus come to earth? What was to be imparted to earth through his impulse?
[ 24 ] This “Son of Man”, who has broken away from the bosom of the Godhead, who has detached himself from the context in which he was formerly, but has conquered physical consciousness in return, is to come to an awareness of spirituality again through the power of the Christ, who appeared on earth. He should not only see with his physical senses in his physical surroundings, but the consciousness of divine existence should shine through the power of his own inner being, of which he is now unaware. Through the power of the Christ, who came to earth, the Son of Man shall be exalted to the Divine. Before that, only a few selected individuals could glimpse into the divine spiritual world in the way of the old mystery initiations. In ancient times there was a technical term for such people. Those who were allowed to glimpse into the divine spiritual world and could become witnesses for it were called the “serpents”. “Serpents” are those people in ancient times who were initiated into the mysteries in this way. These “serpents” were the forerunners of the deed of Christ Jesus. Moses showed his mission by erecting the symbol of the exaltation of those who could see into the spiritual worlds before his people: he exalted the serpent (Numbers 21:8-9). What these individuals were, that every son of man on earth should become through the power of Christ. This is expressed by the Christ in the further course of the conversation with Nicodemus, when He says:
“As Moses lifted up the serpent, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up!” (3:14)
[ 25 ] In every way, Jesus Christ uses the technical expressions of the time. One must only first explore the literal sense of His words; then one understands the real meaning, which also coincides with the anthroposophical teaching. Therefore, only a prediction of that “I am” teaching could take place in ancient times. Only through the outer authority of the initiates could the nations hear something of the power of the I AM, which was to be kindled in every son of man. But we are also taught enough about this.
[ 26 ] We have seen what the “I am” means in the Gospel of John. Has this “I am” also been taught to man little by little? Was it gradually announced? Do the prophecies of the Old Testament really point to and prepare for what is brought to man as an impulse through the coming of the embodied I AM?
[ 27 ] Let us remember that everything that happens over time is slowly and gradually prepared. What was brought by Christ Jesus had to mature slowly and gradually, like a child in the womb, in the ancient mysteries, in the confessors of the Old Testament. And what was prepared in the confessors of the Old Testament, in the ancient Jewish people, in turn matured in the ancient Egyptians. And the Egyptians had deeply initiated people who knew what was to come on earth. We will hear how the full impulse of the I-am gradually developed among the Egyptians, who were the third sub-race of the post-Atlantic race, how they gave the womb, the outer structure, to the I-am, but did not get so far that the Christ principle could be born out of them; how then finally the ancient Hebrew people broke away from them. We are shown how Moses was chosen within the Egyptians to be the forerunner of the God who is the embodiment of “I am”. He was to proclaim this in advance to those who could understand it. He was to proclaim that the saying, “I and Father Abraham are one,” would be replaced by the other: “I and the Father are one!” That is to say, “I and the spiritual source of the world are directly one.” In the majority of cases, the confession of the Old Testament pointed to the group soul of the people, and the individual felt secure in this group soul as in a divine one. But it was foretold by Moses, as an initiate in the old sense, that the Christ would come, in other words that there is a divine principle that is higher than the blood principle running down through the generations. It is true that the God in the blood has been working since Abraham, but this is only the outer revelation of the spiritual Father, this Blood-Father.
"Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?’
He said, ‘I will be with you.’ And this shall be the sign that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God on this mountain.
Moses said to God: “Behold, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” (Exodus 3:11-13)
[ 28 ] He is to proclaim prophetically a higher God, who is within the God of Abraham's father, but as it were like a higher principle. What is his name?
“God said to Moses: I am that ‘I am’!” (Exodus 3:14)
[ 29 ] This is a prediction of the profound truth of the word, which later appears embodied in Jesus Christ.
«And said: “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: The ‘I AM’ has taught me.”
(Exodus 3:14) |
[ 30 ] That is how it is literally stated. In other words, the “Name”, the one name that underlies the blood name, is the “I am”; and it appears embodied in the Christ of the Gospel of John.
"And God said to Moses: 'Say to the Israelites: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has sent me to you.’ (Exodus 3:15)
[ 31 ] So, what you have seen only on the outside, what ran through the blood, that is in its deeper sense the “I am”.
[ 32 ] This is how what enters the world through Christ Jesus announces itself. We hear the name of the Logos, we hear it calling to Moses at that time: “I am that ‘I am’!” This is the Logos calling its name, this is it calling that which can first be grasped through the mind, through the intellect. What is called there appears in the flesh as the embodied Logos in Christ Jesus.
[ 33 ] Now let us look at the outer sign through which the Logos runs down upon the Israelites, insofar as they can grasp it purely conceptually, in thought. This external sign is the “manna” of the desert. Manna is in reality — those who know the science of the secret know this — the same word as Manas, the spirit-self. Thus the first hint of the spirit-self flows into that part of humanity that has gradually achieved consciousness of the self. But that which lives and comes in the manas itself may call itself by another name. It is not merely that which one can know, but a power that one can take up oneself. When the Logos merely calls its name, one must understand it, grasp it with reason. When the Logos becomes flesh and appears within humanity, he is a force that is brought among people, that lives not only as teaching and concept, but that is contained in the world as a force in which man can participate. But he no longer calls himself “manna,” but the “bread of life” (6:48), which is the technical term for buddhi or spirit of life.
[ 34 ] The water that is given to the Samaritan woman in the Symbolum, transformed by the spirit, and the bread of life are the first proclamation of the inflow of the buddhi or the spirit of life into man. We will continue this discussion tomorrow.