The Science of Knowing
GA 2

This volume contains Rudolf Steiner's first independently published book, which anticipates many of his later epistemological writings, including his Philosophy of Spiritual Activity. It was written in connection with Steiner's work on Goethe's scientific writings, which he edited and annotated in five volumes for Joseph Kürschner's Deutsche National-Literatur from 1883 to 1897. This 92-page booklet appeared between Volume I. Bildung und Umbildung organischer Naturen. Zur Morphologie (1883), and Volume II, Zur Naturwissenschaft im Allgemeinen. Mineralogy and Geology. Meteorology (1887).
The first edition was published in October 1886 by W. Spemann, Berlin and Stuttgart. The second edition included a new preface and detailed notes by Rudolf Steiner. It was published in December 1923 by Der Kommenden Tag A. G. Verlag, Stuttgart, with the printed year of publication 1924. It constitutes the last edition and was reprinted unchanged in the same year by Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach.
This 1988 Mercury Press translation is from the 7th German edition (1979), published by the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. The translation from the original German done by William Lindeman. Cover design and lettering by Peter Stebbing.
A. Preliminary Questions
- The Point of Departure
- The Science of Goethe According to the Method of Schiller
- The Task of Science
B. Experience
- Definition of the Concept of Experience
- An Indication as to the Content of Experience
- Correction of an Erroneous Conception of Experience s a Whole
- Calling upon the Experience of Every Single Reader
C. Thought
- Thinking as a Higher Experience within Experience
- Thinking and Consciousness
- The Inner Nature of Thinking
D. Science
- Thought and Perception
- Intellect and Reason
- The Act of Knowing
- The Ground of Things and the Activity of Knowing
E. The Activity of Knowing Nature
F. The Humanities
- Introduction: Spirit and Nature
- Psychological Knowing Activity
- Human Spiritual Activity (Freiheit)
- Optimism and Pessimism
G. Conclusion