The Gospel of St. John (Basle)
GA 100
21 November 1907, Basle
Translator Unknown
Lecture VI
One of the most significant mysteries in all occult schools, including that of Dionysius, is the Mystery of Number. None save those who can decipher the secret of Number can read an occult writing. There is always deep meaning behind it, wherever in religious documents numbers are mentioned. In the School of Pythagoras, also the Mystery of Number played an important part. Although it is true that the letter killeth, one must, nevertheless in explaining occult writings, attach a certain value to the letter, otherwise there is danger of explaining into the writing the spirit one wants to have in it. In St. John's Gospel we find various numbers which have a secret significance. In our last lecture we spoke of the three women who stood by the cross; the virgin mother Sophia, Mary, and Mary Magdalene. We will now consider another secret of number.
In the course of His conversation with the woman of Samaria, Christ Jesus said to her: “Thou hast has five husbands; and he whom thou now has is not thy husband.” (John 4:18) And again, in the story of the healing of the man who had been ill for thirty-eight years, the five occurs: the pool of Bethesda had five porches. (John 5:2) We will now look somewhat more closely into the significance of this mystical number five. Let us consider the human being in connection with the evolution of humanity. As we saw in yesterday's lecture, man consists of nine parts, which may, from another point of view, be reduced to seven. These several principles of man gradually unfold in the course of the evolution of man. They are not all developed in the average man of the present day; he has only developed as far as to the Spiritual Soul. The Spirit Self is only just beginning to unfold. Let us go back to the period in human evolution when man learned to say “I” consciously to himself. Before that period there was the old Atlantean epoch, when men still possessed the old dim clairvoyant forces. In the parts of Atlantis corresponding to present-day Ireland there lived a people which had so progressed in evolution that the etheric head and the physical head coincided. This people was at that time the most advanced, and it was destined to become the bearer of the evolution of the future. A very advanced Being led this group towards the East, through present-day Russia to Central Asia, to the region of the present desert of Gobi. There a colony was founded, and from this centre colonists were sent forth in various directions who spread the culture fostered in this centre. This took place about the time when Atlantis was being gradually submerged; present-day Africa and Europe gradually emerged out of the waves.
Another group of Atlanteans travelled towards the West and formed the original population of present-day America, where they were found by the Europeans when America was rediscovered. Another group wandered to the north of Europe. All these groups preserved their clairvoyant remembrances in old sagas, myths and legends. When these sagas and myths are rightly understood they throw light upon much that is still dark in the history of humanity. But we must not go to work pedantically in explaining these sagas and myths; we must know how clairvoyant experiences and the power of phantasy co-operated in a complicated manner to produce these old legends.
During the period when the Ego first shone out in the personality, man lived to a much higher degree in his environment than he did later. He perceived the outlines of the objects and beings around him less clearly than he did their inner qualities and their attitude towards him,—whether they were useful or harmful, friendly or hostile. The more the ego became enclosed within the human personality the more did the clairvoyant capacities diminish while the forms in the outer world, appeared more and more clearly before the physical eyes. If we picture this fact clearly, we can easily comprehend that the entrance of the Ego produced a mighty change. Previously man had not seen his own body; he now began to describe it as his Ego. Towards the end of the Atlantean Epoch Atlantis was a land of cloud, it was covered with dense volumes of mist. There were no alternating periods or rain and sunshine, and there was no phenomenon such as the rainbow; this could only appear after the Atlantean Epoch, when the masses of mist dispersed. This event has remained alive in the folk consciousness as the legend of Wotan, who journeys over the bridge with his he-goats, and in the story of Noah and the Ark.
The memory of the land of mist has been preserved in the northern name, Niffelheim, Nobelheim—home of cloud. And the northern peoples have also preserved the memory of the coming of the Ego into the human personality in the Saga of the Niebelungen. In that saga the Ego is represented by the symbol of gold. The gold was once dissolved in the water; then it condensed into the ring, the treasure of the Nibelungen. The Ego, which had hitherto been distributed over the whole world, condensed into the firm human form. In Wagner's version of this legend we can see very clearly the unconscious perception of the creative artist. Wagner was not fully conscious of what he created in his work, an unconscious knowledge guided him. For example, Wagner may have characterised the Ego awakened to consciousness, by the organ notes which sound throughout the whole overture of the opera, “Rheingold.”
Over in the Far East the first post-Atlantean civilisation arose, a civilisation to which the ancient Vedas still bear witness. The first impulse for this civilisation was given towards the south in the old Indian Civilisation. The reports of this fact are preserved in the old Indian legends and in the religious records, and they can be read by one who is clairvoyant. Many statements that are apparently contradictory prove to contain the deepest truth. The men of this civilisation had preserved clear remembrances of the former old clairvoyance, and they still longed for it, for they looked upon it as a valuable possession which they had lost. They were still so filled with the reality of the spiritual world that they looked upon the physical as maya, illusion. Hence they sought to regain this lost treasure by turning away their gaze from all that is earthly and continually directing it to the spiritual. This is the origin of the Yoga exercises, which seek to lead the pupil into the spiritual world by diminishing the consciousness. They desired to return to the old dreamy state; they sought the path which would lead them back into the Paradise they had lost.
Throughout the whole of the Atlantean Epoch man had only perceived the outer world in dim, unclear outlines; the Atlantean lived chiefly in the spiritual world. To the spiritual investigator the whole of the post-Atlantean Epoch signifies but a gradual conquest of the physical plane. The men of the first post-Atlantean civilisation, the Indian had little feeling for what was outside in physical nature; for the Initiates it was an absolute illusion, and they strove to get away from it and reach the only reality, the spiritual world.
The second was the old Persian civilisation. The Persian was already closer to the outer world than was thg Indian. He learned to distinguish especially between good and evil, represented by the Gods Ormuzd and Ahriman; he strove to unite himself with the former in order to combat the latter. The Earth was for him a place for work, in order to embody the Spirit in physical existence.
The third age of civilisation was the Egyptian-Assyrian-Chaldean-Babylonian, and here, again, man made a further step forward in the conquest of the physical plane. To the Persians the world was physically an undifferentiated field for work; in the Egyptian civilisation man began to apply his knowledge and make it useful. He applied his knowledge of Geometry and divided the land; he directed his gaze to the stars, and laid the foundations of Astronomy.
The fourth was the Greco-Latin age of civilisation. Hitherto man had occupied himself in applying his science to the things of the outer world; he now began to embody his own inner being, his specifically human nature, in matter. His own form reappeared in his works of art, and in his epics and dramas he described his own psychic qualities. The Romans developed the idea of citizenship, and so the State and Jurisprudence arose.
In the fifth age of civilisation, in which we are now living, man has gone still further in the mastery of the outer world. In our age the Spirit has descended most deeply into matter. This descent had to come if humanity was to progress; only when the Spirit has descended fully into matter can its reascent begin. In our age we have a great development of science, and with its aid we can control the various forces of nature. In ancient times, when men ground their corn in a most primitive way between two stones, they did not need to expend much mental power to satisfy their simple needs, but things are quite different now. Think of the immense expenditure of mental effort necessary to satisfy the material needs of the modern man. We have locomotives, steamships, telephones, electric light. An immense amount of mental power has been embodied in matter in these things, but the spiritual interests of men here pass entirely into the background. Thus we see that the whole development of humanity in the post-Atlantean Epoch has signified a descent of the human spirit into matter. But the purpose of this descent is the conquest of matter, this great opponent of the Spirit; for after the deepest descent, an ascent to conscious, spiritual life must now begin.
The course of human history in the post-Atlantean Epoch may be represented by the curved line in the following diagram.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Indian Age. |
Persian Age. |
Egyptian Age. |
Greaco-Latin. |
Our Own Age |
Descent of the Spirit. |
Ascent |
Etheric body. |
Astral body. |
Sentient soul |
Intellectul soul |
Spiritual soul |
Spirit Self |
Life Spirit |
Period of true Christianity |
It is the power of Christianity which is to bring about the ascent. The Star of Christianity appeared in the fourth age of civilization, long before the deepest point in the descending curve had been reached. Christ Jesus appeared as the great Personality Who brought to humanity the power which would enable it later to rise to the Spirit. All the former ages of civilisation can also be looked upon as a preparation for Christianity. In the fifth age of civilisation Christianity has to withstand the severest testing, for materialistic thought darkens and hides the spiritual truths of Christianity. In the sixth age Christianity will unite humanity into a great bond of brotherhood, and Spiritual Science or Anthroposophy must be looked upon an the messenger of this coming age, for it is preparing the way for the spiritualising of humanity. The teachings given to mankind in Christianity are so profound, so full of wisdom, that no religion of the future will be able to displace or supplant Christianity. It will be possible for Christianity to adapt itself to all the forms of civilisation in the future.
We must now study another side of the evolution of humanity. The physical body underwent a special development in the Atlantean Epoch, and when Atlantis was submerged beneath the waves man possessed approximately the same form he now has. Then began the development of the more spiritual principles. In the Indian Age the etheric body was especially developed. In that first age of civilisation the Indians were very receptive to the spiritual life, and this was connected with a special development of the etheric body.
We may remark that our present European civilisation is very different from the present Indian and also from the old Indian, and so it is comprehensible that the paths to be followed by the Indian and the European to the spiritual life must be different. The Yoga exercises that are suited to the Indian and helpful to him are unsuitable for the European. The methods of initiation arranged by the Masters are carefully adapted to the stage of development reached by humanity at a particular time, for a method which is excellent at a certain stage, may be positively harmful at another stage. It is not without reason that various religions have appeared in the course of time; although there is a kernel of truth that is common to them all, the various expressions of this truth are conditioned by the differences in the several ages of civilisation. A tree is, from root to flower, a complete whole, and yet the root requires a different food from that needed by the leaves and flowers; so also the humanity of the various ages of civilisation requires a different religion and method of initiation.
In the Persian civilisation the astral body was specially developed. In the Egyptian-Assyrian-Chaldean-Babylonian civilisation the Sentient Soul was developed; in the Graeco-Latin civilisation the Intellectual Soul, and in our own age the Spiritual Soul. In the sixth age the Spirit Self, as yet is only in a germinal condition, will be developed. It needs the mighty power of the Christ Spirit to enable this germ to develop, and true Christianity will only be there when the Spirit Self has been developed. Then humanity prepares itself to receive the Life Spirit. At first but a number of human beings will unfold this force within them; they will, however achieve a wonderful spiritual life. Christianity is now only at the beginning of its development; those who are now preparing to develop the Spirit Self within them will in the next age make this deeper and more spiritual Christianity more and more accessible to humanity.
We see how in the third age, a relatively small body of people, the Hebrews, prepared the conditions which made the appearance of Christ possible; how in the fourth age the power of Christ penetrated into the physical; how in the fifth age humanity sank most deeply into the physical world; now, after humanity has gained the mastery over this physical world, it will gain a still greater power and capacity in the sixth age to receive into itself the spiritual life which the Christ Spirit has brought. Christ appears as the firstborn, the man who is far ahead of his time, who has already reached the stage which the rest of humanity will only reach in the sixth age. The fifth is the most material age in the evolution of humanity.
The Spiritual feelings form the basis of the conditions of the body, and a constitutional disease is the expression of some spiritual aberration. Leprosy, the terrible disease of the Middle Ages, was an expression in the physical of the fear of the Huns which possessed the people of Europe at that time. The Huns were decadent descendants of the Atlanteans. Their physical bodies were still healthy, but their astral bodies were already infected with the substances of decay. Fear and terror form an excellent fostering soil for the decaying substances of the astral plane, hence these decaying substances living in the degenerated descendants of the Atlantean peoples could take root in the astral bodies of the European peoples and from thence they produced leprosy in the physical bodies of later generations.
Everything appears first of all in a spiritual way, and then it expresses itself later in the physical body. The nervousness of the people of the present day is the result of the materialistic frame of mind in our age. The wise Leaders of humanity know that if the high tide of materialism were to continue, great epidemics of nervous diseases would break out, and children would be born with quivering limbs. The Anthroposophical Movement was brought into the world to rescue humanity from the dangers of materialism. One who spreads materialistic thought and feeling among the people is preparing the way for these devastating diseases; and one who combats materialism is fighting for the health of the people
and its power to develop further. The individual can do but little towards his own health, for he is part of the whole body of humanity and draws the substances for his maintenance from the source that is common to all men: One who sees into the laws of human evolution must observe with a bleeding heart how the individual suffers, and how his suffering is but the expression of the spiritual and mental aberration of the whole of humanity. It is the task of Anthroposophy not so much to help the individual but, rather, to give to the whole of humanity the upward swing into the spiritual, and thereby to work for the bodily health of humanity.
In the sixth and seventh ages of civilisation the Spirit Self and the Life Spirit will develop through the power of Christ in those who rely upon Him, and at the same time these will gain healthy thought and feeling. Christianity brings health and healing, for the life force of Christ conquers all disease and death. The human body as a solid body has developed out of liquid substances. The five porches or halls which surround the pool of Bethesda signify the five ages which man has used to penetrate more and more deeply into the body, and in the end he has succumbed entirely to matter. Only after he has passed through these five ages can man be healed. One who has entered into these five halls cannot be healed unless the great Healer, the Christ, approaches him; but when this happens, there takes place what is described in the fifth chapter of St. John's Gospel. Thus the story of the man who had been ill for thirty-eight years is a prophetic announcement of what will take place in the sixth age, when man will no longer need any remedies, because he will be his own healer.
At the beginning of the Post-Atlantean Epoch the power of blood relationship was still very strong. When Christ said: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple,”—these words refer to a stage of human evolution that will be reached in the sixth age. One common Spirit of humanity well then rule, in place of the nation and race spirits. Man will then no longer be the son of his tribe or nation, but the son of humanity, the “son of Man.” Here, again, Christ was the first to bear this name with right (John 3:13-14). He conducted Himself already at that time as men will conduct themselves when they are sons of Man.
This is expressed by Christ going to the Samaritan woman, to one who had nothing to do with the Jews. The element in man which makes his development possible is feminine (passive), as compared with the Spirit, which represents the fertilising, the male (active) principle. The result of this continuous activity of the male element upon the feminine principle is first of all the unfolding of the etheric body, then the astral body, the sentient soul, the intellectual soul and the spiritual soul. The Spirit Self then develops in the spiritual soul. This is indicated in Christ's conversation with the Samaritan woman in the words: “Thou has had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.” (John 4:18.) The five husbands which the woman has had, are the five higher principles, which work upon the physical, and the sixth, the Spirit Self is no longer the husband in the old sense. The other five are lower passing stages of evolution, whereas the sixth, the Spirit Self, represents the Divine and Eternal. Thus, in His conversation with the Samaritan woman, we also see an announcement of the coming age by Christ Jesus.
While the five principles need to be purified from outside, the Spirit Self will keep man himself pure. The body of Christ is already filled with purity. He will also purify humanity; for this reason He approaches and purifies the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the body of man, from the lower principles attaching to him, and makes him capable of receiving the Spirit.
The explanations here given must not give rise to the idea that the descriptions in St. John's Gospel are to be looked upon as symbols only. In ancient times names were not given arbitrarily, they were strictly adapted to the person's character. It is true that the three women who stood by the cross of Jesus represented the three souls, the sentient soul the intellectual soul and the spiritual soul; but it is also true that these three persons stood there in the body at the foot of the cross. When we read St. John's. Gospel we look at the symbolical pictures of what will be realised on this Earth in the next age of civilisation; but we also see what actually took place at the beginning of our era. All the historical facts are presented by the wise powers that are guiding humanity as symbols of the future evolution of humanity.
Sechster Vortrag
[ 1 ] Zu den wichtigsten Geheimnissen aller Geheimschulen, auch der dionysischen, gehört das sogenannte Zahlengeheimnis. Niemand vermag eine Geheimschrift zu lesen, der nicht imstande ist, das Zahlengeheimnis zu entziffern. Wo in Religionsurkunden Zahlen vorkommen, liegt immer ein tiefer Sinn zugrunde. Auch die Schule des Pythagoras ist auf das Zahlengeheimnis gegründet. Wenn es auch wahr ist, daß der Buchstabe tötet, so muß man beim Auslegen von Geheimschriften dem Buchstaben doch einen ganz gewissen Wert beimessen, sonst läuft man Gefahr, daß man in diese Schrift den Geist hineindeutet, den man darin haben will. Im Johannes-Evangelium finden wir mannigfaltige Zahlen von geheimer Bedeutung. Im fünften Vortrag war die Rede von den drei Frauen, die am Kreuz standen, von der Jungfraumutter Sophia, der Maria und der Magdalena. Im heutigen Vortrag wollen wir zunächst eine andere Zahlenbetrachtung zugrunde legen.
[ 2 ] Erinnern wir uns zunächst an das Gespräch des Christus Jesus mit der Samariterin (Kap. 4, 7ff.). Christus spricht die bedeutungsvollen Worte: «Fünf Männer hast du gehabt, und den du nun hast, der ist nicht dein Mann.» Und noch einmal kommt die Zahl Fünf vor, bei der Heilung des achtunddreißig Jahre lang Kranken (Kap. 5,5). Der Teich Bethesda hat fünf Hallen. Wir wollen etwas näher auf die Bedeutung dieser mystischen Fünfzahl eingehen. Betrachten wir die menschliche Wesenheit im Zusammenhang mit der Entwickelung der Menschheit. Wie wir gesehen haben, ist der Mensch zusammengesetzt aus neun Teilen, die sich aber auf sieben zurückführen lassen. In der Entwickelung des Menschen kommen nach und nach diese sieben Leiber zur Entfaltung. Beim heutigen Menschen sind noch nicht alle sieben Glieder entwickelt. Der Durchschnittsmensch ist bis zur Bewußtseinsseele entwickelt, das Geistselbst steht erst im Beginne seiner Entfaltung. Gehen wir zurück bis zu dem Zeitpunkt der Menschheitsevolution, wo der Mensch gelernt hat, bewußt zu sich «Ich» zu sagen. Diesem Zeitpunkt ging die alte atlantische Epoche voran, in welcher die Menschen noch mit dämmerhaften hellseherischen Kräften ausgestattet waren. In der Gegend von Atlantis, die dem heutigen Irland entspricht, wohnte ein atlantisches Volk, welches in der Entwickelung so weit fortgeschritten war, daß sich bei ihm die Deckung des Äther- und des physischen Kopfes herausbildete.
[ 3 ] Dies war das zu jener Zeit am weitesten fortgeschrittene Volk, und es war bestimmt, der Träger der zukünftigen Entwickelung zu werden. Ein sehr fortgeschrittener Geist, Manu, leitete diese Gruppe gegen Osten durch das heutige Rußland nach Mittelasien in die Gegend der heutigen Wüste Gobi. Dort wurde eine Kolonie gegründet, von der aus Gruppen nach den verschiedensten Richtungen ausgesandt wurden und die Kultur dieser Gruppe verbreiteten. Dies geschah zu der Zeit, wo der atlantische Erdteil allmählich unterging. Das heutige Afrika und Europa ‚kamen allmählich aus den Fluten empor. Eine andere Atlantiergruppe zog von ihren Wohnsitzen aus nach Westen und bildete die Urbevölkerung des heutigen Amerika, bei dessen Wiederentdeckung durch die Europäer sie aufgefunden wurde. Auch nach dem Norden Europas zog eine Gruppe. Alle diese Gruppen haben ihre hellseherischen Erinnerungen in alten Sagen und Mythen bewahrt. Wenn wir diese Sagen und Mythen einmal richtig verstehen, wird manches Dunkel, das jetzt noch auf der Menschheitsgeschichte lastet, erhellt werden; dann werden wir manches jetzt noch Unverständliche verstehenlernen. Nur dürfen wir bei der Erklärung dieser Sagen und Mythen nicht pedantisch zu Werke gehen. Wir müssen wissen, in welch komplizierter Weise die hellseherischen Erfahrungen und die Phantasie bei Schaffung dieser alten Sagen mitgespielt haben. In dieser Zeit des ersten Aufleuchtens des Ich in der Persönlichkeit hat der Mensch in höherem Maße in seiner Umgebung gelebt als später. Er nahm auch weniger die äußeren Umrisse der ihn umgebenden Gegenstände wahr als vielmehr die inneren Eigenschaften und das Verhältnis, das sie zu ihm einnahmen, ob sie ihm nützlich oder schädlich, freundlich oder feindlich waren. Je mehr das Ich in der menschlichen Persönlichkeit eingeschlossen wurde, desto mehr nahmen die hellseherischen Fähigkeiten ab, während die Formen der Außenwelt mehr und mehr vor dem physischen Auge aufleuchteten. Wenn wir uns diese Tatsache vorstellen, können wir leicht begreifen, daß der Eintritt des Ich eine gewaltige Änderung hervorrief. Vorher sah der Mensch seinen eigenen Leib nicht, nun fing er an, ihn als sein Ich zu bezeichnen.
[ 4 ] Atlantis war in der letzten Zeit ein Nebelland, mit dichtem Nebel bedeckt; es gab nicht die Abwechslung von Regen und Sonnenschein, auch nicht die Erscheinung des Regenbogens. Dieser konnte erst in der nachatlantischen Zeit entstehen, als die Nebelmassen sich verteilten. Dieses Ereignis ist im Volksbewußtsein lebendig geblieben als die Sage von Heimdall und in der Erzählung von Noah und der Arche. Die Erinnerung an das Nebelland hat sich erhalten in der nordischen Bezeichnung Niflheim, Nebelheim. Auch den Einschlag des Ich in die menschliche Persönlichkeit haben sich die nordischen Völker bewahrt in der Nibelungensage. Und zwar ist das Ich dort unter dem Symbolum des Goldes dargestellt. Das Gold war aufgelöst im Wasser, es hat sich aber zusammengezogen in den Ring, den Schatz der Nibelungen: das bisher in der ganzen Welt verteilt gewesene Ich hat sich zusammengezogen in die feste Menschenform. An der Bearbeitung dieser Sage durch Wagner kann man recht das unbewußte Empfinden des schaffenden Künstlers wahrnehmen. Wagner hatte nicht das ganze Bewußtsein dessen, was er in seinem Werke schuf, aber ein unterbewußtes Wissen leitete ihn. So dürfte zum Beispiel Wagner das zum Bewußtsein gekommene Ich im Orgelpunkt, der sich durch die ganze Ouvertüre der Oper «Rheingold» durchzieht, charakterisiert haben.
[ 5 ] Drüben im Fernen Osten war unter der Führung einer hochentwikkelten Individualität die erste Kultur entstanden, von der die alten Veden noch Zeugnis ablegen. Der erste Einschlag dieser Kultur wurde gegeben nach Süden in der alten indischen Kultur. In den alten indischen Mythen und Sagen, den religiösen Urkunden, sind die Berichte dieser Tatsachen aufbewahrt, sie können von den Hellsehern gelesen werden. Manches scheinbar Widersprechende enthüllt sich da als tiefste Wahrheit. Diese Kultur hatte noch deutliche Erinnerungen an das frühere alte Hellsehen bewahrt und hatte noch tiefe Sehnsucht nach ihm empfunden als nach einem kostbaren, leider verlorengegangenen Gut. Die Menschen waren noch so sehr von der Wirklichkeit der geistigen Welt durchdrungen, daß sie die physische als Maja, Täuschung bezeichneten. Daher versuchten sie auch dieses verlorene Gut dadurch wiederzuerlangen, daß sie den Blick vom Irdischen weg und ständig nach dem Geistigen richteten. Dies ist der Ursprung der Jogaübungen, die durch ein Herabdämpfen des Bewußtseins in die geistige Welt hineinzuführen suchen. Sie wollten ein Zurückkehren in den alten Dämmerzustand; sie suchten den Weg, der in das verlorene Paradies zurückführt. In der ganzen atlantischen Zeit war die äußere Welt den Menschen nur in verschwommenen Umrissen wahrnehmbar gewesen. Die Atlantier lebten noch vorwiegend in der geistigen Welt. Die ganze nachatlantische Zeit bedeutet für den Geistesforscher nur eine nach und nach erfolgende Eroberung des physischen Planes. Die erste nachatlantische Kulturepoche, die indische, hatte noch wenig Sinn für das, was draußen in der physischen Natur ist, die den Eingeweihten als eine absolute Illusion galt, aus der sie in die einzige Realität, die geistige Realität, zu gelangen suchten.
[ 6 ] Der zweite Einschlag war die altpersische Kultur. Der Perser steht der Außenwelt schon näher als der Inder; er kennt die Erscheinung des Guten und des Bösen, dargestellt durch die Götter Ormuzd und Ahriman. Er sucht sich mit dem ersteren zu verbinden, um letzteren zu bekämpfen. Die Erde ist ihm ein Arbeitsfeld, um den Geist einzugliedern in das physische Dasein. Die dritte Kulturepoche ist die ägyptisch-assyrisch-chaldäisch-babylonische Kultur. Der Mensch hat einen weiteren Schritt vorwärts getan in der Eroberung des physischen Planes. Für den Perser war die Welt physisch noch ein undifferenziertes Arbeitsfeld. Jetzt wendet der Mensch schon sein Wissen an, um die Kräfte des Bodens sich dienstbar zu machen. Er kennt die Geometrie, um sein Land einzuteilen; sein Blick geht auch über die Erde hinaus zu den Sternen, und so entsteht die Astronomie.
[ 7 ] Die vierte ist die griechisch-lateinische Kulturepoche. Während der Mensch sich bisher in der Wissenschaft mit der äußeren Kultur beschäftigt hat, legt er nun sein eigenes Innere, das spezifisch Menschliche in die Materie hinein. Wir sehen in den von ihm gefertigten Kunstwerken seine eigene Gestalt wiedererscheinen; in dem von ihm verfaßten Epos und Drama schildert er seine eigenen seelischen Eigenschaften. Der Römer ist der Bürger, der seine eigene Gesetzmäßigkeit hinausprojiziert und so den Staat und die Jurisprudenz herausbildet. Im fünften Zeitalter, in dem wir bis jetzt leben, hat der Mensch es in der Beherrschung der Außenwelt noch weiter gebracht. Unsere Epoche bedeutet den tiefsten Abstieg des Geistes in die Materie seit der atlantischen Zeit. Dieser Abstieg mußte kommen, wenn die Menschheit vorwärtsschreiten sollte. Nur nachdem der Geist vollständig in die Materie hinuntergestiegen ist, kann sein Aufstieg wieder beginnen. Unser Zeitalter hat eine große Wissenschaftlichkeit entwickelt, mit deren Hilfe wir die verschiedensten Naturkräfte beherrschen können. In Urzeiten, wo der Mensch seine Getreidekörner in primitiver Weise zwischen zwei Steinen zermalmte, bedurfte es keines großen Aufwandes an geistiger Kraft, um seine geringen Lebensbedürfnisse zu befriedigen. Ganz anders ist es in unserer Zeit. Denken wir nur an den ungeheuren Aufwand von geistiger Kraft, welcher notwendig ist, um die materiellen Bedürfnisse des modernen Menschen zu befriedigen. Wir haben Lokomotiven, Dampfschiffe, Telephon, elektrisches Licht. Eine Unsumme von geistiger Kraft ist hier in die Materie hineingelegt worden. Die geistigen Interessen des Menschen treten dabei aber gänzlich in den Hintergrund. Wir sehen also, daß die ganze geistige Entwickelung der Menschheit in der nachatlantischen Zeit einen Abstieg des menschlichen Geistes in die Materie bedeutet. Der Zweck dieses Abstieges ist aber die Überwindung der Materie, dieses großen Gegners des Geistes. Denn nach dem tiefsten Abstieg muß nun ein Aufsteigen zum bewußten spirituellen Leben beginnen.
[ 8 ] Wir können den Gang der Menschheitsgeschichte in der nachatlantischen Zeit durch nebenstehende Kurve darstellen.
[ 9 ] Dasjenige, was den Aufstieg bewirken soll, ist die Kraft des Christentums. In der Mitte der vierten Kulturepoche, noch lange bevor der tiefste Punkt der absteigenden Linie erreicht ist, geht der Stern des Christentums auf. Es erscheint der Christus Jesus als die hohe Persönlichkeit, die der Menschheit die Kraft bringt für den späteren Aufstieg in den Geist. Alle vorhergehenden Kulturepochen können auch als Vorbereitung des Christentums betrachtet werden. In der fünften Kulturepoche hat das Christentum die stärkste Belastungsprobe auszuhalten, da das materialistische Denken die spirituellen Wahrheiten des Christentums verdunkelt. Im sechsten Zeitalter wird das Christentum die Menschheit zum großen Bruderbunde vereinigen, und als Vorbote, als Verkünder dieser kommenden Zeit ist die Theosophie zu betrachten, welche die Spiritualisierung der Menschheit vorbereitet. Die im Christentum der Menschheit gegebenen Lehren sind so tief, so weisheitsvoll, daß keine kommende Religion imstande sein wird, das Christentum zu ersetzen oder zu verdrängen. Das Christentum hat die Fähigkeit in sich, sich allen Kulturformen der Zukunft anzupassen.

[ 10 ] Es soll noch eine andere Seite der Menschheitsentwickelung betrachtet werden. In der atlantischen Zeit wurde der physische Körper ausgebildet, und der Mensch besaß, als der atlantische Erdteil überflutet wurde, ungefähr dieselbe Gestalt, die er heute hat. Nun begann die Ausbildung der geistigen Glieder. In der indischen Kulturepoche wurde der Ätherleib entwickelt. Das indische Volk als erster Kulturzweig der nachatlantischen Zeit war für das geistige Leben sehr empfänglich. Dies hängt mit der besonderen Ausbildung des Ätherleibes zusammen.
[ 11 ] Als Zwischenbemerkung könnte folgendes eingeschaltet werden. Unsere heutige europäische Kultur ist sowohl von der altindischen als auch von der jetzigen indischen sehr verschieden, und so ist es begreiflich, daß die Mittel und Wege, welche einen Inder und einen Europäer zum spirituellen Leben führen, verschieden sein müssen. Die Jogaübungen, welche für den Inder fördernd sind, sind für den Europäer unzweckmäßig. Die Wege der Einweihung werden von den Meistern, die sie geben, ganz den jeweiligen Entwickelungsstufen der Menschheit angepaßt. Was für eine Stufe eine vortreffliche Methode ist, kann für eine andere Stufe geradezu nachteilig sein. Auch die Religionen haben nicht umsonst einander abgelöst. Wenn auch in allen ein gemeinsamer Wahrheitskern enthalten ist, so sind doch die verschiedenen ÄAußerungen dieser Wahrheit durch die Verschiedenheiten der Kulturepochen bedingt. Ein Baum ist von der Wurzel bis zur Blüte ein abgeschlossenes Ganzes, und doch ist für die Wurzel eine andere Nahrung notwendig als für die Blätter und Blüten. So ist auch für die Menschheit der verschiedenen Kulturepochen eine verschiedenartige Religions- und Einweihungsmethode erforderlich.
[ 12 ] In der persischen Kultur kommt der Astralleib zur Entwickelung. In der ägyptisch-assyrisch-chaldäisch-babylonischen Kultur kommt im Astralleib die Empfindungsseele zur Entwickelung. In der griechisch-lateinischen Kultur wird die Verstandesseele zur Entwickelung gebracht. Unsere eigene Kultur bringt die Bewußtseinsseele zur Entwickelung. Im sechsten Zeitraum wird das Geistselbst sich entwickeln, das heute erst in der Keimanlage vorhanden ist. Es braucht die gewaltige Antriebskraft des Christus-Geistes, um diese Keimanlage zur Entwikkelung zu bringen. Das wahre Christentum wird erst dann erblühen, wenn das Geistselbst entwickelt ist. Dann bereitet sich die Menschheit vor, die Buddhi, den Lebensgeist in sich aufzunehmen. Anfänglich wird nur eine kleine Schar von Menschen diese Kraft in sich entfalten, sie wird aber zu einem wunderbaren spirituellen Leben gelangen. Das Christentum steht heute erst am Anfange seiner Entwickelung. Die, welche sich heute vorbereiten auf die Ausbildung des Geistselbstes in ihrem Inneren, werden im nächsten Zeitraum dieses tiefere, geistige Christentum der Menschheit immer mehr zugänglich machen.
[ 13 ] Wir sehen, wie im dritten Zeitalter eine kleine Schar, das jüdische Volk, die Bedingungen vorbereitet, welche die Erscheinung des Christentums möglich machen; wie im vierten Zeitalter die Kraft des Christus eindringt in die physische Welt; wie im fünften Zeitalter der stärkste Herabstieg der Menschheit in die physische Welt stattfindet; wie, nachdem die Menschheit die Herrschaft über diese physische Welt errungen hat, die Menschheit im sechsten Zeitraum eine desto größere Kraft und Fähigkeit erlangt, das spirituelle Leben, das der ChristusGeist gebracht hat, in sich aufzunehmen. Christus erscheint als der Erstgeborene, der seiner Zeit weit vorausgegangene Mensch, der die Stufe bereits erreicht hat, welche die übrige Menschheit erst im sechsten Zeitraum erreichen wird. Der fünfte Zeitraum ist der materiellste der Menschheitsentwickelung.
[ 14 ] Die geistigen Empfindungen bilden die Grundlage der körperlichen Zustände und jede Krankheit des Körpers ist der Ausdruck irgendeiner geistigen Verirrung. So ist der Aussatz, die gräßliche Krankheit des Mittelalters, ein Ausdruck im Physischen gewesen für die Furcht, welche die europäischen Völker vor den Hunnen gehabt haben. Die Hunnen waren im Verfall begriffene Nachkömmlinge der atlantischen Rasse. Ihr physischer Körper war wohl noch gesund, ihre Astralleiber dagegen waren bereits mit Fäulnisstoffen durchsetzt. Furcht und Schrecken sind ein ausgezeichneter Nährboden für die faulenden Stoffe des Astralplanes. So konnten diese faulenden Stoffe der atlantischen Volksstämme sich im Astralleib der europäischen Völker festsetzen und bewirkten von dort aus in späteren Generationen den Aussatz im physischen Körper.
[ 15 ] Alles lebt zuerst auf geistige Art, um sich später im physischen Körper auszudrücken. Auch die heutige Nervosität ist nur eine Folge der materialistischen Gesinnung unserer Zeit. Die weisen Lenker der Menschheit wissen, daß, wenn die Hochflut des Materialismus noch weiter anhalten würde, große Nervenkrankheitsseuchen bei uns auftauchen würden; Kinder würden bereits mit zitternden Gliedern geboren werden. Deshalb wurde die theosophische Bewegung in die Welt gebracht, um die Menschheit vor den Gefahren des Materialismus zu retten. Wer also materialistisches Denken und Fühlen verbreitet, der leistet diesen verheerenden Krankheiten Vorschub; wer den Materialismus bekämpft, der kämpft für die Gesundheit und Entwickelungsfähigkeit unseres Volkes. Der einzelne vermag zu seiner Gesundheit nichts beizutragen; er ist ein Glied der ganzen Menschheit und schöpft die Stoffe zu seiner Erhaltung aus der allen Menschen gemeinsamen Quelle. Wer tiefer hineinschaut in die Gesetze der Menschheitsentwikkelung, muß blutenden Herzens zusehen, wie der einzelne leidet und wie sein Leiden nur der Ausdruck der geistigen Verirrung der ganzen Menschheit ist. Die Theosophie ist weniger berufen, dem einzelnen Menschen zu helfen, als vielmehr der ganzen Menschheit einen Aufschwung in das Geistige zu geben und dadurch für die körperliche Gesundung der Menschheit zu wirken.
[ 16 ] Im sechsten und siebenten Zeitalter wird durch die Kraft des Christus sich das Geistselbst und der Lebensgeist in denjenigen entwickeln, die sich an Christus anlehnen. Diese werden zugleich gesundes Denken und gesundes Fühlen erlangen. Das Christentum bringt die große Gesundheit und die große Heilung. Die Lebenskraft Christi überwindet alles Siechtum und den Tod. Der menschliche Leib hat sich entwickelt als fester Körper aus dem Flüssigen heraus und daher wird in der Geisteswissenschaft das flüssige Element als das leibliche Element betrachtet. Die fünf Hallen, welche den Teich Bethesda umgeben, bedeuten die fünf Zeitalter, welche der Mensch dazu verwendet, immer tiefer und tiefer in die Körperlichkeit einzudringen, und an deren Ende er gänzlich der Materie verfallen ist. Erst wenn diese fünf Zeiträume durchschritten sind, kann der Mensch gesund werden. Wer diesen fünf Hallen verfallen ist, kann nicht geheilt werden, wenn nicht der große Heiler, der Christus, an ihn herantritt. Dann geschieht das, was im fünften Kapitel des Johannes-Evangeliums beschrieben ist. So ist die Schilderung des achtunddreißig Jahre lang Kranken eine prophetische Vorausverkündigung dessen, was sich ereignet in der sechsten Epoche, wo der Mensch keine Heilmittel mehr braucht, weil er sein eigener Heiler sein wird.
[ 17 ] Im Beginn der nachatlantischen Zeit finden wir noch Überreste der Blutsverwandtschaft. Die Worte Christi: «Wer nicht verläßt Vater und Mutter..., der kann nicht mein Jünger sein», deuten auf die Menschheitsstufe im sechsten Zeitalter hin. Dann wird an Stelle der Volksgeister, der Stammes- und Rassengeister der eine allgemeine Menschheitsgeist herrschen. Dann wird der Mensch nicht mehr Sohn seines Stammes oder Volkes sein, sondern Sohn der Menschheit, Menschensohn. Auch hier ist tatsächlich Christus der erste, der diesen Namen mit Recht führt (Joh. Kap. 3, 13,14). Er verhielt sich zu jener Zeit schon so, wie sich die Menschen verhalten werden, wenn sie Menschensöhne sein werden.
[ 18 ] Dies ist dadurch ausgedrückt, daß Christus zu der Samariterin geht — Samariter hatten ja keine Gemeinschaft mit den Juden. Was der Mensch in sich hat, was seine Entwickelung möglich macht, ist etwas Weibliches, Passives, gegenüber dem Geiste, der das Befruchtende, das männliche, aktive Prinzip darstellt. Die Folge dieser ständigen Einwirkung des männlichen auf das weibliche Prinzip ist zunächst die Entfaltung des Ätherleibes, dann des Astralleibes, der Empfindungsseele, der Verstandesseele und der Bewußtseinsseele. In der letzteren gestaltet sich dann das Geistselbst. Dies ist im Gespräch des Christus mit der Samariterin (Kap. 4,18) angedeutet mit den Worten: «Fünf Männer hast du gehabt, und den du jetzt hast, der ist nicht dein Mann.» Die fünf Männer, die das Weib gehabt hat, sind die fünf geistigen Leiber, die auf den physischen einwirkten, und der sechste, das Geistselbst, ist nicht mehr im alten Sinne der Mann. Die fünf andern sind niedere, vergängliche Stufen der Entwickelung, während der sechste, das Geistselbst, das Göttliche, Ewige darstellt. So sehen wir auch im Gespräch mit der Samariterin eine Verkündigung der kommenden Zeit durch den Christus Jesus.
[ 19 ] Während die fünf Leiber der Läuterung von außen bedürfen, wird das Geistselbst den Menschen selbst reinhalten. Der Leib Christi ist bereits erfüllt von Reinheit. Er will auch die Menschheit reinigen und tritt daher hin und reinigt den Tempel von Händlern und Wechslern (Kap. 2, 14-22), das heißt, er reinigt den Tempel des Heiligen Geistes, den Leib des Menschen von den ihm anhängenden niederen Prinzipien und macht ihn fähig, den Geist aufzunehmen.
[ 20 ] Diese Ausführungen dürfen jedoch nicht die Vorstellung erwecken, daß die Schilderungen im Johannes-Evangelium nur als Symbole aufzufassen seien. Im Altertum war die Namengebung nicht etwas Willkürliches, sondern streng dem Charakter der Persönlichkeit angepaßt. So wahr es zum Beispiel ist, daß die drei Frauen, die am Kreuze Jesu standen, die drei Eigenschaften Bewußtseins-, Verstandes-, Empfindungsseele bezeichneten, ebenso wahr ist es, daß diese drei Personen leiblich unter dem Kreuze gestanden haben. Wenn wir das JohannesEvangelium lesen, blicken wir also sowohl auf symbolische Bilder dessen, was sich im nächsten Zeitalter auf dieser Erde verwirklichen wird, als auch auf etwas, was zu Beginn unserer Zeitrechnung wirklich eingetreten ist. Die historischen Tatsachen sind alle von den weisen, die Menschheit leitenden Mächten hingestellt als Symbole der künftigen Menschheitsentwickelung.
Sixth Lecture
[ 1 ] Among the most important secrets of all secret schools, even the Dionysian ones, is the so-called numerical secret. No one can read a secret writing who is not able to decipher the numerical secret. Where numbers appear in religious documents, there is always a profound meaning behind them. The School of Pythagoras is also based on the secret of numbers. Even if it is true that the letter kills, one must still attach a certain value to the letter when interpreting secret writings, otherwise one runs the risk of interpreting the spirit one wants in it into this writing. In the Gospel of John we find manifold numbers with secret meaning. In the fifth lecture, there was talk of the three women who stood at the cross, of the virgin mother Sophia, Mary and Magdalene. In today's lecture, we will first take a different numerical consideration as a basis.
[ 2 ] Let us first recall the conversation of Christ Jesus with the Samaritan woman (chapter 4, 7ff.). Christ speaks the significant words: “You have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband.” And once again the number five appears, in the healing of the man who had been ill for thirty-eight years (chapter 5,5). The pool Bethesda has five halls. We want to go into the meaning of this mystical number five in more detail. Let us consider the human essence in the context of the evolution of humanity. As we have seen, the human being is composed of nine parts, but these can be traced back to seven. In the evolution of man, these seven bodies gradually unfold. In today's man, not all seven members have been developed. The average person has developed to the consciousness soul, while the spirit self is only beginning to unfold. Let us go back to the point in the evolution of mankind when man learned to consciously say “I” to himself. This point in time was preceded by the ancient Atlantean epoch, in which people were still endowed with dim clairvoyant powers. In the region of Atlantis, which corresponds to present-day Ireland, there lived an Atlantean people who had progressed so far in their development that the covering of the etheric and physical heads had formed in them.
[ 3 ] This was the most advanced people at that time, and it was destined to become the bearer of future development. A highly advanced spirit, Manu, led this group towards the east, through present-day Russia to Central Asia, in the area of the present-day Gobi Desert. There a colony was founded, from which groups were sent out in various directions to spread the culture of this group. This happened at the time when the Atlantic continent was gradually sinking. Present-day Africa and Europe gradually emerged from the floods. Another group of Atlanteans moved west from their settlements and formed the original population of present-day America, who were found by the Europeans when they were rediscovered. A group also moved to the north of Europe. All these groups have preserved their clairvoyant memories in ancient legends and myths. Once we understand these legends and myths correctly, much of the darkness that still hangs over human history will be illuminated; then we will learn to understand many things that are now incomprehensible. However, we must not be pedantic in our explanation of these legends and myths. We must be aware of the complicated way in which clairvoyant experiences and imagination have played a role in the creation of these ancient legends. In this time of the first emergence of the self in the personality, man lived to a greater extent in his environment than later. He also perceived not so much the external outlines of the objects surrounding him as their inner qualities and the relationship they assumed to him, whether they were useful or harmful, friendly or hostile. The more the self was enclosed in the human personality, the more clairvoyant abilities decreased, while the forms of the outside world more and more lit up before the physical eye. When we imagine this fact, we can easily understand that the entry of the self caused a tremendous change. Before, man did not see his own body, but now he began to call it his self.
[ 4 ] In the last days, Atlantis was a land of fog, covered in dense mist; there was no alternation of rain and sunshine, nor was there any appearance of the rainbow. This could only come about in the post-Atlantean period, when the fog dispersed. This event has remained alive in the popular consciousness as the saga of Heimdall and in the story of Noah and the Ark. The memory of the land of fog has been preserved in the Nordic term Niflheim, meaning 'fog-home'. The Nordic peoples have also preserved the impact of the ego on the human personality in the saga of the Nibelungs. There, the ego is represented under the symbol of gold. Gold was dissolved in water, but it contracted into the ring, the treasure of the Nibelungs: the ego, which had previously been scattered throughout the world, contracted into the solid human form. In Wagner's treatment of this saga, one can clearly perceive the unconscious perception of the creative artist. Wagner did not have full consciousness of what he was creating in his work, but he was guided by subconscious knowledge. For example, Wagner may have characterized the conscious ego in the pedal point that runs through the entire overture of the opera “Rheingold”.
[ 5 ] Over in the Far East, under the leadership of a highly developed individuality, the first culture had emerged, as the ancient Vedas still bear witness to. The first impact of this culture was felt in the south in the ancient Indian culture. In the ancient Indian myths and legends, the religious records, the reports of these facts are preserved and can be read by clairvoyants. Some seemingly contradictory facts are revealed as the deepest truth. This culture still had clear memories of the earlier ancient clairvoyance and still felt a deep longing for it as for a precious, unfortunately lost, commodity. People were still so imbued with the reality of the spiritual world that they called the physical world maya, or illusion. Therefore, they also tried to regain this lost good by constantly turning their gaze away from the earthly and towards the spiritual. This is the origin of the yoga exercises, which seek to lead to the spiritual world by dampening the consciousness. They wanted to return to the old state of twilight; they sought the way that leads back to the lost paradise. During the entire Atlantean period, the external world was only perceptible to people in blurred outlines. The Atlanteans still lived predominantly in the spiritual world. For the spiritual researcher, the entire post-Atlantean period signifies only a gradual conquest of the physical plane. The first post-Atlantean cultural epoch, the Indian, had little sense of what is out there in physical nature, which was considered an absolute illusion by the initiates, from which they sought to arrive at the only reality, the spiritual reality.
The second impact was the ancient Persian culture. The Persian is already closer to the outside world than the Indian; he knows the phenomenon of good and evil, represented by the gods Ormuzd and Ahriman. He seeks to ally himself with the former in order to fight the latter. The earth is a field of work for him to integrate the spirit into physical existence. The third cultural epoch is the Egyptian-Assyrian-Chaldean-Babylonian culture. Man has taken a further step forward in conquering the physical plane. For the Persian, the world was still a physically undifferentiated field of work. Now, man is already applying his knowledge to make the forces of the soil subservient to him. He knows geometry in order to divide up his land; his gaze also goes beyond the earth to the stars, and so astronomy arises.
[ 7 ] The fourth is the Greco-Latin cultural epoch. Whereas previously, in science, man was concerned with external culture, he now incorporates his own inner being, what is specifically human, into matter. We see our own form reappear in the works of art we create; in the epics and dramas we write, we describe our own psychological characteristics. The Roman is the citizen who projects his own laws and thus develops the state and jurisprudence. In the fifth era, in which we still live, man has made even more progress in mastering the external world. Our era signifies the deepest descent of spirit into matter since the Atlantean times. This descent had to come about if humanity was to progress. Only after spirit has descended completely into matter can its ascent begin again. Our era has developed a great deal of science, with the help of which we can control the most diverse forces of nature. In primeval times, when man crushed his grain in a primitive way between two stones, it did not take much spiritual effort to satisfy his basic needs. It is quite different in our time. Just think of the tremendous expenditure of spiritual power that is necessary to satisfy the material needs of modern man. We have locomotives, steamships, telephones, electric light. An enormous amount of spiritual power has been invested in matter here. But the spiritual interests of man recede completely into the background. We see, then, that the whole spiritual development of humanity in the post-Atlantic period signifies a descent of the human spirit into matter. The purpose of this descent, however, is to overcome matter, this great opponent of the spirit. For after the deepest descent, an ascent to conscious spiritual life must now begin.
[ 8 ] We can depict the course of human history in the post-Atlantean period with the curve on the right.
[ 9 ] The force that is to effect this ascent is the power of Christianity. In the middle of the fourth cultural epoch, long before the lowest point of the descending line is reached, the star of Christianity rises. Christ Jesus appears as the exalted personality who brings humanity the strength for the later ascent into the spirit. All previous cultural epochs can also be seen as a preparation for Christianity. In the fifth cultural epoch, Christianity has to endure the most difficult test, as materialistic thinking obscures the spiritual truths of Christianity. In the sixth era, Christianity will unite humanity in the great brotherhood, and the forerunner of this coming era is to be seen in Theosophy, which prepares the spiritualization of humanity. The teachings given to humanity in Christianity are so profound, so full of wisdom, that no coming religion will be able to replace or displace Christianity. Christianity has the ability to adapt to all future forms of civilization.

[ 10 ] Another aspect of human development should also be considered. During the Atlantean period, the physical body was formed, and when the Atlantic continent was flooded, man possessed approximately the same shape that he has today. Now the development of the spiritual limbs began. In the Indian cultural epoch, the etheric body was developed. The Indian people, as the first cultural branch of the post-Atlantic period, were very receptive to the spiritual life. This is connected with the special development of the etheric body.
[ 11 ] The following could be inserted as an aside: Today's European culture is very different from both ancient Indian and present-day Indian culture, and so it is understandable that the means and ways by which an Indian and a European lead a spiritual life must be different. The yoga exercises that are beneficial for the Indian are unsuitable for the European. The paths of initiation are adapted by the masters who give them to the respective stages of development of humanity. What is an excellent method for one stage can be quite disadvantageous for another. It is not without reason that religions have also replaced each other. Even if all of them contain a common core of truth, the different expressions of this truth are conditioned by the differences between the cultural epochs. A tree is a complete whole from root to flower, and yet the root needs different nourishment from that needed by the leaves and flowers. Likewise, for humanity in the various cultural epochs, different methods of religion and initiation are required.
[ 12 ] In Persian culture, the astral body comes to development. In the Egyptian-Assyrian-Chaldean-Babylonian culture, the sentient soul develops in the astral body. In the Greek-Latin culture, the mind soul is developed. Our own culture develops the consciousness soul. In the sixth period, the spiritual self, which is only present in the germinal system today, will develop. It needs the tremendous driving force of the Christ-spirit to bring this germ to development. True Christianity will only flourish when the spirit-self is developed. Then humanity is preparing to receive the Buddhi, the spirit of life. Initially, only a small group of people will develop this power within themselves, but they will achieve a wonderful spiritual life. Today, Christianity is only at the beginning of its development. Those who are preparing themselves today for the training of the spirit self within will make this deeper, spiritual Christianity more and more accessible to humanity in the next period.
[ 13 ] We see how in the third age a small group, the Jewish people, prepare the conditions that make the appearance of Christianity possible; how in the fourth age the power of Christ penetrates into the physical world; how in the fifth period, the greatest descent of humanity into the physical world takes place; and how, after humanity has gained mastery over this physical world, in the sixth period humanity acquires an even greater power and ability to absorb the spiritual life that the Christ-Spirit has brought. Christ appears as the first-born, the man who has gone far ahead of his time, who has already reached the stage which the rest of humanity will only reach in the sixth period. The fifth period is the most material of human development.
[ 14 ] The spiritual perceptions form the basis of the physical conditions and every illness of the body is the expression of some spiritual aberration. Thus leprosy, the terrible disease of the Middle Ages, was an expression in the physical for the fear that the European peoples had of the Huns. The Huns were degenerate descendants of the Atlantean race. Their physical bodies were still sound, but their astral bodies were already permeated with putrefactive matter. Fear and terror are an excellent breeding ground for the putrefactive substances of the astral plane. Thus these putrefying substances of the Atlantean tribes were able to take hold in the astral bodies of the European peoples and from there caused leprosy in the physical body in later generations.
[ 15 ] Everything first lives in a spiritual way, in order to express itself later in the physical body. Even today's nervousness is only a consequence of the materialistic attitude of our time. The wise guides of humanity know that if the high tide of materialism were to continue, great epidemics of nervous diseases would arise among us; children would already be born with trembling limbs. That is why the theosophical movement was brought into the world, to save humanity from the dangers of materialism. Therefore, anyone who spreads materialistic thoughts and feelings is promoting these devastating diseases; anyone who fights materialism fights for the health and developmental capacity of our people. The individual is unable to contribute to his or her own health; he or she is a member of the whole of humanity and draws the substances for his or her sustenance from the source common to all people. Those who look more deeply into the laws of human development must watch with a bleeding heart as the individual suffers and how his suffering is only an expression of the spiritual aberration of all humanity. Theosophy is less called upon to help the individual person than to give the whole of humanity a spiritual uplift and thereby work for the physical recovery of humanity.
[ 16 ] In the sixth and seventh epochs, through the power of Christ, the spirit self and the life spirit will develop in those who lean on Christ. These will at the same time attain healthy thinking and healthy feeling. Christianity brings great health and great healing. The life force of Christ overcomes all disease and death. The human body has developed out of the liquid element, and therefore in spiritual science the liquid element is regarded as the bodily element. The five halls surrounding the Pool of Bethesda represent the five epochs which man uses to penetrate deeper and deeper into physicality, and at the end of which he has completely fallen prey to matter. Only when these five periods have been traversed can the person become healthy. Those who have fallen prey to these five halls cannot be cured unless the great Healer, the Christ, approaches them. Then what is described in the fifth chapter of the Gospel of John will happen. Thus, the description of the man who was ill for thirty-eight years is a prophetic pre-announcement of what will happen in the sixth epoch, when man will no longer need remedies because he will be his own healer.
[ 17 ] At the beginning of the post-Atlantean period, we still find remnants of blood relationship. The words of Christ: “Whosoever doth not forsake father and mother... cannot be my disciple,” point to the stage of humanity in the sixth age. Then, in place of the spirits of the people, the tribal and racial spirits, the one general spirit of humanity will prevail. Then man will no longer be the son of his tribe or people, but the son of humanity, the son of man. Here again, Christ is the first who truly deserves this name (John, chap. 3, 13,14). He already behaved at that time as men will behave when they are sons of men.
[ 18 ] This is expressed by the fact that Christ goes to the Samaritan woman — Samaritans had no community with the Jews. What man has within himself, what makes his development possible, is something feminine, passive, in relation to the spirit, which represents the fertilizing, the masculine, active principle. The consequence of this constant influence of the male principle on the female is first the development of the etheric body, then of the astral body, the sentient soul, the intellectual soul and the consciousness soul. In the latter, the spiritual self then takes shape. This is indicated in the conversation of Christ with the Samaritan woman (ch. 4,18) with the words: “You have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband.” The five husbands that the woman has had are the five spiritual bodies that have affected the physical body, and the sixth, the spirit self, is no longer the man in the old sense. The other five are lower, more transient stages of development, while the sixth, the spirit self, represents the divine, the eternal. Thus, in the conversation with the Samaritan woman, we also see an announcement of the coming time through Christ Jesus.
[ 19 ] While the five bodies require external purification, the spirit self will keep the person himself pure. The body of Christ is already filled with purity. He also wants to purify humanity and therefore goes and cleanses the temple of merchants and money changers (ch. 2, 14-22), that is, He cleanses the temple of the Holy Spirit, the body of man, from the lower principles attached to it and enables it to receive the spirit.
[ 20 ] These explanations should not, however, lead to the idea that the descriptions in the Gospel of John are to be understood only as symbols. In ancient times, the assignment of names was not something arbitrary, but strictly adapted to the character of the personality. Just as it is true, for example, that the three women who stood by Jesus' cross symbolized the three qualities of consciousness, mind and sentient soul, it is equally true that these three persons stood bodily under the cross. When we read the Gospel of John, we are therefore looking at both symbolic images of what will be realized on this earth in the next age, and at something that really happened at the beginning of our era. The historical facts are all set up by the wise powers guiding humanity as symbols of the future development of humanity.