The Gospel of St. John
GA 103
20 May 1908, Hamburg
III. The Mission of the Earth
Yesterday we saw what profound contents are concealed within the first words of the Gospel of St. John and we shall now be able to summarize our observations by saying that the writer of this Gospel pointed to the creation of a pre-humanity in the far distant past and indicated that, according to Esoteric Christianity, everything leads back to the Word or the Logos. The Logos was already a creating power even in the ancient Saturn Period; it then became Life while our Earth was passing through its existence as the Sun, and it became Light while the Earth was passing through the ancient Moon state. Under the influence of divine spiritual forces and powers, in the course of the three planetary states of evolution, the human creature reached the point in his development at which he became penetrated by the human ego, the Earth having now developed into our present planet. Thus we may say that a creature, like a kind of seed, came over to the Earth from the ancient Moon, consisting of a physical body, derived from the divine, primal Word; an ether or life body having its source in divine Life; and an astral body issuing from divine Light. Within this creature's inmost being, during life upon the Earth, the light of the ego itself was now enkindled and this three-fold bodily nature, physical, etheric and astral, became capable of saying to itself “I AM.” Thus, in a certain sense, we may call the Earth evolution, the evolution of the “I AM,” the evolution of the self-consciousness of the human race. This “I AM,” this capacity for full self-consciousness, developed slowly and gradually in the course of the evolution of Earth humanity. We must clearly understand how this evolution of Earth humanity proceeded, how slowly and gradually the ego, that is to say, full self-consciousness, made its appearance within it.
There was a stage of our earthly evolution which we call the ancient Lemurian period. It is the earliest period of our life upon the Earth in which men appeared in the form they, in general, possess today. Then, for the first time, what we may call the incarnation of the ego, the true inner being of man, took place within the three bodies, the astral, ether and physical bodies. After that came the Atlantean period when humanity dwelt for the most part upon the ancient continent of Atlantis, a region forming today the bed of the Atlantic Ocean, and which sank beneath the waters through the great Atlantean flood, remembrance of which has been preserved in the deluge-sagas of nearly all peoples. In harmony with their inner natures, men have passed through successive incarnations during the post-Atlantean period right up to our present day. As has been stated, it was in fact during the Lemurian period that our souls were incarnated for the first time in a three-fold entity, consisting of physical body, ether body and astral body, as we have learned to know them. What preceded this will be left for a later consideration. Thus we must go far back into the past if we wish to consider the course of evolution, for the human being evolved very slowly and gradually to his present condition of existence.
From the standpoint of Spiritual Science what does occultism call our “present existence?” It calls it a state of consciousness which the present day human being possesses from the morning when he awakens until the evening when he falls asleep. During that time, by means of his outer physical senses, he sees the objects about him. From the evening when he falls asleep, until the morning when he awakens, he does not see the objects about him. Why is this so? We know that it is because during the day, under present evolutionary conditions, the real inner human being, namely, the ego and astral body, are within the physical and ether bodies upon the physical plane; in other words, they are in the physical world. Thus the astral body and the ego can make use of the physical organs for hearing and seeing in the physical world, for observing physical things. From the evening when we fall asleep, until the morning when we awaken, the ego and astral body are out of the physical world on the astral plane. There they are detached from the physical eyes and ears and therefore are not able to observe what is about them.
The alternating state of waking by day and sleeping by night developed slowly and gradually. This was not yet the case in the ancient Lemurian period when the human being for the first time passed through a physical incarnation. At that time the ego and astral body were only for a very brief portion of the day within the physical body, by no means as long a period as now. Therefore, because the human being was outside of his physical body for a longer time and entered it only for a brief period in a waking state, life during the Lemurian period was very different from life as we experience it. Our state of unconsciousness during the night, when we are not merely in the act of dreaming, is a state that has developed slowly and gradually. Day and night consciousness were very differently apportioned during the Lemurian period. At that time everyone still possessed a dull clairvoyant consciousness, and during the night, when they were out of the physical body and in the spirit world, they perceived this spirit world around them, although not so clearly as we of the present see the physical objects about us during the day. We should not simply compare this perceiving in the spiritual world with the present dreaming. The present dream-state is only like a last stunted remnant of this ancient clairvoyance. However, the same images were perceived at that time as are perceived today in dreams, but they had a very real meaning. Let us be quite clear about the meaning of these images.
In ancient times, the human being, living a very brief portion of the twenty-four hours in waking-consciousness (a much shorter time than we today), saw the external, physical objects very dimly as though wrapped in a mist. The capacity to see physical objects as we do today developed very slowly. At that time he saw the first indication of a physical body enveloped in a mist just as we can see the lamps surrounded by a mist, by a kind of light-aura, when we walk through the streets on a misty evening. This, however, is only an illusion. But that is the way mankind at first saw physical bodies emerging about him, and when he slept he did not sink into unconsciousness, but during his sleep-consciousness, images emerged, pictures in colour and form. At that time there was around him a world, in comparison with which, the most vivid dream-world of today is only a weak, dim echo. These images signified something psychic and spiritual in his environment. At that time, in the beginning of his earthly course, when during his night wanderings he approached a creature harmful to him, he did not see it as we would now see it—for example, he did not see the lion approaching him as a lion's form—but he saw emerging an image of colour and form and instinctively it told him that here was something harmful to him, something that would devour him, something he must avoid. These were true images of something psycho-spiritual occurring about him. All that belonged to the soul and spirit was seen in the night, and evolution proceeded in such a way that slowly and gradually the human being immersed himself in his physical body for a longer and longer time. Ever shorter grew the night, longer and longer lasted the day, and the more he lived within his physical body, the more the nightly clairvoyant images disappeared and the more did the present waking-consciousness emerge.
However, we must not forget that a truly genuine self-consciousness, such as should be acquired during life upon the earth, can only be attained by submersion in a physical body. Prior to this, the human being did not feel himself as an independent entity, but as a part of divine spiritual beings from whom he was descended. Still possessing a dull clairvoyance, he felt himself a part of a divine spiritual consciousness, part of a divine ego, just as the hand feels itself a part of the physical organism. He could not have said of himself “I AM,” but would have said “God is”—and “I in Him.”
As we shall see more and more, a very special mission was reserved for the Earth, which had, during its evolution, passed through three earlier stages, Saturn, Sun and Moon. Do not imagine that the different planetary life-conditions can be considered as existing alongside of one another, one planet exactly equivalent to the other. Divine creation is not simply a repetition of something already existing. Each planetary existence had a very definite mission. The mission of our Earth is the cultivation of the principle of love to its highest degree by those beings who are evolving upon it. When the Earth has reached the end of its evolution, love should permeate it through and through. Let us understand clearly what is meant by the expression: The Earth is the planetary life-condition for the evolution of love.
In Spiritual Science we say that the ancient Moon preceded the Earth. This ancient Moon, as planetary stage of evolution, had also a mission. It did not yet have the task of developing love, but it was the planet or the cosmos of wisdom. Before it reached our earthly condition, our planet passed through the stage of wisdom. A simple and one might say logical observation will illustrate this to you. Just look about you at all the creatures of nature. If you do not observe them merely with your understanding but with the forces of your heart and soul, then you will find wisdom everywhere stamped upon nature. The wisdom of which we are here speaking, is a kind of spiritual substance lying at the foundation of all things. Observe anything you wish in nature, and you will find it there. Take, for example, a piece of the thigh-bone and you will see that it is not composed of a solid mass, but it is a fine interweaving of supports which are arranged into a marvelous structure. And if we seek to discover the law upon which this bone is constructed, we find that it follows the law which develops the greatest strength with the least expenditure of material in order to be able to support the upper part of the human body. Our engineering art is not yet so far advanced that it can build such a highly artistic structure as the all over-ruling wisdom has fashioned. Mankind will not possess such wisdom until later in its evolution. Divine wisdom pervades the whole of nature; human wisdom will only gradually reach this height. In the course of time human wisdom will inwardly acquire what divine wisdom has secreted within the Earth. Just as wisdom was prepared upon the Moon, that it might be found everywhere on the Earth, so is love now being prepared here in this Earth evolution. If you were able to look back upon the ancient Moon with clairvoyant vision, you would see that wisdom was not to be found everywhere at that time. You would find many things still lacking in wisdom. Only gradually throughout the whole of the Moon evolution was wisdom stamped upon the outer world. When the Moon had fully completed its evolution, everything was then pervaded by a wisdom which was to be found everywhere. Inner wisdom first appeared upon the Earth with the human being, with the ego. This inner human wisdom had to be developed by degrees.
Just as wisdom was evolved upon the Moon, in order that it might now be found in all things, so in like manner is love evolving. Love came into existence first in its lowest, its most sensuous form, during the Lemurian period, but during the course of life upon the earth, it will become ever more and more spiritualized, until at last, when the earth has reached the end of its evolution, the whole of existence will have become pervaded with love, as today it is pervaded with wisdom, and this will be accomplished through the activity of human beings if they but fulfil their task.
The Earth will then pass over to a future planetary condition which is called Jupiter. The beings who will wander about upon Jupiter, just as human beings move about upon the earth, will find love exhaling from all creatures, the love which they themselves, as human beings, will have placed there during their life upon the earth. They will find love in everything just as we today find wisdom everywhere. Then human beings will develop love out of their own inner selves in the same way that they are now little by little evolving wisdom. The great cosmic love that here upon the Earth is beginning its existence will then permeate all things. The materialistic mind does not believe in a cosmic wisdom, only in a human wisdom. If men would consider the course of evolution with unprejudiced minds, they would be able to see that all cosmic wisdom in the beginning of the Earth's evolution was advanced as far as human wisdom will be at the end of it. In those times when names were more accurately chosen than they are today, the subjective wisdom active in the human being was called “intelligence,” in contra-distinction to the objective cosmic wisdom. Men do not notice that what they discover in the course of Earth-life had already been won during life upon the Moon and implanted in the earth by divine-spiritual beings. Let us take an example.
How it is drummed into the heads of the school children, the great progress humanity has made through the discovery of paper! But wasps had already produced paper many thousands of years ago, for what the wasps build into their nests consists of exactly the same substance as that out of which men now produce paper and it is produced by the wasp in exactly the same way—only by means of a life-process. The wasp-spirit, the group-soul of the wasps, which is a part of divine-spiritual substance, was the discoverer of paper long before men made the discovery.
The human being, in fact, always follows along groping his way behind the cosmic wisdom. As a principle, all that men will discover in the course of the Earth's evolution is already present in nature. But what the human being will really give to the Earth is love, a love which will evolve from the most sensuous to the most spiritualized form of love. This is the mission of the Earth-evolution. The Earth is the cosmos of love.
Let us ask:—What then is essential for love? What is essential in order that one person love another? It is this—that he be in possession of his full self-consciousness, that he be wholly independent. No one can love another in the full sense of the word if this love be not a free gift of one person to another. My hand does not love my organism. Only one who is independent, one who is not bound to the other person, can love him. To this end the human being had to become an ego-being. The ego had to be implanted in the threefold human body, so that the Earth might, through mankind, fulfil its mission of love. Therefore, you will understand Esoteric Christianity when it says:—Just as other forces, of which wisdom is the last, streamed down from divine beings during the Moon period, so now love streams into the Earth and the bearer of love can only be the independent ego which develops by degrees in the course of the evolution of the Earth.
The human being, however, had to be very slowly prepared for all this, likewise for his present kind of consciousness. Let us suppose, for instance, that in the ancient Lemurian period, the human being had been immersed in his physical body—he would then at that time have seen the full outer reality, but at such a swift tempo he would not have been able to implant love in the world. He had to be guided little by little to his earthly mission. The first instruction in love was given him during the time of a dawning consciousness, before he possessed full self-consciousness, before he was evolved far enough to observe the objects about him with clear, waking-day consciousness. Thus we see that during those ages when the human being still possessed an ancient, dreamy clairvoyant consciousness, when the soul was for long periods outside the physical body, love was being implanted within him in his dull, not yet self-conscious condition. Let us clearly picture the soul of this human creature of olden times which had not yet reached the height of full self-consciousness.
The human being fell asleep at night, but there existed no abrupt transition from waking to sleeping. Images emerged, vivid dream-pictures, which, however, possessed a living relationship to the spirit world—this means that the human creature familiarized himself with the spirit world during sleep. Into him, into his dull state of consciousness, the Divine Spirit dropped the first seed of all love activity. The power that manifests itself as love in the course of evolution on the Earth streamed at first into mankind during the night. The God who brought the true earthly mission to the Earth revealed Himself first in the night to the dim, ancient clairvoyant consciousness before He could reveal Himself to clear, waking day-consciousness.
Then slowly and gradually the time spent in a dim, clairvoyant state of consciousness became shorter and shorter, the day-consciousness became ever longer, and the boundaries of the aura around the physical objects gradually lessened and disappeared, the objects taking on clearer and clearer outlines. Formerly the sun and moon were seen surrounded by a mighty halo as though lying in a mass of fog. Only slowly did the whole aspect become clear and objects assume distinct outlines. By degrees the human being arrived at this condition. What he then saw externally, while the sun shone upon the earth, revealing to him by means of visible light the whole of earth-life, minerals, plants and animals—all this he experienced as the revelations of the Divine in the outer world.
From the standpoint of Esoteric Christianity, what is it that is visible during waking-day consciousness? In the broadest sense of the word, we may ask:—Of what does the Earth consist? It is a manifestation of divine powers, an outer material manifestation of inner spirituality. If you turn your gaze upward toward the sun or toward what is to be found upon the earth, you will see everywhere a manifestation of Divine-Spirituality. This Divine-Spirituality, in the present form, lying as it does at the foundation of all that appears to clear, waking-day consciousness, in other words, the invisible world behind this entire visible day-world, this is called in Esoteric Christianity, the “Logos” or the “Word.” For just as from the human being speech can finally come forth, be uttered from his own inner being, so too has everything, animal kingdom, plant kingdom, mineral kingdom first come forth into existence from the Logos. Everything is an incarnation of the Logos and just as your soul rules invisibly within your inner being and creates an external body, so too everything in the world of a soul nature creates for itself the external body fitted to it and manifests itself through some sort of physical organism. Where, then, is the physical body of the Logos, of which the Gospel of St. John speaks? It is this we wish today to bring more and more into our consciousness. In its purest form, this external physical body of the Logos appears especially in the outer sunlight. But the sunlight is not merely material light. To spiritual perception, it is just as much the vesture of the Logos, as your outer physical body is the vesture of your soul.
If you were to confront a human being in the same way the greater part of humanity today confronts the sun, you could never learn to know that human being. Your relation to each human individual possessing a feeling, thinking and willing soul would be such that instead of presupposing a psycho-spiritual part within him, you would simply touch a physical body and imagine that it might even be made of papier maché. If, however, you wish to penetrate to the spiritual in the sunlight, you should consider it just as you consider the bodily part of a human being in order to learn to know his inner nature. The sunlight has the same relationship to the Logos as your body has to your soul. In the sunlight something spiritual streams down upon the Earth. If we are able to conceive not only the sun-body, but also the sun-spirit, we find that this spiritual part is the love that streams down upon the Earth. Not alone the physical sunlight awakens the plants into life—they would wither and die if the physical sunlight did not act upon them—but together with the physical sunlight, the warm love of the Godhead streams to earth. Human beings exist in order that they may take into themselves the warm love of the Divine, develop it and return it again to the Divine. But they can only do this by becoming self-conscious ego-beings. Only then will they be able to render back this love.
When men began—at first for a very short time—to live in waking-day consciousness, they could perceive nothing of the light, that light which at the same time enkindled love. The light shone into the darkness, but the darkness was unable yet to comprehend it. If this light, which is at the same time the love of the Logos, had only manifested itself during the short day hours, humanity would not have been able to grasp this light of love. But love streamed into human beings in the dull clairvoyant dream-consciousness of those ancient times. Now, let us glance behind existence at a great significant cosmic mystery.
Let us express it thus:—The cosmic guidance of our earth was of such a character that for a time, in an unconscious way, love streamed into humanity in its dim, clairvoyant state of consciousness and inwardly prepared it to receive this love in full, clear, waking-day consciousness. We have seen that our Earth gradually became the cosmos that was to accomplish this mission of love. The earth is shone upon by the present sun. Just as human beings dwell upon the earth, and little by little receive love into themselves, so too do other much higher beings dwell upon the sun and enkindle love, because the sun has reached a higher stage of existence. The human being is an earth-dweller and to be an earth-dweller means to be a creature which appropriates love unto itself during the Earth-period. A sun-dweller in our time means a being that can enkindle love, a being that can permit love to flow into the earth. The earth-dweller would not have developed love, would not have been able to receive it, had not the sun-dwellers sent down ripened wisdom to them with the rays of light. Because the light of the sun streams down upon the earth, love is developed there. That is a very real truth. Those beings who are so exalted that they can pour forth love have made the sun their scene of action.
When the ancient Moon had completed its evolution, there were seven great beings of this kind who had progressed far enough to pour forth love. Here we touch upon a deep mystery which Spiritual Science reveals. In the beginning of the Earth-evolution, there was on the one side the childlike humanity which was to receive love and become ready for the reception of the ego—and on the other side there was the sun which separated from the earth and rose to a more exalted existence. Seven principle Spirits of Light, who at the same time were the dispensing Spirits of Love, were able to evolve upon this sun. Only six of them, however, made the sun their dwelling-place and what streams down to us in the physical light of the sun contains within it the spiritual force of love from these six Spirits of Light or, as they are called in the Bible, the six Elohim. One separated from the others and took a different path for the salvation of humanity. He did not choose the sun but the moon for his abode. And this Spirit of Light, who voluntarily renounced life upon the sun and chose the moon instead, is none other than the one whom the Old Testament calls “Jahve” or “Jehova.” This Spirit of Light who chose the moon as a dwelling-place is the one who from there pours ripened wisdom down upon the earth, thus preparing the way for love. Now, let us consider for a moment this mystery which lies behind the outer facts.
The night belongs to the moon and it belonged to the moon to a much greater degree in that ancient time when the human being was not yet able to receive the force of love in the direct rays of the sun. At that time he received the reflected force of ripened wisdom from the moonlight. This ripened wisdom streamed down upon him from the moonlight during the time of night-consciousness. Therefore, Jahve is called the Ruler of the Night who prepared humanity for the love that was later to manifest during full waking-consciousness. Thus we can look back to that ancient past in human evolution when spiritually that event occurred which is merely symbolized by the heavenly bodies, the sun on the one side, the moon on the other. (See drawing). During the night, at certain times, the moon sends down to us the reflected force of the sun, but it is the same light which also shines upon us directly from the sun. Thus in ancient times, Jahve or Jehova reflected the force of matured wisdom, the force of the six Elohim, and sent this force down into human beings while they slept, preparing them to become capable later, by degrees, of receiving the power of love during waking-day consciousness.

The above drawing attempts in a symbolic manner to show the waking-day human being when his physical and etheric bodies are dependent upon the Divine and his ego and astral body are within the physical and ether bodies upon the physical plane. Here the whole human organism is shone upon by the sun from without. We now know that for the humanity of primeval ages, night was much longer and much more filled with activity than it is at present. The astral body and ego were then outside of the physical and ether bodies, the ego existing wholly within the astral world, and the astral body sinking into the physical body from without, having, however, its entire inner being still embedded in the divine-spiritual world. Therefore, the sun could not shine directly upon the human astral body and enkindle in it the force of love. Hence, the moon, which reflects the sunlight, was active through Jahve or Jehova. The moon is the symbol of Jahve or Jehova and the sun is none other than the symbol for the Logos, which is the sum of the other six Elohim. This drawing, which you should study, and upon which you should meditate, tries to indicate this in a symbolic way and if you reflect upon it, you will discern what deep, mystery-truths are presented in it, namely: that during long periods of time, in sleep-consciousness, the force of love was being implanted in human beings by Jehova, in a manner of which they were themselves unconscious. In this way they were being made capable of experiencing the Logos, of feeling the force of Its love. One can ask:—How was this possible, how could that take place? We come now to the other side of the mystery.
We have said that the human being was destined for self-conscious love upon the earth. He must, therefore, have a leader, a teacher, during his clear day-consciousness, a leader who stands before him so that he can be perceived by him. Now it was only during the night, in dim consciousness, that love could be implanted within the human being. But little by little something happened, something happened in full actuality which made it possible for him to see outwardly, physically, the Being of Love itself. But how could that occur? It could only take place, because the Being of Divine Love, the Being of the Logos, became a man of flesh, whom men by means of their physical senses could perceive upon the earth. It was because mankind had developed to a condition of perceiving by means of outer senses that God, the Logos, had Himself to become a sense-being. He had to appear in a physical body. This was fulfilled in Christ-Jesus, and the historical appearance of Christ Jesus means that the forces of the six Elohim, or of the Logos, were incarnated in Jesus of Nazareth at the beginning of our Christian era and were actually present in Him in the visible world. That is the important thing. The inner force of the sun, the force of the Logos-Love assumed a physical human form in the body of Jesus of Nazareth. For, like an external object, like an outer being, God had to appear to the earthly, human sense-consciousness in a bodily form.
You will ask what was that Being Who appears at the beginning of our era as Christ-Jesus? It was the incarnation of the Logos, of the six other Elohim, whose advent had been prepared by Jahve-God who preceded them. This figure of Jesus of Nazareth, in whom the Christ or the Logos was incarnated, brought into human life, into human history itself, what previously streamed down upon the earth from the sun, what was present only in the sunlight. “The Logos became flesh.” It is upon this fact that the Gospel of St. John places the greatest importance and the writer of this Gospel had to lay great emphasis upon it because it is a fact that after the appearance of a few initiated Christian pupils who understood what had occurred, there followed others who could not fully understand it. They understood full well that at the foundation of all material things, behind all that appears to us in substantial form, there exists a psycho-spiritual world. But what they could not comprehend was that the Logos itself, by being incarnated in an individual human being, became physically visible for the physical sense-world. This they could not comprehend. Therefore, that teaching which appeared in the early Christian centuries called the “Gnosis,” differs from the true Esoteric Christianity on this point. The writer of the Gospel of St. John pointed to this fact in powerful words, when he said: “No, you should not look upon the Christ as a super-sensible, ever invisible being only, one Who is the foundation of all material life, but you should consider this the important thing: ‘The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.’” This is the fine distinction between Esoteric Christianity and the primal Gnosis. The Gnosis, as well as Esoteric Christianity recognizes the Christ, but the former only as a spiritual being and in Jesus of Nazareth it sees at most a human herald, more or less bound to this spiritual being. It holds firmly to an ever invisible Christ. On the contrary, Esoteric Christianity has always held the idea of the Gospel of St. John, which rests upon the firm foundation of the words: “And the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us!” He Who was there in the visible world is an actual incarnation of the six sun Elohim, of the Logos! With the incarnation of the Logos, the earthly mission—or in other words, what the earth was to become through the Event of Palestine—first really began. Previously, all was only a preparation.
What then did the Christ, who dwelt within the body of Jesus of Nazareth, especially have to represent Himself to be? It may be said He had to represent himself as the great bringer and quickener of the self-conscious, independent human being. Let us express this living Christ-teaching in a few short, paradigmatic sentences. The earth exists in order that full self-consciousness, the “I AM,” may be given to mankind. Previously, everything was a preparation for this self-consciousness, for this “I AM;” and the Christ was that Being Who gave the impulse that made it possible for every human being—each as an individual—to experience the “I AM.” Only with His advent was the powerful impulse given which carries earth humanity forward with a mighty bound. We can follow this by means of a comparison of Christianity with the Old Testament teaching. In the latter, the human being did not yet fully feel the “I AM” in himself. He still possessed a remnant of a dreamy state of consciousness, held over from those ancient times when he did not feel himself as a personality, but as a part of a Divine Being, just as the animal today is still a member of a group-soul. Mankind had its beginning in the group-soul and then advanced to a state of independent, personal existence, in which every individual experiences the “I AM,” and the Christ is the force that has brought it to this consciousness of the “I AM.” Let us consider this for a moment in its full inner significance.
The follower of the Old Testament did not feel himself as much enclosed within his own individual personality as did the follower of the New Testament. He did not yet say as a personality, “I am an I.” He felt himself within the whole ancient Jewish people and experienced the group-ego of his folk. Let us enter in a living way into the consciousness of a follower of the Old Testament. The Christian feels the “I AM” and gradually will learn to feel it more and more, but the follower of the Old Testament did not feel the “I AM” in this way. He felt himself as a member of the entire folk and looked up to its group-soul. And if he wished to express this in words, he would have said: “My consciousness reaches up to the Father of the whole people, to Abraham; we—I and Father Abraham—are one. A common ego encompasses us all, and I only feel myself safe within the spiritual substantiality of the world when I feel myself resting within the whole folk-substance.” Thus the follower of the Old Testament looked up to Father Abraham and said: “I and Father Abraham are one! In my veins flows the same blood that flows in the veins of Abraham.” He felt Father Abraham as the root from which every individual Abrahamite had sprung as a stem.
Then Christ-Jesus came and said to his nearest, most intimate initiates: Hitherto, mankind has judged only according to the flesh, according to blood-relationship. Through this blood-relationship, men have been conscious of reposing within a higher invisible union. But you should believe in a still higher spiritual relationship, in one that reaches beyond the blood-tie. You should believe in a spiritual Father-substance in which the ego is rooted, and which is more spiritual than the substance which as a group-soul binds the Jewish people together. You should believe in what reposes within me and within every human being, in what is not only one with Abraham, but one with the very divine foundation of the world. Therefore Christ-Jesus, according to the Gospel of St. John, emphasizes the words: “Before Father Abraham was, was the I AM!” My primal ego mounts not only to the Father-Principle that reaches back to Abraham, but my ego is one with all that pulses through the entire cosmos, and to this my spiritual nature soars aloft. I and the Father are one! These are important words which one should experience; then will one feel the forward bound made by mankind, a bound which advanced human evolution further in consequence of that impulse given by the advent of the Christ. The Christ was the mighty quickener of the “I AM.”
Now, let us try to hear a little of what His most intimate initiates said, how they expressed what had been revealed to them. They said: Heretofore, no individual physical human being has ever existed to whom this name of “I AM” could be applied; He was the first to bring to the world the “I AM” in its full significance. Therefore, they named Christ-Jesus the “I AM.” That was the name in which the closest initiates felt themselves united, the name which they understood, the name “I AM.” We must in this way delve deeply into the most significant chapters of the Gospel of St. John. If we take that chapter where we find the words: “I am the Light of the world,” we must interpret them literally, quite literally. Now, what was this “I AM” which for the first time appeared in carnate form? It was the force of the Logos that streamed to earth in the sunlight. All through the entire eighth chapter, beginning with the twelfth verse which is usually entitled “Jesus, the Light of the World,” we find a transcription of this profound truth concerning the meaning of the “I AM.” When you read this chapter, emphasize the words “I” or “I AM” wherever they appear and realize that “I AM” was the name in which the initiates felt themselves united. Then you will understand it and it will seem to you that this chapter must then be read in somewhat the following manner:
Then Jesus spoke to His disciples and said: That which is able to say “I AM” to itself, is the Force of the Light of the World, and whoever follows after me will see in clear, waking consciousness what those who wander in darkness do not see.
But those who clung to the old belief that only by night can the Light of Love be implanted within the human being, those who were called the Pharisees, answered: Thou callest upon thy “I AM” but we call upon Father Abraham. In this way we feel the power which justifies us in acting as self-conscious beings. We feel ourselves strong when we immerse ourselves in the substance of a common ego which reaches to Father Abraham.
Jesus said:—If one speaks of the I, as I speak, then is the testimony a true one; for I know that this I comes from the Father, from the primeval foundation of the world and I know whither it tends.
Now, let us consider those important words of Chapter VIII, verse 15, which should be translated in the following manner:
Ye judge all things according to the flesh, but I judge not the perishable that is in the flesh.
And if I judge, then is my judgment true. For the I does not exist for itself alone, but it is united with the Father from whom it has descended.
That is the meaning of this passage. Thus everywhere you find reference to a common Father. We are now able to bring the idea of the Father still more clearly before our souls. Then we see that the words, “Before Father Abraham was, was the I AM,” contain the living essence of the Christian doctrine.
Today we have gone deeply into the words of the Gospel of St. John, more deeply than we would have been able had I interpreted them from an external point of view. We have drawn these words out of Spiritual Wisdom and have alluded to certain important words in the Gospel of St. John which show the very essentials of Christianity. We shall see that just by understanding such germinal and primal key-words, light and clarity will be brought into the whole of the Gospel.
Let us consider all this as a teaching that was given in the Christian esoteric schools, a teaching which the writer of the Gospel has transcribed—in a way which we shall discuss—in order that he might hand it down to posterity for those who really wish to penetrate into its meaning.
Dritter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Gestern haben wir gesehen, welch tiefer Inhalt in den ersten Worten des Johannes-Evangeliums verborgen ist, und wir können unsere Betrachtungen dahin zusammenfassen, daß wir sagen: Wir haben gesehen, daß der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums hindeutet auf das Werden des Vormenschen in urferner Vergangenheit, hindeutet darauf, wie im Sinne der christlichen Esoterik alles zurückgeführt wird auf das Wort oder den Logos, der schöpferisch war schon während der alten Saturnzeit, der dann geworden ist zum Leben, und dann zum Licht, — zum Leben, während unsere Erde ihren Sonnenzustand durchgemacht hat, —- zum Licht, während sie den alten Mondzustand durchgemacht hat. Das, was also unter dem Einfluß göttlich-geistiger Kräfte und Wesenheiten der Mensch geworden ist im Laufe der drei planetarischen Zustände, wurde, als die Erde eben unser heutiger Planet geworden war, durchdrungen von dem menschlichen Ich. So daß man sagen kann: Wie eine Art Same kam von dem alten Monde herüber auf die Erde eine Wesenheit, bestehend
aus physischem Leib, hervorgegangen aus dem göttlichen Urworte,
aus Äther- oder Lebensleib, hervorgegangen aus dem göttlichen Leben,
[ 2 ] aus astralischem Leib, hervorgegangen aus dem göttlichen Lichte. Im Innern dieser Wesenheit wurde während des Erdendaseins das Licht des Ich selbst entzündet. Diese dreifache Leiblichkeit: physischer Leib, Ätherleib und Astralleib, wurde fähig, in sich das «Ich bin» zu sprechen, so daß wir in einer gewissen Weise die Entwickelung der Erde nennen können die Entwickelung des «Ich-bin», des Selbstbewußtseins des Menschen. Und dieses «Ich-bin », diese Fähigkeit des vollen Selbstbewußtseins kam im Laufe der Entwickelung der Erdenmenschheit langsam und allmählich erst heraus. Wir müssen uns klar machen, wie die Entwickelung der Erdenmenschheit war, insofern in ihr langsam und allmählich das Ich, das volle Selbstbewußtsein ins Dasein trat.
[ 3 ] Es gab eine Zeit in unserer Erdenentwickelung, wir nennen sie die alte lemurische Zeit; es ist die älteste Zeit, in welcher innerhalb des Erdendaseins der Mensch in der Form auftrat, in welcher er heute überhaupt vorhanden ist. Zum erstenmal trat das in der alten lemurischen Zeit ein, was wir nennen die Verkörperung des Ich, der eigentlichen innersten Wesenheit des Menschen, in den drei Leibern, im astralischen Leib, Ätherleib und physischen Leib. Dann kam die atlantische Zeit, wo der Mensch gewohnt hat zum größten Teil auf dem alten atlantischen Kontinente, einem Ländergebiete, das heute den Boden des atlantischen Ozeans bildet, das untergegangen ist durch die große atlantische Flut, deren Andenken sich in den Sintflut-Sagen fast aller Völker erhalten hat. Der Mensch verkörperte sich dann, seiner innersten Wesenheit nach, in aufeinanderfolgenden Verkörperungen bis in unsere Tage hinein während der nachatlantischen Zeit. Wirklich waren unsere Seelen in einer dreigliedrigen Wesenheit, bestehend aus physischem Leibe, Ätherleibe und astralischem Leibe, wie wir sie kennengelernt haben, zum erstenmal in der lemurischen Zeit verkörpert. Was vorhergegangen ist, soll einer späteren Betrachtung überlassen bleiben. — Weit zurückgehen müssen wir also, wenn wir den Gang der Entwickelung in Betracht ziehen, und es entwickelt sich der Mensch nur langsam und allmählich zu seinem heutigen Dasein. Was nennen wir im Okkultismus in geisteswissenschaftlichem Sinne «unser heutiges Dasein»?
[ 4 ] Unser heutiges Dasein nennen wir einen Bewußtseinszustand, wie ihn der Mensch heute hat vom Morgen, wo er aufwacht, bis zum Abend, wo er einschläft. Da sieht der Mensch durch seine äußeren physischen Sinne die Dinge um sich herum. Vom Abend, wo er einschläft, bis zum Morgen, wo er aufwacht, sieht er die Dinge um sich herum nicht. Warum ist das so? Wir wissen, das ist aus dem Grunde so, weil für die heutigen Entwickelungsverhältnisse während der Tageszeit der eigentliche innere Mensch, also Ich und astralischer Leib, im physischen Leibe und Ätherleibe auf dem physischen Plane, das heißt in der physischen Welt sind. Da kann sich der astralische Leib und das Ich der physischen Sinnesorgane bedienen, in die Welt hinaushören und hinaussehen und die physischen Dinge wahrnehmen. Vom Abend, wo der Mensch einschläft, bis zum Morgen, wo er aufwacht, sind Ich und astralischer Leib außerhalb der physischen Welt, auf dem Astralplan. Da sind sie abgesondert von physischen Augen und physischen Ohren, da können sie nicht wahrnehmen, was um sie herum ist. Dieser Zustand, ein solcher Wechsel im Menschen zwischen Tagwachen und Nachtschlafen, hat sich erst langsam und allmählich entwickelt. Das war noch nicht so, als der Mensch in der alten lemurischen Zeit zum ersten Male eine physische Verkörperung durchgemacht hat. Da war der Mensch nur eine sehr kurze Zeit des Tages — keineswegs so lange wie heute — seinem Ich und Astralleibe nach in seinem physischen Leibe drinnen. Dadurch aber, daß der Mensch längere Zeit außerhalb seines physischen Leibes war, nur kürzere Zeit wachend hineinstieg in den physischen Leib, war das Leben während der lemurischen Zeit überhaupt noch ein ganz anderes. Daß der Mensch während der Nacht ganz bewußtlos ist, wenn er nicht gerade träumt, trat sehr langsam und allmählich ein. Ganz anders war das Bewußtsein bei Tag und Nacht während der lemurischen Zeit noch verteilt. Da hatten die Menschen alle noch ein dumpfes hellseherisches Bewußtsein. Wenn sie in der Nacht außerhalb des physischen Leibes waren in der geistigen Welt, da nahmen sie um sich herum - wenn auch nicht so klar, wie der Mensch heute am Tage die physischen Dinge sieht — die geistige Welt wahr. Wir dürfen dieses Wahrnehmen nicht einfach mit dem heutigen Träumen vergleichen. Der heutige Traum ist nur wie ein letzter ganz verkümmerter Rest dieses alten Hellsehens. Allerdings, solche Bilder nahm der Mensch damals wahr, wie er sie auch heute im Traume wahrnimmt; aber diese Bilder hatten eine sehr wirkliche Bedeutung. Machen wir uns einmal klar, was diese Bilder für eine Bedeutung hatten.
[ 5 ] In den alten Zeiten konnte der Mensch, wenn er während eines kurzen Teils der 24 Stunden, der viel geringer war als heute, im Tagesbewußtsein lebte, die äußeren physischen Körper nur ganz dumpf, wie in einem Nebel eingehüllt, sehen. Daß man die physischen Dinge so sah wie heute, kam erst ganz langsam. Am Tage sah der Mensch damals die ersten Anklänge an die physischen Körper, eingehüllt in Nebel, so wie Sie heute, wenn Sie an einem Nebeltage des Abends durch die Straßen gehen, die Laternen vom Nebel umgeben sehen wie von einer Art von Lichtaura. Das ist ja nur scheinbar, aber so sah der Mensch die physischen Körper zuerst um sich herum auftauchen. Und wenn er in Schlaf kam, versank er nicht in Bewußtlosigkeit, sondern dann tauchten während des Schlafbewußtseins Bilder auf, Bilder in Farben und in Formen. Um den Menschen herum war dann eine Welt, gegen welche die lebendigste Traumwelt von heute nur ein schwacher nebelhafter Nachklang ist. Diese Bilder bedeuteten Seelisches und Geistiges in der Umgebung.
[ 6 ] Wenn also dazumal der Mensch am Beginne seiner Erdenlaufbahn sich einem ihm schädlichen Wesen während der Nachtwanderung näherte, sah er dies nicht so, wie es heute gesehen wird - also nicht einen Löwen, der sich ihm näherte, als eine Löwengestalt —, sondern er sah aufsteigen ein Farben- und Formenbild, und das zeigte ihm instinktiv: Da ist für dich etwas Schädliches, das frißt dich und da mußt du ausweichen. Das waren wirkliche Abbilder des GeistigSeelischen, das um den Menschen herum vorging. Alles GeistigSeelische wurde in der Nacht gesehen, und ganz langsam und allmählich geschah die Entwickelung so, daß der Mensch immer längere Zeit untertauchte in seinen physischen Leib, immer kürzer wurde die Nacht, immer längere Zeit dauerte der Tag. Und je mehr der Mensch sich einwohnte in seinen physischen Leib, desto mehr verschwanden die nächtlichen hellseherischen Bilder, desto mehr tauchte das heutige Tagesbewußtsein auf. Aber wir dürfen nicht vergessen, daß ein wirkliches echtes Selbstbewußtsein, wie es sich der Mensch während des Erdendaseins erringen soll, nur zu erringen ist durch ein Untertauchen in den physischen Leib. Nicht als ein selbständiges Wesen hat sich der Mensch früher gefühlt, sondern als ein Glied der göttlich-geistigen Wesenheiten, denen er entsprossen ist. Wie die Hand sich fühlt als ein Glied des Organismus, so fühlte sich der Mensch, als er noch ein dumpfes Hellsehen hatte, als einen Teil des göttlich-geistigen Bewußtseins, des göttlichen Ich. Nicht «Ich-bin» hätte der Mensch von sich gesagt, sondern «Gott ist - und ich in ihm».
[ 7 ] Nun aber war, wie wir immer mehr begreifen werden, der Erde, welche in ihrer Entwickelung drei frühere Stufen durchgemacht hatte als Saturn, Sonne und Mond, eine ganz besondere Mission vorbehalten. Glauben Sie nicht, daß man die Planetenzustände so nebeneinander betrachten kann, daß ein Planet dem anderen gleichwertig sei. Von einer bloßen Wiederholung des schon einmal Dagewesenen kann in der göttlichen Schöpfung nicht die Rede sein. Jedes Planetendasein hat eine ganz bestimmte Aufgabe. Unsere Erde hat die Mission, daß die Wesen, die sich auf ihr entwickeln sollen, das Element der Liebe bis zur höchsten Entfaltung auszubilden haben. Liebe soll die Erde ganz und gar durchdringen, wenn die Erde am Ende ihrer Entwickelung angekommen ist. - Machen wir uns klar, was das heißt: Die Erde ist der planetarische Zustand für die Entwickelung der Liebe.
[ 8 ] Wir sagen in der Geisteswissenschaft, der Erde ging der alte Mond voran. Dieser alte Mond hatte als planetarische Stufe auch eine Mission. Er hatte noch nicht die Aufgabe, die Liebe auszubilden, er sollte der Planet oder der Kosmos der Weisheit sein. Vor unserem Erdenzustand hat unser Planet durchgemacht die Stufe der Weisheit. Eine einfache, man möchte sagen, logische Betrachtung kann Ihnen das veranschaulichen. Sehen Sie sich um in der Natur unter allen ihren Wesenheiten. Nicht mit Ihrem bloßen Verstande sehen Sie sie an, sondern mit Ihren Herzens- und Gemütskräften, und Sie werden überall Weisheit finden, die in der Natur ausgeprägt ist. Diese Weisheit, von der hier gesprochen wird, ist so gemeint, daß sie wie eine Art geistiger Substanz allem zugrunde liegt. Betrachten Sie alles, was Sie wollen, in der Natur. Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel ein Stück Oberschenkelknochen, da werden Sie sehen: Das ist nicht eine massive Masse, sondern eine feine, hin und her gehende Reihe von Balken, die zu einem wunderbaren Gerüst angeordnet sind. Und wer nachforscht, nach welchem Gesetze sie aufgebaut sind, der findet, daß das Gesetz befolgt ist, nach welchem mit dem kleinsten Aufwand von Material die größte Kraft entfaltet wird, um Träger des Oberleibes des Menschen zu sein. Unsere Ingenieurkunst ist noch nicht so weit, ein solches kunstvolles Gerüst auszubauen, wie es die alles durchwaltende Weisheit da aufgebaut hat. Solche Weisheit wird der Mensch erst später haben. Göttliche Weisheit durchsetzt die ganze Natur; menschliche Weisheit kommt erst nach und nach dazu. Im Laufe der Zeit wird menschliche Weisheit innerlich das erreichen, was göttliche Weisheit in die Erde hineingeheimnißt hat.
[ 9 ] Aber in demselben Sinne, wie die Weisheit auf dem Monde vorbereitet worden ist, so daß sie sich jetzt überall auf der Erde findet, wird auf der Erde die Liebe vorbereitet. Könnten Sie hellseherisch zurückblicken auf den alten Mond, so könnten Sie sehen, daß nicht in allen Dingen damals eine solche Weisheit war; manche Dinge würden Sie noch unweise finden. Erst durch die ganze Mondenentwickelung hindurch prägte sich die Weisheit hinein in die Dinge, und als der Mond in seiner Entwickelung fertig war, da war alles so davon durchzogen, daß überall Weisheit darinnen war.
[ 10 ] Die innerliche Weisheit zog in den Menschen erst ein auf der Erde mit dem Ich. Diese innerliche Weisheit muß aber der Mensch erst nach und nach entwickeln. Ebenso wie sich auf dem Monde die Weisheit entwickelt hat, so daß sie jetzt da ist in den Dingen, so entwickelt sich jetzt die Liebe. Zuerst trat sie in der niedrigsten Gestalt, in der sinnlichen, während der lemurischen Zeit ins Dasein. Im Laufe des Erdendaseins wird sie sich aber immer mehr und mehr vergeistigen, bis zuletzt, wenn die Erde am Ende ihrer Entwickelung angelangt sein wird, das ganze Dasein von Liebe durchzogen sein wird wie es heute von Weisheit durchzogen ist - durch das Wirken der Menschen, wenn diese ihre Aufgabe erfüllen werden.
[ 11 ] Und die Erde wird übergehen in einen künftigen planetarischen Zustand. Diesen nennen wir Jupiter. Die Wesen aber, die auf dem Jupiter so herumwandeln werden wie die Menschen auf der Erde, die werden ebenso in allen Wesen die Liebe herausduftend finden, die sie als Mensch selbst hineingelegt haben während des Erdendaseins, wie die Menschen heute die Weisheit in allen Dingen finden. Dann werden die Menschen ebenso die Liebe aus ihrem Innern heraus entwickeln, wie jetzt die Menschen nach und nach die Weisheit herausentwickeln werden. Die große kosmische Liebe wird dann die Dinge durchdringen, die jetzt auf der Erde ihr Dasein beginnt.
[ 12 ] Der materialistische Sinn glaubt nicht an die kosmische Weisheit, sondern nur an die menschliche. Wenn die Menschen mit unbefangenem Sinn hineinsehen würden in den Lauf der Entwickelung, so würden sie sehen, daß alle kosmische Weisheit am Anfange so weit war, wie die menschliche Weisheit erst am Ende der Erde sein wird. In den Zeiten, in denen man mit Benennungen noch genauer war als gegenwärtig, nannte man die im Menschen wirkende subjektive Weisheit Intelligenz, im Gegensatze zur objektiven kosmischen Weisheit. Gar nicht achtet der Mensch darauf, daß dasjenige, was er im Laufe des Erdendaseins erfindet, die göttlich-geistigen Wesenheiten sich bereits während des Mondendaseins erobert und der Erde eingepflanzt haben. Nehmen wir ein Beispiel dafür.
[ 13 ] Wie wird den Kindern in der Schule schon eingetrichtert der große Fortschritt, den die Menschen gemacht haben, dutch die Erfindung des Papiers zum Beispiel. Nun, die Wespen erzeugten das Papier schon viele tausend Jahre vorher; denn das, was die Wespen in ihren Nestern bauen, besteht aus genau derselben Substanz, aus der das menschliche Papier hergestellt wird, und das wird genau auf dieselbe Weise erzeugt, nur durch den Lebensprozeß. Der Wespengeist, die Gruppenseele der Wespen, die ein Teil ist der göttlich-geistigen Substanz, ist die Erfinderin des Papiers schon viel früher gewesen. So tappt der Mensch eigentlich immer hinter der Weltenweisheit nach. Im Prinzip ist alles, was der Mensch im Laufe der Erdenentwickelung erfinden wird, schon in der Natur enthalten. Was aber der Mensch wirklich der Erde geben wird, das ist die Liebe, die sich von der . sinnlichsten zur vergeistigtsten Art entfalten wird. Das ist die Aufgabe der Erdenentwickelung. Die Erde ist der Kosmos der Liebe.
[ 14 ] Was ist denn aber, so fragen wir, notwendig zur Liebe? Was gehört denn dazu, daß ein Wesen ein anderes lieben kann? Dazu ist nötig, daß dieses Wesen sein volles Selbstbewußtsein habe, ganz selbständig sei. Kein Wesen kann ein anderes im vollen Sinne lieben, wenn diese Liebe nicht eine freie Gabe ist gegenüber dem anderen Wesen. Meine Hand liebt nicht meinen Organismus. Nur ein Wesen, das selbständig ist, das losgeschnürt ist von dem anderen Wesen, kann dieses lieben. Dazu mußte der Mensch zu einem Ich-Wesen werden. Das Ich mußte der dreifachen menschlichen Leiblichkeit eingepflanzt werden, damit die Erde ihre Mission der Liebe durch den Menschen ausführen kann. Deshalb werden Sie verstehen, daß in der christlichen Esoterik gesagt wird: Ebenso, wie andere Kräfte, zuletzt die Weisheit während des Mondendaseins, von den Göttern heruntergeströmt sind, strömt die Liebe während des Erdendaseins in dieses ein; und der Träger der Liebe kann nur das selbständige Ich sein, das sich nach und nach im Laufe der Erdenentwickelung herausbildet. Aber der Mensch muß zu allem ganz langsam vorbereitet werden, auch zu der gegenwärtigen Art seines Bewußtseins. Setzen wir den Fall, gleich in der alten lemurischen Zeit würde der Mensch untergetaucht sein in seinen physischen Leib, er hätte damals schon die volle äußere Wirklichkeit gesehen. Er hätte sich dann in diesem schnellen Tempo die Liebe nicht einpflanzen können! Er mußte nach und nach erst zu seiner Erdenmission herangeführt werden. Ohne daß er schon sein volles Selbstbewußtsein hatte, ohne daß er schon so weit war, im hellen Tagesbewußtsein die Gegenstände um sich herum wahrzunehmen, wurde ihm in seinem dämmerhaften Bewußtsein unbewußt der erste Unterricht der Liebe gegeben. So sehen wir, daß während der ganzen Zeiten, während der Mensch noch ein altes, traumhaftes Hellseherbewußtsein hatte, während die Seele also lange Zeit außerhalb des Leibes war, dem Menschen in einem dämmerhaften, noch nicht selbstbewußten Zustande die Liebe eingepflanzt wird. Stellen wir ihn uns einmal so recht vor die Seele, diesen Menschen der alten Zeit, der noch nicht auf der Höhe des vollen Selbstbewußtseins angelangt ist.
[ 15 ] Der Mensch schläft des Abends ein; aber kein schroffer Übergang vom Wachen zum Schlafen findet statt. Bilder tauchen auf, lebendige Traumbilder, die aber einen lebendigen Bezug haben zu der geistigen Welt. Das heißt, der Mensch lebte sich während des Einschlafens in die geistige Welt ein. Da träufelte ihm in das dämmerhafte Bewußtsein der göttliche Geist die ersten Keime alles Liebeswirkens ein. Was sich durch die Liebe im Laufe der Erdenentwickelung offenbaren soll, das strömt zuerst während der Nacht in den Menschen ein. Der Gott, der die eigentliche Erdenmission auf die Erde bringt, offenbart sich zuerst zu nächtlicher Zeit dem dumpfen, alten hellseherischen Bewußtsein, bevor er sich dem hellen Tagesbewußtsein offenbaren kann. Dann, langsam und allmählich, werden die Zeiten, in denen der Mensch in dem dumpfen hellseherischen Zustande ist, kürzer, das Tagesbewußtsein immer länger, die aurischen Säume um die Gegenstände werden immer unbedeutender, die Gegenstände bekommen immer festere Grenzen. Vorher hat der Mensch die Sonne, den Mond mit einem mächtigen Hof geschen, alles wie in einer Nebelmasse liegend. Langsam erst reinigt sich der ganze Anblick, und es treten feste Grenzen an den Dingen auf. In diesen Zustand ist der Mensch allmählich gekommen. Was da der Mensch äußerlich sieht, während die Sonne die Erde bescheint und ihm durch das sichtbare Licht das ganze Erdendasein, Mineralien, Pflanzen und Tiere offenbart, das empfindet der Mensch als die Offenbarungen des Göttlichen in dem Äußeren.
[ 16 ] Was ist denn im Sinne der christlichen Esoterik das, was im hellen Tagesbewußtsein sichtbar wird, woraus sich die Erde im weiten Umfange zusammensetzt? Es ist eine Offenbarung der göttlichen Kräfte, eine äußere materielle Offenbarung des innerlich Geistigen! Wenn Sie den Blick hinaus auf die Sonne richten oder auf das, was Sie auf der Erde finden: Es ist eine Offenbarung des Göttlich-Geistigen. Dieses Göttlich-Geistige in der heutigen Gestalt, wie es allem zugrunde liegt, was dem hellen Tagesbewußtsein erscheint, die unsichtbare Welt hinter dieser ganzen sichtbaren Tageswelt, das nennt die christliche Esoterik den «Logos» oder das «Wort». Denn wie der Mensch zuletzt das Wort in sich selber aussprechen kann, so ist zuerst alles, das Tierreich, Pflanzenreich, Mineralreich, aus dem Logos entstanden. Alles ist eine Verkörperung dieses Logos. Und so, wie Ihre Seele unsichtbar in Ihrem Innern waltet und sich äußerlich einen Leib schafft, so schafft sich in der Welt ein jedes Seelische den ihm passenden äußeren Leib und offenbart sich durch irgendein Physisches.
[ 17 ] Wo ist denn nun der physische Leib des Logos, von dem das Johannes-Evangelium spricht und den wir uns heute immer mehr zum Bewußtsein bringen wollen? Wo ist der physische Leib des Logos? Am reinsten erscheint dieser äußere physische Leib des Logos zunächst im äußeren Sonnenlicht. Das Sonnenlicht ist nicht bloß materielles Licht. Für die geistige Anschauung ist es ebenso das Kleid des Logos, wie Ihr äußerer physischer Leib das Kleid für Ihre Seele ist. Wenn Sie ebenso zu einem Menschen stehen, wie heute die Mehrzahl der Menschen zur Sonne steht, so können Sie nicht den anderen Menschen kennenlernen; da würden Sie sich zu jedem Menschen, der eine fühlende, denkende, wollende Seele hat, so stellen, daß Sie nicht ein Seelisch-Geistiges bei ihm voraussetzen, sondern bloß einen physischen Leib abtasten und glauben, daß der dann auch aus Papiermaché sein könnte. Wenn Sie aber durchdringen wollen zu dem Geistigen im Sonnenlicht, dann müssen Sie es so betrachten, wie wenn Sie von der leiblichen Seite eines Menschen aus das Innere kennenlernen. Wie Ihr Leib sich zu Ihrer Seele verhält, so verhält sich das Sonnenlicht zu dem Logos. In dem Sonnenlichte strömt ein Geistiges der Erde zu. Dieses Geistige ist, wenn wit nicht nur den Sonnenleib, sondern auch den Sonnengeist zu fassen vermögen, dieser Geist ist die Liebe, die herunterströmt auf die Erde. Nicht allein weckt das physische Sonnenlicht die Pflanzen, so daß diese verkümmern müßten, wenn das physische Sonnenlicht nicht auf sie wirkte, sondern mit dem physischen Sonnenlichte strömt die warme Liebe der Gottheit auf die Erde; und die Menschen sind dazu da, die warme Liebe der. Gottheit in sich aufzunehmen, zu entwickeln und zu erwidern. Das können sie aber nur dadurch, daß sie selbstbewußte Ich-Wesen werden. Nur dann können sie die Liebe erwidern.
[ 18 ] Als die Menschen anfingen in der ersten Zeit, zuerst nur kurze Zeit in ihrem Tagesleben zu verweilen, da konnten sie nichts vernehmen von dem Lichte, das zugleich die Liebe entzündete. Das Licht schien in die Finsternis, aber die Finsternis konnte noch nichts begreifen von dem Lichte. Und wäre dem Menschen dieses Licht, das zugleich die Liebe des Logos ist, nicht anders geoffenbart worden als nur durch die kurzen Tagesstunden, der Mensch hätte dieses Licht der Liebe nicht begriffen. Aber in dem dumpfen hellseherischen Traumbewußtsein jener alten Zeit strömte doch die Liebe in den Menschen ein. Und jetzt blicken wir hinter das Dasein auf ein großes Mysterium der Welt, unserer Erde, auf ein wichtiges Mysterium.
[ 19 ] Fassen wir es einmal, daß sozusagen die Lenkung der Welt für unsere Erde so war, daß eine Zeit hindurch auf unbewußte Art dem Menschen die Liebe einströmte durch ein dämmerhaftes Hellseherbewußtsein und ihn innerlich vorbereitete zur Aufnahme der Liebe im vollen hellen Tagesbewußtsein. - Wir haben gesehen, daß unsere Erde allmählich der Kosmos geworden ist, der die Mission der Liebe durchzuführen hat. Die Erde wird beschienen von der heutigen Sonne. Wie der Mensch die Erde bewohnt und die Liebe nach und nach sich aneignet, so bewohnen die Sonne andere, höhere Wesen, weil die Sonne auf einer höheren Stufe des Daseins angekommen ist. Der Mensch ist Erdenbewohner, und Erdenbewohner sein, bedeutet ein Wesen sein, das sich die Liebe aneignet während der Erdenzeit. Ein Sonnenbewohner in unserer Zeit bedeutet ein Wesen, welches die Liebe entzünden kann, welches die Liebe einströmen lassen kann. Nicht würden die Erdenbewohner die Liebe entwickeln, sie nicht aufnehmen können, wenn nicht die Sonnenbewohner ihnen die reife Weisheit schicken würden mit den Lichtstrahlen. Indem das Licht der Sonne auf die Erde herunterströmt, entwickelt sich auf der Erde die Liebe. Das ist eine ganz reale Wahrheit. Die Wesenheiten, die so hoch stehen, daß sie die Liebe ausströmen können, haben die Sonne zu ihrem Schauplatze gemacht.
[ 20 ] Es waren da, als der Mond fertig war mit seiner Entwickelung, sieben solcher Hauptwesenheiten, die so weit waren, daß sie Liebe ausströmen konnten. Hier berühren wir ein tiefes Mysterium, das die Geheimwissenschaft enthüllt. - Da ist im Beginne der Erdenentwickelung der kindliche Mensch, der die Liebe aufnehmen sollte und bereit war zur Aufnahme des Ich, und auf der anderen Seite die Sonne, die sich abspaltete und zu einem höheren Dasein aufstieg. Auf dieser Sonne konnten sich entwickeln sieben Hauptlichtgeister, die zu gleicher Zeit die gebenden Geister der Liebe waren. Nur sechs von ihnen nahmen auf der Sonne Wohnung; und das, was uns im Lichte der Sonne physisch zuströmt, enthält in sich die geistigen Liebeskräfte dieser sechs Lichtgeister oder der sechs Elohim, wie wir sie in der Bibel finden. Einer spaltete sich ab und ging einen anderen Weg zum Heile des Menschen, er wählte sich nicht die Sonne, sondern den Mond zu seinem Aufenthalte. Und dieser eine der Lichtgeister, der freiwillig auf das Sonnendasein verzichtete und sich den Mond wählte, ist kein anderer als derjenige, den das Alte Testament «Jahve» oder «Jehova» nennt. Dieser eine, der sich den Mond zum Aufenthalt wählte, ist derjenige, der vom Monde aus die reife Weisheit auf die Erde strömte und dadurch die Liebe vorbereitete.
[ 21 ] Jetzt schauen Sie einmal auf dieses Mysterium, das hinter den Dingen ist. Die Nacht gehört dem Monde, und sie gehörte in einem viel größeren Maße dem Monde in jener alten Zeit, als der Mensch noch nicht von der Sonne die Kraft der Liebe empfangen konnte, als er noch nicht im direkten Lichte diese Kraft der Liebe empfangen konnte. Da empfing er die reflektierte Kraft der reifen Weisheit vom Mondenlichte. Sie strömte ihm zu von dem Mondenlicht während der Zeit des Nachtbewußtseins. Jahve nennt man daher den Regierer der Nacht, der den Menschen vorbereitete auf die Liebe, die später während des vollen Tagbewußtseins entstehen sollte. So schauen wir zurück auf die alte Menschheitszeit, wo geistig der Vorgang stattfand, der durch die Himmelskörper nur symbolisiert wird, wo Sie die Sonne auf der einen Seite, den Mond auf der anderen Seite haben.
[ 22 ] Während der Nacht, zu gewissen Zeiten, sendet uns der Mond die reflektierte Sonnenkraft zu. Es ist dasselbe Licht, das uns auch von der Sonne zukommt. So strahlte zurück in den alten Zeiten Jahve oder Jehova die Kraft der reifen Weisheit, die Kraft der sechs Elohim, und diese Kraft strömte er während der Zeit des Nachtschlafens in die Menschen ein und bereitete sie vor, so daß sie fähig wurden, auch später die Kraft der Liebe nach und nach während des tagwachen Bewußtseins zu bekommen.
[ 23 ] Die Zeichnung soll in symbolischer Weise andeuten den tagwachen Menschen, wo physischer Leib und Ätherleib abhängig sind vom Göttlichen, und das Ich und der Astralleib auf dem physischen Plane im physischen Leibe und Ätherleibe sind; da wird von außen das ganze System des Menschen beschienen von der Sonne. Von der Nacht wissen Sie jetzt, daß sie eine viel längere war und viel wirkungsvoller für den Menschen uralter Vorzeit. Da sind Astralleib und Ich aus physischem Leib und Ätherleib heraus; da ist das Ich ganz in der astralischen Welt, und der astralische Leib wird von außen hineingesenkt in den physischen Leib so, daß er aber seiner ganzen Wesenheit nach doch in das Geistig-Göttliche eingebettet ist. Da kann die Sonne nicht direkt auf den menschlichen Astralleib scheinen und in ihm die Kraft der Liebe entzünden. Da wirkt der Mond, der das Sonnenlicht reflektiert, durch Jahve oder Jehova. Der Mond ist das Symbolum für Jahve oder Jehova, und die Sonne ist nichts anderes als das Symbolum für den Logos, der die Summe der anderen sechs Elohim ist. Nur symbolisch soll diese Zeichnung, die Sie studieren mögen, über die Sie meditieren mögen, das andeuten. Und wenn Sie darüber nachdenken, werden Sie finden, welch tiefe Mysterienwahrheiten darin dargestellt sind: daß lange Zeit hindurch dem nächtlichen Bewußtsein durch Jahve die Kraft der Liebe dem Menschen eingepflanzt wurde auf unbewußte Art. So wurde der Mensch vorbereitet, damit er nach und nach selbst den Logos, die Kraft seiner Liebe empfangen konnte. Wie war das möglich? Wie konnte denn das geschehen? — Jetzt kommen wir zu der anderen Seite des Mysteriums.

[ 24 ] Wir haben uns gesagt, daß der Mensch zur selbstbewußten Liebe auf der Erde berufen war. Er mußte also einen Führer, einen Lehrer während des hellen Tagesbewußtseins haben, der ihm so gegenübertrat, daß er ihn wahrnehmen konnte. Nur während der Nacht, im dämmerhaften Bewußtsein konnte ihm die Liebe eingepflanzt werden. Nach und nach aber mußte etwas eintreten, etwas mit voller Tatsächlichkeit eintreten, was dem Menschen möglich machte, außen, physisch das Wesen der Liebe selber zu sehen. Wodurch konnte das eintreten? Das konnte nur dadurch eintreten, daß das Wesen der göttlichen Liebe, des Logos, ein Wesen auf der Erde wurde - ein fleischliches Wesen auf der Erde, wie es der Mensch auf der Erde durch seine Sinne wahrnehmen konnte. Weil der Mensch zur Wahrnehmung durch seine äußeren Sinne sich entwickelte, mußte der Gott, der Logos, selbst ein Sinneswesen werden. Er mußte in einem fleischlichen Leibe auftreten. Das geschah durch den Christus Jesus, und die historische Erscheinung des Christus Jesus bedeutet nichts anderes, als daß die Kräfte der sechs Elohim oder des Logos sich verkörpert haben in dem Jesus von Nazareth im Anfange unserer Zeitrechnung, — in ihm real da waren in der Welt der Sichtbarkeit. Darauf kommt es an. Das, was in der Sonne an innerer Kraft liegt, die Kraft der Logosliebe, nahm physische Menschengestalt an in dem Leibe des Jesus von Nazareth. Denn so wie ein anderer äußerer Gegenstand, wie ein anderes Wesen, so mußte dem Menschen auf der Erde für sein Sinnesbewußtsein der Gott in leibhaftiger Gestalt entgegentreten. Was ist daher diese Wesenheit, die uns im Beginne unserer Zeitrechnung als der Christus Jesus entgegentrat? Sie ist nichts anderes als die Verkörperung des Logos, der sechs anderen Elohim, denen vorbereitend der eine, der Jahve-Gott vorangegangen ist. Und diese eine Gestalt des Jesus von Nazareth, in welcher der Christus oder der Logos inkarniert war, bringt daher das, was früher immer nur von der Sonne auf die Erde herniederströmte, was nur im Sonnenlichte enthalten ist, sie bringt es in das Menschenleben, in die Menschheitsgeschichte selbst hinein: «Der Logos ward Fleisch». Das ist das, worauf das Johannes-Evangelium den größten Wert legt.
[ 25 ] Und es mußte der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums gerade auf diese Tatsache den größten Wert legen. Denn wahr ist es: Nachdem einige der eingeweihten Christus-Schüler verstanden hatten, um was es sich handelt, da traten auch andere auf, die das nicht im vollen Maße verstehen konnten, — die zwar voll verstanden, daß allem Materiellen, allem, was uns stofflich entgegentritt, ein SeelischGeistiges zugrunde liegt; was sie aber nicht begreifen konnten, war, daß sich in einem einzelnen Menschen für die physisch-sinnliche Welt physisch sichtbar der Logos selbst einmal verfleischlichte. Das konnten sie nicht verstehen. Dadurch unterscheidet sich das, was uns in den ersten christlichen Jahrhunderten als die «Gnosis » entgegentritt, von dem wahren esoterischen Christentum. Der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums hat mit kräftigen Worten darauf hingewiesen: Nein, nicht sollt ihr ansehen den Christus als übersinnliches, unsichtbar bleibendes Wesen, das allem Stofflichen zugrunde liegt, sondern ihr sollt Wert darauf legen, daß das Wort Fleisch geworden ist, daß es unter uns gewohnet hat! Das ist der feine Unterschied zwischen dem esoterischen Christentum und der ursprünglichen Gnosis. Die Gnosis kennt den Christus ebenso wie das esoterische Christentum, aber nur als eine geistige Wesenheit, und sieht höchstens in dem Jesus von Nazareth einen mehr oder weniger an diese geistige Wesenheit gebundenen menschlichen Verkünder. Sie will festhalten an dem unsichtbar bleibenden Christus. Dagegen ist das esoterische Christentum immer im Sinne des Johannes-Evangeliums gewesen, das auf dem festen Boden des Wortes stand:
«Und der Logos ist Fleisch geworden und hat unter uns gewohnet.» (1,14)
[ 26 ] Und derjenige, der da in der sichtbaren Welt war, ist eine wirkliche Verkörperung der sechs anderen Elohim, des Logos!
[ 27 ] Damit also ist die Erdenmission, das, was aus der Erde werden sollte durch das Ereignis von Palästina, erst richtig in die Erde eingetreten. Vorher war alles Vorbereitung. Als was mußte sich also der Christus, der in dem Leibe des Jesus von Nazareth wohnte, vorzugsweise bezeichnen?
[ 28 ] Er mußte sich vorzugsweise bezeichnen als den großen Bringer und den Verlebendiger des selbstbewußten freien menschlichen Wesens. Fassen wir diese lebendige Christus-Lehre einmal in kurze, paradigmatische Sätze. Dann müssen wir sagen: Die Erde ist dazu da, dem Menschen das volle Selbstbewußtsein, das «Ich-bin» zu geben. Vorher war alles nur Vorbereitung zu diesem Selbstbewußtsein, zum «Ich-bin»; und der Christus ist derjenige, der den Impuls gibt, daß die Menschen alle - jeder als einzelnes Wesen — empfinden können das «Ich-bin». Jetzt erst ist der mächtige Impuls gegeben, der die Menschen auf der Erde mit einem gewaltigen Ruck nach vorwärts bringt. Wir können das verfolgen beim Vergleich des Christentums mit der alttestamentlichen Lehre. In der alttestamentlichen Lehre fühlte der Mensch noch nicht vollständig das «Ich-bin» in seiner eigenen Persönlichkeit. Er hatte noch einen Rest dessen, was geblieben war von der alten Zeit des träumerischen Bewußtseins, wo der Mensch sich nicht als ein Selbst fühlte, sondern als Glied der göttlichen Wesenheit, wie das Tier heute noch ein Glied der Gruppenseele ist. Von der Gruppenseele sind die Menschen ausgegangen, und zum individuellen selbständigen Dasein, das in jedem Einzelmenschen das «Ich-bin» fühlt, sind sie fortgeschritten. Und der Christus ist die Kraft, die die Menschen zu diesem freien «Ich-bin»-Bewußtsein gebracht hat. Überschauen wir das einmal in seiner vollen innerlichen Bedeutung.
[ 29 ] Der Bekenner des Alten Testaments fühlte sich noch nicht so abgeschlossen in seiner einzelnen Persönlichkeit wie der Bekenner des Neuen Testaments. Der Bekenner des Alten Testaments sagte noch nicht in seiner Persönlichkeit: Ich bin ein Ich. Er fühlte sich in dem ganzen alten jüdischen Volke und fühlte das «Gruppen-Volks-Ich». Versetzen wir uns einmal lebendig in das Bewußtsein eines solchen alttestamentlichen Bekenners. So, wie der wirkliche Christ das «Ich bin» fühlt und allmählich immer mehr fühlen lernen wird, so fühlte der Bekenner des Alten Testaments nicht das «Ich-bin». Er fühlte sich als ein Glied des ganzen Volkes und schaute hinauf zu der Gruppenseele, und wenn er das aussprechen wollte, sagte er: Mein Bewußtsein reicht hinauf bis zum Vater des ganzen Volkes, bis zu Abraham; wir - ich und Vater Abraham - sind eins. Ein gemeinsames Ich umfaßt uns alle; und da erst fühle ich mich geborgen in der geistigen Substantialität der Welt, wenn ich in der ganzen Volkssubstanz mich ruhen fühle. - So sah der Bekenner des Alten Testaments hinauf bis zum Vater Abraham und sagte: Ich und der Vater Abraham sind eins. In meinen Adern fließt dasselbe Blut wie in Abrahams Adern. — Und den Vater Abraham fühlte er wie die Wurzel, aus der jeder einzelne Abrahamite als ein Glied hervorging.
[ 30 ] Da kam der Christus Jesus und sagte zu seinen nächsten intimsten Eingeweihten: Bisher haben die Menschen bloß geurteilt nach dem Fleisch, nach der Blutsverwandtschaft; die war für sie das Bewußtsein, daß sie in einem höheren, unsichtbaren Zusammenhange ruhten. Ihr aber sollt an einen viel geistigeren Zusammenhang glauben, an den, der weiter geht als die Blutsverwandtschaft. Ihr sollt an einen geistigen Vatergrund glauben, in dem das Ich wurzelt, der geistiger ist als jener Grund, der das jüdische Volk als Gruppenseele verbindet. Ihr sollt glauben an dasjenige, was in mir und in jedem Menschen ruht, und das ist nicht nur eins mit Abraham, das ist eins mit dem göttlichen Weltengrunde! Daher betonte der Christus Jesus im Sinne des Johannes-Evangeliums:
«Bevor der Vater Abraham war, war das «Ich-bin» !» (8, 58)
[ 31 ] Nicht nur bis zu dem Vater-Prinzip, das bis zu Abraham reicht, geht mein Ur-Ich hinauf, sondern mit dem, was den ganzen Kosmos durchpulst, ist das Ich eins; bis zu dem geht meine Geistigkeit hinauf.
«Ich und der Vater sind eins!» (10, 30)
[ 32 ] Das ist das wichtige Wort, das man fühlen muß; dann wird man den Ruck fühlen, der die Menschen ergriff und die Menschheitsentwickelung weiter brachte durch jenen Impuls, den das Erscheinen des Christus Jesus gab. Der Christus Jesus war der große Beleber des «Ich-bin ».
[ 33 ] Und nunmehr versuchen wir ein wenig darauf hinzuhorchen, was seine intimsten Bingeweihten sagten, wie sie das ausdrückten, was sich ihnen da offenbarte. Sie sagten: Bisher hat keine einzelne fleischliche Menschlichkeit existiert, der man diesen Namen des «Ich-bin » so beilegen durfte, als der, der als der erste die ganze Bedeutung des «Ich-bin» in die Welt gebracht hat. Und daher nannten sie das «Ich-bin» den Namen des Christus Jesus. Das war der Name, in dem sich die intimsten Eingeweihten verbunden fühlten, in dem Namen, den sie also verstanden, den Namen «Ich-bin ».
[ 34 ] So müssen Sie sich in die wichtigsten Kapitel des Johannes-Evangeliums vertiefen. Wenn Sie also jenes Kapitel nehmen, wo das Wort steht: «Ich bin das Licht der Welt!», da müssen Sie das wörtlich nehmen, ganz wörtlich. Das «Ich-bin», das da zum ersten Male im Fleische auftrat, was ist es? Dasselbe, was im Sonnenlichte als Logoskraft der Erde zuströmt. Überall haben Sie in dem ganzen 8. Kapitel, vom 12. Vers angefangen, das gewöhnlich überschrieben ist «Jesus, das Licht der Welt», die Umschreibung dieser tiefen Wahrheit von der Bedeutung des «Ich-bin». Lesen Sie das Kapitel so, daß Sie überall das «Ich» oder das «Ich-bin» betonen und wissen, daß das «Ich-bin » der Name war, auf den sich die Eingeweihten verbunden fühlten. Dann verstehen Sie es, dann erscheint Ihnen dies Kapitel so, daß Sie es etwa in der Art lesen müßten:
«Da redete Jesus zu seinen Jüngern und sprach: Was «Ich-bin » zu sich sagen kann, das ist die Kraft des Lichtes der Welt; und wer mir nachfolgt, der wird bei hellem lichtem Tagesbewußtsein dasjenige sehen, was diejenigen nicht sehen, die in der Finsternis wandeln.»
[ 35 ] Diese aber, die dem alten Glauben anhingen, daß nur auf eine nächtliche Art das Licht der Liebe dem Menschen eingepflanzt werden kann, die da die Pharisäer genannt wurden, die antworteten: «Du berufst dich auf dein «Ich-bin », wir aber berufen uns auf den Vater Abraham. Da fühlen wir die Kraft, die uns berechtigt, als selbstbewußte Wesen aufzutreten; da fühlen wir uns stark, wenn wir einsinken in den gemeinsamen Ichgrund, der bis zum Vater Abraham hinaufführt.»
«Jesus sprach: Wenn man in dem Sinne vom «Ich» redet, wie ich rede, da ist das Zeugnis wahr; denn ich weiß, daß dieses «Ich» von dem Vater, von dem gemeinsamen Urgrund der Welt kommt, und wohin es wieder geht.» (8, 14)
[ 36 ] Und nun der wichtige Satz, Kap. 8, Vers i5, den Sie wörtlich in folgender Weise übersetzen müssen:
«Ihr beurteilt alles nach dem Fleische. Ich aber beurteile nicht das Nichtige, das im Fleische ist.
Und wenn ich urteile, so ist mein Urteil ein wahres. Denn dann ist das Ich nicht allein für sich, sondern das Ich ist vereint mit dem Vater, von dem das Ich herstammt.» (8, 15-16)
[ 37 ] Das ist der Sinn dieser Stelle. So sehen Sie überall den Hinweis auf den gemeinsamen Vater. Und wir werden den Vaterbegriff noch genauer uns vor die Seele führen können. - So sehen Sie, wie das Wort: «Ehe denn der Vater Abraham war, war das «Ich-bin»» die Quintessenz der christlichen Lehrworte lebendig in sich enthält.
[ 38 ] Wir haben uns heute vertieft in die Worte des Johannes-Evangeliums, mehr, als wir es hätten tun können, wenn ich sie in äußerer Weise interpretiert hätte. Wir haben diese Worte aus der Geistesweisheit hergeleitet, insofern wir auf einige wichtige Worte des Johannes-Evangeliums angespielt haben, die gerade das Wesentliche des Christentums bezeichnen. Wir werden sehen, wie uns gerade dadurch, daß wir erst solche Kern- und Urworte des Evangeliums verstehen, Licht und Klarheit in das ganze Johannes-Evangelium hineinkommen wird.
[ 39 ] Nehmen Sie das alles als etwas, was als Lehre in der christlichen esoterischen Schule gelehrt worden ist, die der Schreiber des JohannesEvangeliums auf die Art, wie wir das besprechen werden, aufgeschrieben hat, um sie der Nachwelt zu überliefern für diejenigen, die da wirklich eindringen wollen in dessen Sinn.
[ 40 ] Wie man das wirklich noch tiefer tun kann, davon in dem nächsten Vortrag.
Third Lecture
[ 1 ] Yesterday we saw what deep content is hidden in the first words of the Gospel of John, and we can summarize our observations by saying: We have seen that the writer of the Gospel of John points to the becoming of the pre-human being in the primeval past, points to how, in the sense of Christian esotericism, everything is traced back to the Word or the Logos, who was already creative during the old Saturnian period, who then became life, and then light, - life, while our earth was passing through its solar state, -- light, while it was passing through the old lunar state. So that which man has become under the influence of divine-spiritual forces and entities in the course of the three planetary states, was permeated by the human ego when the earth had just become our present planet. So that one can say: Like a kind of seed an entity came from the old moon over to earth, consisting of a physical body, emerged from the divine original word, of an etheric or life body, emerged from the divine life, of an astral body, emerged from the divine light. The light of the ego itself was kindled within this entity during its earthly existence. This threefold corporeality: physical body, etheric body and astral body, became capable of speaking within itself the “I am”, so that in a certain way we can call the development of the earth the development of the “I-am”, the self-consciousness of man. And this “I-am”, this ability of full self-consciousness, only emerged slowly and gradually in the course of the development of earth humanity. We must realize how the development of earth humanity was, insofar as the I, the full self-consciousness, slowly and gradually came into existence in it.
[ 2 ] There was a time in our earth development, we call it the old Lemurian time; it is the oldest time in which the human being appeared within the earth existence in the form in which he is present today. For the first time in the ancient Lemurian period there occurred what we call the embodiment of the I, the actual innermost being of man, in the three bodies, the astral body, the etheric body and the physical body. Then came the Atlantean period, when man lived for the most part on the old Atlantean continent, an area of land that today forms the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, which was submerged by the great Atlantean flood, the memory of which has been preserved in the Flood legends of almost all peoples. Man then embodied himself, according to his innermost nature, in successive incarnations up to the present day during the post-Atlantean period. Our souls were actually embodied for the first time in the Lemurian period in a tripartite entity consisting of a physical body, etheric body and astral body, as we have come to know them. What preceded this is to be left for later consideration. - We must therefore go far back when we consider the course of development, and man develops only slowly and gradually to his present existence. What do we in occultism call “our present existence” in the spiritual scientific sense?
[ 3 ] We call our present existence a state of consciousness such as man has today from the morning, when he wakes up, until the evening, when he falls asleep. There man sees the things around him through his outer physical senses. From the evening, when he falls asleep, until the morning, when he wakes up, he does not see the things around him. Why is this so? We know that it is so because in today's developmental conditions during the daytime the actual inner man, that is, the ego and the astral body, are in the physical body and etheric body on the physical plane, that is, in the physical world. There the astral body and the ego can make use of the physical sense organs, hear and see out into the world and perceive physical things. From the evening, when a person falls asleep, until the morning, when he wakes up, the ego and the astral body are outside the physical world, on the astral plane. There they are separated from physical eyes and physical ears, they cannot perceive what is around them. This state, such a change in the human being between day waking and night sleeping, has only developed slowly and gradually. This was not yet the case when man first underwent physical embodiment in ancient Lemurian times. Then man was only inside his physical body for a very short time of the day - by no means as long as today - according to his ego and astral body. But because the human being was outside his physical body for a longer period of time, and only entered the physical body awake for a shorter time, life during the Lemurian period was still quite different. The fact that man was completely unconscious during the night, when he was not dreaming, came about very slowly and gradually. Consciousness during the day and night was still distributed quite differently during the Lemurian period. People still had a dull clairvoyant consciousness. When they were outside the physical body in the spiritual world at night, they perceived the spiritual world around them - even if not as clearly as people today see physical things during the day. We must not simply compare this perception with today's dreams. Today's dream is only like a last vestigial remnant of this ancient clairvoyance. However, people perceived such images back then, just as they do today in dreams; but these images had a very real meaning. Let us realize what these images meant.
[ 4 ] In ancient times, when man lived in day-consciousness for a short part of the 24 hours, which was much shorter than today, he could only see the outer physical bodies very dimly, as if shrouded in a mist. It was only very slowly that physical things were seen as they are today. During the day, man then saw the first hints of the physical bodies, shrouded in mist, just as today, when you walk through the streets in the evening on a foggy day, you see the lanterns surrounded by mist as if by a kind of aura of light. This is only apparent, but this is how man first saw the physical bodies appear around him. And when he fell asleep, he did not sink into unconsciousness, but during sleep consciousness images appeared, images in colors and shapes. There was then a world around man against which the most vivid dream world of today is but a faint misty echo. These images signified the soul and spirit in the environment.
[ 5 ] So when man at the beginning of his earthly career approached a creature that was harmful to him during his night walk, he did not see it as it is seen today - that is, not a lion approaching him as a lion figure - but he saw a picture of color and form rising up, and that instinctively showed him: There is something harmful to you, it is eating you and you must avoid it. These were real images of the spiritual-soul that was going on around the human being. Everything spiritual was seen in the night, and very slowly and gradually the development took place in such a way that the human being immersed himself in his physical body for longer and longer periods of time, the night became shorter and shorter, the day lasted longer and longer. And the more man settled into his physical body, the more the nocturnal clairvoyant images disappeared, the more the present day consciousness emerged. But we must not forget that a real, genuine self-consciousness, such as man is supposed to attain during his earthly existence, can only be attained through immersion in the physical body. Man did not feel himself as an independent being in the past, but as a member of the divine-spiritual entities from which he sprang. Just as the hand feels itself to be a member of the organism, so man, when he still had a dim clairvoyance, felt himself to be a part of the divine-spiritual consciousness, the divine ego. Man would not have said of himself “I-am”, but “God is - and I in him”.
[ 6 ] Now, however, as we shall understand more and more, a very special mission was reserved for the earth, which had passed through three earlier stages in its development than Saturn, the sun and the moon. Do not believe that the planetary states can be considered side by side in such a way that one planet is equal to the other. There can be no question of a mere repetition of what has already existed in divine creation. Every planetary existence has a very specific task. Our earth has the mission that the beings who are to develop on it must train the element of love to its highest development. Love is to permeate the earth completely when the earth has reached the end of its development. - Let us realize what this means: The earth is the planetary state for the development of love.
[ 7 ] We say in spiritual science that the earth was preceded by the old moon. This old moon also had a mission as a planetary stage. It did not yet have the task of training love, it was to be the planet or the cosmos of wisdom. Before our earthly state, our planet went through the stage of wisdom. A simple, one might say logical observation can illustrate this for you. Look around you in nature among all its beings. Do not look at them with your mere intellect, but with the powers of your heart and mind, and you will find wisdom expressed in nature everywhere. This wisdom which is spoken of here is meant in such a way that it underlies everything like a kind of spiritual substance. Look at everything you want in nature. Take a piece of thigh bone, for example, and you will see: It is not a solid mass, but a fine, reciprocating series of beams arranged into a marvelous framework. And if you investigate the law according to which they are constructed, you will find that the law is followed according to which the greatest strength is developed with the least amount of material in order to support the upper body of the human being. Our art of engineering is not yet ready to construct such an elaborate framework as the all-pervading wisdom has built. Man will only have such wisdom later. Divine wisdom permeates the whole of nature; human wisdom will only be added gradually. In the course of time, human wisdom will achieve inwardly what divine wisdom has secreted into the earth.
[ 8 ] But in the same sense that wisdom has been prepared on the moon so that it is now found everywhere on earth, love is being prepared on earth. If you could look back clairvoyantly to the old moon, you would see that there was not such wisdom in all things then; you would find some things still unwise. Only through the whole development of the moon did wisdom imprint itself on things, and when the moon was finished in its development, everything was so permeated by it that wisdom was everywhere in it.
[ 9 ] The inner wisdom first entered man on earth with the ego. But man must develop this inner wisdom little by little. Just as wisdom developed on the moon so that it is now present in things, so love is now developing. It first came into existence in its lowest form, in the sensual, during the Lemurian period. But in the course of the earth existence it will spiritualize itself more and more, until finally, when the earth will have reached the end of its development, the whole existence will be permeated by love as it is today permeated by wisdom - through the work of men, when they will fulfil their task.
[ 10 ] And the earth will pass over into a future planetary state. This we call Jupiter. But the beings who will walk around on Jupiter in the same way as human beings on earth will find the love fragrant in all beings, which they themselves have put into them as human beings during their earthly existence, just as human beings today find wisdom in all things. Then people will also develop love from within themselves, just as people are now gradually developing wisdom. The great cosmic love will then permeate the things that are now beginning their existence on earth.
[ 11 ] The materialistic sense does not believe in cosmic wisdom, but only in human wisdom. If men would look into the course of development with an unbiased mind, they would see that all cosmic wisdom was as far advanced at the beginning as human wisdom will only be at the end of the earth. In the times when people were more precise with designations than at present, the subjective wisdom working in man was called intelligence, in contrast to the objective cosmic wisdom. Man pays no attention to the fact that what he invents in the course of his earthly existence, the divine-spiritual entities have already conquered and implanted in the earth during his moon existence. Let us take an example of this.
[ 12 ] How children are taught in school about the great progress that humans have made, for example, through the invention of paper. Well, the wasps produced paper many thousands of years before; for what the wasps build in their nests consists of exactly the same substance from which human paper is made, and it is produced in exactly the same way, only through the process of life. The wasp spirit, the group soul of the wasps, which is a part of the divine-spiritual substance, was the inventor of paper much earlier. Thus man is actually always groping after the wisdom of the world. In principle, everything that man will invent in the course of his development on earth is already contained in nature. But what man will really give to the earth is love, which will unfold from the most sensual to the most spiritualized kind. That is the task of earth's development. The earth is the cosmos of love.
[ 13 ] But what, we ask, is necessary for love? What is necessary for one being to be able to love another? It is necessary for this being to have its full self-consciousness, to be completely independent. No being can love another in the full sense if this love is not a free gift towards the other being. My hand does not love my organism. Only a being that is independent, that is unbound from the other being, can love it. For this, the human being had to become an I-being. The I had to be implanted in the threefold human body so that the earth could carry out its mission of love through the human being. Therefore you will understand that in Christian esotericism it is said: Just as other forces, most recently wisdom during the lunar existence, have streamed down from the gods, so love streams into this during the earthly existence; and the bearer of love can only be the independent ego, which gradually forms itself in the course of earthly development. But man must be prepared very slowly for everything, including the present nature of his consciousness. Let us suppose that in ancient Lemurian times man had been immersed in his physical body and had already seen the full outer reality. He would then not have been able to implant love at this rapid pace! He had to be gradually led to his earthly mission. Without his full self-consciousness, without his being ready to perceive the objects around him in the light of day, the first lessons of love were unconsciously given to him in his dim consciousness. Thus we see that during all the times when man still had an old, dreamlike clairvoyant consciousness, while the soul was thus outside the body for a long time, love was implanted in man in a dim, not yet self-conscious state. Let us imagine the soul, this man of old, who has not yet reached the height of full self-consciousness.
[ 14 ] Man falls asleep in the evening; but there is no abrupt transition from waking to sleeping. Images emerge, vivid dream images, but they have a living connection with the spiritual world. This means that the human being enters the spiritual world while falling asleep. There the divine spirit instilled the first seeds of all the workings of love into his twilight consciousness. That which is to reveal itself through love in the course of earthly development first flows into man during the night. The God who brings the actual earth mission to earth first reveals himself at night to the dull, old clairvoyant consciousness before he can reveal himself to the bright consciousness of day. Then, slowly and gradually, the times in which man is in the dull clairvoyant state become shorter, the daytime consciousness longer and longer, the auric fringes around the objects become less and less significant, the objects acquire ever firmer boundaries. Previously man had seen the sun and the moon with a mighty halo, everything as if lying in a mass of mist. Only slowly does the whole view become clearer, and solid boundaries appear around things. Man has gradually come to this state. What man sees externally, while the sun illuminates the earth and reveals to him through the visible light the whole earthly existence, minerals, plants and animals, man perceives as the revelations of the divine in the external.
[ 15 ] What then, in the sense of Christian esotericism, is that which becomes visible in the bright consciousness of day, of which the earth is composed in its broadest extent? It is a revelation of the divine powers, an outer material revelation of the inner spiritual! If you look out at the sun or at what you find on earth: It is a revelation of the Divine-Spiritual. This divine-spiritual in its present form, as it underlies everything that appears to the bright consciousness of day, the invisible world behind this whole visible world of day, that is what Christian esotericism calls the “Logos” or the “Word”. For just as man can ultimately express the Word in himself, so everything, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the mineral kingdom, first came into being from the Logos. Everything is an embodiment of this Logos. And just as your soul works invisibly within you and creates a body for itself externally, so in the world every soul creates an external body that suits it and reveals itself through some physical thing.
[ 16 ] Where then is the physical body of the Logos, of which the Gospel of John speaks and which we want to become more and more aware of today? Where is the physical body of the Logos? This outer physical body of the Logos first appears most purely in the outer sunlight. Sunlight is not merely material light. For the spiritual view it is just as much the dress of the Logos as your outer physical body is the dress for your soul. If you relate to a person in the same way that the majority of people relate to the sun today, you cannot get to know the other person; you would relate to every person who has a feeling, thinking, willing soul in such a way that you do not presuppose a soul-spirituality in him, but merely scan a physical body and believe that it could then also be made of paper-mache. But if you want to penetrate to the spiritual in the sunlight, then you must look at it in the same way as when you get to know the inside of a person from the physical side. Just as your body relates to your soul, so the sunlight relates to the Logos. In the sunlight a spiritual flows towards the earth. This spiritual is, if we are able to grasp not only the solar body but also the solar spirit, this spirit is the love that flows down to earth. Not only does the physical sunlight awaken the plants, so that they would have to wither if the physical sunlight did not affect them, but with the physical sunlight the warm love of the deity streams down to earth; and people are there to absorb and develop the warm love of the deity. Deity within themselves, to develop it and to reciprocate it. But they can only do this by becoming self-aware ego beings. Only then can they return the love.
[ 17 ] When people first began to dwell in their day life, at first only for a short time, they could hear nothing of the light that at the same time ignited love. The light shone into the darkness, but the darkness could not yet comprehend anything of the light. And if this light, which is also the love of the Logos, had not been revealed to man other than through the brief hours of daylight, man would not have understood this light of love. But in the dim clairvoyant dream consciousness of those ancient times, love did flow into man. And now we look beyond existence to a great mystery of the world, of our earth, to an important mystery.
[ 18 ] Let us understand that the guidance of the world for our earth was such that for a time love flowed into man in an unconscious way through a dim clairvoyant consciousness and prepared him inwardly for the reception of love in the full bright consciousness of day. - We have seen that our earth has gradually become the cosmos that has to carry out the mission of love. The earth is illuminated by today's sun. Just as man inhabits the earth and gradually acquires love, so other, higher beings inhabit the sun, because the sun has arrived at a higher stage of existence. Man is an inhabitant of the earth, and to be an inhabitant of the earth means to be a being who acquires love during his time on earth. A sun dweller in our time means a being that can ignite love, that can let love flow in. The inhabitants of the earth would not be able to develop love, would not be able to absorb it, if the inhabitants of the sun did not send them mature wisdom with rays of light. As the light of the sun streams down to earth, love develops on earth. This is a very real truth. The beings who stand so high that they can radiate love have made the sun their showplace.
[ 19 ] When the moon had finished its development, there were seven such principal beings who were so far advanced that they could radiate love. Here we touch upon a profound mystery revealed by secret science. - At the beginning of earthly development there is the childlike human being, who was to receive love and was ready to receive the ego, and on the other side there is the sun, which split off and ascended to a higher existence. Seven main spirits of light were able to develop on this sun, which at the same time were the giving spirits of love. Only six of them took up residence on the sun; and that which flows towards us physically in the light of the sun contains within it the spiritual powers of love of these six spirits of light or the six Elohim, as we find them in the Bible. One of them split off and took a different path to man's salvation, choosing not the sun but the moon as his abode. And this one of the spirits of light, who voluntarily renounced the sun and chose the moon, is none other than the one whom the Old Testament calls “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”. This one who chose the moon as his abode is the one who from the moon poured mature wisdom onto the earth and thereby prepared love.
[ 20 ] Now take a look at this mystery that is behind things. The night belongs to the moon, and it belonged to the moon to a much greater extent in those ancient times when man could not yet receive the power of love from the sun, when he could not yet receive this power of love in the direct light. Then he received the reflected power of mature wisdom from the lunar light. It flowed to him from the moonlight during the time of night consciousness. Yahweh is therefore called the ruler of the night, who prepared man for the love that would later arise during the full consciousness of the day. So we look back to the ancient time of mankind, where spiritually the process took place that is only symbolized by the heavenly bodies, where you have the sun on one side, the moon on the other.
[ 21 ] During the night, at certain times, the moon sends us the reflected solar power. It is the same light that comes to us from the sun. Thus back in ancient times Yahweh or Jehovah radiated the power of mature wisdom, the power of the six Elohim, and this power he poured into men during the time of night sleep and prepared them so that they would be able to receive the power of love little by little during the day-waking consciousness.
[ 22 ] The drawing is intended to symbolically indicate the day-waking human being, where the physical body and etheric body are dependent on the divine, and the ego and the astral body are on the physical plane in the physical body and etheric body; there the whole system of the human being is illuminated from the outside by the sun. You now know that the night was much longer and much more effective for man in ancient times. There the astral body and the ego are out of the physical body and the etheric body; there the ego is entirely in the astral world, and the astral body is lowered from outside into the physical body in such a way that it is nevertheless embedded in the spiritual-divine in its whole being. The sun cannot shine directly on the human astral body and ignite the power of love in it. The moon, which reflects the sunlight, works through Yahweh or Jehovah. The moon is the symbol for Yahweh or Jehovah, and the sun is nothing other than the symbol for the Logos, which is the sum of the other six Elohim. Only symbolically this drawing, which you may study, which you may meditate upon, is intended to indicate this. And if you think about it, you will find what profound mystery truths are represented in it: that for a long time the power of love was implanted in man's nocturnal consciousness by Yahweh in an unconscious way. Thus man was prepared so that he himself could gradually receive the Logos, the power of his love. How was this possible? How could this happen? - Now we come to the other side of the mystery.
[ 23 ] We have said to ourselves that man was called to self-conscious love on earth. So he had to have a guide, a teacher during the light of day consciousness, who faced him in such a way that he could perceive him. Only during the night, in the twilight consciousness, could love be implanted in him. Gradually, however, something had to occur, something had to occur with full reality, which made it possible for man to see the essence of love itself physically on the outside. How could this happen? It could only come about through the fact that the being of divine love, the Logos, became a being on earth - a carnal being on earth, such as man could perceive on earth through his senses. Because man evolved to perceive through his outer senses, God, the Logos, had to become a sensory being himself. He had to appear in a fleshly body. This happened through Christ Jesus, and the historical appearance of Christ Jesus means nothing other than that the powers of the six Elohim or the Logos were embodied in Jesus of Nazareth at the beginning of our era - in him they were really there in the world of visibility. That is what matters. That which lies in the sun as inner power, the power of the love of the Logos, took on physical human form in the body of Jesus of Nazareth. For just like another external object, like another being, God had to confront man on earth in bodily form for his sensory consciousness. What, therefore, is this being that confronted us at the beginning of our era as the Christ Jesus? He is nothing other than the embodiment of the Logos, the six other Elohim, who were preceded by the one, the Yahweh-God. And this one figure of Jesus of Nazareth, in whom the Christ or the Logos was incarnated, therefore brings into human life, into human history itself, that which previously only ever streamed down to earth from the sun, that which is only contained in sunlight: “The Logos became flesh”. This is what the Gospel of John places the greatest value on.
[ 24 ] And the writer of the Gospel of John had to place the greatest value on this very fact. For it is true: After some of the initiated disciples of Christ had understood what it was all about, others appeared who could not understand it to the full extent, - who fully understood that everything material, everything that materially confronts us, is based on a soul-spiritual; but what they could not grasp was that in an individual human being, physically visible to the physical-sensual world, the Logos himself once became incarnate. They could not understand this. This distinguishes what we encounter in the first Christian centuries as “gnosis” from true esoteric Christianity. The writer of the Gospel of John pointed this out in strong words: No, you should not regard Christ as a supersensible, invisible being who underlies all material things, but you should attach importance to the fact that the Word became flesh, that he dwelt among us! This is the subtle difference between esoteric Christianity and the original Gnosis. Gnosticism knows the Christ in the same way as esoteric Christianity, but only as a spiritual being, and at most sees in Jesus of Nazareth a human herald more or less bound to this spiritual being. It wants to hold on to the invisible Christ. In contrast, esoteric Christianity has always been in the spirit of the Gospel of John, which stood on the solid ground of the Word:
"And the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us.” (1,14)
[ 25 ] And the one who was there in the visible world is a real embodiment of the six other Elohim, the Logos!
[ 26 ] Thus, the earth mission, that which was to become of the earth through the event of Palestine, only really entered the earth. Before that everything was preparation. So what must the Christ, who dwelt in the body of Jesus of Nazareth, preferably describe himself as?
[ 27 ] He must preferably describe himself as the great bringer and the animator of the self-conscious free human being. Let us summarize this living doctrine of Christ in short, paradigmatic sentences. Then we must say: The earth is there to give man full self-consciousness, the “I-am”. Before, everything was only preparation for this self-consciousness, for the “I-am”; and the Christ is the one who gives the impulse so that people can all - each as an individual being - feel the “I-am”. Only now is the powerful impulse given that brings people on earth forward with a mighty jolt. We can follow this by comparing Christianity with the teachings of the Old Testament. In the Old Testament teaching, man did not yet fully feel the “I-am” in his own personality. He still had a remnant of what remained of the old time of dreamy consciousness, when man did not feel himself as a self, but as a member of the divine entity, just as the animal is still a member of the group soul today. From the group soul people have gone out, and they have progressed to individual independent existence, which feels the “I-am” in every single person. And the Christ is the power that has brought people to this free “I-am” consciousness. Let us look at this once in its full inner meaning.
[ 28 ] The confessor of the Old Testament did not yet feel as complete in his individual personality as the confessor of the New Testament. The confessor of the Old Testament did not yet say in his personality: “I am an I”. He felt himself in the whole ancient Jewish people and felt the “group-people-I”. Let us put ourselves vividly into the consciousness of such an Old Testament confessor. Just as the real Christian feels the “I am” and will gradually learn to feel it more and more, so the confessor of the Old Testament did not feel the “I am”. He felt himself to be a member of the whole people and looked up to the group soul, and when he wanted to express this, he said: “My consciousness reaches up to the father of the whole people, to Abraham; we - I and father Abraham - are one. A common ego embraces us all; and only then do I feel secure in the spiritual substantiality of the world, when I feel myself at rest in the whole substance of the people. - Thus the confessor of the Old Testament looked up to the father Abraham and said: “I and the father Abraham are one. The same blood flows in my veins as in Abraham's veins. - And the father Abraham he felt as the root from which every single Abrahamite sprang forth as a limb.
[ 29 ] Then came the Christ Jesus, and said to his nearest intimate initiates: Hitherto men have judged merely according to the flesh, according to consanguinity; which was to them the consciousness that they rested in a higher, invisible connection. But you should believe in a much more spiritual connection, one that goes further than blood relationship. You should believe in a spiritual father ground in which the I is rooted, which is more spiritual than the ground that connects the Jewish people as a group soul. You should believe in that which rests in me and in every human being, and this is not only one with Abraham, it is one with the divine world reason! Therefore, Christ Jesus emphasized in the sense of the Gospel of John:
"Before the Father was Abraham, there was the ‘I-am’ !” (8, 58)
[ 30 ] Not only up to the Father-principle, which reaches up to Abraham, goes my original I, but with that which pulsates through the whole cosmos, the I is one; up to that goes my spirituality.
"I and the Father are one!” (10, 30)
[ 31 ] This is the important word that one must feel; then one will feel the jolt that seized people and brought the development of humanity further through the impulse given by the appearance of Christ Jesus. The Christ Jesus was the great quickener of the “I-am”.
[ 32 ] And now let us try to listen a little to what his most intimate initiates said, how they expressed what was revealed to them. They said: Until now no single carnal humanity has existed to which this name of “I-am” could be ascribed as the one who was the first to bring the whole meaning of “I-am” into the world. And that is why they called the “I-am” the name of Christ Jesus. That was the name in which the most intimate initiates felt themselves united, in the name which they thus understood, the name “I-am ‘.
[ 33 ] So you must delve into the most important chapters of the Gospel of John. So if you take the chapter where it says: “I am the light of the world”, you must take it literally, quite literally. The “I am” that appeared for the first time in the flesh, what is it? The same thing that flows into the earth in the light of the sun as the power of the Logos. Everywhere in the entire 8th chapter, beginning with the 12th verse, which is usually entitled “Jesus, the Light of the World”, you have the paraphrase of this profound truth of the meaning of the “I-am”. Read the chapter in such a way that you emphasize the “I” or the “I-am” everywhere and know that the “I-am” was the name to which the initiates felt connected. Then you understand it, then this chapter appears to you in such a way that you should read it something like this:
"Then spake Jesus unto his disciples, saying, Whatsoever ‘I am’ can say unto himself, this is the power of the light of the world: and he that followeth me shall see in the brightness of the day those things which they that walk in darkness see not. “
[ 34 ] But those who held to the old belief that only in a nocturnal way can the light of love be implanted in man, who were called the Pharisees, answered: “You appeal to your ‘I-am ’, but we appeal to the father Abraham. There we feel the power that entitles us to appear as self-confident beings; there we feel strong when we sink into the common ground of self, which leads up to the Father Abraham."
"Jesus said: If one speaks of the ‘I’ in the sense in which I speak, then the testimony is true; for I know that this ‘I’ comes from the Father, from the common origin of the world, and where it goes again.” (8, 14)
[ 35 ] And now the important sentence, chapter 8, verse i5, which you must translate literally in the following way:
"You judge everything according to the flesh. But I do not judge the vain things that are in the flesh.
And if I judge, my judgment is a true one. For then the I is not for itself alone, but the I is united with the Father, from whom the I comes.” (8, 15-16)
[ 36 ] That is the meaning of this passage. So you see the reference to the common Father everywhere. And we will be able to visualize the concept of the Father even more precisely. - Thus you will see how the words: “Before the Father was Abraham, the ‘I-am’” contain the quintessence of the Christian doctrinal words alive within them.
[ 37 ] We have immersed ourselves today in the words of John's Gospel, more than we could have done if I had interpreted them in an external way. We have derived these words from the wisdom of the Spirit, inasmuch as we have alluded to some important words of John's Gospel which indicate the very essence of Christianity. We will see how light and clarity will come into the whole Gospel of John precisely because we first understand such core and original words of the Gospel.
[ 38 ] Take all this as something that has been taught in the Christian esoteric school, which the writer of the Gospel of John has written down in the way we are going to discuss, in order to hand it down to posterity for those who really want to penetrate its meaning.
[ 39 ] How you can really do this even more deeply will be discussed in the next lecture.